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公众参与调查是环评编制的必需内容,江苏省的社会稳定风险评估工作中,环境保护是实施的重点领域之一。分析了社会稳定风险评估与环评公众参与二者之间形式上的相似性,以及在主管部门、工作标准、工作程序、编制单位上存在的不同之处,提出分析项目的环境可行性时,需两者兼顾,才更客观公正。  相似文献   

规划环评与建设项目环评之比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蔡春玲 《青海环境》2008,18(2):62-66
文章对规划环评和建设项目环评在评价目的、决策作用、评价方法、评价指标、评价内容等方面进行较为全面的比较和探讨,分析寻求建设项目环评和规划环评目前所存在的问题,以此来探求未来环评工作开展的思路,提出想法和建议。  相似文献   

环境污染和生态破坏是困扰当前城市发展的首要问题。受到公众意识、社会发展和管理体制等方面因素的制约,秦皇岛市海港区建设项目环境管理工作,存在环评审批工作压力大,建设项目环评率低,环保工程"三同时"制度落实难,"三同时"验收项目与建成项目数差大等问题。经研究分析,结合海港区实际,提出了坚持环境优先原则,严格环境准入,完善日常监管,抓好建设项目环保验收工作等对策与建议。  相似文献   

环评有效性问题的制度思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从我国环评的现状出发,探讨了我国环评在环评启动时间、建设项目分类环境管理、建设项目环境影响评价分级审批、环评报告内容和结论、公众参与等方面存在的问题,提出了明确环评启动时间、环评报告审批与稽查分离、环评机构和环评工程师市场化、提高公众参与的专业化程度的制度性建议。  相似文献   

当前我国的环评工作取得了长足进步,不管是在基础建设项目方面,还是技术改造项目方面,都发挥了重要作用。而我国正面临越来越严峻的环境形势,但现行的环评制度还存在诸多缺失,无法完全适应国家发展的需要。如何提高环评的地位和作用、促进环境影响评价法的修改和完善、增强环评工作的操作性和实效性,是当前我国开展环评工作所面临的重点问题。本文就这一问题提出完善我国环境影响评价制度,提高其有效性的对策建议和建设性意见。  相似文献   

建设项目环境影响评价分类管理制度明确了环评工作的内容和深度,但随着我国社会经济的发展,现有的分类管理名录暴露出一些不足之处,本文从行业细分调整、环境敏感区界定、公众参与范围确定、简化要求制定等方面对环境影响评价的分类管理制度进行探讨,并提出相关建议,以供决策者参考。  相似文献   

“放管服”背景下以环评为核心的环境准入体系面临工作周期长、制度效率低、结论可验证性差、社会认可度不高等诸多挑战。本文针对“三线一单”具有的早期介入和共享区域基础信息的工作特征,认为将“三线一单”纳入环境准入体系后可以更好地发挥系统性预防作用,提升政府的决策能力和环评工作效率,实现环境准入体系的高质量和高效率。在重构环境准入体系方面,提出了“三线一单”与规划环评和项目环评制度衔接的关键环节:明确三项制度不同的职责定位和责任主体、厘清三项制度的衔接环节,以及完善三项制度间的信息交互。  相似文献   

环境影响评价制度是环境保护行政主管部门对项目前期进行审批管理的最具权威性的手段,多年来一直发挥着非常积极的作用。这项制度在新时期又具有其特别的意义,落实“环保一票否决权”、实施排放污染物总量控制、促进集约化经营和产业布局的调整等新时期的工作任务都将通过环境影响评价来体现和实现。因此,实施好环境影响评价制度也就成了建设项目环境管理的关健。近年来,我国的环评水平不断提高.引进借鉴了世行、亚行及西方发达国家的新的管理模式和方法,但存在的问题也十分突出,如环评的实用性和可操作性不强、存在伪劣环评、环评市…  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国环境影响评价法》实施二十年以来,生态环境分区管控、规划环评、项目环评等制度共同筑牢了生态环境准入的防线,但也出现了管理边界不清晰、管理成效体现不足、制度联动机制保障不健全等问题,本文通过剖析典型规划中生态环境分区管控、规划环评、项目环评三项制度各自发挥的作用,调研部分地区管理实践,提出优化生态环境准入制度的对策建议:一是生态环境分区管控应发挥宏观引领和维护国家生态环境稳定的作用,与国民经济社会发展规划、生态环境保护规划等指导性规划同步研究、同期发布;二是规划环评应进一步筑牢“承上启下”的核心作用,上收部分规划环评的审查权限,提升规划环评文件质量,强化环评要求落实情况监督;三是项目环评应在生态环境准入制度体系中进一步优化简化,对环境影响可控、环保措施成熟的建设项目,可推动项目环评和排污许可两证合一,进一步强化建设主体的责任意识,通过制度整合发挥管理效能。  相似文献   

公路工程属易产生重大不良环境影响、易发生重大变动的建设项目,但由于重大变动判定标准不清晰、重新报批环评的时间节点不统一、变更环评文件形式和内容不规范等问题,导致环评违法违规现象频发,变更环评制度管理效能难以有效发挥。根据公路建设项目重大变动有关定义,结合环境影响评价技术导则、环境影响评价审批原则、公路建设项目工程特性,及调查和分析四川省公路建设项目环境影响重大变动重新报批情况,对公路建设项目环境影响重大变动环评要点进行归纳和总结,在一定程度上有利于环境影响评价制度的完善,可为公路建设项目重大变动环境影响评价文件的编制和审批提供思路。  相似文献   

Large-scale public infrastructure projects have featured in China’s modernization course since the early 1980s. During the early stages of China’s rapid economic development, public attention focused on the economic and social impact of high-profile construction projects. In recent years, however, we have seen a shift in public concern toward the environmental and ecological effects of such projects, and today governments are required to provide valid environmental impact assessments prior to allowing large-scale construction. The official requirement for the monitoring of environmental conditions has led to an increased number of debates in recent years regarding the effectiveness of Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) and Governmental Environmental Audits (GEAs) as environmental safeguards in instances of large-scale construction. Although EIA and GEA are conducted by different institutions and have different goals and enforcement potential, these two practices can be closely related in terms of methodology. This article cites the construction of the Qinghai–Tibet Railway as an instance in which EIA and GEA offer complementary approaches to environmental impact management. This study concludes that the GEA approach can serve as an effective follow-up to the EIA and establishes that the EIA lays a base for conducting future GEAs. The relationship that emerges through a study of the Railway’s construction calls for more deliberate institutional arrangements and cooperation if the two practices are to be used in concert to optimal effect.  相似文献   

最近颁布的《建设项目环境保护管理条例》,使我国环境影响评价制度在法制化的轨道上又向前迈进了一步,对我国环境影响评价工作的开展将产生重大影响。本文就原《建设项目环境保护管理办法》与新条例作出分析比较。  相似文献   

Environmental impact assessment (EIA) procedures have been in existence in the People's Republic of China over the last decade. The impetus for China's introduction of EIA was provided by the Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China, which was adopted by the Fifth National People's Congress in 1979. The EIA process, which is administrative and not statutorily mandated, has been applied primarily to construction projects. Four stages are typically involved in an EIA investigation: design of the investigation, evaluation of background environmental quality, prediction of environmental impacts, and an assessment and analysis of the environmental impacts. A variety of approaches is used for predicting and analyzing environmental impacts, ranging from ad hoc methods to fairly sophisticated mathematical models. The results of the EIA investigation are compiled in an environmental impact statement, which is used as the basis for decision making by personnel in environmental protection departments. The EIA process does not include provisions for citizen notification or involvement. Views differ concerning the effectiveness of the EIA program in protecting China's natural, social, and cultural environments. Some hold that the EIA program has brought about improvement in environmental protection, while critics contend that the program has had little effect in the prevention of pollution. However, most, if not all, observers seem to feel that the program should be continued and improved. A major avenue for improvement is to place the evaluation of a particular project in a regional context. An earlier version of this paper was distributed at a workshop on Environmental Assessment Development Planning held in conjunction with the VII Annual Meeting of the International Association for Impact Assessment, Brisbane, Australia, July 5–8, 1988.  相似文献   

填埋场环境影响评价决策支持系统的研究和开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析我国填埋场环评存在的问题,本文提出采用VB6.0的方法,基于知识推理来建立填埋环境影响评价决策支持系统(LEIADSS),使填埋场环评工作标准化。实例研究显示,利用VB6.0编程语言可以方便的完成该系统的设计,且能使环评工作快速、准确的完成。  相似文献   

中国环评制度的发展历程及展望   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
环评制度作为中国知名度最高的环境管理手段之一,在环保工作中发挥了重要作用,但近年来也暴露出众多问题,广为社会关注。特别是十八大以来,关于环评改革的呼声日益高涨。本文系统回顾了环境影响评价制度在中国的发展历程,以环评重大事件为分水岭,首次将环评发展历程划分为成长期、发展期、壮大期和问题高发期。以此为基础,总结了当前环评制度的主要问题,并剖析了其深层次原因,包括制度设计失当、体系运行失效、公众意识觉醒等,最后针对这些问题为环评制度的优化与发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

Landscape is the area primarily affected by proposed human projects. The prediction and evaluation of the potential anthropogenic impacts under Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is therefore one of the major environmental tools for prevention of any deteriorative or destructive actions. To conduct EIA properly requires inclusion of a determination of landscape vulnerability which expresses the possible landscape reaction to impacts of any exogenous factors. When it is designated correctly, the suitable human activities are determined more accurately. Even though many techniques for this have been suggested worldwide, lots of deficiencies have surfaced in their application. This paper presents a method for landscape vulnerability analysis which consists of qualitative evaluation of landscape receptors, their scoring, the vulnerability degree calculation, and overall reliability evaluation. The method proposed can improve the impact objectivity of prediction and evaluation and the suggestion of precise mitigation measures with the purpose of achieving sustainable landscape management.  相似文献   

文章分析了石油化工建设项目环境影响评价文件批准后,项目发生部分变更的主要类型,探讨了项目变更环境影响评价重点工作内容。结合实例分析,提出了项目变更环境影响评价的管理要求,对此项工作有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

景观生态学在公路建设项目环境影响评价中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
景观生态学中的优势度原理在评价开发建设项目对生态系统完整性及其结构与功能稳定性方面具有很好的适用性,但在线型开发建设项目环境影响评价中很少应用。以公路建设为例,探讨了在线型开发建设项目生态环境影响评价中的应用。  相似文献   

我国现行环境影响评价制度面临的问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈雷  殷建平  刘珩  黄庆  杜建伟 《四川环境》2010,29(3):121-126
环境影响评价制度在我国经过近30年的发展与完善,在有效加强环境管理,从源头上防止环境污染和生态环境破坏方面起到了重要作用。但从现实看,其并未能从根本上遏制我国生态环境的恶化,各级政府的发展观、环境职能部门的独立性和公正性、评价机构的中立性、环境报告编制的技术性缺失和环境影响评价制度的缺憾等问题都严重制约着环境影响评价的作用发挥,只有解决这些问题,通过完善制度、科学评价,公正审批和有效监督才能让环境影响评价真正成为环境的守护神,实现经济社会发展与自然的和谐。  相似文献   

Since its introduction into Danish planning in 1989, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) has been widely discussed. At the centre of the debate the question has been whether EIA has actually offered anything new and there has been a great deal of scepticism about the efficacy of the instrument. Although, in principle EIA offers a holistic and proactive methodology, it does not seem to lead to a more holistic and proactive regulation which covers more ground than traditional planning and environmental regulation. In an evaluation of Danish experiences, this study has looked more closely at the effects of EIA. Three types of effects on projects have been examined: changes occurring prior to the formal application; changes during the EIA process; and the mitigation measures that are demanded of projects. The general conclusion is that EIA does generate a significant number of changes to projects. In approximately half of the cases studied, modifications are made prior to the formal application. During the formal EIA process, modifications were made in more than 90% of the cases. However, most of these could be considered as minor. EIA is characterized by being based upon a broad concept of the environment. It was found that a progressive narrowing of the concept of environment takes place during the course of the EIA process.  相似文献   

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