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基于重庆市沙坪坝(城区)和北碚(郊区)站点1959~2018年夏季(6~8月)的气象观测数据,探究重庆市城区60年高温事件的时间变化特征,分析城郊差异和暖夜日数的变化特征,并通过计算温度-湿度指数(THI)以探究湿度因子对人体不舒适度的影响.结果表明:(1)重庆市城区高温热浪20世纪60~80年代呈减少趋势,90年代开始呈增加趋势,21世纪之后大幅增加.于2006年夏季到达顶峰,热浪天数达23 d.从城郊两站的差值分析,1997年以后,城市化过程导致城郊日平均气温和日最低气温增大,表明城市在夜间的增温效应明显.相对湿度的差值增大,城市区域湿度明显降低.(2)暖夜的发生率明显大于日间高温热浪,稳定存在,最高暖夜日数发生在2013年,达33 d.在2000~2009年日间、夜间高温同时存在的天数所占比例达到了 35.73%,在2010~2018年增加到55.89%.城市化过程对重庆市城区的夜间高温产生一定影响.(3)近年来重庆地区高温高湿的日数逐渐增多.湿度对人体舒适程度存在不可忽视的影响.THI>24的所有数据中,相对湿度大于70%的天数所占的比例达到22.51%;夜间的不舒适受湿度因子的影响很大,相对湿度大于70%以上的日数日数占比为64.12%,延续了日间高温的危害.  相似文献   

上海高温和低温气候变化特征及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于上海11个气象站逐日最高、最低气温、降水资料和西太平洋副热带高压(简称副高,下同)环流指数,分析了上海夏季高温和冬季低温的气候变化特征及其影响因素.结果表明,1873~2007年,上海高温日数表现为少-多-少-多的年代际变化,低温日数则表现为多-少的年代际变化.2001~2007年,上海年均高温日数、各级高温过程数和高温过程日数都最多,低温日数、低温过程数和低温过程日数都最少.1960~2007年,上海每年高温日数与当年夏季副高面积和强度指数显著正相关,低温日数与当年冬季副高面积和强度指数显著负相关.降水对上海极端气温有一定的缓解作用,上海高温日数与夏季降水量弱显著负相关,低温日数与冬季降水量显著负相关.上海高温过程数受城市化影响较大,其时间变化具有明显的城郊差异,低温过程数则受城市化影响较小.  相似文献   

上海高温和低温气候变化特征及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于上海11个气象站逐日最高、最低气温、降水资料和西太平洋副热带高压(简称副高,下同)环流指数,分析了上海夏季高温和冬季低温的气候变化特征及其影响因素。结果表明,1873~2007年,上海高温日数表现为少-多-少-多的年代际变化,低温日数则表现为多-少的年代际变化。2001~2007年,上海年均高温日数、各级高温过程数和高温过程日数都最多,低温日数、低温过程数和低温过程日数都最少。1960~2007年,上海每年高温日数与当年夏季副高面积和强度指数显著正相关,低温日数与当年冬季副高面积和强度指数显著负相关。降水对上海极端气温有一定的缓解作用,上海高温日数与夏季降水量弱显著负相关,低温日数与冬季降水量显著负相关。上海高温过程数受城市化影响较大,其时间变化具有明显的城郊差异,低温过程数则受城市化影响较小。  相似文献   

洞庭湖流域是我国高温热浪事件多发地区之一,严重威胁人体健康及农业生产,研究高温热浪特征和风险,对当地防暑减灾具有重要指导意义。基于气象站点气温数据(1960~2013年),综合利用MK检验、概率模型和Copula概率模型,以年最长热浪长度(HWL)、热浪平均高温(HWT)、高温天数(HDL)和高温天内平均高温(HDT)为指数,系统分析了洞庭湖流域高温、热浪的时空规律及风险变化特征。结果表明,流域平均4项高温指数表现出先下降后上升的趋势。总体上,流域东部和东南部高温、热浪强度较大,西部和西南部强度较小, 另外,流域高温、热浪的风险和强度变化有一定的空间差异,但总体上升。此外,基于Copula的分析结果表明,洞庭湖流域东大部地区发生高强度热浪和长期高温的风险上升,而西南部以及南部部分地区有所下降。  相似文献   

在全球变暖的背景下,极端高温热浪事件愈发频繁和强烈,已严重威胁了人类健康与社会经济的可持续发展。利用气象数据和社会经济统计资料,建立高温强度、高温日数、热浪强度、热浪频次、热浪持续时间等高温热浪时空特征的量化指标,对长江经济带1 067个区县的高温热浪时空特征进行分析,同时构建“暴露度—敏感性—适应能力”的高温热浪脆弱性评估指标体系,进行了研究区域的高温热浪脆弱性评价,制作了高温热浪灾害脆弱性空间分布图,并进行了致脆类型分析,结果表明:(1)长江经济带的高温热浪事件高发地区的分布呈现出“一带一点”的空间分布特征;(2)长江经济带高温暴露指数呈现出明显的由东南向西北层级递减的趋势,而区域内的敏感性指数与适应能力指数的空间分布较为破碎,没有明显的空间集聚特征,高温热浪脆弱性指数空间集聚特征明显;(3)在致脆类型分析中,因适应能力不足导致脆弱性的区县占全部区县的67.4%,其次,高温暴露致脆型占24.5%,敏感性致脆的县域较少,仅占8.1%。西部地区脆弱性低且多为适应能力不足致脆,中、东部地区脆弱性高,多为高温暴露致脆。研究结果可为区域防范高温热浪灾害,提高应对高温热浪事件的适应能力提供科学...  相似文献   

基于1960~2017年秦岭-淮河196个气象站点逐日最高温、最低温、相对湿度数据,以表观温度指数为基础,采用极点对称模态分解(ESMD)及专用气象要素空间插值软件ANUSPLIN,对秦岭-淮河南北高温高湿天气时空变化特征进行分析,进而利用小波相干方法探讨该区高温高湿天气与赤道东太平洋海温异常的多时间尺度响应关系。结果表明:(1) 以20世纪80年代中期及2010年为时间节点,秦岭-淮河以北及秦巴山区高温高湿天气日数呈“下降-缓慢上升-快速上升”阶段性变化特征,秦岭-淮河以南及淮河平原呈“下降-缓慢上升-下降”趋势;(2) 秦岭-淮河南北高温高湿天气呈“东多西少、南多北少”的空间分布特征,且影响范围向北扩大;(3)赤道东太平洋东部地区海温异常对秦岭-淮河南北各区高温高湿天气的影响比西部地区更显著且长时间周期尺度比短时间周期尺度更稳定。  相似文献   

利用川渝地区1961~2006年145个台站夏季的逐日降水和最高气温资料,分析了该地区夏季高温和严重干燥事件的时空演变特征,结果表明:川渝地区夏季高温日数与严重干燥事件的空间分布比较相似,除重庆东南部以外,基本呈自西向东阶梯状递增趋势,高值中心集中在重庆中部、西南部以及四川省东南部;从长期变化趋势来看,川渝地区大部夏季高温日数与严重干燥事件的发生频次以增长趋势为主,呈减少趋势的若干站点分布较零散,且减少趋势不显著;除小片区域以外,川渝地区大部夏季高温日数和严重干燥事件发生频次经历了“1960s〖FY(〗增〖FY)〗1970s〖FY(〗减〖FY)〗1980s〖FY(〗增〖FY)〗1990 s〖FY(〗增〖FY)〗2000~2006”的年代际变化过程;21世纪以来,在全球气候变暖的大背景下,川渝地区大部无论是夏季高温还是严重干燥事件都进入了近50年来最显著的高发期,气温和降水特征变化所造成的干旱压力大增,必然导致夏季旱灾发生几率的增大  相似文献   

基于长三角地区1951~2014年56个国家级气象站点逐日气温记录资料,通过计算极端高温事件相关指标(极端最高温TXx,极端最低温TNn,高温日数Htd和低温日数Ltd),利用GIS空间分析技术和Mann-Kendall时间趋势分析方法分析了长三角地区近60 a极端高温事件的空间分异特征和时间变化趋势,并探讨了城市化发展对区域极端高温事件时空变异的影响。结果表明:(1)长三角地区极端高温事件指标均表现为一定的上升趋势,极端低温指标(TNn和Ltd)线性变化趋势比极端高温指标(TXx和Htd)更为显著,变化趋势最显著的地区集中在经济和城市化水平较高的城市及周边地区(如上海、杭州等)。(2)极端高温指标(TXx和Htd)多年平均总体表现为南高北低,西高东低的趋势,而极端低温指标中TNn多年平均为由中部向南北两侧降低,Ltd多年平均呈现自中部向南北南侧增多的趋势。(3)从1990~2000到2000~2010年,城市化对极端高温事件的影响增强,快速城市化对北部城市极端高温事件的影响高于南部城市。  相似文献   

云南省1958~2013年极端气温时空变化特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用云南省1958~2013年28个气象站点逐日最高气温、最低气温数据,计算10个极端气温指数.基于Mann-Kendall(M-K)方法分析极端气温指数年代/际、季节变化趋势,并利用反距离权重法探讨极端气温空间分布特征.为进一步明确未来各极端气温指数年/季节可能存在的变化趋势,利用R/S分析方法,估算极端气温指数的Hurst指数.分析结果表明:(1)时间上,极端高温事件发生频率及持续时间均显著大于低温事件,而最低气温增温幅度高于最高气温.且年/季节最高气温与最低气温均在1980年代后呈现更为显著的增温趋势,四季中冬季最高、最低温度增温幅度均最大;(2)空间上,极端高温事件高发地区为滇西南与滇中地区,而极端低温事件高发地区为滇西北及滇东北地区;(3)全省未来最高气温(TMAX)与最低气温均呈增加趋势,且TMIN增加趋势持续性更为明显,增温趋势持续性最强的地区为:昆明、景洪、腾冲、香格里拉及昭通TMIN.  相似文献   

基于国家气候中心提供的2000站逐日地面气温资料,运用高温日数、平均高温度数以及日最高气温这3个指标刻画1961~2015年长江三角洲(简称长三角)地区的夏季高温时空演变,并在对上述指标进行突变检测的基础上,比较其转折前后的夏季高温空间分布特征。结果表明:(1)长三角夏季高温指标在2000年左右存在气候突变,2000年以后夏季高温日数和强度出现显著上升;(2)较之2000年前,2000年后的高温度日数的分布型更为集中,前三个EOF模态解释方差均有所上升,EOF1分布较为相似,EOF2不再呈现带状分布,EOF3局地性特征减弱;(3)2000年后的长三角夏季高温日数增长明显,年平均高温日数达到20 d以上的区域向北扩展至32°N附近,向东扩展至往浙江东部沿海;年平均高温日数达到30 d以上的区域更扩展至31°N以南、121°E以西所有地区,高温日数最多可达近50 d;(4)2000年后高温度日数呈明显增加,从2000年前的10~20℃·d增加到20~50℃·d,以30~31°N一带增长最为显著。浙江中部和南部地区在2000年后高温日数增长明显,但高温强度增长较弱;安徽东部、浙江北部和上海地区高温日数和强度均增长明显。  相似文献   

Latin America comprehends notable variations in terms of natural environment, availability of natural resources, living standards, and demographic patterns. Latin America is a mosaic of cultures, post- and pre-Columbian. The rich variety of life forms discovered and described by chroniclers and traveling naturalists in the Neotropics contributed to the proposal, in mid-XVIIIth century, of a new system of classification and a scientific code of nomenclature for all organisms. Biodiversity was, for many centuries, a source of resources to be exploited in natura. In scientific circles, its inventory became the domain of taxonomists. But modern technology showed how important the miriad of life forms really are as sources of chemical molecules to be engineered as drugs and reassembled as novel manufactured products. We are on the brink of a new agricultural and medical revolution, thanks to the techniques of genetic engineering, which will lead eventually to the elimination of hunger and malnutrition.In this essay, the Brazilian environmental and social heterogeneity will serve as an example to illustrate some key points, which have influenced sustainability policies. The Amazon deforestation and indigenous knowledge (IK), subjects often associated with areas of high biodiversity, are usually the focus of environmental debates. The importance of IK in integrating development, reducing poverty and sustainability are considered together with the intellectual property rights of native populations.In the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) Implementation Plan, a few paragraphs were dedicated to Latin America, because of the pre-existing Action Platform on the Road to Johannesburg 2002, approved in Rio de Janeiro in October 2001. This paper calls attention to the need to draw up specific environmental policies for a region which shows an extremely high cultural and biological diversity, associated with a high availability of forests and water, among other resources.  相似文献   

In early 1980 an extension agent was assigned to the rural municipality of Bangui, Ilocos Norte, Philippines to work on development projects – in particular the improvement of the supply of safe water for drinking and sanitation. After many months of visiting spring sites and meeting with community leaders, a small part of the municipality was selected to build a gravity fed piped water system. Although the system took many months to plan, identify funding and construct, the 600 community members were ultimately rewarded with house to house connections that enabled them to achieve per capita water consumption levels above the minimum levels recommended by the World Health Organization. Of course, money was critical to ensure the project’s success, but many other factors played an equally critical role. For instance, without the active participation of the community and the unwavering support of the community leadership the project would not have survived the initial planning stage. Also, the extension agent played a critical role by acting as a conduit between funding agencies, the Bureau of Public Works and the community. The primary lesson to be learned from this experience is that the success of rural development projects is largely driven by the synergy between the community, technical support, financial support, and agents of change such as extension agents. If any of these ingredients had been lacking, the project result would likely have been far different.  相似文献   

Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) are used as flame retardants in a wide variety of products. As part of the Integrated Exposure Assessment Survey (INES), this study aimed to characterize the exposure of an adult German population using duplicate diet samples, which were collected daily over seven consecutive days, and indoor air and house dust measurements. Our study population consisted of 27 female and 23 male healthy subjects, aged 14–60 years, all of whom resided in 34 homes in southern Bavaria. In these 34 residences the air was sampled using glass fiber filters and polyurethane foams and the dust was collected from used vacuum cleaner bags.The median (95th percentile) daily dietary intake of six Tetra- to HeptaBDE congeners was 1.2 ng/kg b.w. (3.3 ng/kg b.w.) or 67.8 ng/day (208 ng/day) (calculated from the 7-day median values of each study subject). Concentrations in indoor air and dust (cumulative Tri- to DecaBDE congener readings) ranged from 8.2 to 477 pg/m³ (median: 37.8 pg/m³) and 36.6 to 1580 ng/g (median: 386 ng/g), respectively. For some congeners, we identified a significant correlation between air and dust levels.The median (95th percentile) blood concentration of total Tetra- to HexaBDE congener readings was 5.6 (13.2) ng/g lipid. No significant sex differences were observed, but higher blood concentrations were found in younger participants. Using a simplified toxicokinetic model to predict the body burden from exposure doses led to results that were of the same order of magnitude as the measured blood concentrations.Based on these measurements and given our exposure assumptions, we estimated for the total tetra- to heptabrominated congener count an average (high) comprehensive total daily intake of 1.2 ng/kg b.w. (2.5 ng/kg b.w.). Overall, our results suggest that dietary exposure is the dominant intake pathway at least in our study population, responsible for 97% (average intake) and 95% (high intake) of the total intake of an adult population.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new general, process-based river model for substances such as radionuclides from single pulse fallouts. The new model has been critically tested using data from 13 European rivers contaminated by radiocesium from the Chernobyl accident. This modelling approach gives radionuclide concentrations in water (total, dissolved and particulate phases; and also concentrations in sediments and fish, but the latter aspects are not discussed in this paper) at defined river sites. The model is based on processes in the upstream river stretch and in the upstream catchment area. The catchment area is differentiated into inflow ( approximately dry land) areas and outflow ( approximately wetland) areas. The model also accounts for time-dependent fixation of substances in the catchment. The catchment area sub-model is based on a previous catchment model, which has been tested with very good results for radiocesium, radiostrontium and Ca-concentrations (from liming operations). The new river model is simple to apply in practice since all driving variables may be readily accessed from maps and standard monitoring programs. The driving variables are: latitude, altitude, continentality, catchment area, mean annual precipitation, soil type (percentages or organic and sandy soils), fallout and month of fallout. Modelled values have been compared to independent empirical data from 10 rivers sites (91 data on radiocesium in water) covering a wide domain (catchment areas from 4000 to 180 000 km(2), precipitation from 500 to 960 mm/yr and fallout from 1700 to 660 000 Bq/m(2)). The new model predicts very well--when modelled values are compared to empirical data, the slope is perfect (1.0) and the r(2)-value is 0.90. This is good giving the fact that there are also uncertainties in the empirical data, which set a limit to the achieved predictive power, as expressed by the r(2)-value.  相似文献   

The appearance of Steven Schwarze's essay, “Environmental Melodrama” (Schwarze, 2006) as the lead article in a recent issue of The Quarterly Journal of Speech marks an important moment of recognition for environmental communication scholarship. Schwarze's essay demonstrates how studies of environmental rhetoric can contribute to rhetorical theory more generally, while addressing practical questions regarding the rhetorical aspects of environmental conflict. The contributors to this forum respond to Schwarze's arguments, drawing in part upon their own case studies of rhetorical action and narrative in environmental conflict.  相似文献   

Most models for transfers of radionuclides through the food chain typically assume that the radioactivity is initially deposited in chemically available forms. It is known, however, that releases of radionuclides in the form of hot particles may significantly influence their environmental transfers and uptake to the food chain. This study presents models for time changes in 90Sr and 137Cs in milk which incorporate hot particle contamination using observed rates of hot particle dissolution following the Chernobyl accident. A general equation is presented for the influence of hot particles on overall ingestion doses. As expected from previous work, fallout of hot particles significantly influences time changes in radionuclide activity concentrations in foodstuffs. It is also shown that incorporation of radionuclides in hot particles influences time-integrated ingestion doses. For a situation in which a large proportion (90–100%) of fallout is in slowly dissolving hot particles, time-integrated ingestion doses from 90Sr and 137Cs are reduced by a factor of approximately two compared to the case where all radioactivity is deposited in bioavailable forms. However, the influence of rapidly dissolving hot particles on time-integrated ingestion doses is relatively minor. Remaining significant uncertainties in dose estimates are discussed.  相似文献   

Development of benthic communities on rocks from the interdisciplinary test site near Cape Berezovyi (southern Baikal) is analyzed. Rock plates were placed on the bottom in the shallow-water zone of Baikal for six months, and a community consisting of microorganisms, microphytobenthos, and meiobenthos developed on them. The development and activity of hydrobionts depended on the chemical composition and structure of the rock. Marble and granite plates were populated by them more selectively than amphibolite plates. It is supposed that the biota plays an important role in destruction of rocks in the shallow-water zone of Baikal.  相似文献   

21世纪我国国土资源可持续利用的形势及战略措施   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
本文分析了我国国土资源可持续利用的形势,指出了国土资源在经济发展中的地位和作用,提出了国土资源可持续利用的任务和战略措施。  相似文献   

It was shown that along the Eastern Ural Radioactive Trace central axis, about 100 km in length, decrease of the 90Sr and 137Cs deposition densities in soil samples may be described as an exponential function. At the western and eastern periphery of the trace, 90Sr contents in soils approached to the background level due to global fallout. 90Sr and 137Cs concentrations in seeds of some herbaceous plants have been determined. The radionuclide concentrations and the resulting dose loads upon plant seeds showed an excess over the background level of about two or three orders of magnitude.  相似文献   

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