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气候变化诉讼在全球范围内的兴起,不仅为国际气候治理带来新曙光,也为我国应对气候变化提供了新思路。具体而言,这一制度关涉到中国“双碳”目标的实现、应对气候变化新路径的探索、全球气候治理话语权的提升及企业抗气候风险能力的增强,在我国已具备现实的发展需求。但从实然层面而言,气候变化诉讼虽已可以在环境公益诉讼中窥见雏形,但囿于实体法与程序法的缺位,加之法院在气候治理中能动性体现不足,司法与行政关系亟待厘清,提起气候变化诉讼仍存有诸多障碍。未来我国应不断完善气候变化诉讼的落实路径,充分发挥法院在司法解释、案例指导等方面对气候变化诉讼的助推作用,并在明晰气候司法与行政关系的基础上,逐步加强公众参与。  相似文献   

《巴黎协定》让更多国家投入到碳达峰、碳中和行动中来。作为全球气候治理的贡献者,我国要用全球历史上最短的时间完成“碳达峰”到“碳中和”的跨越。近年来,一些国家在可持续发展与应对气候变化领域取得了显著成绩,立法是重要的手段之一。虽然应对气候变化已经上升为我国的国家战略,但仍存在应对气候变化的法律缺位、缺少法律强制力以及上位法缺失导致相关工作进展缓慢等问题。提出将应对气候变化纳入我国法律体系,完善应对气候变化的法律内涵,通过上位法及相应强制力的制定,为“双碳”目标的实现保驾护航。  相似文献   

气候金融是全球气候治理的重要基础和关键要素。国际政治局势的变动和《巴黎协定》的签订使得全球气候治理格局发生了重大转变。文章基于这一时代背景和国际气候金融发展趋势,从气候金融政策发展、气候金融机构及其产品和服务、气候金融风险管理三个角度梳理中国气候金融发展现状和内外部障碍。基于此,文章提出了气候金融发展的中国应对策略,认为应健全政策体系,加强国际合作;扩大金融供给,完善行业体系;健全法规约束,提升管理水平。  相似文献   

在全球治理和国际秩序加速变革等大变局背景下,全球气候治理体系和秩序正在经历深刻变化。全球气候问题需要全球气候治理的主体去认知与改造,主体在全球气候治理进程中有着关键性影响。当前全球气候治理主体的内涵和外延在持续变化,最值得关注的变化就是全球气候治理主体走向共同体化,并且正在形成一种规范。全球气候治理主体间在利益、责任与命运关系的演化,对更大范围的、更深程度的主体关系提出了新要求。本文基于近年来全球气候治理实践,分析了全球气候治理主体共同体及其关系的发展情况与趋势,同时分析人类命运共同体如何引导全球气候治理主体共同体及其关系,以更好聚焦国际社会应对气候变化的首要因素,开启全球应对气候变化新征程。  相似文献   

气候变化是全人类面临的严峻挑战,我国受到气候变化的不利影响更为显著,加快采取雄心勃勃的适应气候变化行动显得尤为重要,但资金机制一直是我国适应进程中的主要障碍,亟须借鉴国际经验构建完善适应气候变化的资金机制。基于此,本文首先简要分析国际适应气候变化资金机制的基本情况,然后选取适应进程较为完善的美、英、德、日等典型发达国家,分别从适应政策体系、国内适应资金和国际援助资金等三个方面梳理总结各国适应气候变化资金机制,最后分析我国适应气候变化资金机制及存在的问题,并提出对我国适应气候变化资金机制的启示。研究发现,《联合国气候变化框架公约》及其气候变化国际谈判进程是各国推进适应气候变化资金机制的主要动因,发达国家重视适应政策的法制化,但政策力度和运行模式有所不同,公共部门是各国适应资金的主要来源,私人资金潜力尚待挖掘,国际气候援助注重减缓与适应并重,但援助力度有待加强。未来我国应从完善适应气候变化顶层设计、建立适应气候变化资金保障机制、提高适应气候援助力度、加强国际交流与合作等方面完善我国适应气候变化资金机制。  相似文献   

应对气候变化实现碳达峰、碳中和目标需要海量的资金投入并将为中国带来巨大的气候资金缺口,解决这一难题亟须大量的资金投入和高效的投融资手段。2020年以来我国气候投融资顶层文件相继出台,尽管气候投融资体系和试点工作的研究逐渐丰富,但是气候投融资理论研究仍然落后于地方和金融机构的相关实践。本文聚焦于气候投融资体系中存在的标准不统一、机制不灵活、信息不对称、数据不可靠等关键问题,梳理气候投融资加速发展所需的关键要素,讨论气候投融资加速发展的预期目标,提出一套结合数字科技应用的气候投融资加速发展新生态体系及其标准体系、技术体系、数据体系的构建方案,旨在引导和鼓励资金流向技术先进、示范创新、气候效益显著的绿色低碳项目,为气候投融资试点和“双碳”政策落地,提供理论支撑和政策参考。  相似文献   

当前落实《巴黎协定》的实施细则谈判中,如何体现气候变化公约和《巴黎协定》的原则,全面、均衡地推进适应、减缓、资金、技术、能力建设和透明度各要素的进展,各缔约方仍存在较大分歧。为缩小各国减排承诺与实现控制温升2℃目标间的差距,2018年将开展"促进性对话",强化各缔约方的承诺和行动,也面临复杂的博弈形势。中国倡导合作共赢、公平正义、共同发展的全球气候治理新理念,把合作应对气候变化作为推动各国可持续发展的机遇,促进各国特别是发展中国家走上气候适宜型的低碳经济发展路径,以实现"发展"与"减碳"的双赢,促进各国加强互惠合作,共同发展,打造人类命运共同体。在国内遵循绿色、循环、低碳发展理念,统筹国内可持续发展与全球应对气候变化国内、国际两个大局,推动能源革命和经济发展方式转型,打造经济、民生、资源、环境与应对气候变化多方共赢的局面。加强国际务实合作,结合"一带一路"建设,秉承生态文明建设和绿色发展理念,与沿线国家可持续发展战略相对接,加强先进能源产业与低碳基础设施的建设和互联互通。中国在全球气候治理变革、能源与经济低碳转型、互惠共赢国际合作等领域,已经并将继续做出重要贡献,发挥引领作用。  相似文献   

应对气候变化与生态环境保护协同政策研究   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
应对气候变化与生态环境保护协同是实现碳达峰目标和碳中和愿景、构建现代气候治理体系和治理能力的重要举措,构建实施协同政策十分关键,是统筹推进应对气候变化与生态环境保护的根本支撑。本文分析了应对气候变化与生态环境保护的协同关系,评估了应对气候变化与生态环境保护协同政策现状,分析了存在的主要问题,提出了协同政策的推进思路框架、重点方向、实施保障以及实施路线图。  相似文献   

康晓 《绿叶》2018,(Z1)
气候变化与北极构成了与人类命运息息相关的共同体。全球变暖消融了北极冰冻圈,融化的海冰不仅加剧了全球海平面上升,而且破坏了北极的生物多样性。中国政府新近发布的《中国的北极政策》白皮书全面阐述了中国在北极事务中的政策立场,其中明确写入了通过积极参与气候变化全球治理应对北极环境改变的挑战,体现了中国北极政策与气候政策的相互融合。中国—北欧北极研究中心可以成为连接中国与欧盟在北极地区气候合作的纽带,加强二者在美国退出《巴黎协定》后气候变化全球治理中的领导地位。  相似文献   

李俊峰 《绿叶》2012,(12):7-11
国际气候制度处于从京都体系向后2020体系转变的一个“转型期”。在这期间,全球气候问题将日趋严峻.世界将更为期待全球合作。从民间视角来看.这样的合作有赖各个国家,特别是大国,能够以一个开放心态.更主动地承担起各自在全球治理中的责任。而民间组织自身,在参与气候谈判的同时,也要在国内的主战场做好推动民众意识的“家庭作业”。  相似文献   

Faced with the prospects of a changing climate, a small but increasing number of countries are developing legal and regulatory frameworks that explicitly address climate change. Moreover at least some of these laws and policies carve out substantial roles for local governments. The present paper surveys three countries from different regions in the Global South that have developed or are developing such laws and policies: the Philippines (Asia-Pacific), Mexico and more specifically its State of Chiapas (Latin America), and South Africa (Africa). It examines those experiences through two different lenses. The paper first reviews the steps by which those laws or policies were developed. For this review, criteria for effective consultative processes are proposed. The study then examines the three climate change laws or policies per se. To this end, a framework including four modes of multi-level urban climate governance (governing by regulation, governing through enabling, governing by provision, governing with representation and consultation) is utilised. The paper ends with synthetic conclusions as to which experiences represent promising practices, and what other lessons are relevant for countries embarking on such processes.  相似文献   

全球气候变化背景下,绿色可持续修复已成为修复领域的必然趋势。极端天气频发和水文条件改变等气候变化会影响污染场地修复工程实施和修复技术适用性等,绿色可持续修复亟待进一步发展和完善。弹性修复是在绿色可持续修复的基础上,进一步应对和适应气候变化的新兴修复方向。英美等发达国家已经初步发展了弹性修复的理论和实践,本文通过探究污染场地修复与气候变化的交互作用,借鉴发达国家的相关经验和实践案例,为我国污染场地绿色可持续修复适应气候变化提出发展建议。  相似文献   

Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) were proposed as a policy framework that could provide middle ground for meeting both the development and mitigation objectives in developing countries. While South Africa engaged actively with the NAMA terminology in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change negotiations, its engagement at the domestic level has been rather lacklustre. This presents an interesting paradox. The paper studies the interplay of international norms embodied in NAMAs with South Africa's domestic policy process. Disengagement and contestation around NAMAs in South Africa is played out at three stages: decision-making stage where the symptoms surrounding this contestation first emerge; policy formulation stage where NAMAs have to not only align with the National Development Plan but also compete with a predilection for domestically familiar terminology of flagships under the national climate policy; and finally the broader agenda-setting stage of policy process, where NAMAs have to prove useful in not only pursuing the developmental state agenda but also in tackling the underlying material factors that represent country's economic dependency on fossil fuels. NAMAs faced combined resistance from ideas and interests in various degrees at all these stages resulting in their disengagement.  相似文献   

Cities have increasingly become the focal point for climate change initiatives. However, how cities respond to climate change challenges and through what mechanisms have remained largely unexplored. This paper develops a framework for local governance to examine and explain climate change initiatives in cities. Based on the analysis of 20 climate change initiatives in major cities and a detailed case study of Hong Kong, this paper has two main findings. First, local governments at the city level have an important role to play in climate change policies by embracing some key strategies (such as deliberation and partnership) and values (such as equity and legitimacy) of good governance. Second, by comparing and contrasting the experience in other cities, our case study of Hong Kong provides insights about the barriers that may limit a city's ability to adapt to new forms of governance that would enable it to better respond to climate change. The paper concludes by exploring the potential role of local governance as a model to strengthen climate change initiatives at the city level.  相似文献   

This special issue contributes to scholarly debates about the role of cities in global climate governance, reflecting on the promise, limits, and politics of cities as agents of change. It takes an empirically-informed approach drawing on multiple diverse geographical and political contexts. Overall, the special issue aims to stimulate reflection and debate about where understanding and practice needs improvement to advance the role of cities in global climate governance. Key questions that are addressed in the special issue include: To what extent do real world experiences confirm or disconfirm the high expectations of cities as agents and sites of change in addressing global climate change as expressed in urban climate governance literature? In what ways do internal political dynamics of cities enable or constrain urban climate governance? How is climate governance in cities enabled and constrained by interactions with broader governance levels? In what ways can climate governance in cities be advanced through critical attention to the previous issues?  相似文献   


This paper explores how Australia's Indigenous peoples understand and respond to climate change impacts on their traditional land and seas. Our results show that: (i) Indigenous peoples are observing modifications to their country due to climate change, and are doing so in both ancient and colonial time scales; (ii) the ways that climate change terminology is discursively understood and used is fundamental to achieving deep engagement and effective adaptive governance; (iii) Indigenous peoples in Australia exhibit a high level of agency via diverse approaches to climate adaptation; and (iv) humour is perceived as an important cultural component of engagement about climate change and adaptation. However, wider governance regimes consistently attempt to “upscale” Indigenous initiatives into their own culturally governed frameworks - or ignore them totally as they “don't fit” within neoliberal policy regimes. We argue that an opportunity exists to acknowledge the ways in which Indigenous peoples are agents of their own change, and to support the strategic localism of Indigenous adaptation approaches through tailored and place-based adaptation for traditional country.  相似文献   

The Value of Linking Mitigation and Adaptation: A Case Study of Bangladesh   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There are two principal strategies for managing climate change risks: mitigation and adaptation. Until recently, mitigation and adaptation have been considered separately in both climate change science and policy. Mitigation has been treated as an issue for developed countries, which hold the greatest responsibility for climate change, while adaptation is seen as a priority for the South, where mitigative capacity is low and vulnerability is high. This conceptual divide has hindered progress against the achievement of the fundamental sustainable development challenges of climate change. Recent attention to exploring the synergies between mitigation and adaptation suggests that an integrated approach could go some way to bridging the gap between the development and adaptation priorities of the South and the need to achieve global engagement in mitigation. These issues are explored through a case study analysis of climate change policy and practice in Bangladesh. Using the example of waste-to-compost projects, a mitigation-adaptation-development nexus is demonstrated, as projects contribute to mitigation through reducing methane emissions; adaptation through soil improvement in drought-prone areas; and sustainable development, because poverty is exacerbated when climate change reduces the flows of ecosystem services. Further, linking adaptation to mitigation makes mitigation action more relevant to policymakers in Bangladesh, increasing engagement in the international climate change agenda in preparation for a post-Kyoto global strategy. This case study strengthens the argument that while combining mitigation and adaptation is not a magic bullet for climate policy, synergies, particularly at the project level, can contribute to the sustainable development goals of climate change and are worth exploring.  相似文献   

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