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"5·12"四川汶川大地震导致灾区地质灾害危险性大大增强,严重影响了周边居民的生命财产安全。都江堰市虹口乡红色干沟泥石流灾害隐患点是其中之一。根据泥石流的成因、类型、规模,以及泥石流的活动特征,对泥石流活动进行了危险性评估,指出泥石流防治工程方案应采用以排为主,适当拦挡的原则,建拦挡坝用以消能、调节泥石流流量;建防护堤用以限制泥石流漫流,对居民区进行有效防护。  相似文献   

王峻鑫  赵家绪 《青海环境》2003,13(3):123-125
郭家沟、大崖沟的泥石流曾多次对下游的居民造成危害,本文通过对两沟地形、固体物源、水源等泥石流形成条件的分析,提出相应的灾害防治方案。  相似文献   

代世伟 《青海环境》2005,15(3):115-116,119
宁夏马东山西麓泥石流是西北干旱地区典型的山麓沟谷泥石流群,形成的泥石流群堆积物呈叠瓦状分布。采用野外调查采集数据,对泥石流动力学参数进行计算,是近年来泥石流群定量研究的方向。本文从研究泥石流形成条件人手,进而计算了泥石流的动力学参数,对引水工程的危害及防治对策进行了论述。  相似文献   

<正>受持续强降雨影响,8月,中国多地接连发生山洪泥石流灾害。目前,甘肃舟曲特大泥石流灾害已致1364人遇难,401人失踪;此后,四川、云南也相继发生泥石流灾害。灾情发生后,政府相关部门紧急启动应急响应,抢险救灾工作正在有序展开。  相似文献   

青海省东部地区泥石流成因、现状与防治对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胡海洪 《青海环境》1996,6(3):121-123
分析了青海省东部地区泥石流的产生、发展过程及特点,形成泥石流的环境地质、地形地貌、水文气象等因素及其危害,提出通过排水、坡面整治、营造根深林木、减重和山,水、田、林、路综合治理。  相似文献   

通过对位于柳江盆地国家级自然保护区内的亮甲山矿山开采引起的矿山地质环境破坏进行调查,发现矿区存在崩塌、滑坡及泥石流等地质灾害,水土流失剧烈,自然景观破坏严重,影响了自然保护区建设和当地旅游、科研教学的发展,须进行矿山地质环境恢复治理,方案采取工程措施和生物措施相结合的方式进行综合治理,以消除矿区地质灾害隐患,恢复矿区生态地貌景观。  相似文献   

祁祖安 《青海环境》2006,16(2):85-86
河拉沟发育在湟源县城关镇北侧的低山丘陵区,上世纪50年代前,沟域内生态环境良好,很少发生泥石流灾害。以后随着生态环境的破坏,导致泥石流灾害频发,后又经生物和工程治理,泥石流得以基本遏制。本文根据泥石流灾害的发展变化,评述了泥石流综合防治效果及其防治措施的合理性。  相似文献   

阮菊华 《青海环境》2012,22(1):33-35
循化县城座落于青海省东部、循化盆地黄河南岸河谷阶地上,地形平坦。县城南侧所倚南山为红层丘陵,地形破碎,坡面侵蚀强烈,水土流失严重,泥石流灾害频发,已严重地影响了循化县城环境和生活、生产秩序。本文通过对泥石流特征及危害史的分析,提出了工程防治对策。  相似文献   

谢宗英 《青海环境》2010,20(3):140-142
治多县高寒缺氧,空气稀薄,自然条件严酷,环境恶劣。受脆弱的地质环境条件,特定的地形、地貌条件和灾害性天气及人类工程活动制约,县域内以泥石流、崩塌、冻胀融沉为主的地质灾害多发、频发,对致灾区内人民生命财产安全构成严重危害。通过对治多县地质灾害发育类型与发育特征的分析,提出了对泥石流、崩塌、冻胀融沉为主的地质灾害预防及治理的各项具体措施。  相似文献   

青海省玛沁县大武镇北山血陇沟于2010年7月发生泥石流灾害,造成下游河源新村、日进村近150户家庭出现不同程度的损失,部分单位房屋围墙倒塌,泥石流灾害造成的直接经济损失达320余万元,危害性较大。在此背景下,文章在对泥石流形成的地质环境进行详细调查的基础上,分析了其发育特征,取得了其动力学参数,提出了相应的防治建议,为泥石流治理提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Debris flows in the Pacific Northwest can play a major role in routing sediment and wood stored on hillslopes and in first‐through third‐order channels and delivering it to higher‐order channels. Field surveys following a large regional storm event investigated 53 debris flows in the central Oregon Coast Range to determine relationships among debris flow characteristics and the age class of the surrounding forest. The volume of sediment and wood delivered by debris flows was strongly correlated with runout length. Debris flows that initiated at roads were significantly longer than nonroad related failures, and road related landslides were an order of magnitude larger than nonroad related landslides. Clearcuts and roads tended to have more numerous contributing landslides relative to second growth and mature forests. No statistically significant difference in the average debris flow runout length was detected among the forest age classes, although debris flows initiating in clearcuts and mixed forest and at roads occasionally supported extremely long runout lengths that were outside the range of variability observed in completely forested basins. The size of wood in deposits was not correlated with the size of trees on the adjacent slopes, suggesting that the majority of wood in debris flow deposits was from remobilization of wood previously stored in low order channels.  相似文献   

Adopting the definition suggested by the United Nations, a risk model for regional debris flow assessment is presented. Risk is defined as the product of hazard and vulnerability, both of which are necessary for evaluation. A Multiple-Factor Composite Assessment Model is developed for quantifying regional debris flow hazard by taking into account eight variables that contribute to debris flow magnitude and its frequency of occurrence. Vulnerability is a measure of the potential total losses. On a regional scale, it can be measured by the fixed asset, gross domestic product, land resources, population density, as well as the age, education, and wealth of the inhabitants. A nonlinear power-function assessment model that accounts for these indexes is developed. As a case study, the model is applied to compute the hazard, vulnerability and risk for each prefecture of the Yunnan province in southwestern China.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Statistical analysis of watershed parameters derived using a Geographical Information system (GIS) was done to develop equations for estimating the 7d–10yr, 30d–10yr, and 7d–2yr low flow for watersheds in humid montane regions of Puerto Rico. Digital elevation models and land use, geology, soils, and stream network coverages were used to evaluate 21 geomorphic, 10 stream channel, 9 relief, 7 geology, 4 climate, and 2 soil parameters for each watershed. To assess which parameters should be used for further investigation, a correlation analysis was used to determine the independence and collinearity among these parameters and their relationship with low flows. Multiple regression analyses using the selected parameters were then performed to develop the statistical models of low flows. The final models were selected in the basis of the Mallow Cp statistic, the adjusted R2, the Press statistic, the degree of collinearity, and an analysis of the residuals. In the final models, drainage density, the ratio of length of tributaries to the length of the main channel, the percent of drainage area with northeast aspect, and the average weighted slope of the drainage were the most significant parameters. The final models had adjusted standard errors of 58.7 percent, 59.2 percent, and 48.6 percent for the 7d–10yr, 30d–10yr, and 7d–2yr low flows respectively. For comparison, the best model based on watershed parameters that can be easily measured without a GIS had an adjusted standard error of 82.8 percent.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Previous studies on multiyear droughts have often been limited to the analysis of historic annual flow series. A major disadvantage in this approach can be described as the unavailability of long historic flow records needed to obtain a significant number of drought events for the analysis. To overcome this difficulty, the present study proposes to use synthetically generated annual flow series. A methodology is presented to model annual flows based on an analysis of the harmonic and stochastic properties of the observed flows. Once the model is determined, it can be utilized to generate a flow series of desired length so as to include many hydrologic cycles within the process. The key parameter for a successful drought study is the truncation level used to distinguish low flows from high flows. In this paper, a concept of selecting the truncation level is also presented. The drought simulation procedure is illustrated by a case study of the Pequest watershed in New Jersey. For the above watershed, multiyear droughts were derived from both historic and generated flow series. Three important drought parameters, namely, the duration, severity, and magnitude, were determined for each drought event, and their probability distributions were studied. It was found that gamma and log normal probaility functions produce the best fit for the duration and severity, respectively. The derived probability curves from generated flows can be reliably used to predict the longest drought duration and the largest drought severity within a given return period.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The HEC-4 monthly stream flow simulation model, developed by the Hydrologic Engineering Center, Davis, California, is used to extend the available historical stream flow records in the Central Ohio area. The principal objective of this paper is to examine the effectiveness of the HEC-4 model in generating synthetic monthly flows. Important statistical parameters are evaluated in order to relate the statistical properties of the historical and generated flows. In doing so, it is observed that the mean, standard deviation, and skewness of the generated flows are consistently larger than the corresponding estimates based on historical flows. However, results show that these statistics, as well as the lag-1 serial correlation, are generally well maintained by the generated sequences. The degree to which any statistical dissimilarities would be critical, from an engineering design point of view, is demonstrated by utilizing their low flow characteristics. Estimates of reservoir safe-yields, based on a nonsequential mass-curve analysis of the historical and generated low flows, indicate a nominal difference in this particular study.  相似文献   

The Gunnison River in the Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park (BCNP) near Montrose, Colorado is a mixed gravel and bedrock river with ephemeral side tributaries. Flow rates are controlled immediately upstream by a diversion tunnel and three reservoirs. The management of the hydraulic control structures has decreased low-frequency, high-stage flows, which are the dominant geomorphic force in bedrock channel systems. We developed a simple model to estimate the extent of sediment mobilization at a given flow in the BCNP and to evaluate changes in the extent and frequency of sediment mobilization for flow regimes before and after flow regulation in 1966. Our methodology provides a screening process for identifying and prioritizing areas in terms of sediment mobility criteria when more precise systematic field data are unavailable. The model uses the ratio between reach-averaged bed shear stress and critical shear stress to estimate when a particular grain size is mobilized for a given reach. We used aerial photography from 1992, digital elevation models, and field surveys to identify individual reaches and estimate reach-averaged hydraulic geometry. Pebble counts of talus and debris fan deposits were used to estimate regional colluvial grain-size distributions. Our results show that the frequency of flows mobilizing river bank sediment along a majority of the Gunnison River in the BCNP has significantly declined since 1966. The model results correspond well to those obtained from more detailed, site-specific field studies carried out by other investigators. Decreases in the frequency of significant sediment-mobilizing flows were more pronounced for regions within the BCNP where the channel gradient is lower. Implications of these results for management include increased risk of encroachment of vegetation on the active channel and long-term channel narrowing by colluvial deposits. It must be recognized that our methodology represents a screening of regional differences in sediment mobility. More precise estimates of hydraulic and sediment parameters would likely be required for dictating quantitative management objectives within the context of sediment mobility and sensitivity to changes in the flow regime.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Along a drainage network, there is a systematic variation of average flow parameters (width, depth, and velocity) at flows having the same flow duration. Hydraulic geometry equations mathematically express this interdependent relationship of stream-flow characteristics for a basin for annual flow durations varying from 10 to 90 percent. However, the equations proposed so far have had rather poor predictive performance for low flows. An independent investigation of the variation of discharge with drainage area and annual flow duration demonstrates a consistent relationship between these parameters. The relationship for the high to median-flow range differs, however, from that for the median— to low-flow range. The proposed equations provide a better predictive performance for low flows than previous formulations and a versatile means of estimating flow parameters for streams throughout a basin. The improved basin hydraulic geometry equations have a wide range of applications in areas such as stream habitat assessment, water quality modeling, channel design, and stream restoration projects.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: More than 300 landslides and debris flows were triggered by an October 1993 storm on Prince of Wales Island, southeast Alaska. Initiation, runout, and deposition patterns of landslides that occurred within clearcuts, second‐growth, and old‐growth forests were examined. Blowdown and snags, associated with cedar decline and “normal” rates of mortality, were found adjacent to at least 75 percent of all failures regardless of land use. Nearly 50 percent of the landslides within clearcuts occurred within one year following timber harvest; more than 70 percent of these sites had hydrophytic vegetation directly above failures. In following the runout paths of failures, significantly more erosion per unit area occurred within clearcuts than in old‐growth forests on slopes with gradients from 9 to 28* (16 to 54 percent). Runout length, controlled by hillslope position within deglaciated valleys, was typically longer in old‐growth forests than in second growth and clearcuts (median values were 334, 201, and 153 m, respectively). Most landslides and debris flows deposited in first‐and second‐order channels before reaching the main stem channels used by anadromous fish. Slide deposits in old‐growth forests were composed of a higher proportion of woody debris than deposits derived from slides in second growth or clearcuts.  相似文献   

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