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各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院各部委、各直属机构: 我国是世界上湿地类型齐全、数量较多的国家之一。多年来,各级政府和有关部门在湿地保护方面做了大量工作,目前我国已有约40%的自然湿地被纳入自然保护区得到保护。但由于长期以来人们对湿地生态价值认识不足,加上保护管理能力薄弱,很多地方仍在大量开垦围垦和随意侵占湿地,特别是近两年一些地方出现了把大量湿地转为建设用地的错误倾向。为尽快扭转自然湿地面积减少,生态功能退化的局面,经国务院同意,现就加强湿地保护管理有关问题通知如下: 一、进一步提高认识,把湿地保护…  相似文献   

四川若尔盖湿地退化成因分析与对策研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
高洁 《四川环境》2006,25(4):48-53
本文以四川若尔盖湿地为研究对象,主要贡献为:(1)应用卫星遥感数据对若尔盖湿地退化趋势进行了科学定量分析;(2)采用博弈论的分析方法对相关利益主体进行解析,在寻求利益均衡点的基础上,提出湿地保护性开发对策;(3)针对湿地退化因素提出了多种对策,其中生态移民的设想对保护四川若尔盖湿地较为适宜;(4)提出了“禁止-限制-发展”的产业结构调整思路,以指导湿地的合理开发利用。  相似文献   

选取东部湿润区与西北干早区典型湖泊湿地--洞庭湖湿地与艾比湖湿地,对其湿地资源特征、湿地生态服务功能及价值、湿地退化的表征和退化湿地生态恢复对策等方面进行了比较研究.通过研究发现,湿润区湖泊湿地资源禀赋优于干早区湖泊湿地,湿润区湖泊湿地与干旱区湖泊湿地均具有较强的生态服务功能和较高的价值,在湿地退化表征方面有共性也有差异,针对不同气候区域的退化湖泊湿地应采取不同的恢复对策.  相似文献   

盘锦自然湿地在调节区域自然生态环境质量和推进区域经济社会发展中发挥着重要作用。介绍了盘锦自然湿地现状及作用,全面分析了盘锦自然湿地持续发展面临的突出矛盾及其原因,并提出了建立自然湿地生态效益补偿机制的对策。  相似文献   

安徽合肥近些年"大建设、大发展"让城市面貌焕然一新,在向大都市挺进的光环下,城市周围的很多湿地被高楼和道路所覆盖。"合肥市湿地保护面临的主要问题是环境污染和功能退化,要走湿地保护和恢复重建并举之路。"合肥市环保局副调研员仰礼信说道。  相似文献   

从湿地现状、服务功能和外环境影响3方面构建了城镇区域内湿地生态健康评价指标体系,采用层次分析法(AHP)和模糊综合评价法,对广汉鸭子河湿地这一城镇区域内河滩型湿地生态系统健康状况进行评价。结果表明,在广汉市城市化进程中,该湿地的生态系统受到了一定程度的影响,就总体而言,湿地生态系统结构完整,基本功能依然具备,但栖息地功能有一定的退化,在整体上属于亚健康状态。根据评价结果及退化成因分析,提出了相应的恢复措施,对广汉市城市化进程中鸭子河湿地的保护提供了重要的决策依据,对同类型的湿地保护具有指导意义和借鉴价值。  相似文献   

李荆 《青海环境》2010,20(3):132-135
长江源区位于青藏高原腹部,该区湿地不仅具有保持水源、净化水质、蓄洪防旱、调节气候等巨大的生态功能,湿地也是生物多样性的富集地区,是世界上最具活力的生态系统,保护了许多珍稀濒危野生动植物种。由于自然因素和人为干扰的加剧,导致目前长江源区湿地面积萎缩、功能退化,直接威胁到该地区的生存和发展,湿地保护形势非常严峻。文章通过对长江源区湿地的类型、面积和分布的相关资料,分析了长江源区湿地目前所存在的问题,并根据当地自然环境和社会经济的情况,提出了湿地保护对策建议。  相似文献   

由于人口的快速增长、资源的过度利用、气候干旱化等。特别是湿地的生态保护功能和社会经济价值并未得到足够的重视,使得我国沿海部分湿地生态系统退化和受损,湿地面积减少.湿地环境遭受污染。湿地生物多样性受到负面影响,湿地生态系统面临着严重威胁。湿地生态系统能够提供许多类型的服务,具有公共物品属性,这决定了湿地保护和开发利用过程...  相似文献   

黑河是我国第二大内陆河,流域内湖泊、沼泽遍布,湿地资源丰富。多年来人们对黑河环境的重要性认识不足,导致植被退化、水位下降、土地盐渍化,影响湿地资源的永续利用,制约当地经济社会可持续发展。鉴于此,建立了黑河湿地国家级自然保护区,实施湿地保护与恢复和污染治理工程,增强退耕还林(草)、退地还湿、防沙治沙力度,探索和运用生态补偿机制。  相似文献   

通过对北镇新立湖湿地公园的水源水质、水岸、鸟类及其栖息地生境以及湿地文化等方面的保护管理等基本情况,找出存在的主要问题及主要成因(包括水质超标、水量降低、湖体底泥堵塞、围垦养殖蟹塘、湿地面积萎缩、功能退化、生物多样性减少、资金投入不足等),提出对策和措施建议,为更好地发挥湿地功能、维护生态平衡、改善生态状况提供科学依据。  相似文献   

盐城湿地保护与生态旅游开发   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
盐城海滨湿地资源丰富,已成为重要的环境资源和旅游资源。从湿地的变化和现状着手,阐述了保护盐城湿地的必要性和重要性,在保护中倡导自养型经济战略——生态旅游。分析了盐城湿地生态旅游开发的可行性,从而提出规划意见,以实现盐城湿地旅游的可持续发展。  相似文献   

城市边缘湿地是城市的生态屏障,是城市可持续发展的自然基础,具有一定的经济功能和巨大的生态、社会服务功能,休闲与旅游是其中的组成部分之一,但是由于城市边缘湿地本身存在生态脆弱性,加上受城市化、工业化影响,其休闲与旅游功能不断退化,为实现城市边缘湿地旅游资源可持续利用的目的,应当采取相应的治理措施。  相似文献   

湿地是地球上具有多功能的独特生态系统,是自然界最富生物多样性的生态景观和人类最重要的生存环境之一。内陆干旱区的湿地则因其所处地理环境的特殊性更具有巨大保护价值。艾比湖湿地在我国内陆荒漠自然生态系统中具有一定典型性。其生态系统极不稳定,具有很强的敏感性和脆弱性。人类社会经济的迅猛发展,引起一系列以土地荒漠化为代表的生态逆向演替,严重的水土流失和锐减的生物多样性使其不可更新资源的能值投入远远超过其可更新资源,同时,肆虐的盐尘严重危害着天山北坡经济带甚至更远地区工、农、牧业生产和人们的生活环境。从能值角度评价环境的贡献,注重其生态效应,以期引起人们警醒,加强湿地资源的保护和管理,维护其可持续发展。  相似文献   

湿地生态旅游对保护湿地资源和促进区域可持续发展具有极其重要的意义。通过构建湿地生态旅游评价指标体系,采用层次分析法确定指标权重,以西凉湖为例对滨江湖泊湿地生态旅游资源进行了评价。结果表明,西凉湖旅游开发目前尚处在起始阶段,综合得分较低,但由于生态环境状况良好,加之便利的交通条件,因此具有较大的开发潜力。根据所在区域近五年的旅游客源变化,对旅游客源市场进行了预测。结果表明,未来五年旅游客源市场将进入快速增长期,成为推动湿地生态旅游快速发展的潜在动力。在此基础上,进一步为西凉湖湿地生态旅游总体发展拟定了规划方案和对策建议。  相似文献   

Water isotopy is introduced as a tool to design, locate, and select storm water best management practices for the prediction of sustained ground water inflows to prospective constructed wetlands. A primer and application of the stable isotopes, 18O and 2H, are discussed for riparian wetland restoration areas among an agricultural landscape in southwestern Ohio. Conventional piezometric measurements were ambiguous in identifying groundwater mounding across a transect which includes numerous agricultural tile drains. Instead evaporative potential data represented by δ18O values indicated a well delineated zone for prospective constructed wetlands. All successful constructed wetland areas thus far at Shaker Trace are represented by ground water with depleted δ18O values below −9.0‰ VSMOW. Such areas of sustainable ground water inflow could either be due to perched units at depth or simply the result of an increased flow gradient.  相似文献   

Wetland loss alters the hydrology of wetlandscapes in poorly understood ways. To quantify the effects of wetland loss on subsurface hydrology, a physically based hydrologic model that simulates the timing and pathways of subsurface hydrologic connections was coupled with wetland inventories over a 50‐year period during which substantial wetland loss occurred. The model revealed, based on vertical variations in saturated hydraulic conductivities, wetland loss of different degrees led to a contraction of catchment contributing areas to local surface waters but an expansion of contributing areas to the regional surface water body. This shift in groundwater contributing areas reflected (1) a decrease in baseflow contribution to the local surface water bodies, and (2) an increase in the transit time and length of subsurface hydrologic connections with an associated increase in the magnitude and age of baseflow discharging to the regional surface water body. The model also showed regions with thick permeable aquifers were particularly sensitive to the loss of wetlands. Our ability to predict these changes in hydrology of the watershed provides important support for designing science‐based policies to promote sustainable water resource management.  相似文献   

从考察洞庭湖湿地生态特征入手,探讨了"平退"工程对洞庭湖区湿地生态环境的影响,认为通过"平退"防洪标准较低或影响江湖行蓄洪水的洲滩民垸以扩大江湖槽蓄来提高江湖调蓄洪水的能力,"平退"工程不但不会破坏湖区湿地生态环境,反而会使湖洲草滩及候鸟等越冬环境得到稳定和改善.同时,提出了保护洞庭湖湿地的相关对策.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The delineation of inland wetlands requires close field examination of the biological and physical gradients (transition zones) between wetlands and bordering uplands. As part of a study on the detection and delineation of inland wetlands in eastern Connecticut by remote sensing techniques, this effort was designed to investigate vegetation distribution and composition and selected physical and chemical properties of the soils of wetland to upland transition zones in deciduous wetland forests. Field research was conducted during the growing season of 1975 within a test area consisting of the 45 mi2 Town of Mansfield, Connecticut. Changes in vegetation composition and structure, soil pH, and soil water content were determined along line transects extended over wetland to upland transition zones. Differences in soil pH occurred along the transects but were of such magnitude that they probably have little impact on plant distribution. There were significant changes in soil water content along the wetland to upland gradients. Discriminant analysis applied to statistical “index of abundance” data describing vegetation distribution among the various zones (wetland, transition, upland) showed which plant species best distinguish wetlands from uplands. Of the criteria studied, vegetation composition and distribution, soil water content, and relief are the most useful criteria for delineating deciduous wetland forests.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Wetland restoration activities may disturb shallow ground‐water flow dynamics. There may be unintentional sources of water flowing into a constructed wetland that could compromise the long‐term viability of a wetland function. Measurement of naturally‐occurring isotopes in the hydrosphere can provide an indication of provenance, flow paths or components, and residence times or ages of wetland ground‐water flow systems. Hydraulic head measurements may not provide sufficient detail of shallow flow disturbances and can be complemented by analyzing isotopes in waters flowing through the wetland. Two north‐central Indiana wetlands in the Kankakee watershed are being studied to determine the adequacy of wetland restoration activities. The native LaSalle wetland and the restored Hog Marsh wetland have contrasting ground‐water flow regimes. The conservative water isotopes 18O, 2H, and 3H, and selected solute isotopes 13C, 14C, 15N, 34S, 87Sr, and 206–208Pb, demonstrate the complexity of ground‐water flow in Hog Marsh compared to the established flow regime at the LaSalle wetland.  相似文献   

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