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不同结构形式的建筑在环境影响方面存在差异。对砖混结构和框架结构的两种不同形式的建筑物,因使用建筑材料而造成的环境影响差异,依据建筑材料生命周期环境影响评价模型进行了定量分析。结果表明:从建筑物使用的建筑材料造成的环境影响角度分析,多层砖混结构单位建筑面积的资源耗竭系数为0.045、环境影响负荷为5.87;多层框架结构则分别为0.071、10.49。  相似文献   

北京市住宅建筑的环境影响实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建筑物环境影响主要来自物化环境影响和使用阶段的环境影响,其中建材的影响构成了建筑物化环境影响的主体。在北京市范围内,调查了多个样本建筑的环境影响数据。根据生命周期评价理论,依托已有的数据库和环境影响评价模型,计算并比较了这些样本的环境影响值。结果表明,高层和多层建筑的物化环境影响有着明显差别,高层的较大;建筑物使用阶段的环境影响远大于物化环境影响,但由于调查统计的困难,有关使用阶段环境影响的数据质量不高;气候变暖占了建筑物的环境影响的绝大部分,但对环境影响最大的是大气悬浮颗粒物。  相似文献   

现代建筑材料多数使用钢材、混凝土、木材等高能耗产品,这些材料在生产和运输的过程中会消耗较大的能量,对建筑绿色度和的影响非常大,同时也不利于降低工程预算。通过对建筑资源能源消耗和造价进行调查分析,并对建筑材料对建筑环境负荷影响和建筑工程造价进行了研究,提出基于环境因素设置的工程造价模型。通过实际操作发现,相对于传统的工程造价模型,该模型对工程造价的变化趋势反应的更为直观准确,可以大幅度提高工程造价工作的效率。  相似文献   

水泥窑协同处置工业废弃物的生命周期评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
侯星宇  张芸  戚昱  蒋慧  张琳  曲殿利 《环境科学学报》2015,35(12):4112-4119
以废白土、废催化剂和污染土壤等工业废弃物为研究对象,运用生命周期评价(LCA)方法,对水泥窑协同处置废弃物的环境影响进行评价.通过建立生产过程输入、输出清单,从全球变暖潜值、资源消耗潜值、人体毒性潜值等方面,基于Gabi5.0软件进行建模与计算,对水泥窑常规生产工艺与协同处置工业废弃物工艺产生的环境影响进行比较.结果表明:功能单位(1 t)水泥的生产过程中,常规生产工艺和协同处置工艺的环境影响潜值分别为5.78×10~(-11)和5.61×10~(-11),协同处置工艺使得全生命周期环境影响潜值降低了2.94%;水泥生产过程最主要的环境影响是全球变暖和人体毒性,其中,协同处置工艺下这两种环境影响分别降低了0.80%和1.80%,资源消耗相比常规生产降低了11.1%;从全生命周期看,水泥生产中熟料煅烧阶段对环境的影响最大,协同处置工艺下熟料煅烧阶段的环境影响相比常规生产降低了8.0%.协同处置工艺相比常规生产工艺有更好的环境效益.  相似文献   

以低品质包装废物为典型固体废物开展水泥窑共处置试烧试验. 以生命周期评价(LCA)方法为研究手段,对水泥窑共处置技术的环境影响进行评价,并且与常规水泥熟料生产过程进行比较. 通过试验和资料调研,获得所有生命周期阶段的能量和物质输入、输出以及环境外排数据,利用SimaPro7.1软件进行处理,得出相应的环境影响潜值. 结果表明:①在水泥熟料生产的全生命周期过程中,对环境影响所占比重最大的是生产阶段,共处置低品质包装废物可以使环境影响潜值降低10.65%(从263 Pt降至235 Pt),主要表现在无机物对人体的损害和酸化/富营养化方面. ②从全生命周期来看,共处置低品质包装废物使环境影响潜值降低了8.68%(从334 Pt降至305 Pt),主要表现在无机物对人体的损害和酸化/富营养化方面的降低,二者的环境影响潜值分别降低了11.00%和15.70%.   相似文献   

食用油聚酯包装的生命周期评价   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
采用生命周期评价法研究了食用油聚酯(PET)包装的生命周期环境影响,并对不同处置方式的环境影响进行比较评价. 通过现场和资料调研的方式获得所有生命周期阶段的能量物质的输入、输出和环境外排数据. 结果表明:PET包装原料获取阶段的环境影响潜值在全生命周期环境影响潜值中所占比例极高,占处置前环境影响潜值的81.8%. PET包装的全生命周期环境影响类别主要集中在化石燃料、无机物对人体损害和气候变化3个方面;在致癌、生态毒性和酸化/富营养化等方面的影响较小. 3种主要处置方式的环境影响潜值为焚烧>填埋>再生,其中焚烧和填埋分别增加PET包装处置阶段前环境影响潜值的5.1%和3.6%,而再生可降低63.9%.   相似文献   

住宅产业在国民经济中具有重要的地位和作用,但同时也是全球和我国重要的环境污染制造者。作者针对我国目前城市住宅"拆""建"过程频繁重复和高污染现象,以"建筑隐含环境影响因子"概念为平台,完成了我国既有住宅更新改造全寿命周期隐含环境影响因子的测算、归一化和量化。计算结果表明,通过延长建筑的使用寿命,在其寿命周期内不断对其进行更新改造,降低拆除重建的机率,将过去"资源→建筑→废物"的物质单向流动转化为"资源→建筑→循环再利用建筑"的物质闭路循环过程,在减少资源消耗和降低环境污染方面具有良好的环境生态效益。  相似文献   

本文在啤酒酿造阶段基础上,将原料种植及麦芽制备引入研究范围,利用Gabi5.0软件对啤酒进行从摇篮到大门的生命周期评价.各阶段考虑温室效应、酸化、富营养化、非生物资源消耗、人体潜在毒性、光化学毒性6种环境影响类型.结果表明,温室效应是啤酒生产对环境影响的主要类型,占总环境影响潜值43.75%,环境影响由强至弱分别为温室效应、富营养化、酸化、人体潜在毒性、光化学毒性和非生物资源消耗.灌装阶段是造成环境影响的主要阶段,占总环境影响潜值39.77%,种植阶段次之.其中灌装阶段的温室效应、非生物资源消耗、人体潜在毒性和光化学毒性影响潜值为啤酒生产各阶段最高值,种植阶段的富营养化、酸化影响潜值在各阶段最高.对灌装阶段采用传输管道改进,空压机热能回收、蒸汽二次利用等清洁生产方案降低能源消耗和环境影响,方案实施后蒸气和电能消耗分别减少247.66 MJ和4.46 k Wh,温室效应影响潜值减少19.18%,具有一定的环境效益和经济效益.  相似文献   

以新建建筑产生的固体废弃物为研究对象,将改进的材料跟踪法、基于R语言的算法和数据挖掘技术相结合,合理规避了传统方法中数据提取粗糙与数据获取主观性强的问题.同时,通过现场调研获取全国不同区域新建居住建筑的基础数据,进行实证分析.结果表明,施工现场废弃混凝土、废弃钢筋、废弃砌块产生率的典型值分别为3.28%,2.88%,3.33%,代表区间分别为(0.6144%,5.9456%),(0.622%,5.138%),(0.6103%,6.02%).与已有数据对比发现,我国新建建筑中固体废弃物产生率高于定额损耗率,固废管理水平存在区域性差异,呈"沿海高、内地低"的态势,且整体减量化水平亟待提高.  相似文献   

我国城镇化进程持续深入推进,大规模城市更新建造活动消耗了大量水泥等建筑材料.以深圳市为例,采用自下而上的物质流分析方法估算了自特区建设以来(1979~2018年)城市房屋建筑中的水泥存量和流量,并分析了其产生的综合环境影响(以碳排放当量为度量指标).研究结果表明:1979~2018年间,深圳市建筑水泥历史累积消耗约为8120万t,年均消耗超过200万t,水泥累计流出量(建筑废弃物)约为总流入量的25%~29%;截至2018年,深圳市建筑水泥存量达到6200万t,人均水泥存量达到4.7t.相应地,全部所消耗的水泥材料在生产阶段的碳排放累计可达6880万tCO2eq,其中仅有9%的碳排放量可被既有存量建筑“自然”吸附,但仍有至少约11%的碳排放量可通过废弃混凝土(流量)再生骨料进行“逆向”吸附封存.最后,基于建筑水泥存流量、碳排放及碳汇量等量化数据,提出了加强水泥使用管理、实现水泥生产碳减排以及水泥材料碳汇能力提升等相关措施建议.  相似文献   

This study investigates the global impact of wood as a building material by considering emissions of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Wood is compared with other materials in terms of stored carbon and emissions of carbon dioxide from fossil fuel energy used in manufacturing. An analysis of typical forms of building construction shows that wood buildings require much lower process energy and result in lower carbon emissions than buildings of other materials such as brick, aluminium, steel and concrete. If a shift is made towards greater use of wood in buildings, the low fossil fuel requirement for manufacturing wood compared with other materials is much more significant in the long term than the carbon stored in the wood building products.As a corollary, a shift from wood to non-wood materials would result in an increase in energy requirements and carbon emissions.The results presented in this paper show that a 17% increase in wood usage in the New Zealand building industry could result in a 20% reduction in carbon emissions from the manufacture of all building materials, being a reduction of about 1.5% of New Zealand’s total emissions. The reduction in emissions is mainly a result of using wood in place of brick and aluminium, and to a lesser extent steel and concrete, all of which require much more process energy than wood. There would be a corresponding decrease of about 1.5% in total national fossil fuel consumption. These figures have implications for the global forestry and building industries. Any increases in wood use must be accompanied by corresponding increases in areas of forest being managed for long term sustained yield production.  相似文献   

The growing concerns over the environmental impacts of buildings have led to increasing demands for more environmental friendly buildings and building materials. Hitherto, there are not any comprehensive studies that show the overall environmental impact profiles of building materials and building services components for buildings. This paper intends to bridge this gap by reporting overall lifecycle environmental profiles of buildings as well as the ranking orders of environmental impacts of all the building materials and building services materials and components for commercial buildings. Twenty-five commercial buildings in Hong Kong, which include three Grade A office buildings, four Grade B office buildings, one Grade C office buildings, four retail centers and three hotels, have been selected for our study. Based upon these collected samples, no statistical differences were found in the average lifecycle environmental impacts for different building types despite some minor variations were detected. Subsequently, 10 types of building materials and 10 types of building services components have been identified for their significant lifecycle environmental impacts on commercial buildings. Among all, concrete, reinforcement bar, copper power cables, and copper busbars were ranked to be the four most significant materials or components to the total lifecycle environmental impacts. These should form the major targets for improvements in environmental performance of commercial buildings.  相似文献   

In this study a method is suggested to compare the net carbon dioxide (CO2) emission from the construction of concrete- and wood-framed buildings. The method is then applied to two buildings in Sweden and Finland constructed with wood frames, compared with functionally equivalent buildings constructed with concrete frames. Carbon accounting includes: emissions due to fossil fuel use in the production of building materials; the replacement of fossil fuels by biomass residues from logging, wood processing, construction and demolition; carbon stock changes in forests and buildings; and cement process reactions. The results show that wood-framed construction requires less energy, and emits less CO2 to the atmosphere, than concrete-framed construction. The lifecycle emission difference between the wood- and concrete-framed buildings ranges from 30 to 130 kg C per m2 of floor area. Hence, a net reduction of CO2 emission can be obtained by increasing the proportion of wood-based building materials, relative to concrete materials. The benefits would be greatest if the biomass residues resulting from the production of the wood building materials were fully used in energy supply systems. The carbon mitigation efficiency, expressed in terms of biomass used per unit of reduced carbon emission, is considerably better if the wood is used to replace concrete building material than if the wood is used directly as biofuel.  相似文献   

评价一个建筑的环境性能的好坏,必须充分考虑它的生命周期中的每一个阶段。建立了建筑物的生命周期清单分析模型,并对某钢结构建筑和某混凝土建筑的生命周期清单分析结果进行了比较,结果表明,单从结构的生命周期清单分析结果,钢结构建筑相对于混凝土结构建筑有着较大的优越性,单位面积的建材生命周期环境排放仅为混凝土结构建筑的1/2左右,但是结构在建筑的整个生命周期里面只不到10%的比例,比例最大的是建筑使用阶段,影响建筑使用阶段空调能耗的主要因素是外围护结构的材料和形式,因此优化外围护结构的热工性能是当前我国建筑节能最主要的问题。  相似文献   

建筑能耗是重要的社会能源消耗主体。采用宏观能源统计方法,利用综合能源平衡表估算上海市1999-2009年住宅能耗和公共建筑运行能耗的变化及其特征。结果表明,上海市民用建筑总能耗由1999年的687.82万tce增加到2009年的1 774.91万tce,平均年增长率为4.68%;住宅建筑能耗呈上升趋势,而单位面积能耗逐年下降,单位面积住宅建筑能耗均值比公共建筑低35.30 kgce/(m2.a);公共建筑单位建筑面积能耗变化呈略增态势,2009年单位建筑能耗比1999年高9.64 kgce/(m2.a)。研究结果可为建筑节能减排政策的制定提供决策参考和数据支持。  相似文献   

中国目前面临着严峻的节能减碳目标,在中国的总能耗中建筑能耗占了三分之一以上。然而低碳住宅在中国刚刚起步,评估体系尚不完善,建设技术方法也未成熟,低碳住宅的普及率很低。本文通过对国内现有的绿色住宅评价体系的分析,结合中国自身的国情,初步提出一套大众能够接受的低碳住宅的建设方案,为今后低碳住宅的建设评估和推广提供参考。  相似文献   

Education is the foundation for achieving sustainable development. With the purpose of facing sustainable challenges in terms of climate change, water and energy consumption, Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) has promoted the culture of energy efficiency in new generations of professionals that will work in the field of building construction. A group of 21 students taking the final official Diploma in Architecture were involved in a project of analysis of energy performance of UPC buildings in order to identify and implement cost-effective ways of promoting a greater environmental responsibility. The development of works focused the attention on introducing energy audits in existing university buildings, analysing the following aspects: surveying construction drawings, building characteristics, energy consumption, use of natural lighting, energy-saving lighting controls, water consumption, and high-efficiency HVAC systems. The ultimate goal was to draft a proposal for greater respect for the environment, and for corrective measures aimed at reducing the environmental impacts.  相似文献   

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