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环境标志是政府管理部门或非政府组织(团体)向有关申报者颁发并表明其产品或服务符合国际或国家环境标准与保护要求的特定标志。我国目前已经形成了以绿色食品标志与有机食品标志为代表的农产品环境标志制度、以中国环境标志为代表的制造业及建筑产品环境标志制度和以能效标识为代表的能效标识制度,以及低碳产品认证制度。我国环境标志产品生产与出口取得了显著成绩,但与发展水平高的国家和地区比较,还存在较大的发展差距。  相似文献   
随着天津市风电装备制造业的强劲发展,国内外知名风电整机和零部件配套企业纷纷向本市集聚。日前,引进全球领先核心技术风电设备核心部件制造企业——计划总投资16亿元的华建天恒传  相似文献   
各有关委、局,区(县)节能主管部门、财政局、中央驻津单位、市属集团公司、国家重点耗能千家企业、高效照明推广企业和有关单位:根据财政部、国家发展改革委关于印发《高效照明产品推广财政补贴资金管理暂行办法》的通知(财建〔2007〕1027号)规定,按照国家发展改革委、  相似文献   
环境产品与服务贸易自由化是目前世贸组织( WTO)贸易与环境特会(CTESS)贸易与环境议题的谈判重心,虽然成员在自由化方式、单一和多用途、特殊和差别待遇等问题上存在分歧,但其中环境议题是最可能为各方接受的议题之一.我国一直紧密跟踪谈判并做应对准备,2011年4月15日我国与印度联合向WTO秘书处提交了“解决发展问题,实现三赢目标”的提案,本文对该提案进行了初步解读.  相似文献   
刘玉凤 《环境保护》2011,(16):60-61
改革开放以来,葫芦岛市的畜禽养殖业得以迅猛发展,其环境污染问题也日益凸显。大多数规模化畜禽养殖场没有污染治理设施,畜禽粪污未经任何处理即就地排放,水体和空气质量都受到了不同程度的污染。  相似文献   
The aim of the research was to develop new products and processes from a manufacturing waste from an Italian metallurgic company. The company produced thin silver metallic films and the production scraps were silver flakes. The possibility to use the silver flakes in water disinfection processes was studied. The antimicrobial activity of the flakes was investigated in batch using Escherichia coli as Gram-negative microorganism model. The flakes did not show any antimicrobial activity, so they were activated with two different processes: thermal activation in reducing atmosphere and chemical activation, obtaining, respectively, reduced flakes (RF) and chemical flakes (CF). The flakes, activated with either treatment, showed antimicrobial activity against E. coli. The kill rate was dependent on the type of activated flakes. The chemical flakes were more efficient than reduced flakes. The kill rate determined for 1 g of CF, 1.0 ± 0.2 min−1, was greater than the kill rate determined for 1 g of RF, 0.069 ± 0.004 min−1. This was confirmed also by the minimum inhibitory concentration values. It was demonstrated that the antimicrobial capability was dependent on flakes amount and on the type of aqueous medium. Furthermore, the flakes maintained their properties also when used a second time. Finally, the antimicrobial activities of flakes were tested in an effluent of a wastewater treatment plant where a variety of heterotrophic bacteria were present.  相似文献   
UV-induced degradation of odorous dimethyl sulfide (DMS) was carried out in a static White cell chamber with UV irradiation. The combination of in situ Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectrometer, gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer (GC-MS), wide-range particle spectrometer (WPS) technique, filter sampling and ion chromatographic (IC) analysis was used to monitor the gaseous and potential particulate products. During 240 min of UV irradiation, the degradation e ciency of DMS attained 20.9%, and partially oxidized sulfur-containing gaseous products, such as sulfur dioxide (SO2), carbonyl sulfide (OCS), dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), dimethyl sulfone (DMSO2) and dimethyl disulfide (DMDS) were identified by in situ FT-IR and GC-MS analysis, respectively. Accompanying with the oxidation of DMS, suspended particles were directly detected to be formed by WPS techniques. These particles were measured mainly in the size range of accumulation mode, and increased their count median diameter throughout the whole removal process. IC analysis of the filter samples revealed that methanesulfonic acid (MSA), sulfuric acid (H2SO4) and other unidentified chemicals accounted for the major non-refractory compositions of these particles. Based on products analysis and possible intermediates formed, the degradation pathways of DMS were proposed as the combination of the O(1D)- and the OH- initiated oxidation mechanisms. A plausible formation mechanism of the suspended particles was also analyzed. It is concluded that UV-induced degradation of odorous DMS is potentially a source of particulate pollutants in the atmosphere.  相似文献   
再过十来天就是春节了!受几千年传统文化的影响,中国人过年总爱与吉祥、如意和福禄之类的祝福挂钩。文玩市场应该说是许多人在春节前乃至春节期间十分乐意光顾的地方。但最近有媒体报道说,在北京的文玩市场,一直以来很受顾客青睐的手捻儿葫芦(寓意福禄)几乎全是美国品种。  相似文献   
人们常讲,企业可持续发展利己利人。企业点"绿"成金,既可保护环境也可成就自己。这道理听起来很轻松悦耳,但真要落到实处往往困难重重,因为这涉及到市场分析、产品设计、生产管理、市场营销等复杂环节。有些环节的微观机理是不容易陈述清楚的。市场营销便是如此:为何消费者青睐绿色产品?为何企业要在消费群体中塑造负责任的环保形象?传统的市场营销理论并没有对此给出明确解释。营销之父菲利普·科特勒的最新力作《市场营销3.0:从企业到  相似文献   
与建筑相关的能源消耗和温室气体排放在总能源消耗和人为温室气体排放中占有很高的比例。IPCC(政府间气候变化专门委员会)报告指出,建筑部门在2004年造成了全球近30%的二氧化碳排放。美国能源信息署(EIA)则认为,2007年全球能源消耗中约有29%与建筑相关。对中国而言,与建筑相关的能源消耗约占全国商品  相似文献   
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