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基于对数平均迪氏指数(LMDI)方法分解影响环境污染的经济因素,利用时变参数向量自回归(TVP-VAR)模型研究了各因素在不同时点、不同提前期对污染物排放的动态冲击特征.结果表明,技术进步具有提高企业生产率以及提升企业产品清洁度的双重效果,产生的创新补偿效应降低了污染排放.我国以煤炭为主的能源消费结构和煤炭消耗产生不容易累积的烟煤型污染物,使得能源结构引致的污染效应在当期最为明显,且持续期较短.能源利用效率的大幅提升有效降低了污染物排放,同时也呈现了一定的反弹效应.产业结构对环境污染的影响逐渐增强、经济规模扩大对于环境污染的冲击具有较强的持续性.合理控制结构因素和规模因素对污染物排放的影响,成为了降低污染水平的重要环节.  相似文献   

利用向量自回归(VAR)计量技术对广州.佛山一肇庆(简称"广佛肇")经济圈各城市表征环境污染的指标(工业废水排放量、工业废气排放量和工业固废产生量)和表征经济增长的指标(人均GDP)的时序数据进行脉冲响应函数及预测方差分解分析,研究处于工业化后期的广州、佛山市及工业化前期的肇庆市经济发展与环境污染在时序维度上的关系及其...  相似文献   

This paper examines the major pollution prevention and Cleaner production (CP) issues in the mining industry. Past problems with pollution has made waste minimization an issue of enormous importance for many mining companies. Since the advent of the first major environmental legislation circa-1970, there has been substantial improvement in environmental performance at the mine sites of these firms, including a reduction in noxious air emissions, a decrease in levels of toxic contaminants in effluent discharges, and a major upgrading in land management. All of these improvements are directly attributed to a corporate abandonment of conventional, end-of-pipe apparatuses, and subsequent integration of cleaner technologies and strategies, including highly efficient environmental equipment, heavily retrofitted control systems, and comprehensive environmental management plans. Although hundreds of mining districts have already benefited from installing systems that foster pollution prevention and CP, in select instances, these have not proven to be realistic waste management remedies. Major barriers, particularly economic, technologic, and legislative ones, have both individually and collectively impeded the implementation of pollution prevention and CP strategies in such cases. Many of these barriers appear insurmountable but improved planning, employee education, and increased government intervention would spell continued success in an industry that has already made enormous strides in the arena of environmental management.  相似文献   

Pollution prevention holds great promise for China as a strategy for curbing environmental degradation in the face of rapid industrial growth. This potential is demonstrated in the electroplating sector in China, where some firms are pursuing pollution prevention aggressively with results that include increased profits and significant cutbacks in pollution. We conducted research in four Chinese cities to investigate pollution prevention in the electroplating industry. Our study finds that firms with successful pollution prevention programs shared three main characteristics. First, they took a proactive approach towards cutting pollution. Proactive firms in our research employed pollution prevention as an overall environmental management strategy for their companies, and they possessed leaders and managers who demonstrated a strong commitment to pollution reduction goals and activities. Firms with successful pollution prevention programs also employed comprehensive environmental management systems. These systems assigned managers and workers responsibilities for pollution prevention through the use of rules, training, monitoring, and penalties and rewards. Finally, firms that undertook extensive pollution prevention measures employed staff with relatively high levels of technical knowledge and ability. Our results suggest that the aggressive adoption of pollution prevention by Chinese firms can help China address the widespread problems of inefficiency and poor management in Chinese firms, and the rapid spread of industrial pollution in rural areas.  相似文献   

绿色环境效率反映经济发展与资源环境之间的平衡关系,合理评价资源型城市的环境效率对于促进经济高质量发展具有重要的现实意义。首先从异质性环境污染排放角度出发,选取了四种环境压力指标,采用非径向的Slacks Based Model(SBM)模型和Sequential Malmquist指数模型,对山西省2003—2016年11个地级市的环境效率和环境生产率的区域差异及其动态演进进行了深入分析,然后采用固定效应模型、差分广义矩估计模型和面板分位数回归模型分析了环境规制对山西环境生产率的影响。研究结果表明:(1)在维持现有技术水平不变的前提下,山西省整体的环境效率仍有25.31%的改进潜力;中部地区的环境效率值高于北部与南部地区,但是三大区域的环境效率值都呈下降趋势。(2)山西省环境生产率平均每年提高14.63%,其中技术效率对环境生产率的增长表现为负效应,而技术进步是环境生产率提高的主要来源。(3)环境规制与环境生产率之间并不存在正向或者负向的线性关系,而是存在显著的“U”型关系;不同分位点上环境规制对环境生产率变动的影响表现出明显的异质性。  相似文献   

国家级经济技术开发区(简称“经开区”)是我国改革开放的排头兵,历经近40年发展,已成为我国经济发展和落实区域高质量发展战略的重要支撑. 本文构建了涵盖经开区整体和个体的绩效评价体系,以资源产出率、污染物排放强度和生态效率指标表征发展绩效,定量分析了经开区发展绩效时序变化和生态效率的空间分异. 结果表明:①2007—2017年,经开区新鲜水耗、4种常规污染物(COD、NH3-N、SO2、NOx)排放均与经济发展呈相对脱钩. 2017年经开区能源和水资源产出率分别是全国工业能源和水资源产出率的1.2和3.5倍,COD、SO2、NOx排放强度是全国工业排放强度的72%、53%、52%. ②经开区绝对经济规模两极分化程度不断缓解,对地区经济影响力整体上升. 空间分布上,经开区绝对经济规模大的城市从东部沿海进一步拓展到长江流域的中西部地区. ③运用数据包络法分析190家经开区的生态效率并识别出典型的投入冗余和产出不足,为经开区精准施策奠定基础. 全国仅10%的经开区生态效率为1,污染物排放、温室气体排放、工业能耗冗余是影响生态效率的主要原因. 东部地区经开区生态效率平均值为0.35,大于中部地区(0.28)和西部地区(0.26). 研究显示,不同地区经开区GDP差异较大,未来要加强不同地区经开区协作提高内生动力;为进一步提高经开区生态效率,需结合研究识别出影响生态效率的关键因素,开展针对性提质增效工作. 在经开区实施能耗、水耗以及碳排放总量和强度的“双控”行动;同时,在稳定末端治理成效基础上着力强化全过程和系统优化,深化源头降碳减污.   相似文献   

我国以行政命令手段为主的环境管理措施并不能完全有效控制环境汞污染,因而有必要引入环境经济手段。本文基于汞在采掘、冶炼和产品生产三个生产环节中的利用、处置与排放特征,构建了经济系统及行业部门的汞物质平衡模型,并发现,单个污染源的汞污染物治理难以保证消除汞的环境危害。因而,采取环境经济手段控制工业汞污染,尽可能少的向环境中排放汞,在涉汞工业系统的层面上提高汞的利用效率和再资源化率。我国工业汞污染防治的环境经济手段包括环境污染价格、税费以及绿色金融两大类,但仅对生产环节高浓度汞排放发挥作用,对于堆存、再提取和处置环节的汞排放则作用不大。对此,应从扩大环境税(排污费)的征收范围,建立长效的绿色金融机制和推进第三方治理低含量含汞废物,这三个方面加以改进。  相似文献   

研究了河北省1990—2015年PM_(2.5)的排放总量及各个产业部门的排放量分布,并应用LMDI模型对五大部门PM_(2.5)排放变化的驱动因素进行了较全面的分解分析,以找出每个部门中PM_(2.5)排放变化的关键驱动因素.同时,通过对原始数据的整理分析和模型计算,结果发现:①工业、生活消费、农业部门是河北省PM_(2.5)排放的三大来源.其中,工业部门是PM_(2.5)排放的最主要贡献部门,占PM_(2.5)总排放量的70%;生活消费部门的贡献位居第二,占比约24%.②对于生产端,经济规模总量扩张是PM_(2.5)排放量增加的最主要原因;能源利用效率的提高和污染治理工艺水平的改进使得各部门的排放强度减弱,明显缓解了PM_(2.5)的排放增长,部门经济结构的优化也可带来明显的减排效应.③对于消费端,人均收入的提高促进了PM_(2.5)排放的增加,倡导绿色消费模式可以有效减缓PM_(2.5)排放.根据以上结论,本研究通过找到各部门存在的问题,为河北省大气污染治理提供参考和借鉴.  相似文献   

郭政  陈爽  董平  陆玉麒 《中国环境科学》2019,39(3):1323-1335
基于2003~2015年长江三角洲(以下简称长三角)城市群26个城市工业废水和工业SO2排放数据,采用标准差椭圆、地理集中指数、工业环境绩效指数、空间形态差异指数等方法从宏观和微观视角对长三角城市群工业污染时空演化进行分析,同时采用对数平均迪氏分解(LMDI)模型对其工业污染排放主要驱动因素进行分解.研究发现:2003~2015年工业废水和工业SO2排放量分别下降了16.97%和28.79%,但占全国比重仍然较高,尤其是工业废水对生态环境胁迫较大.2种工业污染空间形态均呈现出北(偏西)-南(偏东)的空间分布形态,而2种工业污染重心移动轨迹并不一致,工业废水重心总体上朝向东(偏南)方向迁移了12.85km,而工业SO2重心总体上朝向西(偏北)方向迁移了26.89km.此外,2种工业污染主要集中分布于长江沿岸城市且污染集中度指数由高到低大致呈半圈层状向周围递减.工业发展与工业污染空间形态演变具有一致性,工业废水重心和工业SO2重心与工业发展重心距离均在逐渐缩小,而2种工业污染-环境绩效空间分布格局并不完全一致.驱动因素方面,环境规制引起的技术改善效应是工业污染排放量减少的主要原因,而由环境规制引起的产业结构效应对工业污染排放量的影响则取决于区域发展政策,经济发展效应是工业污染排放量增加的主要原因,人口规模效应对工业污染排放量的影响较小.  相似文献   

Industrial production processes contribute the most diverse group of emissions to air, water, and land pollution. These forms of pollution were the initial focus of environmental regulations requiring control efforts. Under optimum conditions, industrial waste streams pass through some type of treatment to minimize toxicity prior to being released into the environment. Business, government, and interest groups have previously assumed that industrial productivity and environmental quality were diametrically opposed. In other words, enhanced industrial productivity resulted in environmental damage and, conversely, environmental protection resulted in costs to business. However, companies that have implemented pollution prevention (P2) strategies to address their environmental problems have usually found that their facility's productivity can improve, while at the same time waste and pollution can be reduced. Where previous environmental strategies focused on end-of-pipe control efforts, P2 strategies are implemented at the design or process phase. While there are many examples of individual companies successfully implementing P2, consensus shows P2 adoption by the business community advancing at a rate far slower than expected. Most government agencies that currently promote P2 are not typically viewed as credible sources of innovation by industry. Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTWs), however, may be able to capitalize on their dual status as respected members of the local community as well as experts in waste management thus serving as credible proponents of P2. The paper discusses how POTWs are working with industrial users to promote P2, as well as their interest in doing so and their requirements for technical assistance. Survey results are provided that describe how POTW personnel in the State of Illinois believe they could best promote P2.  相似文献   

This study analyzes Total Factor Productivity (TFP), which includes all categories of productivity. Our measure investigates productivity in the context of the provision and dissemination of environmental information policies. We investigated data on the emission of toxic chemical substances for the U.S. and Japanese manufacturing firms, including 386 firms for the period 1999-2007 and 466 firms for the period 2001-2008. The results show that productivity improved in all nine industrial sectors and that pollution levels were high in the U.S. and Japan from 2001 to 2007. In particular, the electronics industry improved rapidly after 2002 in both countries, which may be attributed to the enforcement of RoHS and the REACH directive in Europe. As a result of these stringent policies on toxic chemical emissions, the U.S. and Japanese firms, many of which export to the European market, have strong incentives to reduce their toxic chemical emissions.  相似文献   

为研究处罚机制对排污收费政策执行效果的影响,建立了排污收费政策下风险中性企业的最优决策模型,设计了经济学实验.采用数据统计、线性随机效应模型、单因素不等重复实验方差分析等方法分析实验数据,验证了该模型得出的假设.结果表明,边际处罚期望对于企业的违法量和排放量决策均有显著负影响;企业边际减排成本对于企业的排放量决策有显著正影响,对于违法量决策没有显著影响;相同边际处罚期望下,监测频率越高,企业的服从率越高,且在边际处罚期望较高时,更为明显.因此,提高边际处罚期望可同时改善企业违法行为与促进企业减排.同时,为降低执行成本,在边际处罚期望较低时,可首先将线性罚款向梯级罚款转变.当边际处罚期望上升到较高水平时,则应注重监测频率的提高,并应重点监控那些排污量大而不是边际减排成本高的企业.  相似文献   

排污权交易制度是利用市场机制控制环境污染的有效途径。相对于传统方法,它具有以最低成本实现最优目标的优势。在经济相对发达、排污强度较大的合芜蚌自主创新试验区,尝试通过经济手段控制污染排放,意义显著。与此同时,合芜蚌自主创新试验区当前推行排污权交易还面临若干法律问题,必须有相应的完善措施。从某种意义上讲,在合芜蚌自主创新试验区实施排污权交易,就是将排污权交易纳入有关法规,为排污权交易提供法律依据和制度保障。  相似文献   

2020年是决胜脱贫攻坚战的关键之年,近20多年来,生态环境部门主动发挥行业特色,开展了大量坚实有效的行业扶贫工作,科学客观地评价生态环境部门的扶贫绩效,对于生态环境部门进一步精准施策、融入并推动实现乡村振兴具有重要意义. 本文基于实地调研、专家咨询和统计数据,建立了包括生态资源保护、环境质量改善、促进特色产业发展、社会公共服务提升以及抵御风险等4类26项指标在内的生态环境行业扶贫绩效评估指标体系;采用熵值法确定指标权重,结合多元统计分析方法,以承德市围场满族蒙古族自治县(简称"围场县")为例,对生态环境部门扶贫绩效进行了量化评估. 结果表明:①2006-2018年,承德市围场县扶贫绩效呈逐年上升的趋势,增长了68.3%,成效十分显著. ②生态环境行业扶贫在围场县的扶贫绩效主要体现在促进特色产业发展、生态资源保护以及环境质量改善等3个方面,占总绩效的81.1%. ③生态环境行业扶贫对促进生态环境质量改善与地方经济协同发展的促进作用较为显著. 在环境质量改善绩效指标上升47.1%的同时,促进特色产业发展和抵御风险能力绩效指标分别上升了90.5%和83.3%. 研究显示,生态环境行业定点扶贫对提升贫困地区持续"造血"能力具有显著促进作用,生态环境部门要主动作为,积极融入乡村振兴的全过程,进一步提升措施的针对性,在帮助贫困地区保住优质生态资源的同时,充分挖掘生态资源的经济优势,推动贫困地区巩固好脱贫成效,实现乡村振兴.   相似文献   

Concerns about climate change as a result of anthropic actions have led to an increase in the volume of information disclosed about it in the reports of companies that are members of the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP). In this context, the factors most disclosed remain obscure due to both the complexity of climate change impacts and the stakeholders’ different interests. This study aims to identify which factors are most disclosed in the reports of companies that are members of CDP. For this purpose, it is necessary to investigate if the factors indicated by managers and experts are the main ones disclosed in the reports of Brazilian companies that are members of CDP, as well as to identify which companies stand out in climate change disclosure based on these factors. To this end, 463 reports submitted by 48 companies between 2014 and 2016 were examined and 32 factors were investigated using the NVivo® software. Some companies submitted reports with unified titles, which reduced the sample. The results indicate that certain factors—prevention of pollution, prevention of loss, management of environmental assets, volume of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and climate change strategy—account for 50.03% of the total volume of information disclosed about climate change. The main lesson learned from this research is that climate change mitigation strategy is strongly supported by the evidence of corporate annual reports, and it has relation with the following determinant factors: pollution prevention, loss prevention, environmental asset management, GHG emissions, and the strategy chosen by the companies to deal with climate change. Due to the low volume of research related to loss prevention and pollution prevention, we have identified that little attention has been paid to these items. Based on our results, we recommend that climate change mitigation strategies begin to consider these determinant factors in their structure because both have a strong influence in demonstrating how companies are managing these factors for stakeholders. Therefore, companies can benefit from this data to manage their resources for the maintenance of the social contract (legitimacy) through the factors most disclosed, especially companies with lower scores on the scale of ranking presented. Hence, stakeholders can have access to more information on strategies that mitigate climate change and help companies improve the disclosure of the actions that contribute to reduction of GHG emissions.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the world economic implications of climate change policy strategies, and particularly evaluates the impacts of an implementation of clean development mechanisms (CDM), joint implementation (JI) and emissions trading with a world integrated assessment model. Of special interest in this context are welfare spill over and competitiveness effects resulting from diverse climate policy strategies. This study elaborates and compares multi-gas policy strategies and explores the impacts of sink inclusion. We furthermore examine the economic impacts on all world regions of the USA’s non-cooperative, free rider position resulting from its recent isolated climate policy strategy decision.It turns out that CDM and JI show evidence of improvement in the economic development in host countries and increase the share of new applied technologies. The decomposition of welfare effects demonstrates that the competitiveness effect (including the spill over effects from trade) have the greatest importance because of the intense trade relations between countries. Climatic effects will have a significant impact within the next 50 years, will cause considerable welfare losses to world regions and will intensify if nations highly responsible for pollution like the USA do not reduce their emissions.  相似文献   

Small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) form the core of societal and economic development. However, most people query on the implementation and performance of environmental management. In this paper, the manufacturing SMEs in Northern China with different pollution levels are studied to explore the main forces (e.g., government, society, market, and enterprise itself) driving SMEs for promoting environmental management. It focuses on the correlation between environmental management and economic performance for SMEs at different pollution levels. The results show that SMEs of different pollution levels have significant differences in the relationship of driving forces and performance. First, for SMEs with high-pollution levels, social and market driving forces and government incentives are revealed having a significant effect on their environmental performance. Driving forces from within the enterprise itself and the market provide a positive effect on the economic performance, while social forces have a negative effect. Second, for SMEs with light pollution, social and market driving forces, and government assistance play a supporting role on corporate environmental performance improvement. It is also found that the driving force of the enterprise itself does not have a significant effect on the environmental performance for SMEs with different pollution levels. In addition, the environmental performance and economic performance for SMEs with high or light-pollution levels are positively correlated. Further, it shows that the environmental performance is moderately correlated with financial indices, but not significantly with the non-financial indices.  相似文献   

This is the first in a two-part paper that discusses the results of an evaluation of a 2-year ‘cleaner production’ (CP) demonstration project undertaken in New Zealand (NZ). The project's scale and methods were consistent with international best practice and the methods used were consistent with those advocated in traditional CP or ‘pollution prevention’ (PP) guides and manuals. On the surface, the project could be considered to have been successful. Like other apparently successful demonstration projects carried out elsewhere, the demonstration businesses identified a range of options that improved their environmental, economic and social performance (including savings of over NZ$4 million per annum, and significant reductions in materials, water and energy use, and improvements in productivity).However, a more in-depth evaluation of the project raised significant questions about the ability of traditional CP/PP programme components to bring about durable change. The evaluation identified a set of key internal organisational factors that strongly contributed towards the uptake of CP and affected the potential for on-going improvement. They were commitment, leadership, support, communication, staff involvement and programme design. This part of the paper (Part I) provides an overview of the project, as well as the methodology used in the evaluation. It also includes a discussion of the results particularly as they relate to commitment and on-going improvement. Part II discusses the remaining key internal organisational factors. It also presents a framework that could potentially be used to enhance the performance of CP or similar types of programmes, particularly with regard to the key factors identified.  相似文献   

陈晖  温婧  庞军  陈政  韦雨杉 《中国环境科学》2020,40(12):5540-5550
基于MRIO模型方法自主编制了2012年中国区域间投入产出表,测算了中国31省在生产者责任和消费者责任视角下的碳排放量,以及省际贸易隐含碳转移量.在此基础上,分别从各省在省际贸易隐含碳净转移与隐含GDP净转移之间的关系、污染贸易条件值以及碳基尼系数三个方面分析了我国省际碳公平性问题.由于经济发展水平、资源禀赋、产业结构和能源结构的差异,各省在生产者和消费者视角下的碳排放量存在明显差异;隐含碳净转入省份多位于西部或属于欠发达省份,隐含碳净转出省份多为经济发达省份.中国31省在省际贸易中存在着明显的碳不公平现象,部分发达省份不仅让外省承担了自身的部分碳排放,而且获得了来自外省的GDP净输入,污染贸易条件值也小于1,在碳排放空间分配及经济效益上均处于绝对优势地位;而部分西部省份不仅为外省承接了部分碳排放还对外省净输出了GDP,污染贸易条件值也大于1,在碳排放空间分配和经济效益上均处于绝对劣势地位.2012年我国31省碳基尼系数在消费者责任视角下为0.24,在生产者责任视角下则达到了0.31,表明生产者责任视角下我国省际碳排放空间分配不公平性有所增强.  相似文献   

企业环境行为信息公开化研究初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王远  陆根法 《上海环境科学》1999,18(12):545-546
在传统环境管理体系下,政府主要依靠行政管理和经济手段调控企业的环境行为,而信息手段的引入,不仅为政府的环境政策的制定提供了支持同时公众参与屯给企业施有力的刺激作用。以世界银行在印度尼西亚试行的信息公开化制度为例,探讨了企业环境行为信息公开化的内容及春对污染控制的调控作用。  相似文献   

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