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黄迪  张绍修  邓洪伟 《四川环境》2012,(Z1):188-193
随着城市化和产业转移进程的加快,我国城镇工业企业搬迁或遗留的污染场地数量与日俱增,亟须开展污染场地治理与修复工作,以保障人居环境安全、国民健康和社会稳定。本文综述了我国污染场地的产生及风险,污染场地管理、修复技术及工程实践进展,污染场地管理和修复的主要问题,场地污染防治与修复政策、技术和融资机制需求,旨在为我国污染场地修复产业化发展提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

污染场地修复监理是污染场地管理的重要环节,目前该领域的监理工作要求在我国还处于探索阶段,杭州某污场地修复工程属于地下水污染、土壤污染及由此引发的空气污染三位一体的典型立体污染修复场地,以该修复场地施工监理过程为探究对象,探索污染场地修复环境监理与工程监理合署监理的组织结构,分析了污染场地关键点特殊控制要求及合理化建议,希望能够为我国污染场地修复监理工作研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

文章以湖南某典型工矿冶炼重金属污染场地为例,在明确项目管控目标、管控范围的基础上,构建了集"场地修整+原地阻隔+生态恢复+污水处理+截排水处理+监测系统"为一体的重金属污染场地风险管控体系,采用逐一比对的效果评估方法,对修复后的清洁客土、下游污染区域土壤、场地周边土壤、场地污水处理出水、下游地表水采集样品进行检测分析,以评估项目重金属污染风险管控方案的修复效果,结论显示项目修复管控效果满足相关要求、达到治理修复目标,可为我国典型冶炼场地重金属污染风险管控及效果评估提供参考依据。  相似文献   

重金属污染场地治理管理模式及分级方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文结合我国当前重金属污染场地的管理状况,对重金属污染场地管理应执行的管理程序和工程技术方案的选择进行分析,提出了开展重金属污染场地分级分类管理的重要意义和分级分类方法,并对重金属污染场地分级分类管理的方法进行了较为系统的分析,为我国重金属污染场地治理和修复工作的开展提供了借鉴.  相似文献   

全球气候变化背景下,绿色可持续修复已成为修复领域的必然趋势。极端天气频发和水文条件改变等气候变化会影响污染场地修复工程实施和修复技术适用性等,绿色可持续修复亟待进一步发展和完善。弹性修复是在绿色可持续修复的基础上,进一步应对和适应气候变化的新兴修复方向。英美等发达国家已经初步发展了弹性修复的理论和实践,本文通过探究污染场地修复与气候变化的交互作用,借鉴发达国家的相关经验和实践案例,为我国污染场地绿色可持续修复适应气候变化提出发展建议。  相似文献   

污染场地修复技术效能比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日益严重的环境污染,造成大片污染场地亟待进行修复。通过分析污染场地的主要污染物及来源,综述了应用于污染场地土壤修复的主要技术及优缺点;通过对国内外主要污染场地土壤修复技术特点及其效能的比较,探讨了我国污染场地修复技术的发展趋势。  相似文献   

"土壤修复"产业,我国目前处于起步阶段,其工作过程和技术路线是迫切需要解决的问题。本文在调研市场需求的基础上,探讨了土壤修复的工作流程、工作内容和修复技术。土壤修复的前期工作是场地土壤环境调查评估,首先从场地土壤环境质量(污染)调查开始,通过土壤样品采集、分析测试、结果分析和环境现状评价,进行场地土壤污染风险识别,包括污染因子、污染程度、修复因子的识别;通过污染风险评价,确定修复目标值、场地修复范围和修复量;通过试验筛选修复技术和修复工艺,确定修复方案和修复工程设计;对修复工程设计进行环境影响评价和环保行政审查;环保审查通过,实施修复工程。样品采集和分析测试、结果分析和评价、修复技术和修复工程成为"土壤修复"产业的工作核心。市场上应用的修复技术路线主要是隔离/封闭技术、稳定/固化技术、淋洗技术。  相似文献   

本文阐述了国内持久性有机污染物污染场地的来源及修复现状,从污染场地的监管体系、政策法规、修复技术、修复资金筹集等方面分析了国内现有管理体系及其存在的问题。我国曾是持久性有机污染物的生产和使用大国,在生产和流通等环节都曾产生大量的污染场地,随着城市经济的发展和城市结构的调整,大批持久性有机污染物生产和使用企业停产或搬迁后留下了大量受到持久性有机污染物  相似文献   

正正通过十年的发展,污染土壤和地下水修复产业已快速成长,涉及城市污染场地修复、矿山土壤污染修复及农田土壤污染修复和管控等领域,形成了土壤污染调查、分析检测、修复、管控、工程监理和效果评估等咨询、检测、工程及药剂和装备生产的产业链,出现了一批龙头企业。为打赢"净土保卫战",污染土壤和地下水修复这个新兴环保行业,已成为我国环保产业的重要组成部分。近年来生态环境部正抓紧建立土壤和地下水环境修复的技术标准,2019年1月1日起开始实施的《中华人民共和国土壤污染防治法》,为土壤和地下水环境修复的规范发展提供了法律和技术保障,可以预计土壤和地下水修复产业发展势头良好,是环保产业新的增长点,促进了土地  相似文献   

我国污染场地再利用的开发活动日渐增多,伴随场地的再利用对环境和人体健康造成不良影响的环境事件也愈加频繁。在土壤污染防治立法、相关的土壤环境质量标准与监管制度都欠缺的情况下,针对污染场地再利用环境风险管理的项目规划的失当、环境风险评估指标的缺失及监督管理制度不健全的障碍,应加强区域环评与单项建设项目环评的协调,落实场地监管主体、层级及各自的监管职责,形成环境损害赔偿机制,从而健全场地环境风险管理制度。  相似文献   

快速城市化和工业化给我国带来了大量的场地污染问题,污染场地修复和风险管控成为国土资源可持续利用的重要领域,创新土壤污染防治经济政策,充分发挥市场调节作用是土壤污染防治的内在要求,是破解土壤生态环境问题、推进土壤污染防治管理转型的重要支撑。本文从经济政策的体系、投融资模式与机制等方面展开,对美国、德国、荷兰等发达国家的污染场地风险管控环境经济政策进行了梳理分析,总结其可借鉴的成功经验;介绍了我国污染场地风险管控环境经济政策实施现状,最终从完善调控体系、明晰权责归属、拓宽资金来源、规范资金运营、丰富投融资模式、探索费用效益分析机制等方面提出我国污染场地风险管控环境经济政策体系的改进建议。  相似文献   

The management of contaminated land is now assuming greater attention in Chinese debates on environmental governance. However, the existing management system appears ineffective as it lacks a clear policy framework and technical basis. In the United Kingdom (UK), contaminated land issues are dealt with through a risk-based approach. This approach emphasizes the application of risk approaches in both technical and integrated management systems. Conceptually, this paper outlines generic issues related to transferring programmes from one place to another. We argue that too much emphasis has been placed on the barriers to effective transfer, rather than focusing on methods of abstracting lessons for application in foreign settings. We then examine the Chinese system and its problems in managing contaminated land before turning to the UK risk-based approach to see what lessons can be learned from it. Four aspects are analyzed and compared: legislative and policy framework; administrative structure and capacity; technical approaches; and incentive strategy. Based on the experience of the UK in practice, some suggestions are then proposed for China in order to improve its management of contaminated land. We suggest that this should include: a focus on the problem sites; development of a risk-based technical approach and integrated management system; the introduction of financial incentives; and the use of planning control as a management strategy. It is believed that a risk-based integrated management approach may be helpful for China to achieve sustainable solutions for contaminated land.  相似文献   

Remediation of contaminated land and groundwater is of common international concern. The context and approach taken to the problem are, however, country-specific. A survey of remedial activity occurring within England and Wales over the period 1996-1999 was commissioned by the Environment Agency (for England and Wales) to establish a baseline against which future trends in remedial activity could be judged. This paper: explains the context of contaminated land and groundwater remediation in England and Wales (Britain); provides an overview of the 1996-1999 survey of remedial activity, discussing its findings within its legislative and institutional context; and, discusses the survey results of significance to the management of contaminated land and groundwater internationally. The survey obtained specific data from 367 remediated sites supplemented by general data from a further 1189 contaminated (not necessarily remediated) sites. The survey aimed to be, and was indicative of remediation practice, and did not seek to identify every remediation scheme operating. Previous anecdotal evidences were generally confirmed. Civil engineering-based techniques dominated and were used at 94% of sites with in situ techniques (predominantly vapour extraction-based) on 16% and ex situ on just 5%. Although disposal to landfill was dominant and occurred at over 80% of sites, integrated use of multiple techniques was common. Remediation was predominantly of soil (rather than water), development-based, designed to protect human health and reflected national development-led and 'suitable for use' policies. Lessons of international relevance from the survey and general British experience are drawn concerning remediation technique selection, regulatory and financial support of innovative remediation techniques and demonstration sites, competent use of risk-based approaches to allow pragmatic remediation and effective use of quality guidelines, need for effective guidance to highlight water quality issues, the necessity of post remediation monitoring to prove remediation effectiveness and the keeping of remediation databases.  相似文献   

/ Environmental regulatory agencies are responsible for protecting human health and the environment in their constituencies. Their responsibilities include the identification, evaluation, and cleanup of contaminated sites. Leaking underground storage tanks (USTs) constitute a major source of subsurface and groundwater contamination. A significant portion of a regulatory body's efforts may be directed toward the management of UST-contaminated sites. In order to manage remedial sites effectively, vast quantities of information must be maintained, including analytical dataon chemical contaminants, remedial design features, and performance details. Currently, most regulatory agencies maintain such information manually. This makes it difficult to manage the data effectively. Some agencies have introduced automated record-keeping systems. However, the ad hoc approach in these endeavors makes it difficult to efficiently analyze, disseminate, and utilize the data. This paper identifies the information requirements for UST-contaminated site management at the Waste Cleanup Section of the Department of Environmental Resources Management in Dade County, Florida. It presents a viable design for an information management system to meet these requirements. The proposed solution is based on a back-end relational database management system with relevant tools for sophisticated data analysis and data mining. The database is designed with all tables in the third normal form to ensure data integrity, flexible access, and efficient query processing. In addition to all standard reports required by the agency, the system provides answers to ad hoc queries that are typically difficult to answer under the existing system. The database also serves as a repository of information for a decision support system to aid engineering design and risk analysis. The system may be integrated with a geographic information system for effective presentation and dissemination of spatial data.  相似文献   

Brownfields are potentially contaminated sites that often present economic development opportunities that require financing. State environmental voluntary clean-up programmes (VCPs) offer closure letters as a way for developers to obtain assurance that their clean-up was completed properly and is 'bankable'. However, there is still fear among lenders about the potential for these closed remediated sites to be reopened and therefore negatively affect the value of the real estate as collateral. While it is believed to be an infrequent act, there has been no comprehensive study of reopeners, and therefore of the effectiveness of VCPs available. This study seeks to quantify the incidence of reopeners in the USA through a systematic inventory of VCP administrators. The authors initially find that among the 46 states with VCPs, only 12 cases were reopened out of 11 497 closed environmental cases, a reopener rate of between 0.1% and 0.2%. However, reopener rates may increase with more vigorous enforcement and over the passage of time. This information means that brownfield deals can go forward with confidence, and that the risk of reopeners can now be quantified, allowing cheaper insurance and more assurance that negative outcomes can be avoided.  相似文献   

2016年,中国国务院印发《土壤污染防治行动计划》(简称《土十条》),明确提出对农用地土壤实施分类管理,按照污染程度划分为优先保护类、安全利用类和严格管控类;对建设用地要防范新增污染,针对疑似污染地块,开展土壤环境状况调查评估,保障地块安全再利用;以影响农产品质量和人居环境安全的突出环境问题为重点,制定土壤污染治理与修复规划,组织开展治理与修复。实施严格的土壤环境质量保护、污染土壤的风险管控、高风险污染土壤的治理与修复是落实《土十条》的重要任务,也是建设我国土壤环境监管制度的重要内容。土壤环境标准是实施土壤环境管理的重要依据。本文基于《土十条》重要任务以及当前及今后一段时期国家土壤环境管理需求,以土壤环境管理需求为导向,探讨提出了包括土壤环境质量保护标准值、土壤环境风险管控标准值、污染土壤修复标准值的土壤环境标准值体系,可望为国家土壤环境标准体系的建立和标准制修订方法的发展提供技术参考。  相似文献   

In recent years, considerable amounts of organotin compounds have entered the environment due to the wide industrial applications in China. Organotins were found in various environmental media. An overview of organotin contamination and distribution in China from various environmental samples, including waters and sediments, is presented to better understand the current state of organotin pollution in China and to improve environmental monitoring and management of organotin contamination. Exposure to organotin contaminated water and sediments induces accumulation of organotins in molluscs and biological effects such as imposex. Potential harmful effects on human health may also result from consumption of contaminated seafoods. Detailed information on distribution, impacts and assessment of risk to human health and marine ecosystems is discussed and monitoring of TBT using biomarkers is described. This review highlights the serious organotin contamination of coastal cities in China and emphasizes the need for long-term monitoring and the development of an effective regulatory program.  相似文献   

针对我国建设用地土壤污染风险管控标准存在的保护目标单一、毒理学基础数据库有待完善、缺少因地制宜的地方标准及统一的标准制定规程等问题,本文研究了加拿大联邦及其省级土壤质量指导值分级制定技术规程,梳理了加拿大污染场地修复目标值的确定方法。在此基础上,从保护人体健康与保护生态环境并重、提升建设用地土壤污染风险管控标准的基础研究水平、研究基于地方实际的建设用地土壤污染风险管控标准和出台统一的标准制定规程文件等四个方面提出对策建议,以期为我国建设用地土壤污染风险管控标准制修订提供参考。  相似文献   

An innovative management strategy is proposed for optimized and integrated environmental management for regional or national groundwater contamination prevention and restoration allied with consideration of sustainable development. This management strategy accounts for availability of limited resources, human health and ecological risks from groundwater contamination, costs for groundwater protection measures, beneficial uses and values from groundwater protection, and sustainable development. Six different categories of costs are identified with regard to groundwater prevention and restoration. In addition, different environmental impacts from groundwater contamination including human health and ecological risks are individually taken into account. System optimization principles are implemented to accomplish decision-makings on the optimal resources allocations of the available resources or budgets to different existing contaminated sites and projected contamination sites for a maximal risk reduction. Established management constraints such as budget limitations under different categories of costs are satisfied at the optimal solution. A stepwise optimization process is proposed in which the first step is to select optimally a limited number of sites where remediation or prevention measures will be taken, from all the existing contaminated and projected contamination sites, based on a total regionally or nationally available budget in a certain time frame such as 10 years. Then, several optimization steps determined year-by-year optimal distributions of the available yearly budgets for those selected sites. A hypothetical case study is presented to demonstrate a practical implementation of the management strategy. Several issues pertaining to groundwater contamination exposure and risk assessments and remediation cost evaluations are briefly discussed for adequately understanding implementations of the management strategy.  相似文献   

由自然灾害引发的工业企业环境安全事故又称为自然灾害诱发的技术事故(Natech).我国是工业大国,重化工业是我国的主导产业之一;同时我国还是世界上自然灾害严重的国家之一,Natech风险不容忽视.开展Natech风险识别、评估和管理研究,有助于我国Natech风险管理体系的完善,防范和降低区域Natech风险.目前,我国Natech风险基础研究尚处于起步阶段,难以支撑我国Natech风险防控实践.本文从Natech风险发生机制、风险评估、风险感知与最大可接受风险水平、风险管理体系等四个方面回顾了国内外Natech风险研究现状,初步梳理了Natech风险的基本理论,并对我国未来Natech风险的研究方向进行了展望,为我国Natech风险研究领域的发展提供参考.  相似文献   

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