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开发白洋淀旅游资源的制约因素与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作者在实地调查研究的基础上,认为制约白洋淀旅游业发展的因素主要有水位不稳、水质受到污染、旅游项目内容贫乏、参与性差、景区文化氛围不和谐,以及管理不到位。作者提出,应努力保持其水位稳定,加强流域内污染治理,理顺管理体制,建立白洋淀湿地保护区,加大旅游资源开发和宣传力度,丰富旅游的文化内涵等来保证白洋淀旅游的可持续发展。  相似文献   

燃煤二氧化硫控制技术应用概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由燃煤引起的二氧化硫污染已成为大气环境中最主要的污染因子。为解决这个问题,我国结合国外的技术成果,进行了各种脱硫技术的研究。介绍了各种治理技术应用情况,并结合实际经验对其中应注意的问题给予评述。  相似文献   

城镇化是推动我国经济社会发展的重要动力,在高速发展的同时,带来大量污染排放,威胁乡村环境质量与可持续发展。在对乡村生态环境问题剖析的基础上,从战略、实施、方式等层面探索解决思路,围绕科学规划、发展方式、基础建设、管理机制、宣传教育等方面分析关键点,加强乡村环境保护,保障城镇化建设健康发展,为促进农村农业持续发展提供持久动力。  相似文献   

阳离子艳红染料的光催化降解   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
黄进  储伟  王斌  陈勇 《四川环境》2002,21(4):31-33,37
本文研究了以沉淀法制备的TiO2为催化剂,紫外杀菌灯为光源,对阳离子艳红染料进行光催化降解的可行性,结果表明,在实验条件下,本系统对阳离子艳红染料有明显的降解效果,浓度为10mg/L的阳离子艳红染料经过30min的处理,其降解率>88%,此外,还探讨了溶液初始pH值,催化剂的投加量,光照距离和液层高度等因素对光降解反应的影响。  相似文献   

依据创新型城市的基本内涵,构建出四元城市创新体系模型,形成以四元创新主体为核心,集知识、技术于一体的网络创新体系,说明城市创新体系四元模型中,各主体之间的关系及其伴随社会的不同发展时期四元模型的变化趋势和变化过程中主导驱动元素扮演的角色、作用和地位。  相似文献   

提出了一种通用的定量计算方法,即用规范化指数表示各地区的资源丰度,用“度”作为资源丰度的计量单位。指数表示法计算的资源丰度值实现了资源丰度在可比尺度上的综合评价。它概念明确,简单易行,具有可比性和可传递性,从理论和应用方面来说都具有许多优点。  相似文献   

采用资料收集、实地调研、调查问卷等方法,对环境保护领域人才需求情况以及岗位知识技能的要求、环境专业毕业生的就业意向进行调查和分析。结果表明,企业对高职环保人才需求量较大,环保人员应具备的素质以分析问题能力和沟通能力为主;高职院校环境专业毕业生对目前环境保护行业就业形势认识清楚,对就业单位的环保人才素质需求分析正确,但求职过程中存在目标设定偏高等问题,因此,从课程设置、教学方法和就业指导方面提出措施。  相似文献   

泵站树状给水管网流量具有随机性,而这种随机性变化会直接影响管网的建设费用和动力费用.针对这-特点,应用随机规划原理,建立泵站树状给水管网机会约束模型,编写基于随机模拟的遗传算法程序求解该模型.机会约束模型能较客观地反映该管网的实际工况,使优化设计结果更符合实际.  相似文献   

ICP-AES法测定土壤中铬含量的不确定度评定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据等离子体原子发射光谱(ICP-AES)法测定土壤中铬的过程,建立相应的数学模型并对模型中各个参数进行了不确定度来源分析。结果表明,测定结果的不确定性主要来源于标准曲线的浓度与光谱强度拟合直线方程求铬含量的不确定度、标准溶液和配置标准工作溶液时的不确定度,其次为重复性不确定度;定容体积和样品称量过程的不确定度对测量结果的不确定度贡献相对较小。  相似文献   

以资源产业的生命周期理论为基础,以西北地区资源型城市为研究对象,结合资源型城市所处的阶段和经济发展态势,分析了处于不同发展阶段的城市产业转型所面临的问题和瓶颈,提出了成长期、成熟期和衰退期的相应产业转型模式,为资源型城市的经济转型提供理论指导和现实借鉴。  相似文献   


Estimation of State of Health (SoH) of Lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery is essential to predict the lifespan of batteries of an electric vehicle (EV). The efficient prediction of battery health indicates to the effective and safe operation of EV. However, delivering an effective and accurate method for the estimation of SoH in the real condition is truly a challenging task. The present study proposed a holistic procedure of combining both experimental and numerical investigations to conduct the fundamental study on coupled mechanical-electrochemical behavior of Li-ion battery. The proposed investigation highlighted the effect of stress on the capacity of the battery, considering capacity fade as an equivalent parameter to its health for real-time estimation of SoH. Finally, a simple model of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is provided, which shows the linear dependency of stress with the SoH. The results obtained from the ANN model are validated with a Linear Regression (LR) model for a better understanding of the inspection. The predicted value of mean Square Error (MSE) and R square error in the ANN training model are found to be 0.000309 and 0.849687, respectively. Whereas for the test model, these predicted values are found to be 0.000438 and 0.819347, respectively.  相似文献   

The increase in the number of tourists visiting a coast is desired by most of the countries for economic reasons. However, this increase in tourism may cause pollution of the sea. This can be only avoided by proper planning and by predicting the carrying capacity of the coast in terms of sea pollution. This is especially important for developing countries where part of the wastewater is discharged without any treatment into the sea.In the present study the beaches were classified according to their use — and consequently the amount of waste discharged into the sea — into four groups: (1) coasts that are used only for swimming and recreational purposes; (2) coasts used simultaneously for dwelling, swimming, and recreational purposes; (3) coasts along which only dwellings exist; and (4) natural and man-made harbors, i.e., coasts used as shelters. During the survey,40,320 observations were made between December 1985 and February 1988 to determine the effect of the number of tourists on seawater quality. The results obtained were analyzed by a multilinear regression program to obtain an empirical equation giving the extent of the sea pollution in terms of coliform concentration as a function of population density and some other environmental factors.The equations derived in this study enable the determination of the carrying capacity of a beach in terms of pollution as well as the expected degree of pollution corresponding to a given population density. Furthermore, it allows the prediction of the extra carrying capacity that can be obtained by improving the waste-disposal conditions.  相似文献   

2021年是中国共产党成立100周年,是“两个一百年”奋斗目标的交汇之年。中国共产党成立以来,党的绿色执政方略从“打土豪、分田地”到“全国土地会议”,从“节约粮食和土地资源”到“环境保护成为基本国策”,从“可持续发展”到“习近平生态文明思想”,回顾历史,绿色执政理念日益深入人心。本研究以《建党以来重要文献选编(1921—1949)》《毛泽东选集》《邓小平文选》《习近平谈治国理政》和国务院政府工作报告等为资料来源,基于机器学习自然语言处理大数据分析方法,使用隐含狄利克雷分布模型和KH Coder可视化软件,对重要文献选编和政府工作报告中中国共产党绿色执政理念有关文字表述内容进行统计和分析,系统梳理绿色执政理念的发展脉络。研究发现,习近平生态文明思想是中国共产党绿色执政理念的集大成者,是新时代新发展阶段加强生态环境保护的指导思想和行动指南,对走好“两个一百年”目标交汇点上绿色发展的第一步具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

炼油污水净化回用工业试验综述   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
随着我国石油加工业的发展,炼油装置及生产能力不断增加,炼厂对新鲜水的需求量和污水的排放量也在逐年增加。因此如何节约用水和减少污水的排放量,将炼油污水净化回用,是降低企业加工成本,提高企业经济效益,而且进一步利用水资源,提高社会效益和环境效益的重要课题,哈尔滨炼油厂自1997年开始经过小试、中试及工业试验,将炼厂污水净化回用,取得了很好的结果,同时该课题通过了中油股份公司组织的技术鉴定。  相似文献   

从目前水资源匮乏和水质污染的状况入手,分析了影响原因,并从加强污染源管理、小城镇环保设施建设、控制农业污染、提高利用率、加强环境宣传力度等几方面提出保护水资源的对策与建议.  相似文献   

本文采用3种不同的消解方法对环境土壤标准物质ESS-2和ESS-3进行处理,火焰原子分光光度法分别测定其中铜(Cu)、锌(Zn)元素的含量.3种消解方法为:电热板消解法、微波消解法和全自动消解法.分析测定结果探讨这3种消解方法的优缺点,以期获得最经济实效的消解手段.实验证明:微波消解法操作简便快捷、赶酸时间短、无污粢、准确度高、精密度好,因此提高了工作效率.  相似文献   

几种曝气器应用性能比较与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前冀东油田有四座污水生化处理站,先后使用过普通管式曝气器、刚玉曝气器、动态曝气器和PE微孔曝气器。这四种曝气器都是通过微小空气通道对气流进行扩散,提高氧利用率。空气通道孔径越小,氧利用率越高,但同时通道也越容易堵塞,使运行稳定性变差。综合考虑这两方面因素带来的利弊,在氧利用率与运行稳定性之间找到最佳平衡点,在保证运行稳定性的情况下尽量提高氧利用率,降低能耗。分析各种曝气器的使用情况,为后续使用者提供技术参考。  相似文献   

Recent developments of safer formulations of agrochemicals   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The primary objectives of formulation technology are to optimise the biological activity of the pesticide, and to give a product which is safe and convenient for use. However, because of the wide variety of pesticide active ingredients which are available, many different types of formulations have been developed depending mainly on the physico-chemical properties of the active ingredients. In the past most formulations were based on simple solutions in water (SL), emulsifiable concentrates in a petroleum-based solvent (EC), or dusts (DP) and wettable powders (WP). The presence of petroleum-based solvents in EC formulations and dusty powders in DP and WP formulations can lead to safety hazards in use and a negative impact on the envirnoment generally. Most government and regulatory authorities are now demanding formulations which are cleaner and safer for the user, have minimal impact on the environment, and can be applied at the lowest dose rate. Developments in formulation technology and novel formulation types, sometimes in special packaging such as water-soluble packs, can also give products a competitive advantage, add value or extend the lif-cycle of active ingredients. There is also a demand from government authorities and consumer groups to use safer formulation additives and adjuvants, and to minimise the residues of pesticides on food crops after spraying. All of these aspects are putting increasing pressure on the development of improved formulation and adjuvant technologies. Pesticide formulations for spray application and for seed treatment are discussed, along with developments in bioenchancement.  相似文献   

边际效应理论及其增值效应是现代生态科学很重要的一个原理.我国是典型的经济发展不平衡的国家,长期的区域非均衡战略在全国范围内形成了四大区域板块.面对着东部的开放崛起,西部大开发和东北老工业基地的改造,"谨防中部凹陷,促进中部崛起"作为一个区域协调发展的重大命题,被提到了国家层面上.中部板块由于地理区位与经济发展水平均居于我国的中间位置,因此具有明显的过渡性.作者试图通过运用生态学上的边际效应理论,分析中部区域板块内部以及板块之间的区域经济协调发展机制,来促进中部区域板块经济的协调发展.  相似文献   

阐释了信息产业专门化街区的内涵,结合对合肥市黄山路信息产业专门化街区构成要素的分类及其邻近度的分析,分别从空间结构演化、景观演化、功能演化三方面阐述了合肥市黄山路由"电子一条街"向"信息产业专门化街区"的总体演化阶段,探讨了信息产业专门化街区的未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

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