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规划环境影响评价中公众参与探讨研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公众参与作为规划环境影响评价的重要组成部分,具有重要的作用和意义。公众参与可以提高规划环境影响评价的有效性、提高规划的合理性及环保性。结合规划环评的应用实例,归纳了规划环评公众参与的参与对象、参与形式等,指出目前规划环评公众参与在应用中存在公众参与对象局限、规定和程序不明确、公民环保意识差等问题,建议采用多种形式开展公众参与环评,同时建议相关部门制定法律条文等进一步明确公众参与环评的规定和程序,提高信息公开度和民众的环保意识。  相似文献   

环境意识内涵与环境教育目标   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
要想有效解决日益严重的环境问题,必须进一步提高公众的环境意识。环境意识的形成,需要通过教育的手段来实现。增强环境意识首先应该正确认识和理解环境意识的内涵。同时,它也是确立环境教育目标的重要依据。文章通过环境意识的基本内涵(认识意识和参与意识)的分析,提出了环境教育应达到的4个目标:知识目标、价值目标、道德目标和行为目标,并为更好地完成这些目标提出了建议。  相似文献   

An aggregated farm-level index, the Agri-environmental Footprint Index (AFI), based on multiple criteria methods and representing a harmonised approach to evaluation of EU agri-environmental schemes is described. The Index uses a common framework for the design and evaluation of policy that can be customised to locally relevant agri-environmental issues and circumstances. Evaluation can be strictly policy-focused, or broader and more holistic in that context-relevant assessment criteria that are not necessarily considered in the evaluated policy can nevertheless be incorporated. The Index structure is flexible, and can respond to diverse local needs. The process of Index construction is interactive, engaging farmers and other relevant stakeholders in a transparent decision-making process that can ensure acceptance of the outcome, help to forge an improved understanding of local agri-environmental priorities and potentially increase awareness of the critical role of farmers in environmental management. The structure of the AFI facilitates post-evaluation analysis of relative performance in different dimensions of the agri-environment, permitting identification of current strengths and weaknesses, and enabling future improvement in policy design. Quantification of the environmental impact of agriculture beyond the stated aims of policy using an ‘unweighted’ form of the AFI has potential as the basis of an ongoing system of environmental audit within a specified agricultural context.  相似文献   

随着环境污染形势的加剧、社会民众环保意识的提高,环境维权开始在中国逐渐发展起来,虽然目前仍处于初级阶段,面临着诉讼维权困难、相关体制不健全等众多问题,但环境维权在新形势下已经呈现出诸多新的特征.本文通过对常州外国语学校"常外"事件进行分析,阐述了中国目前环境维权事件所具备的新特征,并在此基础上,从转变政府职能、拓展利益诉求渠道、加强法治力度三个角度出发,对政府管理提出相关建议,希望能够完善环境维权制度、促进环境维权在中国的健康发展.  相似文献   

大连市海岛环境意识调查与环境教育对策研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对大连市长兴岛、大长山岛部分学生进行海岛生态安全环境意识问卷调查,通过定性与定量分析(主成分分析),了解当前海岛生态环境现状及居民环境意识、环境行为和环境意愿,为海岛可持续发展与学校环境教育研究提供重要的理论基础。希望这次问卷调查能为将来环境教育的实施提供一定的理论依据,同时也影响、改善学生的环境行为,促进环境行为和环境意识的协调发展,为提高学生的环境素养和探寻合理的环境教育模式提出建议。  相似文献   

With the increase in awareness of environmental issues, the level of environmental disclosure and stakeholder demands for environmental information is increasing. New developments in the ISO 14000 standards also make it more evident that a company's environmental performance as well as its environmental reporting should be considered as strategic issues in business strategy. Especially for a developing country like Malaysia, many companies are under external pressures to improve their environmental performance.In this study, a review on the image and environmental disclosure, together with the challenges in environmental information management and a short case study are presented. Subsequently, the paper explores some of the strategic implications of environmental reporting as an important tool for improved environmental management.  相似文献   

澳大利亚是世界上环境质量最好的国家之一,政府建立了专门的环保机构,就在生物多样性、湿地及其他环境保护方面制定了一系列法律法规,做到依法行政,使各项措施有章可循;健全机构,明确职责;设立自然遗产保护基金;加强降水管理,节约用水,有效利用水资源;重视环保教育,提高全民的环保意识.实行法律、经济和行政手段并用,直接和间接相结合的环境管理方式.  相似文献   

为提高全民综合素质,高校思想政治教育提出创新发展.与此同时,环境污染问题亟待解决,为从根本上改善和保护环境,对全民环境保护意识进行培养至关重要.首先分析高校思想政治教育创新发展历程,说明高校思想政治教育创新发展势在必行的原因,依据其发展准则,制定其创新内容.再对目前全民环保意识现状进行评估,差异性环境教育及较低的国民素质急需对全民环保意识进行培养.分析高校思想政治教育的环保价值,结合环境保护意识培养实现的效果,得出高校思想政治教育创新发展对环境保护意识培养有极大的促进作用.  相似文献   

本文重点介绍了美国环境教育的现状,美国环境教育是提高全民思想道德素质和科学文化素质的一项基本手段。尤其是在当前我国正大力倡导提高、加强全民族思想道德素质,特别是青少年思想道德素质方面有借鉴作用。他山之石,可以攻玉。通过立法和严格执行规范环境教育是美国环境教育的一条成功经验。  相似文献   

The need for and the benefits of a more sustainable approach to business management have been widely discussed in the literature. Many organizations have engaged in environmental management initiatives to improve their environmental performance and have found other benefits to the process, such as financial savings and reduced risk of liability. However, many constraints can inhibit the transformation to an environmentally conscious and responsible organization. These constraints include issues related to organizational culture and change management. To overcome these constraints and succeed in implementing a successful environmental management initiative, the literature suggests the importance for members of the organization of understanding the environmental impacts and policies of the organization through participation in environmental awareness training efforts that produces enduring knowledge and commitment. Armed with this knowledge, employees can then understand how the environment can affect and be affected by their duties and decisions. Various companies have used different approaches to environmental management training. It is important that organizations evaluate the efficiency of their training investment to ensure that the benefits will be generated. A case study of two electricity companies is used to illustrate the importance of evaluating environmental awareness efforts. The results of the study suggest that the training performed did not sufficiently increase employee environmental awareness of the company's environmental impacts despite a considerable time and financial investment in a one-time environmental awareness training program. Results are briefly discussed and recommendations are made to improve the results of the training investment.  相似文献   

针对昆明市世博、新迎片烟尘控制区环境监测中存在的问题,提出了解决方法加强环保宣传,提高环境意识;加强人员素质培养,提高管理水平;加强除尘脱硫技术的研究和推广,从源头抓起,减少污染等,这样,才能管理好烟尘控制区,真正达到烟尘控制的目的.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the evolution of an inter-organizational partnership between Ball State University and local organizations to develop the Second Chance Game (SCG), an environmental education sustainability awareness game that has been tested with sixth grade students in Muncie, Indiana and that has become a part of the educational program of the Minnetrista Cultural Center and Oakhurst Gardens. The SCG game helps students discover how to live responsibly on the land, and to understand that every decision they make (to obtain and process food, mine or harvest resources, build shelters, produce and consume products) has an impact on local and regional systems and resource-flows. In this paper, partnerships are presented as a strategy to help organizations deal with similar challenges and also as a strategy to increase global awareness about environmental issues and to build environmental responsibility. The authors discuss partnerships using the SCG as a case study. First, the authors review the process of formation, evolution, and maintenance of the partnership to design the SCG game and other components. They then present the game and a stand-alone preparatory program for middle school teachers to help their students play the game, as specific products. The paper closes with a reflection about the potential of partnerships for sustainable development initiatives between universities and local stakeholders.  相似文献   

为了提高中国公民的环保意识,需对环保类平面广告的设计和制作进行研究。对中国的环境污染问题进行分析,了解国内环保类平面广告的发展趋势。针对中国环保类平面广告设计中存在的设计风格死板、画面质感差、特征不鲜明、收入微薄、流动资金量小等问题,提出环保类平面广告的发展措施。设计环保类平面广告时,多加入时尚的元素改变传统环保类平面广告的设计风格,使环保类平面广告可以与时代结合,提高设计者的设计水平和能力,增加设计者对美学知识的储备。  相似文献   

环境条件评估法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环境评估方法众多。条件评估方法(Contingent Valuation Method.cVM)是近来较为常用的方法.它包括向人们询问因环境质量改善而愿意支付(Willingness to Pay.WTP)的最大数量:或者,询问因放弃环境质量改善而愿意接受(Willingness to Accept Compensation.WTAC)的最少补偿数额。介绍了CVM方法的基本步骤。并对相关问题进行初步探讨。  相似文献   

认为基层环境执法存在环境立法欠缺执行细则,基层环保执法队伍综合实力落后,环境执法体制名义不顺,地方保护主义,企业环境意识不高等问题。提出必须从完善环境立法,加强环境执法能力建设,理顺环境执法体制,打破地方保护主义,强化政府环境责任,加大对排污企业的监控力度等多方面齐发力,共谋对策。  相似文献   

探讨了环境危机传播管理工作的意义,并论述了加强此项工作是控制和化解环境危机的最关健环节。提高公众的环境危机意识和树立政府的公信力,在当今社会则显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

发展小城镇建设是一条适合我国国情的城市化道路,玉溪市小城镇建设的环境问题,是缺乏环境规划和环保能力薄弱,生活污染严重,乡镇企业布局分散,村镇建设与周围环境亲和性差。为此,应编制小城镇环境规划,加强与环境质量有关的基础设施建设和小城镇环保机构建设,解决认识上存在的问题,调整产业结构,树立可持续发展观念。  相似文献   

介绍了绿色港口的概念和特征,探讨了中国绿色港口发展现状,主要有对"绿色港口"认识不到位,绿色生态环保意识薄弱,港口规模过大超出环境承载,港口环保基础设施落后,港口环境保护法规及管理制度不完善和港口间恶性竞争忽视绿色港口建设,对促进中国绿色港口发展的政策分析,有转变港口企业管理理念积极培育绿色港口文化、制定出完善的评估指标体系、完善港口环保基础设施加快技术创新、改善环保法律规范、促进港口向规模化集约化和现代化发展。  相似文献   

公众参与直接体现着一个国家环境意识的发育程度,同时也体现着一个国家民主进程和政治文明发育的程度。在环境影响评价过程中,公众参与是一个重要的内容。本文从我国法律法规规定的角度介绍了我国环境影响评级制度中公众参与的发展历程,分析了公众参与在我国环境影响评价中的作用,对我国环评中公众参与的现状中存在的问题进行分析并提出了自己的看法:  相似文献   

常州市主城区居民环境意识调查剖析研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从人居行为模式、居住区环境评价、环境满意率、了解环保知识途径、环保开展程度、环境问题及建议等几方面展开了对常州市主城区居民环境意识的问卷调查,调查结果表明:乱扔垃圾、将洗衣机放置在阳台等行为仍然存在;相关性分析表明公众的环境满意率与其文化程度呈极显著相关关系,与性别和户籍呈显著相关关系,与年龄和收入水平的相关性不太明显;居民对河流水环境、大气环境、噪声环境、卫生环境、基础设施和小区管理等问题都有不同程度的不满.并从宣传教育、政策引导和环保执行力等方面给出改善居民环境的建议和措施.  相似文献   

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