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珍稀濒危植物裸果木生物学特性研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
裸果木属国家一级重点保护野生植物,具有重要的科研价值.在分析裸果木研究现状的基础上,测定了裸果木的结籽率、种子萌发的最适温度和裸果木的染色体数目,并运用形态解剖学的方法,研究和探讨了裸果木对干旱环境的适应性结构特征.结果表明,裸果木的结籽率非常低,不到1%;裸果木种子萌发的最适温度为25℃,木体细胞染色体数目为2n=40.由于裸果木长期生活在干旱的荒漠环境中,形成了一整套对干旱和低温的适应性结构.即叶片线形、气孔下陷、表皮角质化程度高且附有蜡质层,栅栏组织发达,几乎没有海绵组织,贮水组织发达;茎部次生木质部发达,髓腔较大;根茎比率高,根皮层具有发达的贮水薄壁组织.分析了裸果木濒危的主要原因,并提出了保护措施.  相似文献   

建立青海湖裸鲤人工放流站的必要性与可行性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张连明  周青 《青海环境》1997,7(3):118-120
青海湖裸鲤是青海省重要的水产资源,目前由于气候和人为捕捞等因素的影响,裸鲤资源面临枯竭。通过分析研究,提出了建立人工放流站的必要性可行性。以挽求裸鲤资源,维护生态平衡。  相似文献   

以河北省鹤壁矿区为研究区域,运用GIS和RS技术分析、研究了区域土壤侵蚀强度和土地利用状况.通过SPSS软件包的统计分析,计算土地利用类型与土壤侵蚀强度的相关系数,其强弱依次为:耕地>有林地>荒草地>灌木林地>裸岩石砾地>裸地;计算土壤侵蚀率,其强弱依次为:裸地>裸岩石砾地>灌木林地>荒草地>有林地>耕地.在此基础上进行了鹤壁矿区土地利用类型与土壤侵蚀的关系分析.结果表明,土地利用类型的土壤侵蚀率越低,则土地利用与土壤侵蚀强度的相关性越强.  相似文献   

本文分析了四川石灰岩地区土地资源的特点和利用存在的问题,提出了土地资源的主要开发利用途径:①根据石灰土的生产特性,发展喜钙作物和多种经济林果木;②发挥林地优势,封山育林,创造良好的生态环境;③利用草山草坡,发展养牛、养羊;④改造低产田土,防治水土流失,培肥土壤;⑤开发利用岩溶水资源,解决石灰岩地区缺水问题,提高土地利用率;⑥开发岩溶地貌的山水风景,发展旅游事业。  相似文献   

张志军  李飞  马燕  祁佳丽  陈冬勤 《青海环境》2013,(4):195-196,202
摘要:2013年8月,为全面掌握湟水流域河符区的开发建设活动情况,采用印度IRS—P5、法国Spot6、美国快鸟和同产资源02C等多源遥感数据对湟水流域河谷区的裸地状况进行监测,建立了基于多源遥感数据的监测技术流程。结果表明:2012年冬季,湟源一乐都段裸地威块数为848块,面积为60.4888km2,与2011年冬季相比,斑块数增加了173块,面积增加了21.8891km2;2013年夏季,海晏一民和段裸地斑块数为1078块,面积为76.5562km2,与2012年冬季相比,斑块数增加了111块,面积增加了11.12km2,表明湟水流域河符区开发建设活动不断在增加。通过此次监测表明:基于多源遥感数据的凋佥方法是监测城市土地开发利用的有效手段。  相似文献   

赵雪梅 《青海环境》2011,21(2):94-98
文章通过实验对青海湖裸鲤鳃组织细胞在不同浓度梯度Cu2+条件下的体外培养,即Cu2+浓度分别为国家渔业水质标准的5倍、10倍、20倍和40倍,分别为0.05mg/L、0.1mg/L、0.2mg/L和0.4mg/L,了解Cu2+对裸鲤鳃细胞生长状况的影响;实验结果显示:5倍国家水质标准浓度的Cu2+对细胞基本无影响,20倍浓度的Cu2+对细胞产生明显影响,224m in后细胞出现死亡,485min后10倍浓度细胞出现死亡,618min后40倍浓度细胞全部死亡;实验揭示了重金属铜对裸鲤鳃细胞生长状况产生的影响以及鳃细胞死亡的临界浓度。  相似文献   

电驱动功率模块能够采用的一种微纳米尺度加工新技术是聚焦离子束,该技术对半导体器件能够进行微区溅射与增强刻蚀,能够在分辨率优于0.1 nm条件下对样品特定微区进行无需掩模的精确刻蚀;能够对样品表面进行薄膜沉积,便于裸芯片截面加工、导电性差或不导电样品的SEM形貌观察;能够进行裸芯片截面加工及观察,有效结合裸芯片截面研磨工艺实现三代半导体材料工艺器件截面加工技术的全覆盖;能够进行半导体材料改性及器件研制,具有无需掩模版和感光胶层并简化工艺流程等优点。  相似文献   

青海省土著经济鱼类资源合理开发意见   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
青海省具有经济价值的土著鱼类,主要是鲤科裂腹鱼亚科中的种类,共约20余种,广泛分布在青海省各种水体之中,尤以黄河、长江水系及其附属水体较为集中.其中青海湖裸鲤(湟鱼)、花斑裸鲤(大嘴鱼)和极边扁咽齿鱼(小嘴鱼),是青海省水产业的支柱.它们不但能忍受高寒的恶劣环境,甚至在较高的盐碱水体中也能生存,是一群生活力很强的鱼类.这3种鱼类生长速度皆较慢,一般5年左右长250克,10年左右达500克.繁殖习性相似,卵和卵巢皆有毒,为沉性卵.每年5—8月为繁殖季节,鱼群皆溯河繁殖.花斑裸鲤和极边扁咽齿鱼虽生活在同一水体之中,但各有自己的产卵场范围,绝不混杂.3种土著鱼类中以极边扁咽齿鱼的相对繁殖力最高,为55.5粒/克,花斑裸鲤和青海湖裸鲤较低,分别为29.7粒/克和31.0粒/克.  相似文献   

青海湖渔业环境状况及管理保护对策   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
张金兰  覃永生 《青海环境》1997,7(4):159-163
综述了青海湖概况、渔业环境状况和青海湖裸鲤资源衰退的情况,分析了环境恶化的原因,提出了保护青海湖水域环境和渔业资源的对策。  相似文献   

正果木林加工是在我国天然林木保护和无污染木材市场需求的背景下发展起来的绿色新兴产业,在天然林商业采伐全面禁止的背景下,具有广阔的市场发展前景。果木林加工产业依托农村丰富的果木林资源,通过加工企业对果农的种、养、伐、运、加工等环节实施一体化、专业化管理,高效延伸了果木产业链,具有较强的技术和管理创新驱动特征,兼具良好的经济、生态和社会效益,有利于促进城乡区域和工农产业协调发展,是实现农业产业化的精准扶贫、践行五大发展理念  相似文献   

本文应用多层次、二型Fuzzy综台评判方法,对祁连山水源涵养林区的青海云杉林、祁连圆柏林、灌木林和牧坡草地4个不同植被类型进行了森林水文效应的多因子综合评判。结果表明:青海云杉林是该林区涵养水源效应最佳的林型,祁连圆柏林和灌木林次之,牧坡草地不仅蓄水能力差,且有水土流失发生;并提出了各植被类型合理经营的对策,为祁连山水源涵养林的保护、发展和综合利用提供科学依据。  相似文献   

穴丝草生长在青藏高原冰缘地带,属濒危十字花科植物,是国家重点保护的珍稀植物,在研究极端物种的形成、分化与适应等方面具有重要研究价值。为了揭示其形态与环境适应的关系,对穴丝草叶片、根和茎的非可塑性形态结构进行了分析。结果表明,在长期的进化过程中该物种在结构上具有明显抵御大风、低温、干旱等逆境的内在适应特征。其主要特征表现为:叶片表面具有明显的蜡质层和表皮毛,栅栏组织和海绵组织无特别明显的界限且叶肉细胞中具有明显的通气组织;叶片表皮气孔大,数目多;茎中皮层明显加厚,分生原基活跃,维管孔径小而数目多;根中具有明显的带状加厚和发达的腔髓组织等。这些独特的结构可能与其对高山冰缘环境的适应性密切相关。  相似文献   

The Gulf of California Biosphere Reserve (UGC&CRDBR) is a Marine Protected Area that was established in 1993 with the aim of preserving biodiversity and remediating environmental impacts. Because remaining vigilant is hard and because regulatory measures are difficult to enforce, harvesting has been allowed to diminish poaching. Useful management strategies have not been implemented, however, and conflicts remain between conservation legislation and the fisheries. We developed a transdisciplinary methodological scheme (pressure-state-response, loop analysis, and Geographic Information System) that includes both protected species and fisheries modeled together in a spatially represented marine ecosystem. We analyzed the response of this marine ecosystem supposing that conservation strategies were successful and that the abundance of protected species had increased. The final aim of this study was to identify ecosystem-level management alternatives capable of diminishing the conflict between conservation measures and fisheries. This methodological integration aimed to understand the functioning of the UGC&CRDBR community as well as to identify implications of conservation strategies such as the recovery of protected species. Our results suggest research hypotheses related to key species that should be protected within the ecosystem, and they point out the importance of considering spatial management strategies. Counterintuitive findings underline the importance of understanding how the community responds to disturbances and the effect of indirect pathways on the abundance of ecosystem constituents. Insights from this research are valuable in defining policies in marine reserves where fisheries and protected species coexist.  相似文献   

It is increasingly clear that a wide range of stakeholders should be included in the problem formulation phase of research aimed at solving environmental problems; indeed the inclusion of stakeholders at this stage has been formalized as an integral part of ecological risk assessment. In this paper, we advocate the additional inclusion of stakeholders in the refinement of research methods and protocols and in the execution of the research, rather than just at the final communication and reporting phase. We use a large study of potential radionuclide levels in marine biota around Amchitka Island as a case study. Amchitka Island, in the Aleutian Island Chain of Alaska, was the site of three underground nuclear tests (1965-1971). The overall objective of the biological component of the study was to collect a range of marine biota for radionuclide analysis that could provide data for assessing current food safety and provide a baseline for developing a plan to monitor human and ecosystem health in perpetuity. Stakeholders, including regulators (State of Alaska), resource trustees (US Fish and Wildlife Service, State of Alaska), representatives of the Aleut and Pribilof Island communities, the Department of Energy (DOE), and others, were essential for plan development. While these stakeholders were included in the initial problem formulation and approved science plan, we also included them in the refinement of protocols, selection of bioindicators, selection of a reference site, choice of methods of collection, and in the execution of the study itself. Meetings with stakeholders resulted in adding (or deleting) bioindicator species and tissues, prioritizing target species, refining sampling methods, and recruiting collection personnel. Some species were added because they were important subsistence foods for the Aleuts, and others were added because they were ecological equivalents to replace species deleted because of low population numbers. Two major refinements that changed the research thrust were (1) the inclusion of Aleut hunters and fishers on the biological expedition itself to ensure that subsistence foods and methods were represented, and (2) the addition of a fisheries biologist on a NOAA research trawler to allow sampling of commercial fishes. Although the original research design called for the collection of biota by Aleut subsistence fishermen, and by a commercial fishing boat, the research was modified with continued stakeholder input to actually include Aleuts and a fisheries biologist on the expeditions to ensure their representation. The inclusion of stakeholders during the development of protocols and the research itself improved the overall quality of the investigation, while making it more relevant to the interested and affected parties. Final responsibility for the design and execution of the research and radionuclide analysis rested with the researchers, but the process of stakeholder inclusion made the research more valuable as a source of credible information and for public policy decisions.  相似文献   

Neobiota as non-native species are commonly considered as alien species. The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) intends to “prevent the introduction of, control or eradicate those alien species which threaten ecosystems, habitats or species”. The European Union has financed the DAISIE research project for the first pan-European inventory of Invasive Alien Species (IAS), which is supposed to serve as a basis for prevention and control of biological invasions. This paper discusses the evaluation approach for classifying “100 of the Worst” IAS in Europe by the EU DAISIE research project. The main impact categories used by DAISIE for assorting “100 of the Worst” IAS are investigated and the texts of the “Wanted” species factsheets are examined. Two examples from the DAISIE factsheets of the “100 of the Worst” IAS [Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus altissima) and the Raccoon (Procyon lotor)] are discussed to illustrate DAISIE’s biodiversity evaluation approach in more detail. However, the classification criteria used by DAISIE do not allow for sufficiently differentiating these neobiota from an ecological behavior of native species with a similar ecological niche. In conclusion, neobiota evaluations are not comprehensive when they refer mainly to the successful expansion and competition with native species into available ecological niches. A comprehensive assessment of the impacts of neobiota on biodiversity and humans needs to take into account the different values of biodiversity as mentioned in the preamble of the CBD.  相似文献   

Field studies of pesticide effects on birds often utilize indicator species with the purpose of extrapolating to other avian taxa. Little guidance exists for choosing indicator species to monitor the presence and/or effects of contaminants that are labile in the environment or body, but are acutely toxic, such as anticholinesterase (anti-ChE) insecticides. Use of an indicator species that does not represent maximum exposure and/or effects could lead to inaccurate risk estimates. Our objective was to test the relevance of a priori selection of indicator species for a study on pesticide exposure to birds inhabiting fruit orchards. We used total plasma ChE activity and ChE reactivation to describe the variability in anti-ChE pesticide exposure among avian species in two conventionally managed fruit orchards. Of seven species included in statistical analyses, the less common species, chipping sparrow (Spizella passerina), showed the greatest percentage of exposed individuals and the greatest ChE depression, whereas the two most common species, American robins (Turdus migratorius) and gray catbirds (Dumatella carolinensis), did not show significant exposure. Due to their lower abundance, chipping sparrows would have been an unlikely choice for study. Our results show that selection of indicator species using traditionally accepted criteria such as abundance and ease of collection may not identify species that are at greatest risk. Our efforts also demonstrate the usefulness of conducting multiple-species pilot studies prior to initiating detailed studies on pesticide effects. A study such as ours can help focus research and resources on study species that are most appropriate.  相似文献   

Plant invasions are a serious threat to natural and semi-natural ecosystems worldwide. Most management-orientated research on invasions focuses on invaders that are already widespread and often have major impacts. This paper deals with "emerging" invaders-those alien species with the potential to become important problems without timely intervention. A climate matching procedure was developed to define areas of South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland that could be invaded by 28 plant species that had previously been classified as emerging invaders. Information on the location of populations of these species in the study area was combined with information on their distributions (as native or alien) in parts of Australia and the United States of America. These two countries had the best available distribution data for this study. They also share many invasive alien plant species with South Africa. Climatic data obtained for weather stations near points of known occurrence in these countries were used to define the climatically suitable areas for each species in the study area. Almost 80% of the remaining natural environment in southern Africa was found to be vulnerable to invasion by at least one of these species, 50% by six or more and 24% by 16 or more species. The most vulnerable areas are the highveld grasslands and the eastern escarpment. The emerging invaders with the greatest potential range included Acacia podalyriifolia and Cortaderia selloana. The globally important invaders Ulex europaeus and Lythrum salicaria had a more limited invasion potential but could still become major invaders. There was no relationship between the extent of the climatically suitable areas for the different species and an expert ranking of their invasion potential, emphasising the uncertainties inherent in making expert assessments based on very little information. The methods used in this analysis establish a protocol for future modelling exercises to assess the invasion potential of other emerging invaders.  相似文献   

本文根据我国珍稀濒危植物的保护现状和管理工作中存在的问题,系统地探讨了加强我国珍稀濒危植物和野生植物资源保护的政策措施。文中提出一系列具体、有效的政策构思,以及建立政府有关主管部门对珍稀濒危植物协调管理的体制等。  相似文献   

Characteristics of urban natural areas and surrounding landscapes were identified that best explain winter bird use for 28 urban natural areas in southern Ontario, Canada. The research confirms for winter birds the importance of area (size) and natural vegetation, rather than managed, horticultural parkland, within urban natural areas as well as percent urban land use and natural habitat in surrounding landscapes. Alien bird density and percent ground feeding species increased with percent surrounding urban land use. Higher percent forest cover was associated with higher percentages of forest, bark feeding, small (<20 g) and insectivorous species. Natural area size (ha) was related to higher species richness, lower evenness and higher percentages of insectivorous, forest interior, area-sensitive, upper canopy, bark feeding, and non-resident species. Higher number of habitat types within natural areas and percent natural habitat in surrounding landscapes were also associated with higher species richness. Common, resident bird species dominated small areas (<6.5 ha), while less common non-residents increased with area, indicative of a nested distribution. Areas at least 6.5 ha and more generally >20 ha start to support some area-sensitive species. Areas similar to rural forests had >25% insectivores, >25% forest interior species, >25% small species, and <5% alien species. Indicator species separated urban natural areas from rural habitats and ordination placed urban natural areas along a gradient between urban development and undisturbed, rural forests. More attention is needed on issues of winter bird conservation in urban landscapes.  相似文献   

人工湿地植物净化生活污水研究现状与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着经济的发展,人民生活水平提高,农村生活污水造成的环境污染不断加剧.成为影响水环境质量的重要因素.植物在人工湿地中具有非常重要的作用,是人工湿地生态系统中重要的组成部分.在检索相关文献的基础上,从人工湿地植物类型、常用植物、植物选择、去污机理、去污作用的影响因素等方面,对生活污水的人工湿地净化作了简要综述,并从6个方...  相似文献   

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