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环境管理中的公众参与问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王权典 《绿叶》2012,(10):70-74
公众参与是环境保护的重要途径,也是环境民主法治的切入点,唯有随应公众参与的扩大和深化,环保管理的社会调控制度和机制才能得以逐步完善。而落实环境管理公众参与原则亟需从法治完善的层面予以探究和完善。  相似文献   

在生态文明建设理念的指导下,从南四湖流域的自身特点与现状出发,在总结和借鉴国内外产业生态发展主要经验的基础上,结合南四湖流域自身特点,从管理机制、财政政策、价格税收、技术创新、投资取向、政绩考核等多角度出发,构建了南四湖流域的产业生态政策体系,并从实施目标责任考核、建立流域产业布局规划的协调制度、完善产业结构调整优化的法律法规制度、增强生态产业的科技创新能力、建立流域的政府信息共享与公开机制、建立健全流域水环境执法机构六个方面提出了相应的生态保障措施。  相似文献   

哈密伊州区地表水资源匮乏,地下水资源为其经济社会用水的主要来源。随着地区经济的快速发展,区域地下水资源超采日益严重,严重超采区漏斗中心水位埋深已达到70 m。有效的地下水压采监督管理与保护机制,是遏制与修复地下水超采导致诸多生态环境问题的关键。本文从建立地下水压采管理体制、完善监测监督网络、发挥价格杠杆调节作用、充分利用舆论工具宣传等方面对伊州区地下水压采的合理机制进行了分析。此机制有利于区域水资源管理目标的实现。  相似文献   

南四湖流域水环境承载力评价指标体系构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对目前水环境承载力概念及评价指标体系研究中存在的问题,构建了流域水环境承载力概念模型,根据评价指标筛选原则,建立了南四湖流域水环境承载力评价指标体系,包括水环境承载能力、水环境压力、水环境承载状态和社会经济调控能力4部分,共有57个具体指标,从而为制定流域保护规划和管理政策提供技术支持,为寻求流域水环境承载力的提高途径和措施提供科学依据。  相似文献   

通过对南四湖流域产业结构现状、水污染现状以及两者动态演化趋势的解析,结合对流域经济与环保政策导向的梳理,综合权衡三次产业发展对流域经济支撑度、水污染影响潜在威胁与现实效应,汇总形成了南四湖流域三次产业结构优化调整分析矩阵。在此基础上,探讨了不同产业结构优化调整的方案模式,提出南四湖流域三次产业中不同行业的结构优化方案。  相似文献   

南四湖湿地建设的综合效益   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南四湖作为南水北调东线工程的主要输水干线和调蓄水库,目前人工湿地建设已初见成效。从环境效益、生态效益、社会效益、经济效益、科研效益等方面分析了南四湖人工湿地在改善南四湖流域生态环境、稳定南水北调调水水质方面发挥的重要作用。  相似文献   

选取大连2001-2008年的水资源利用和社会经济发展数据,引用协调发展度模型进行分析.评价结果表明,大连水资源与社会经济的协调度性由严重失调衰退向中级失调衰退发展,与大连的实际发展情况相符.对大连水资源与社会经济发展不协调的原因进行分析,为今后加大水利工程投资力度,优化用水结构,提高用水效率,实现水资源与社会经济的协调发展提供依据.  相似文献   

刘艳丽 《新疆环境保护》2010,32(1):37-39,47
介绍哈密地区矿山企业发展现状,对矿业生产中具有共性的环境问题做了重点分析。深入探讨了在矿业开采中,应加强对当地矿山企业的管理,学习和借鉴国外先进的管理经验,把循环经济、清洁生产等新理念应用于矿山生产的全过程。这将有利于预防或减轻矿业开采造成的环境污染,也是发展经济和保护环境的有效途径。  相似文献   

中印跨境水资源既是我国跨境水资源的重要组成部分,又是我国与周边邻国跨境水合作的重点。近年来,尽管中印已在水文报汛、专家级机制、应急事件等方面取得了一定的进展,但两国跨境水互动与合作面临着政治互信的脆弱性、用水权益的对立性、领土争端的制约性、国际法治的失衡性等障碍。夯实双边政治互信基础,促进双方良性互动;借鉴域外河流管理实践,完善双边管理体制;推进双边领土谈判进程,强化谈判顶层设计等是未来推进中印跨境水合作的重要策略。  相似文献   

随着国际国内社会对企业环境问题的日益关注,越来越多的企业开始实施积极的环境管理战略。从政府管制、利益驱动、绿色需求、环境壁垒和社会责任等五个方面阐述了企业自愿实施环境管理体系的动因,同时针对中小企业开展环境管理存在的收益不足、经济约束、技术障碍、思想落后、市场机制不完善等方面的困难进行了剖析,得出企业实施环境管理是基于成本与收益的理性决策。  相似文献   

建设节水型社会,保障城市水资源可持续利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国社会经济的快速发展,城市水资源供需矛盾日益尖锐。与此同时,由于人们节水意识不强、水资源浪费严重以及城市供水价格不合理、水资源管理体制不完善等因素的存在,致使水环境恶化趋势日益严重。针对城市水资源现状与存在的问题,应加强对城市水资源有效管理和保护的措施:强化水资源统一管理,改革水资源管理体制;优化环境,保护水资源;利用价格机制应对水资源浪费问题衍4用科技手段,大力推进节水技术的发展;积极提高中国水环境发展的公众参与意识。  相似文献   

本文从深受欧盟水政策影响的德国水治理的历史发展和基础理念出发,对德国《水平衡管理法》的法规框架和总则进行了阐述、分析与比较。德国经验表明,在法治框架下,依可根据持续性原则,对水事进行综合治理。只有根据可持续性原则和通过法治,才能长期确保水安全,维护人与自然的和谐,保持水体清洁和维护生态平衡,确保当代及后代人的环境与发展权。水事综合治理原则不仅要通过协调水体使用与保护之间的关系,来调整环保在相对于经济和社会的传统不平衡地位,更要遵循自然水循环的本质特征。建议我国在《水污染防治法》的修订中,需要基于我国现实技术支撑的易操作制度,来实践可持续性原则和水事综合治理原则,强化法律间的协调。同时,还在立法技术上提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

秦皇岛市农村饮水安全状况调查结果显示,90%受访户采用家庭分散式浅井取水、100%的用户取水后以漂白粉消毒,但消毒剂的投加不规范。当地政府从未组织对水质进行安全检测,农村缺少污水处理和垃圾处理设施,缺少健全的供水管理制度并且饮水安全意识薄弱。可以从加大水利资金投入推进集约化供水、引进权责明晰的多元化管理制度、建立水源地保护和水质监测的长效机制、推进农村污染综合整治等方面解决农村饮水安全问题。加强饮水安全后续管理,推进社会主义新农村建设。  相似文献   

Quantifying surface water shortages in arid and semiarid agricultural regions is challenging because limited water supplies are distributed over long distances based on complex water management systems constrained by legal, economic, and social frameworks that evolve with time. In such regions, the water supply is often derived in a climate dramatically different from where the water is diverted to meet agricultural demand. The existing drought indices which rely on local climate do not portray the complexities of the economic and legal constraints on water delivery. Nor do these indices quantify the shortages that occur in drought. Therefore, this research proposes a methodological approach to define surface water shortages in irrigated agricultural systems using a newly developed index termed the Surface Water Delivery Index (SWDI). The SWDI can be used to uniformly quantify surface water deficits/shortages at the end of the irrigation season. Results from the SWDI clearly illustrate how water shortages in droughts identified by the existing indices (e.g., SPI and PDSI) vary strongly both within and between basins. Some surface water entities are much more prone to water shortages than other entities based both on their source of water supply and water right portfolios.  相似文献   

In the Wasatch Range Metropolitan Area of Northern Utah, water management decision makers confront multiple forms of uncertainty and risk. Adapting to these uncertainties and risks is critical for maintaining the long‐term sustainability of the region's water supply. This study draws on interview data to assess the major challenges climatic and social changes pose to Utah's water future, as well as potential solutions. The study identifies the water management adaptation decision‐making space shaped by the interacting institutional, social, economic, political, and biophysical processes that enable and constrain sustainable water management. The study finds water managers and other water actors see challenges related to reallocating water, including equitable water transfers and stakeholder cooperation, addressing population growth, and locating additional water supplies, as more problematic than the challenges posed by climate change. Furthermore, there is significant disagreement between water actors over how to best adapt to both climatic and social changes. This study concludes with a discussion of the path dependencies that present challenges to adaptive water management decision making, as well as opportunities for the pursuit of a new water management paradigm based on soft‐path solutions. Such knowledge is useful for understanding the institutional and social adaptations needed for water management to successfully address future uncertainties and risks.  相似文献   

小流域是实现重点流域精准化治理的基本单元,"三生共赢"是指要把解决环境问题的目标定位于生活、生产与生态的协调发展,是实现小流域环境改善和可持续发展的根本路径。本研究立足于流域水环境质量改善,以"三生共赢"和可持续发展理念为指导,提出了基于"三生共赢"的小流域水环境综合治理理论架构,即立足于水环境质量改善和水资源的优化配置,强化流域水环境约束,以尽可能小的环境代价支撑流域经济结构优化、新型城镇化发展,以资源高效和循环利用为核心,大力发展循环经济体系和循环社会体系,并通过创新流域治理体制机制构建成本共担利益共享格局,最终实现小流域社会经济可持续发展。本研究基于以上理论架构设计了生态环境、绿色经济、优质宜居三大类指标体系24项具体指标,并重点从优化流域空间开发格局、构建产业绿色发展体系、改善城乡居民生活环境、提升流域生态系统功能、健全流域治理体制机制等方面分析了小流域水环境综合治理对策。本研究可为各级政府创新流域治理模式、制定小流域水环境综合治理规划提供较为可行的理论支撑和技术体系。  相似文献   

The use of linear programming as a planning tool for determining the optimal long-range development of an urban water supply system was explored. A stochastic trace of water demand was synthesized and used as an input to the model. This permitted evaluating the feasibility of imposing demand restrictions as an effective cost reduction mechanism. The City of Lincoln, Nebraska, was used as the urban model. The fundamental problem was to allocate limited water supplies from several sources to an urban load center to minimize costs and comply with system constraints. The study period covered twenty years, and findings indicate the planning direction for stage development during this period. Sensitivity analyses were performed on cost coefficients and demands. Thirteen sources were included in the initial computations. Conclusions were that linear programming and generated demand traces are useful tools for both short- and long-term urban water supply planning. Lowering peak demands results in long-range development of fewer sources of supply and more economic and efficient use of the supplies developed.  相似文献   

Abstract: As nearly all of Texas’ rural lands are privately owned, landowner associations for the management of white‐tailed deer and ground‐water have become increasingly popular. Deer are a common‐pool resource with transboundary characteristics, requiring landowner cooperation for effective management. Ground‐water reserves are economically important to landowners, but are governed by the “rule of capture” whereby property rights are not defined. One ground‐water association and four wildlife management associations (WMAs) were surveyed to characterize their member demographics, land use priorities, attitudes, and social capital. Members of the ground‐water cooperative were part of a much larger, more heterogeneous, and more recently formed group than members of WMAs. They also placed greater importance on utilitarian aspects of their properties, as opposed to land stewardship for conservation as practiced by members of WMAs. If ground‐water association members could be more locally organized with more frequent meetings, social capital and information sharing may be enhanced and lead to land stewardship practices for improved hydrologic functions and sustained ground‐water supply. This, coupled with pumping rules assigned by the local ground‐water district, could yield an effective strategy that is ecologically and hydrologicaly sound, and that allows rural provision of water supply to urban consumers.  相似文献   

Abstract: Water supply uncertainty continues to threaten the reliability of regional water resources in the western United States. Climate variability and water dispute potentials induce water managers to develop proactive adaptive management strategies to mitigate future hydroclimate impacts. The Eastern Snake Plain Aquifer in the state of Idaho is also facing these challenges in the sense that population growth and economic development strongly depend on reliable water resources from underground storage. Drought and subsequent water conflict often drive scientific research and political agendas because water resources availability and aquifer management for a sustainable rural economy are of great interest. In this study, a system dynamics approach is applied to address dynamically complex problems with management of the aquifer and associated surface‐water and groundwater interactions. Recharge and discharge dynamics within the aquifer system are coded in an environmental modeling framework to identify long‐term behavior of aquifer responses to uncertain future hydrological variability. The research shows that the system dynamics approach is a promising modeling tool to develop sustainable water resources planning and management in a collaborative decision‐making framework and also to provide useful insights and alternative opportunities for operational management, policy support, and participatory strategic planning to mitigate future hydroclimate impacts in human dimensions.  相似文献   

Population growth in the Southeast has driven withdrawals for municipal water beyond the limits of local supplies. With few options left for development of virgin sources, a number of urban areas are looking toward demand management and additional supplies by reallocating storage in reservoirs that were built primarily or in part for hydropower. Hydropower has become a lesser part of the mix of energy sources, and the question arises as to value of water for that purpose relative to its value for municipal use. Three cases are used to examine the issue. Effects of withdrawal for municipal water supply on output of electric energy are estimated. Benefits of foregone energy are evaluated using the least cost alternative for replacement, and benefits for municipal water are estimated using costs for development of new sources. Benefits for use as municipal water are found to be considerably higher than benefits for hydroelectric energy at existing prices, even higher than the least cost alternative for replacement. Given the spatial distribution of the cases, that finding would appear to hold in general across the region.  相似文献   

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