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正随着我国城市化进程的不断加快,城市生活垃圾问题日益呈现出多发性、普遍性等特征,现有研究表明,我国600多座城市中近三分之二已经或即将面临"垃圾围城"的窘境。生活垃圾是城市垃圾污染的主要元凶,生活垃圾分类问题尤其突出大大增加了治理难度和成本,对传统的以行政机关直接管理为主的生活垃圾管理体制提出了挑战。在生活垃圾治理领域内引入社会主体,形成由政府集中监管、多元社会主体参与管理的城市生活垃  相似文献   

考虑政府政策激励监督对城市生活垃圾分类回收治理的影响,构建政府监管-企业处理-居民参与的演化博弈模型,借助演化博弈理论分析4种不同情境下城市生活垃圾分类回收治理的演化稳定策略,并借助数值仿真分析了政府激励监督对各方策略选择的影响.研究发现:居民进行垃圾分类获得的收益大于参与分类的成本两倍及以上时,才会主动参与垃圾分类,否则不会主动参与分类,同时居民对政府正向激励补贴的变化比企业更为敏感.政府实施较高的负向激励力度时可有效约束企业行为,但过高的监管成本会造成垃圾回收治理的管理困境.  相似文献   

我国城市生活垃圾的治理水平一直很低,主要依靠直接堆放和其它简易处理方式进行消纳,大部分未进行无害化处理,致使城市生活垃圾污染治理问题欠帐严重。虽然近几年来,垃圾污染问题在少数城市有所缓解,但大部分城市的垃圾对环境污染日趋势严重,已发展到非加强管理、加快治理不可的地步。  相似文献   

近年来,大力推进农村生活垃圾治理,截至2016年底,全国65%的建制村生活垃圾得到治理。2017年5月和2018年1月调研组先后深入河北、浙江、广西农村,围绕农村生活垃圾治理进行调研,发现目前推广普及的"村收集、镇转运、县处理"治理模式存在三点突出问题,一是现行模式导致农村生活垃圾"进城",加剧城市生活垃圾处理处置设施供需矛盾,二是现行模式运行成本高,农村生活垃圾治理体系难以持续良性运转,三是部分地区采取非规范化填埋和焚烧处理,环境隐患凸显。以上问题反映各地在农村生活垃圾治理过程中简单照搬城市垃圾治理模式,未统筹考虑农村资源环境和社会经济的特点,带来垃圾集中处理的高成本投入和高风险隐患。而我国浙江和日本、美国等发达国家农村生活垃圾治理的经验表明,农村较城市更容易推行垃圾分类减量与资源化利用。因此针对我国农村生活垃圾治理的问题,应强制在现有治理模式的基础上实施农村生活垃圾的前端减量与资源化利用,建立户分类、村收集、就地就近资源化利用与乡转运、县处理相结合的农村生活垃圾治理模式,并通过完善法律法规和标准,建立引导推进机制,培育分类和资源化利用市场,保障农村生活垃圾分类减量和资源化利用能够有效实施。  相似文献   

城市生活垃圾治理对策   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
随着我国城市化进程的加快,城市规模的不断扩大,日益加重的城市垃圾污染,已成目前严重制约城市生存与发展的重要因素之一,本文指出了城市生活垃圾治理中存在的问题,同时提出必须从立法、政策、管理、技术、设施等各方面统筹规划解决我国城市生活垃圾问题,以确保我国城市生活垃圾综合治理系统的正常健康发展.  相似文献   

随着我国城市化进程的加快,城市规模的不断扩大,日益加重的城市垃圾污染,已成目前严重制约城市生存与发展的重要因素之一,本文指出了城市生活垃圾治理中存在的问题,同时提出必须从立法、政策、管理、技术、设施等各方面统筹规划解决我国城市生活垃圾问题,以确保我国城市生活垃圾综合治理系统的正常健康发展。  相似文献   

城市生活垃圾处理问题是城市化发展的主要难题。本文结合江苏省南通市城市生活垃圾分类处理现状,针对城市生活垃圾分类设施配置、尾端处理处置设施和垃圾分类居民参与程度,回收全产业链等进行了分析,从企业角度针进行了分析,并对加强我国城市生活垃圾分类收运的一体化建设提出了建议。  相似文献   

我国城市垃圾污染的现状及解决问题的思路 我国城市垃圾污染十分严重,城市人口的不断增长使垃圾产生量持续增加,环境污染已经成为影响城市健康发展、居民生活质量逐步提高和我国全面建设小康社会的桎梏。面对紧迫的生态环境,我国政府已经认识到城市垃圾问题的严重性,并加大了投资和治理的力度,虽然对城市垃圾治理取得了很大成绩,但仍不能适应城市建设和发展的需要,而循环经济理论为我们提供了一条有效的思路。  相似文献   

中国城市生活垃圾对策研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
如何治理城市生活垃圾是全球各国迫切需要解决的焦点问题。我国亦然。因此 ,我国城市生活垃圾问题现已引起中央和各级政府高度重视和社会各界广泛关注。然而 ,我国现行的垃圾对策和管理模式已不适应解决这一问题 ,必须作根本性调整。经过调查研究 ,并借鉴国外经验提出我国城市生活垃圾的对策应为避免垃圾产生 ,即源头消减 ;其次是资源化和减量化 ,第三是无害化。  相似文献   

主要阐述了我国城市生活垃圾的现状、现有处理城市生活垃圾的几种方法,并就治理趋势进行探讨。  相似文献   

Through shifts toward interactive and participatory forms of environmental governance, knowledge dynamics may come into play that differ from those of traditional forms of policy-making. This paper investigates how shifts of environmental governance and knowledge are related. In order to do so, it reconstructs the development of the governance of recreational boating in the Dutch Wadden Sea on the empirical basis of interviews, document analysis, and a focus group. Moreover, it analyzes this development by means of an analytical framework that combines governance modes, knowledge systems and knowledge–governance interfaces. Our results show that in the last decades partly an accumulation and partly a sequence of various governance arrangements concerning recreational boating has occurred; this has entailed a shift from predominantly centralized governance to a combination of governance modes with a stronger emphasis on decentralized, interactive and self-governance. This shift has occurred together with an increasing prominence of qualitative local knowledge, stakeholders’ knowledge, and the integration of various forms of knowledge. Furthermore, a shift has taken place toward more participatory knowledge–governance interfaces. Our analysis suggests that environmental governance and knowledge are interconnected in various ways: the regulatory and epistemic aspects of environmental issues are bound up with each other, and governance and knowledge are coproduced and mutually constitutive. Key lessons from this analysis are that room for experimentation is an important factor in improving environmental governance, and that increasing stakeholder involvement in governance implies that new modes of jointly creating and exchanging knowledge may need to be taken into account.  相似文献   

The EU is presently in a transition phase from environmental policy-making by law towards other governance approaches based upon networking, voluntary commitments, benchmarking and other forms of “soft law”. Those new governance approaches often claim to lead to “better regulation”, while adopting a more consensus-oriented and participatory style, taking economic aspects more seriously into account, allowing for more flexibility and autonomy for the private sector and Member States alike, mobilising a broader knowledge base or adopting more integrated and holistic approaches than previous sectoralised and compartmentalised policies.While the limitations of traditional regulatory approaches are widely accepted and cited, it is far from evident, that “new modes of governance” have greater capacity to solve problems than the old ones. There is an argument, that “better regulation” might by synonymous to a withdrawal and weakening of the regulatory state and hence effectively of the aspirations and objectives of environmental policies.An interesting case for an approach, combining the strengths of the old and the new approaches is the ongoing reform of chemicals policies. While some observers claim, that the proposed directive, “REACH” might belong to the outdated category of overcomplex and bureaucratic regulation, a closer look shows that there are many new forms of governance in REACH. This mixture or old and new may open a more realistic and promising perspective on the reform of European policy-making.In our paper we assess the effects and the interplay of the combination of different modes of governance using the example of REACH. We are particularly concerned with the question in how far the representation of interests may change when new modes of governance are introduced.  相似文献   

Over the past ten years, efforts have been made in the Paraty region of Brazil towards more active state governance of coastal resources through the implementation and enforcement of various types of protected areas. Trindade is one of the communities making efforts to advocate for themselves as the key stakeholders in a negotiation process for a no-take protected area management plan. As is happening across South America, there has been a shift in policy in Brazil towards participatory environmental governance practices. The objective of this paper is to analyze the quality of community participation in a resource governance process, the perceptions of participating and non-participating community members, and the actual influence of community participants on the protected area management plan under review (in 2012/2013). The research was conducted as interdisciplinary action research. Data were collected through a qualitative approach, using mixed methods of narratives, interviews, focus groups, participant observation and workshops. The negotiation process and community participation in this negotiation process was studied through observation of meetings. Analysis of the negotiation process revealed the importance that community participants place on their rights as Caiçaras, and four further key themes emerged; communication disconnect, opportunity and capacity to participate, representation and decision-making, and conflict. Meaningful participation in natural resources management has not yet been achieved in the process reviewed. The process described is the initial phase of a long-term relationship between community members and government authorities, and changes need to be made so that the desired outcomes for natural resources management are more likely to be achieved.  相似文献   

景区治理是旅游研究的重要内容。伴随着全球一体化发展,国际旅游组织在景区治理中的地位和作用逐渐凸显。以路径创造理论为基础,综合运用文献分析、参与式观察和深度访谈等质性研究方法,以黄山风景区为例,构建了旅游发展的路径创造分析框架,探讨在国际旅游组织介入背景下,山岳型景区治理模式的演化过程及其影响。研究发现:(1)国际旅游组织介入改变了景区治理主体和治理结构,为黄山风景区治理创造了新的路径,也是推动其治理模式演化的重要力量。(2)从申报主体、作用路径、涉及范围、影响内容与介入成效等5个维度具体分析,黄山风景区加入国际旅游组织后经历了三次路径创造,并产生了明显的不同效应。(3)国际旅游组织介入对黄山风景区内部治理、毗邻社区参与治理经验输出三个方面均产生了显著的影响。  相似文献   

The paper reports on a comparative study of three different cases on vision and strategy development for climate change adaptation planning in (i) The South African Breede–Overberg Catchment, (ii) The Mississippi Estuary-New Orleans region and (iii) The Dutch Rhine-Meuse Estuary. The objective of the paper is twofold: to develop a better understanding of such processes and to further develop the Backcasting-Adaptive Management (BCAM) methodology. A framework for case evaluation is developed using six dimensions: (i) inputs and resources, (ii) future vision, (iii) stakeholder engagement, (iv) methodological aspects, (v) pathway development and (vi) impact. Major conclusions based on a cross-case comparison and testing propositions are (i) participatory vision development is a strong tool for climate change adaptation planning in different governance contexts and shows considerable diversity in its application in these contexts; (ii) a single, shared future vision is not a prerequisite for vision and pathway development and endorsement; (iii) broad stakeholder engagement enriches strategy development, but the involvement of marginal groups requires additional efforts and capacity building; (iv) multiple pathways and robust elements are useful but require novel expertise; and (v) more institutional embeddedness and support for participatory processes lead to better implementation of the outcomes of these processes.  相似文献   

This paper reviewed recent research in environmental governance as a response to environmental challenges at various spatial, temporal and administrative scales. It documented the shift of approach from regulation to governance, and attempted to provide a comprehensive understanding why and how the transformation occurred. It also described major factors and forces of environmental governance, and discussed research advance in environmental governance theory. Finally, this paper summarized recent research findings on environmental governance in China, and listed policy recommendation for enhancing the governance.  相似文献   

The governance of knowledge is a crucial element of ecosystem-based management (EBM) and is deemed important for its effectiveness. In this paper we analyze from an empirical perspective how the governance of knowledge in different EBM practices is organized and with what consequences. Based upon four different case studies – all derived from the Wadden Sea – which resemble different contexts (in terms of available knowledge and level of conflict) we reconstruct four different ways of knowledge governance. These four approaches are labeled the database, the alignment, the assessment and the holistic approach. These approaches differ in how the interaction between knowledge production and decision-making is organized. They show different degrees of success, partly related to the extent to which they fit in the context in which they are applied. Understanding the differences in contexts in which knowledge for EBM has to be organized, can help decision-makers to apply the most suitable way of knowledge governance in their specific case. In cases of low conflict and high knowledge capacity a more static, one-directional way of knowledge governance can suffice, while in more complex contexts a holistic approach seems to be necessary.  相似文献   

Biosphere reserves, designated under UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme, are now regarded as key mechanisms to achieve global imperatives such as the Sustainable Development Goals. The concept of biosphere reserves has evolved significantly from the 1970s to include a larger number of functions and zones, as well as the inclusion of stakeholders in governance, as codified in the 1996 Statutory Framework for the World Network of Biosphere Reserves. Its implementation has led to the re-territorialisation of 66 biosphere reserves, as they have been extended beyond the protected areas that form their ‘core areas’. One example is Wester Ross in northwest Scotland. This region has been nationally recognised for its high biodiversity and landscape values since the late 1940s, and a small biosphere reserve was established in 1976. In the current decade, as required by the MAB Programme, this biosphere reserve was extended to over 100 times its original area through a participatory process which is described in detail. Following re-territorialisation, this biosphere reserve, like others, both represents opportunities and faces challenges. These are discussed with regard to four requirements: effective communication, stakeholder engagement, participatory governance, and funding.  相似文献   

This paper brings together institutional theories of polycentricity and critical human geography theory on scalar politics to advance understanding of the form and function of nested, polycentric regimes for the governance of large-scale common pool resources. We focus on institutional changes associated with a national marine protected area network in Palau through which national government and NGOs gain influence in local decision-making processes. Influence is gained through an attempt to scale up common-pool resource governance to an ecologically-relevant spatial scale in an effort to protect coral reef resilience and biodiversity across Palau. An institutional approach informed by scalar politics brings into focus potential tradeoffs between organizing governance reform around ecologically versus institutionally relevant scales. Our analysis suggests that prioritization of ecologically-relevant scales in institutional reform resulted in more nested but less polycentric institutional arrangements governing the network. We conclude that less distributed decision-making in the overall nested governance system could threaten the sustainability and resilience of coral reefs in the long-term by constraining institutional innovation and diversity. Results demonstrate the potential for interdisciplinary dialog to advance the research frontier on multi-level governance for large common pool resources.  相似文献   

旅游业的可持续依赖于各项环境资源的投入及其科学有效的治理,而旅游地公共池塘资源治理问题仍有待深入。水资源作为一类典型的公共池塘资源,是目的地可持续发展的关键。以哈尼梯田核心区为案例,以水权科层概念模型为分析框架,通过半结构访谈、参与式观察等质性研究方法,探讨大众旅游发展前后目的地水权结构的演变历程。研究发现:(1)政体变动和大众旅游业的发展是促成目的地水权结构演变的主要动力,从赋权体系和分配方式两方面影响用户的水资源利用实践;(2)旅游情境下,目的地用户主体的异质性增强,水资源稀缺性提高,商品化趋势明显;(3)科层结构下,集体层级的决策实体作为连接国家层级决策实体和用户层级的中间层,只有充分发挥其监督管理的治理职能才能促进资源的公平利用与可持续发展。现阶段案例地水资源治理以市场力量为主导,而政府管理存在一定缺位,面临可持续发展的挑战。  相似文献   

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