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北京春节期间大气颗粒物污染及影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
利用2006年春节期间的大气颗粒物浓度及粒径谱分布资料,结合大气能见度及NO2监测数据,分析了北京市鞭炮燃放禁改限后大气颗粒物污染的变化规律,以及对大气消光作用的影响.结果表明:春节期间特别是除夕夜大量鞭炮的集中燃放导致了大气颗粒物浓度的急剧升高,主要以细粒子为主;颗粒物浓度的升高致使大气能见度明显降低,鞭炮燃放最集中的时段,能见度低于2 km;燃放鞭炮产生的颗粒物是造成大气消光作用的主要因素.估算了北京市鞭炮燃放的颗粒物排放量,2006年除夕0:00~1:00市区排放了大约3.0×104kg PM10,官园监测点PM10小时最高质量浓度超过了800 μg/m3.元宵节夜间燃放鞭炮产生的颗粒物半衰期为2.4 h.  相似文献   

南京市大气气溶胶中颗粒物和正构烷烃特征及来源分析   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
于2002年夏季(7月)和冬季(12月)采集南京市5个功能区的大气气溶胶(PM2.5和PM10)样品,对两个季节不同功能区颗粒物及其颗粒物中正构烷烃的分布特征和污染来源进行了分析。结果表明,南京市大气颗粒物含量冬季高于夏季,细颗粒高于粗颗粒。正构烷烃的变化规律同颗粒物一致,且主要分布在细颗粒物上。根据各个功能区正构烷烃(C15-C32)的CPI(CPI1、CPI2和CPI3)结果,可知南京市大气气溶胶中正构烷烃由生物源和人为源共同排放产生。%waxCn的结果表明生物源对气溶胶中正构烷烃的贡献率为20%~43%,对南京市大气颗粒物的贡献率为1.66%~4.76%。  相似文献   

南宁市大气颗粒物TSP、PM10、PM2.5污染水平研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
2002年在南宁市的5个典型城市功能区内,共采集了125个大气样品(按季节分别采集),初步调查了大气中颗粒物TSP、PM10、PM2.5的污染状况。结果表明,南宁市TSP、PM10、PM2.5的污染很严重,超标率分别为67.5%、82.5%、92.5%,对人体健康危害更大的PM2.5占到了PM10的63.5%左右。重污染区PM2.5的浓度超过轻污染区近一倍。  相似文献   

为了解杭州城市环境空气质量与气象条件之间的关系,利用杭州市区2003-2007年的可吸入颗粒物(PM10)浓度数据和气象资料,通过分级评价的方法和基于BP神经网络的污染物浓度评估模型,得到PM10浓度与气象条件的对应关系.结果表明,随着日降水量的增大,PM10浓度减小;风速与PM10浓度呈明显的负相关,随着风速的增大,PM10浓度明显减小;气象因素与PM10浓度之间呈非线性关系,大气能见度对PM10和相对湿度的变化极为敏感.随着PM10浓度的增大,大气能见度迅速降低,相对湿度越高,大气能见度则越低;近几年杭州市气象条件不利于大气污染物的扩散和清洗,是杭州城市环境空气质量上升缓慢的主要原因之一.  相似文献   

杭州市空气颗粒物污染特征及变化规律研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据2006—2010年杭州市空气颗粒物的监测数据及2002、2006、2008年空气颗粒物来源解析结果,对杭州市空气颗粒物浓度、化学组分与污染来源等特征的变化规律进行分析,以期为空气颗粒物污染控制提供决策依据。结果表明,近年来杭州市PM10浓度有所下降,但一类功能区PM10仍超出《环境空气质量标准》(GB 3095—1996)的要求(≤0.04mg/m3),杭州市空气颗粒物污染以细颗粒物为主,空气颗粒物的二次转化、机动车尾气尘等产生的二次粒子污染相对严重;煤烟尘对杭州市PM10的贡献率下降明显,城市扬尘、二次粒子和机动车尾气尘对PM10的贡献率有所增加,是杭州市PM10的主要来源。  相似文献   

2013年12月至2014年12月采集杭州市PM_(2.5)样品,同步观测大气散射系数、吸收系数及气象因子,分析杭州市大气颗粒物消光特性及灰霾天气污染特征。结果表明:观测期间,杭州市大气颗粒物消光系数平均值为566 Mm~(-1),呈现出夏季低冬季高的季节特征。利用修正的IMPROVE公式估算PM_(2.5)中对消光系数有主要贡献的化学组成,得出消光系数的主要贡献者为NH_4NO_3、(NH_4)_2SO_4、颗粒有机物,对消光系数的贡献率分别为31.6%、25.6%、28.9%。灰霾天气下,NH_4NO_3与(NH_4)_2SO_4的消光贡献分别为清洁天气的14.1、10.2倍,说明硝酸盐和硫酸盐可能是杭州市灰霾天气中导致大气能见度下降的主要物质。  相似文献   

通过酸缓冲能力的测定实验,研究杭州市主城区大气颗粒物的酸缓冲能力,并利用二重源解析技术,解析了大气颗粒物中碱性组分的来源.结果表明,杭州市主城区大气颗粒物呈弱碱性,对降水酸度有一定的缓冲作用,但作用较小.总体而言,TSP与PM10的酸缓冲能力与其浓度呈负相关,但相关关系不明显,TSP的酸缓冲能力比PM10强.Ca是影响大气颗粒物酸缓冲能力的关键化学组分.TSP的酸缓冲能力主要来自建筑水泥尘.  相似文献   

重庆市春季大气颗粒物浓度的对比监测分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过2012年春季在重庆大气超级站进行的PM10和PM2.5手工采样与自动仪器的对比监测,分析了自动监测与手工监测的一致性及造成偏差的原因,并对PM2.5与PM10浓度的比值关系进行了分析。结果表明:MP101M型颗粒物自动监测仪用于监测PM10时系统性误差偏高,仪器初始精密度存在负偏差;用于监测PM2.5时系统性误差在允许范围之内,仪器初始精密度存在较大负偏差;PM10和PM2.5的手工采样和自动仪器监测值之变化趋势具有非常高的一致性;PM2.5与PM10浓度比值范围在56.5%~90.4%,平均比值为(73.8±7.4)%。  相似文献   

济南市大气水平能见度与环境污染相关性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用济南市2011年1月1日至12月31日大气水平能见度在线监测小时数据和对应细颗粒物(PM2.5)、PM2.5中碳组分(EC和OC)、挥发性有机物(VOC)及气象参数资料,分析污染物、气象参数等对能见度的影响。结果显示,相对湿度和PM2.5是影响能见度的主要因子,能见度与相对湿度及PM2.5浓度主要呈指对数关系。结合相对湿度条件对PM2.5浓度与能见度关系进行综合分析,得到相关经验模型公式,并利用2010年6月1日至11月30日的相应数据资料进行实例关系验证,结果表明,建立的经验模型公式有较好的实际应用价值。  相似文献   

天津市大气能见度与空气污染物关系分析及控制措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用天津市1990—2004年大气能见度观测资料及天津市2002—2004年空气污染物监测数据,统计分析了天津市大气能见度变化特征及其与空气污染物的关系。结果表明,天津市20世纪90年代大气能见度处于波动下降趋势,2000—2003年大气能见度整体水平有所改善,到2004年空气质量迅速提高。统计数据说明,在非采暖季的春季,天津市大气能见度的下降与PM10浓度有较大相关性;在夏季,与相对湿度有较大相关性;在采暖季(冬季),与SO2和NOX等空气污染物浓度有密切关系。同时,提出改善城市大气能见度的4个措施:(1)制定长期的大气能见度控制策略;(2)合理改善能源结构;(3)加强城市裸露土地的治理;(4)城市交通采用清洁能源。  相似文献   

区域大气环境中PM_(2.5)/PM_(10)空间分布研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
提出了一种利用移动监测技术研究区域大气环境中PM2.5/PM10空间分布的方法,并在2004年12月进行了宁波市全市域PM2.5/PM10空间分布的研究.数据显示:相同路径所代表的地区PM2.5和PM10具有很好的相关性,多数路径上PM2.5与PM10数据的相关系数平方在0.95以上,而不同路径上PM2.5与PM10的比值不同.文中给出了宁波市PM2.5/PM10污染的空间分布图,直观地显示出PM2.5/PM10污染的空间分布情况,突出了污染的重点点位和地区.  相似文献   

Observations of the mass and chemical composition of particles less than 2.5 microm in aerodynamic diameter (PM2.5), light extinction, and meteorology in the urban Baltimore-Washington corridor during July 1999 and July 2000 are presented and analyzed to study summertime haze formation in the mid-Atlantic region. The mass fraction of ammoniated sulfate (SO4(2-)) and carbonaceous material in PM2.5 were each approximately 50% for cleaner air (PM2.5< 10 microg/m3) but changed to approximately 60% and approximately 20%, respectively, for more polluted air (PM2.5>30 microg/m3). This signifies the role of SO4(2-) in haze formation. Comparisons of data from this study with the Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments network suggest that SO4(2-) is more regional than carbonaceous material and originates in part from upwind source regions. The light extinction coefficient is well correlated to PM2.5 mass plus water associated with inorganic salt, leading to a mass extinction efficiency of 7.6 +/- 1.7 m2/g for hydrated aerosol. The most serious haze episode occurring between July 15 and 19, 1999, was characterized by westerly transport and recirculation slowing removal of pollutants. At the peak of this episode, 1-hr PM2.5 concentration reached approximately 45 microg/m3, visual range dropped to approximately 5 km, and aerosol water likely contributed to approximately 40% of the light extinction coefficient.  相似文献   

提出了一种利用移动监测技术研究区域大气环境中PM2.5/PM10空间分布的方法,并在2004年12月进行了宁波市全市域PM2.5/PM10空间分布的研究。数据显示:相同路径所代表的地区PM2.5和PM10具有很好的相关性,多数路径上PM2.5与PM10数据的相关系数平方在0.95以上,而不同路径上PM2.5与PM10的比值不同。文中给出了宁波市PM2.5/PM10污染的空间分布图,直观地显示出PM2.5/PM10污染的空间分布情况,突出了污染的重点点位和地区。  相似文献   

西安是空气污染监控和防治有代表性的西部大型城市。研究了西安市及周边地区上空气溶胶光学厚度与PM10浓度的关系模型。利用2011—2012年MODIS卫星气溶胶光学厚度(AOD)遥感产品,通过数据匹配,利用地面气象观测站点的能见度数据和相对湿度数据对AOD产品进行垂直标高订正和湿度订正,2项订正显著提高了AOD和地面PM10浓度的相关性,相关系数从0.36提高到0.65,按季节分类统计和订正春至冬四季的相关系数分别为0.57、0.71、0.62和0.87,夏季和冬季的订正更为有效,可用性更高,这可能由于受到不同季节气溶胶来源和特征的影响。为研究中国西部大型城市,特别是西安市空气环境监测和区域联防联控提供了一种有效方法。  相似文献   

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has proposed a new secondary standard based on visibility in urban areas. The proposed standard will be based on light extinction, calculated from 24-hr averaged measurements. It would be desirable to base the standard on a shorter averaging time to better represent human perception of visibility. This could be accomplished by either an estimation of extinction from semicontinuous particulate matter (PM) data or direct measurement of scattering and absorption. To this end we have compared 1-hr measurements of fine plus coarse particulate scattering using a nephelometer, along with an estimate of absorption from aethalometer measurements. The study took place in Lindon, UT, during February and March 2012. The nephelometer measurements were corrected for coarse particle scattering and compared to the Filter Dynamic Measurement System (FDMS) tapered element oscillating microbalance monitor (TEOM) PM2.5 measurements. The two measurements agreed with a mass scattering coefficient of 3.3 ± 0.3 m2/g at relative humidity below 80%. However, at higher humidity, the nephelometer gave higher scattering results due to water absorbed by ammonium nitrate and ammonium sulfate in the particles. This particle-associated water is not measured by the FDMS TEOM. The FDMS TEOM data could be corrected for this difference using appropriate IMPROVE protocols if the particle composition is known. However, a better approach may be to use a particle measurement system that allows for semicontinuous measurements but also measures particle bound water. Data are presented from a 2003 study in Rubidoux, CA, showing how this could be accomplished using a Grimm model 1100 aerosol spectrometer or comparable instrument.

Implications: Visibility is currently based on 24-hr averaged PM mass and composition. A metric that captures diurnal changes would better represent human perception. Furthermore, if the PM measurement included aerosol bound water, this would negate the need to know particulate composition and relative humidity (RH), which is currently used to estimate visibility. Methods are outlined that could accomplish both of these objectives based on use of a PM monitor that includes aerosol-bound water. It is recommended that these techniques, coupled with appropriate measurements of light scattering and absorption by aerosols, be evaluated for potential use in the visibility based secondary standard.  相似文献   

Visibility data collected from Kaohsiung City, Taiwan, for the past two decades indicated that the air pollutants have significantly degraded visibility in recent years. During our study period, the seasonal mean visibilities in spring, summer, fall, and winter were only 5.4, 9.1, 8.2, and 3.4 km, respectively. To ascertain how urban aerosols influence the visibility, we conducted concurrent visibility monitoring and aerosol sampling in 1999 to identify the principal causes of visibility impairments in the region. In this study, ambient aerosols were sampled and analyzed for 11 constituents, including water-soluble ions and carbon materials, to investigate the chemical composition of Kaohsiung aerosols. Stepwise regression method was used to correlate the impact of aerosol species on visibility impairments. Both seasonal and diurnal variation patterns were found from the monitoring of visibility. Our results showed that light scattering was attributed primarily to aerosols with sizes that range from 0.26 to 0.90 pm, corresponding with the wavelength region of visible light, which accounted for approximately 72% of the light scattering coefficient. Sulfate was a dominant component that affected both the light scattering coefficient and the visibility in the region. On average, (NH4)2SO4, NH4NO3, total carbon, and fine particulate matter (PM2.5)-remainder contributed 53%, 17%, 16%, and 14% to total light scattering, respectively. An empirical regression model of visibility based on sulfate, elemental carbon, and humidity was developed, and the comparison indicated that visibility in an urban area could be properly simulated by the equation derived herein.  相似文献   

宁波市大气可吸入颗粒物PM1o和PM2.5的源解析研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在宁波市布设4个代表性点位,于2010年春季、夏季和冬季进行大气PM10和PM2.s的采样,同时采集了多种颗粒物源样品,建立了PM10、PM2.5和源样品的化学成分谱.采用化学质量平衡模型(CMB)对宁波市PM10、PM2.5进行源解析.结果表明,城市扬尘、煤烟尘、机动车尾气尘是宁波市PM10、PM2.5的3大污染源,...  相似文献   

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published the Regional Haze Rule (RHR) in 1999. The RHR default goal is to reduce haze linearly to natural background in 2064 from the baseline period of 2000-2004. The EPA default method for estimating natural and baseline visibility uses the Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments (IMPROVE) formula. The IMPROVE formula predicts the light extinction coefficient from aerosol chemical concentrations measured by the IMPROVE network. The IMPROVE light scattering coefficient formula using data from 1994-2002 underestimated the measured light scattering coefficient by 700 Mm(-1), on average, on days with precipitation. Also, precipitation occurred as often on the clearest as haziest days. This led to estimating the light extinction coefficient of precipitation, averaged over all days, as the light scattering coefficient on days with precipitation (700 Mm(-1)) multiplied by the percent of precipitation days in a year. This estimate added to the IMPROVE formula light extinction estimate gives a real world estimate of visibility for the 20% clearest, 20% haziest, and all days. For example, in 1993, the EPAs Report to Congress projected visibility in Class I areas would improve by 3 deciviews by 2010 across the haziest portions of the eastern United States because of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments. Omitted was the light extinction coefficient of precipitation. Adding in the estimated light extinction coefficient of precipitation, the estimated visibility improvement declines to <1 deciview.  相似文献   

Levels of total suspended particles, PM10, PM2.5 and PM1 were continuously monitored at an urban kerbside in the Metropolitan area of Barcelona from June 1999 to June 2000. The results show that hourly levels of PM2.5 and PM1 are consistent with the daily cycle of gaseous pollutants emitted by traffic, whereas TSP and PM10 do not follow the same trend, at least in the diurnal period. The PM2.5/PM10 ratio is dependent on the traffic emissions, whereas additional contribution sources for the >10 μm fraction must be taken into account in the diurnal period. Different PM10 and PM2.5 source apportionment techniques were compared. A methodology based on the chemical determination of 83% of both PM10 and PM2.5 masses allowed us to quantify the marine (4% in PM10 and <1% in PM2.5), crustal (26% in PM10 and 8% in PM2.5) and anthropogenic (54% in PM10 and 73% in PM2.5) loads. Peaks of crustal contribution to PM10 (up to 44% of the PM10 mass) were recorded under Saharan air mass intrusions. A different seasonal trend was observed for levels of sulphate and nitrate, probably as a consequence of the different thermodynamic behaviour of these PM species and the higher summer oxidation rate of SO2.  相似文献   

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