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生活垃圾分类回收管理措施正在我国各大城市全面实施。通过对瑞典生活垃圾层级管理和4种处理方式的介绍,对瑞典垃圾回收再利用效果进行分析,为我国推进生活垃圾分类回收再利用工作,提供可借鉴经验和参考。  相似文献   

通过对武汉市东西湖区再生资源循环利用体系进行实地调查,描述了其再生资源回收网络现状及资源循环利用体系运作模式现状,并进行分析,结合现阶段小区内垃圾源头分类的趋势,提出新的再生资源模式,即资源回收与小区管理相结合的再生资源循环系统,并对其实行企业化管理,促使再生资源循环利用体系更能适应社会发展的需求,进一步提高城区再生资源产业化水平。  相似文献   

我国报废汽车回收拆解企业发展的关键问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报废汽车回收拆解具有巨大的经济、环境和社会效益。我国报废汽车回收拆解企业正面临极佳的发展环境,但目前存在着诸多问题,需要进行转型升级。提出报废汽车回收拆解企业转型升级过程中存在的若干关键问题,即回收阶段中的报废汽车量预测、回收模式选择、报废汽车回收网络构建;拆解阶段中的拆解工艺选择、拆解设备选择;产品销售阶段中的产品分类及市场分析、销售模式确定及销售网络构建、产品定价等问题,并对这些问题进行分析,提供解决方法和措施。  相似文献   

<正>201 9年6月4日,提案天津市商务局召开城市垃圾分类再生资源回收体系建设工作会,将从培育骨干企业、健全回收网络、强化资源利用等方面开展专项行动,提高重点品种的回收率和分拣回收加工水平,加快建设北辰区、滨海新区、静海区等4个全密闭再生资源回收分拣加工中心。据悉,天津市将引进第三方再生资源企业,负责或承包  相似文献   

以西安市垃圾分类回收网络为对象,从西安市现有的再生资源系统和环卫系统出发,系统调研西安市流动回收人员、废品回收站和垃圾填埋场等垃圾回收主体。对两个系统的回收主体、回收对象、回收流程和回收动力进行分析,并提出西安市垃圾回收利用存在的问题,如二手交易市场缺失,厨余垃圾、有害垃圾回收利用体系缺失,回收前端混乱不规范等问题,同时找出了产生问题的根本原因:再生资源系统的市场性和环卫系统的公益性互不衔接,导致市场调节和政府干预均不能有效发挥。根据西安垃圾分类回收网络现状,提出市场和政府引导有机结合,利用互联网创新回收交易模式,探究西安市垃圾资源化的新途径。  相似文献   

当今的垃圾治理问题面临着严峻的挑战,垃圾治理不善导致了严重的环境污染及资源浪费的问题。区块链技术具有去中心化、可追溯、点对点等特性。通过区块链技术构建垃圾回收治理平台,可以在垃圾回收治理的各个环节提高垃圾回收治理的效率,实现居民及企业与垃圾治理商之间的供需对接,提高垃圾回收率,进而减少资源浪费,提高产品残值,促进垃圾回收治理全产业链效率,优化及资源环境的改善。  相似文献   

正东莞市市委副书记、市长肖亚非2018年4月17日上午主持召开市政府常务会议,审议通过《东莞市再生资源回收利用管理办法》(送审稿)(以下简称《管理办法》)。新《管理办法》重点从合理规划网点设置、规范回收经营管理、鼓励创新回收模式和综合利用、强化部门联动监管职责四方面,对东莞市2012年出台的《东莞市再生资源回收利用管理办法》进行了  相似文献   

概述了国际上哈龙管理模式。对日本哈龙管理现状进行全面总结,分析了哈龙管理法规内容、哈龙银行运行模式、哈龙管理和供给计划以及回收和替代品开发等方面的经验。提出建立适合中国国情的哈龙管理规范,包括设立哈龙银行,开发替代技术以及加强回收与再利用等建议。  相似文献   

探索城市再生资源回收利用的新型模式   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
以结合本地区实际探索制度创新模式为切入点,介绍多元投资再生资源回收利用龙头企业基地建设项目策划团队的总体思路:尝试创办社区网络回收二手电器登记调剂中心;论证绿色拆解与再制造关联板块基础设施共享的可行性方案;强调推动资源循环利用产业发展不可缺少的管理工具是信息服务管理网络和监管信息系统项目建设。  相似文献   

广州格瑞哲环保科技有限公司是我国目前规模最大的旧衣物分拣及出口企业。具有高素质的管理团队和现代化的管理方式,是国内旧衣物回收行业的佼佼者。在实地调研的基础上,从格瑞哲旧衣物回收再利用模式入手,分析其成功经验,对我国旧衣物回收再利用行业发展具有一定的示范作用。  相似文献   

Commercial institutions have many factors to consider when implementing an effective recycling program. This study examined the effectiveness of three different types of recycling bins on recycling accuracy by determining the percent weight of recyclable material placed in the recycling bins, comparing the percent weight of recyclable material by type of container used, and examining whether a change in signage increased recycling accuracy. Data were collected over 6 weeks totaling 30 days from 3 different recycling bin types at a Midwest University medical center. Five bin locations for each bin type were used. Bags from these bins were collected, sorted into recyclable and non-recyclable material, and weighed. The percent recyclable material was calculated using these weights. Common contaminates found in the bins were napkins and paper towels, plastic food wrapping, plastic bags, and coffee cups. The results showed a significant difference in percent recyclable material between bin types and bin locations. Bin type 2 was found to have one bin location to be statistically different (p = 0.048), which may have been due to lack of a trash bin next to the recycling bin in that location. Bin type 3 had significantly lower percent recyclable material (p < 0.001), which may have been due to lack of a trash bin next to the recycling bin and increased contamination due to the combination of commingled and paper into one bag. There was no significant change in percent recyclable material in recycling bins post signage change. These results suggest a signage change may not be an effective way, when used alone, to increase recycling compliance and accuracy. This study showed two or three-compartment bins located next to a trash bin may be the best bin type for recycling accuracy.  相似文献   

大连在全国率先创建新型垃圾分类回收体系,实现废旧物资回收与垃圾分类回收在同一个垃圾分类回收站内完成,有利于各类废物资源集中收集、分类回收、资源化利用或处理,彻底改革了我国传统落后的废旧物资回收与垃圾收集处理方式,为废旧物资与垃圾资源再生与循环利用提供了保障条件,也为垃圾处理产业化奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

This paper presents an overview of cell phone recycling programs currently available in the United States. At the same time, it also provides analyses of the current recycling situation and possible recycling alternatives for Brazil. Although there are several recycling options in the United States, collection rates are still only 10% of all potential devices because customers are not aware of these possibilities. The whole system is financially based on reselling refurbished cell phones and recycled materials to developing countries which represent an effective and strong market. Several recyclers offer funds to collection partners who are either charities or who work with charities while obtaining the materials that they need in order to run their operations. A mobile phone recycling system for Brazil considering the United States experience and the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) principle is suggested. A deposit/refund/advance-recycling fee is proposed which might be implemented as a voluntary industrial initiative managed by PRO Brazil, a producer responsibility organization. One widespread public–private agreement will integrate all mobile phone stakeholders, and environmental education actions and promotional events will promote citizen’s participation.  相似文献   

2006年2月25日,商务部在石家庄召开了再生资源回收体系建设工作会议,制定了再生资源回收体系建设试点工作方案,确定了再生资源回收体系建设第一批试点单位。此后,各地积极推进再生资源回收体系建设工作,取得了很大的进展,积累了一些经验。本刊特开设“再生资源回收体系建设巡礼”专栏,旨在宣传各地回收体系建设取得的成绩,介绍各地的经验以及存在的问题,促进交流和相互学习,争取全社会对回收体系建设工作的理解和支持。在此,本刊编辑部希望各地踊跃投稿和提供资料,支持我们办好本栏目。  相似文献   

2006年2月25日,商务部在石家庄召开了再生资源回收体系建设工作会议,制定了再生资源回收体系建设试点工作方案,确定了再生资源回收体系建设第一批试点单位。此后,各地积极推进再生资源回收体系建设工作,取得了很大的进展,积累了一些经验。本刊特开设“再生资源回收体系建设巡礼”专栏,旨在宣传各地回收体系建设取得的成绩,介绍各地的经验以及存在的问题,促进交流和相互学习,争取全社会对回收体系建设工作的理解和支持。  相似文献   

贵阳,地处云贵高原中部,黔中腹地,是贵州省省会,全省政治、经济、文化中心,也是国家内陆开放城市之一。平均海拔1000m,属亚热带湿润和温型气候,年平均气湿14.7℃,夏季气候宜人,有“中国避暑之都”之誉,四周“林城”之称。现有人口356.77万人,辖六区一市三县。  相似文献   

Recycling is time consuming and the time available for housework may determine the intensity of recycling activities. In this study, we conducted a survey of 546 Japanese households and asked them their daily practice of five varieties of recycling activities: (1) choice of refill products, (2) use of own shopping bags, (3) sorting of recycled papers from burnable waste, (4) use of own drinking bottles when going out, and (5) use of recycle boxes prepared at the grocery store. We also asked households to record their behavior for two successive days. By combining recycling activity data and diary data, we estimate a multivariate probit model to empirically examine whether time available for housework determines the intensity of five varieties of recycling activities. The empirical result demonstrates that an individual that can allocate sufficient time for housework tends to purchase refill products. He or she also tends to bring their own shopping bags for grocery shopping. We also find that the size of house and the number of family members determine the likelihood of recycling. A housewife living with many family members in a large house is more likely to engage in time-consuming recycling activities.  相似文献   

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