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以粮食作物为研究对象,利用核密度函数系统分析 2002~2016 年中国粮食生产中土地节约型与劳动节约型两类农业技术要素投入的时空分异特征,并选用多元线性回归方法分析其影响因素。结果显示:(1)2002~2016 年中国粮食生产农业技术要素投入逐年增加。其中,土地节约型技术要素投入变化较为平稳,劳动节约型技术要素投入则大幅上升。(2)土地节约型技术要素投入高值省份集中在华北地区,低值省份主要分布在南方地区。劳动节约型技术要素投入高值地区主要位于我国北方,其中以东北为最高,低值省份则多分布于西南;劳动节约型技术要素投入增幅高于土地节约型。(3)土地节约型技术要素投入的空间差异呈减小趋势,而劳动节约型技术要素投入的空间差异则显著扩大。(4)耕地经营规模和劳动力转移率对两类型技术要素投入均作用显著。同时,土地节约型技术要素投入还易受种植业比重的影响,而劳动节约型技术要素投入则受劳动力素质和城乡收入差距的影响较大。应施行差别化的农业发展政策,提高技术要素投入的效用水平,促进农业生产率的整体增长。  相似文献   

基于江西省2007~2016年地级市面板数据,借鉴经典要素错配模型,测度省内11个地级市农业生产要素错配,实证检验相关因素对要素错配的影响。结果表明:3类农业生产要素错配中,总体要素错配最大,其次是资本错配,劳动力错配最小。从空间分布来看,各地市要素错配存在较大差异,劳动力错配离散程度先减后增,资本错配和总体要素错配离散程度降低。时间上来看,各地市3类错配均经历了先增后减的变化过程,要素错配有所改善,部分地市在测度期内要素错配波动较大。影响因素的实证分析结果显示:支农财政、工业化水平、农业劳动力占比、人均化肥投入有利于降低农业生产要素错配,而人均耕地规模正向影响了要素错配,农业生产的规模效应未充分发挥。为提高农业生产要素的配置效率,应着重改善资本错配,继续完善支农财政金融政策,提高其与区域资源禀赋的耦合度,鼓励生产要素回流到农业部门,优化要素投入配比,充分发挥农业规模经营的优势,促进农业科技进步和技术创新。  相似文献   

本文基于2007—2015年中国省际面板数据,运用全局DEA方法测算了全要素农业用水效率,并利用Global-Malmquist指数法分解得到各省技术进步指数和效率追赶指数;分别在地理邻接、地理距离和地理经济距离嵌套三种空间权重矩阵下运用空间面板Durbin模型估计技术进步、效率追赶对农业用水效率的空间效应。研究发现:技术进步和效率追赶均对本省农业用水效率有显著的提升作用,且前者对提升农业用水效率的促进作用更大;技术创新的外部性使得其他地区的技术进步对本省农业用水效率存在显著的正向空间溢出效应,而且溢出效应并不仅仅发生在邻接省份之间,地理因素对于溢出效应发挥的作用要比经济因素的作用大;其他地区的效率追赶行为对本省农业用水效率的空间溢出效应并不显著。区域层面的实证结果表明:在东部地区,其他省份的技术进步对本省的空间溢出效应显著为正,而效率追赶引发的竞争冲击则会对本省农业用水效率产生显著为负的空间溢出效应;在中部地区,技术进步在地理距离邻近的溢出模式下能产生显著为正的空间效应,其他省份的效率追赶行为对农业用水效率的空间溢出效应则不显著;在西部地区,在邻近地区间经济发展水平相似的情况下,其他省份技术进步会对本省农业用水效率产生显著的正向空间溢出效应,效率追赶的间接效应则不显著。这意味着,要想全面、长期地提高农业用水效率,应加强农业生产、农业节水的科技支撑,加大节水灌溉等农田水利设施的投入;推进地区之间农业技术交流和农业生产的相互协作;在农业技术交流和生产协作过程中,应采取因地制宜、多样化的交流和协作模式,充分优化技术的扩散途径;邻近地区应适当差异化发展,避免过度竞争带来的效率损失。  相似文献   

通常采用生产函数或成本函数研究生产者行为时,一般默认生产者总是在生产可能性边界安排生产,而忽略了由于产出的经济无效率所造成的偏差,这种偏差最终会影响要素替代弹性、要素最优配置及产出效率的准确测度.本文采用面板模型的三要素成本函数循环参数估计法,通过施加规模报酬不变的假设,估算了辽宁省工业部门二类行业的相对技术无效率、配置无效率程度及要素间的相对价格扭曲,并计算了资本、劳动、能源要素间的交叉替代弹性.结果表明:辽宁省工业行业存在较为严重的产出端技术无效率,而在要素投入的配置效率环节,能源要素存在一定程度的过度消耗.因此,通过提升技术效率,在要素投入水平不变的前提下,能大幅改善产出水平,这将是辽宁省完成节能降耗指标的主要途径.  相似文献   

我国全要素能源效率及其收敛性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
传统单要素能源效率测度指标,只是能源投入与产出之间的关系,无法测度其他的投入要素组合对于能源效率的影响,忽略了GDP产出是由能源与资本、劳动力等相互可替代的要素投入共同组合的结果,具有比较明显的缺陷。而DEA模型可以综合考虑能源、资本和劳动因素以测度我国能源效率。本文采用中国大陆29个省市的面板数据,运用基于投入导向的规模报酬不变DEA模型,分析比较了1995-2006年各个省份、全国整体及三大区域的全要素能源效率。其结果表明我国地区全要素能源效率由西到东逐步提高,且全国和三大区域的能源效率在1999-2002年间有所波动,但总体均呈现出上升的趋势。通过进一步对全国整体及东中西三大区域进行全要素能源效率收敛性的分析,发现我国整体和东中部的能源效率呈现向一个稳态收敛的发展趋势,而西部则有微弱发散的趋势。  相似文献   

本文采用2001-2010年全国30个省份有关粮食生产的面板数据,基于粮食生产区域分异视角,运用随机前沿生产函数模型对我国粮食主产区、主销区、平衡区种粮技术效率进行了测算,然后将反映农村劳动力资源变迁的变量纳入技术非效率模型,比较分析了不同区域农村劳动力数量及质量变化对种粮技术效率的影响。结果表明:1农村劳动力非农转移对粮食生产技术效率的提高有显著正向积极作用,就区域影响程度来看,平衡区主产区主销区,说明在粮食平衡区劳动力转移对粮食生产效率有较大的提升作用,意味着在该区域存在较多的农村剩余劳动力;2农村人力资本水平对粮食生产技术效率也具高度显著的正向影响,但影响力度不大,表明我国农村劳动力资源存在着质量意义的过剩现象,同时也揭示了我国农业生产技术进步在很大程度上属于非技能偏态技术进步;3在技术效率水平上,全国及三大区域都呈现出浮动上涨趋势,效率水平不断提高,其中以主销区平均技术效率最高,主产区次之,平衡区最低。  相似文献   

循环农业生产技术效率外生性决定因素分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
农户是循环农业最直接的生产主体,农户生产技术效率受多种因素影响和制约.本文以湖北省六个国家和省级生态农业试点县市区为研究范围,借助农户调查的微观面板数据,运用随机前沿生产函数模型、因子分析法和OLS方法,建立"循环农业农户生产技术效率外生性决定因素回归模型",从计量角度测量了各种外生性因素对循环农业农户技术效率的影响情况.研究结果表明:一是户主特征、家庭特征、地理位置和环境设施等因子对农户生产技术效率没有显著影响,但政府、农业技术协会和农业企业对农户生产技术效率具有重要影响.其中,农业企业和技术协会为直接影响,政府为间接影响.二是"政府+协会+农户",以及"政府+企业+协会+农户"的发展模式对提高农户技术效率具有更明显的效果.对此,本文认为,必须将农户、各级地方政府、企业和农业技术协会联合起来,做到四位一体整体推进,共同促进循环农业的发展.  相似文献   

考虑非合意产出的水资源利用效率及影响因素研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水资源可持续利用是我国经济社会发展的战略问题,其核心是提高水资源利用效率。本文使用1999-2009中国30个省区市际面板数据,选取基于投入导向的DEA模型,测算出含有非合意性产出的全要素水资源利用效率,并以此为基础,采用Tobit回归模型分析中国和分区域水资源利用效率的影响因素。研究结果表明:我国全要素水资源利用效率均值呈现下降-上升-再下降的趋势,且东部、中部、西部水资源利用效率依次递减;我国全要素水资源效率呈发散趋势,各省份之间效率的差距在扩大;经济水平、水资源价格对全要素水资源效率有显著的正向作用,而产业结构和政府影响力却有显著的负向影响。  相似文献   

本文在使用单元调查评估法对中国农业污染物排放量进行核算的基础上,结合SBM模型、方向性距离函数和GML指数,对1995-2013年中国农业生产效率和全要素生产率进行测算,考察农业生产污染对农业经济增长绩效的影响。结果表明:1不考虑污染因素的农业经济增长核算方法忽略了农业生产污染造成的损失,导致农业全要素生产率被高估近一倍;2投入冗余和污染过度是农业生产无效率的主要来源,且后者对其影响更为明显;3中国农业生产率增长主要来自技术进步,技术效率对其促进作用有限;4考虑污染成本与否会对各地经济增长绩效评价产生较大影响,忽略污染因素可能导致政策偏误。  相似文献   

中国农业绿色全要素生产率测算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发展绿色农业需要准确而全面地掌握农业绿色发展现状,因此测算农业绿色全要素生产率成为一项重要的基础性研究工作。现有文献在投入产出指标选择上未达成统一认识,尤其对于非期望产出指标的选择争议较大,因此影响测算结论的科学性。本文在综合借鉴已有文献的基础上,依据中国农业的发展现实及统计数据的口径资料,对农业的投入产出指标进行重塑,着重分析了碳排放作为非期望产出的现实基础,利用基于SBM-DDF方法的Luenberger指数对2001—2015年中国31个省份的农业绿色全要素生产率进行测度,并分析其时空演变和收敛性。研究发现:(1)中国农业平均碳排放强度从2001年开始经历了小幅上升期和平衡期,并在2006年之后呈现出显著下降趋势,中部农业碳排放强度最高,西部最低。(2)碳排放的无效率和机械动力投入的无效率是各省农业绿色无效率的主要来源;与东部相比,中西部劳动投入的无效率性显著,尤其西部应该加快农业劳动力的转移。(3)中国农业绿色TFP年均增长率为1.56%,增长率在东中西部依次递减,在粮食主产区、主销区和平衡区依次下降。(4)除粮食主销区存在绝对β收敛外,全国、东中西部、其余粮食功能区均不存在绝对β收敛和σ收敛;但全国及各区域均存在显著的条件β收敛。结论启示,依靠提升绿色TFP来实现中国农业绿色发展尚有很大空间;农业绿色全要素生产率较低的省份应加强与"前沿省份"的交流与合作,通过引进先进农业生产技术和农业管理经验,逐步缩小与"前沿省份"的差距;特别对于粮食主产区,各省份间呈现出明显的两极分化现象,这不利于粮食生产安全。  相似文献   

During Balkan conflicts in 1994-1995, depleted uranium (DU) ordnance was employed and was left in the battlefield. Health concern is related to the risk arising from contamination of the environment with DU penetrators and dust. In order to evaluate the impact of DU on the environment and population in Bosnia and Herzegovina, radiological survey of DU in biological and water samples were carried out over the period 12-24 October 2002. The uranium isotopic concentrations in biological samples collected in Bosnia and Herzegovina, mainly lichens, mosses and barks, were found to be in the range of 0.27-35.7 Bq kg(-1) for (238)U, 0.24-16.8 Bq kg(-1) for (234)U, and 0.02-1.11 Bq kg(-1) for (235)U, showing uranium levels to be higher than in the samples collected at the control site. Moreover, the (236)U in some of the samples was detectable. The isotopic ratios of (234)U/(238)U showed DU to be detectable in many biological samples at most sites examined, but in very low levels. The presence of DU in the biological samples was as a result of DU contamination in air. The uranium concentrations in water samples collected in Bosnia and Herzegovina were found to be in the range of 0.27-16.2 m Bq l(-1) for (238)U, 0.41-15.6 m Bq l(-1) for (234)U and 0.012-0.695 m Bq l(-1) for (235)U, and two water samples were observed to be DU positive; these values are much lower than those in mineral water found in central Italy and below the WHO guideline for public drinking water. From radiotoxicological point of view, at this moment there is no significant radiological risk related to these investigated sites in terms of possible DU contamination of water and/or plants.  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Ecology - The present study was conducted to investigate the n-alkane composition of typical alpine meadows. Plant and soil samples were collected and analyzed to characterize...  相似文献   

Fate and transport of pathogens in lakes and reservoirs   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Outbreaks of water-borne disease via public water supplies continue to be reported in developed countries even though there is increased awareness of, and treatment for, pathogen contamination. Pathogen episodes in lakes and reservoirs are often associated with rain events, and the riverine inflow is considered to be major source of pathogens. Consequently, the behaviour of these inflows is of particular importance in determining pathogen transport and distribution. Inflows are controlled by their density relative to that of the lake, such that warm inflows will flow over the surface of the lake as a buoyant surface flow and cold, dense inflows will sink beneath the lake water where they will flow along the bathymetry towards the deepest point. The fate of pathogens is determined by loss processes including settling and inactivation by temperature, UV and grazing. The general trend is for the insertion timescale to be shortest, followed by sedimentation losses and temperature inactivity. The fate of Cryptosporidium due to UV light inactivation can occur at opposite ends of the scale, depending on the location of the oocysts in the water column and the extinction coefficient for UV light. For this reason, the extinction coefficient for UV light appears to be a vitally important parameter for determining the risk of Cryptosporidium contamination. For risk assessment of pathogens in supply reservoirs, it is important to understand the role of hydrodynamics in determining the timescale of transport to the off-take relative to the timescale of inactivation. The characteristics of the riverine intrusion must also be considered when designing a sampling program for pathogens. A risk management framework is presented that accounts for pathogen fate and transport for reservoirs.  相似文献   

本文主要是为中欧可再生能源电力安全合作路径提供相关的政策建议。通过中欧双方可再生能源政策的相互比较,得到以下结论:1中国能源密度下跌的原因是节能减排政策的实施使用,不断提高能源效率和减排将是未来中国政府的核心任务;2把新能源外交与能源节约联系在一起,与欧盟之间加强中欧新能源合作,抓住机会引进新能源技术、设备和成果,以加强我们在新能源领域的竞争力;3建立战略目标和政策协调机制,以促进新能源外交政策的梳理,协同推进新能源外交战略目标的发展;4探索欧盟与中国的合作新机制,减少现有的国际机构或政府新成立的多边集团对短期商品价格冲击的影响,缓解短期的商品供应缺口和价格冲击;5在维护能源安全上,中欧双方有着共同的利益,也面临共同挑战。与欧盟在能源技术、能效管理、标准、法规、能源市场和监管等方面合作,推动中国节能和增效,对控制能源消费总量,实现能源生产和利用方式变革等都具有现实意义。  相似文献   

We studied villagers with and without diabetes from arsenic-endemic areas and a nearby control site in Xinjiang Autonomous Region, PR China. Water and urinary arsenic were assayed for exposure measurement. Urinary NAG (N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase), a kidney function test, blood glucose, triglyceride, cholesterol, high density lipid and low density lipid were measured. Villagers from endemic areas were found to have higher urinary arsenic concentrations. The NAG results also suggest that chronic arsenic exposure presents a significant adverse impact on the kidney function of villagers in the endemic areas. However, blood glucose levels of diabetes individuals were lower than those from the control site. These observations were validated in rats which were chronically exposed to arsenic in drinking water. The distinct relationship between chronic arsenic exposure and diabetes mellitus requires further investigation. A rodent model is a useful tool for study of this type.  相似文献   

Lead is still widely used in many industrial processes and is very persistent in the environment. Although toxic effects caused by occupational exposure to lead have been extensively studied, there are still conflicting results regarding its genotoxicity. In a previous pilot study we observed some genotoxic effects in a population of lead exposed workers. Thus, we extended our study analysing a larger population, increasing the number of genotoxicity endpoints, and including a set of 20 genetic polymorphisms related to lead toxicokinetics and DNA repair as susceptibility biomarkers. Our population comprised 148 workers from two Portuguese factories and 107 controls. The parameters analysed were: blood lead levels (BLL) and δ-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (ALAD) activity as exposure biomarkers, and T-cell receptor (TCR) mutation assay, micronucleus (MN) test, comet assay and OGG1-modified comet assay as genotoxicity biomarkers. Lead exposed workers showed markedly higher BLL and lower ALAD activity than the controls, and significant increases of TCR mutation frequency (TCR-Mf), MN rate and DNA damage. Oxidative damage did not experience any significant alteration in the exposed population. Besides, significant influence was observed for VDR rs1544410 polymorphism on BLL; APE1 rs1130409 and LIG4 rs1805388 polymorphisms on TCR-Mf; MUTYH rs3219489, XRCC4 rs28360135 and LIG4 rs1805388 polymorphisms on comet assay parameter; and OGG1 rs1052133 and XRCC4 rs28360135 polymorphisms on oxidative damage. Our results showed genotoxic effects related to occupational lead exposure to levels under the Portuguese regulation limit of 70μg/dl. Moreover, a significant influence of polymorphisms in genes involved in DNA repair on genotoxicity biomarkers was observed.  相似文献   

Soil samples collected from locations in Kosovo where depleted uranium (DU) ammunition was expended during the 1999 Balkan conflict were analysed for uranium and plutonium isotopes content (234U, 235U, 236U, 238U, 238Pu, (239 + 240)Pu). The analyses were conducted using gamma spectrometry (235U, 238U), alpha spectrometry (238Pu, (239 + 240)Pu), inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) (234U, 235U, 236U, 238U) and accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) (236U)). The results indicated that whenever the U concentration exceeded the normal environmental values (approximately 2 to 3 mg/kg) the increase was due to DU contamination. 236U was also present in the released DU at a constant ratio of 236U (mg/kg)/238U (mg/kg) = 2.6 x 10(-5), indicating that the DU used in the ammunition was from a batch that had been irradiated and then reprocessed. The plutonium concentration in the soil (undisturbed) was about 1 Bq/kg and, on the basis of the measured 238Pu/(239 + 240)Pu, could be entirely attributed to the fallout of the nuclear weapon tests of the 1960s (no appreciable contribution from DU).  相似文献   

Eight organic UV filters and stabilizers were quantitatively determined in wastewater sludge and effluent, landfill leachate, sediments, and marine and freshwater biota. Crab, prawn and cod from Oslofjord, and perch, whitefish and burbot from Lake Mjøsa were selected in order to evaluate the potential for trophic accumulation. All of the cod livers analysed were contaminated with at least 1 UV filter, and a maximum concentration of almost 12 μg/g wet weight for octocrylene (OC) was measured in one individual. 80% of the cod livers contained OC, and approximately 50% of cod liver and prawn samples contained benzophenone (BP3). Lower concentrations and detection frequencies were observed in freshwater species and the data of most interest is the 4 individual whitefish that contained both BP3 and ethylhexylmethoxycinnamate (EHMC) with maximum concentrations of almost 200 ng/g wet weight. The data shows a difference in the loads of UV filters entering receiving water dependent on the extent of wastewater treatment. Primary screening alone is insufficient for the removal of selected UV filters (BP3, Padimate, EHMC, OC, UV-234, UV-327, UV-328, UV-329). Likely due in part to the hydrophobic nature of the majority of the UV filters studied, particulate loading and organic carbon content appear to be related to concentrations of UV filters in landfill leachate and an order of magnitude difference in these parameters correlates with an order of magnitude difference in the effluent concentrations of selected UV filters (Fig. 2). From the data, it is possible that under certain low flow conditions selected organic UV filters may pose a risk to surface waters but under the present conditions the risk is low, but some UV filters will potentially accumulate through the trophic food chain.  相似文献   

中国实施生态旅游认证的机遇与挑战   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
在界定生态旅游认证、分析建立生态旅游认证体系意义的基础上.对绿色环球21、澳大利亚的NEAP、厄瓜多尔的Smart Voyager等目前国际知名的认证体系进行了介绍.重点分析了中国实施生态旅游认证的机遇和面临的挑战,并对我国建立生态旅游认证体系的必要性及相关问题提出了建议。  相似文献   

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