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正国务院总理李克强7月9日主持召开国务院常务会议,部署加快发展现代保险服务业,决定免征新能源汽车车辆购置税,围绕推进简政放权,通过相关法律修正案草案和行政法规修改决定。会议强调,发展新能源汽车是我国交通能源战略转型、推进生态文明建设的重要举措。支持新能源汽车这一战略性新兴产业发展,对于实施创新驱动,促进节能减排和污染防治,拉动国内  相似文献   

2008年7月1日上午,国务院总理、国务院节能减排工作领导小组组长温家宝主持召开节能减排工作领导小组会议,听取2007年节能减排工作进展情况汇报,安排2008年节能减排工作。会议强调,今年是实现“十一五”节能减排约柬陛目标的关键一年,必须下更大决心,花更大力气,打好节能减排攻坚战,务求使节能减排工作取得突破性进展。  相似文献   

中央3380多亿元支撑节能减排带动社会投入上万亿据财政部网站消息,近年来,全国财政经建系统紧紧围绕"夯实基础、明确责任、创新机制、加大投入、创造环境"的节能减排工作思路,把节能减排与应对国际金融危机、培育发展战略性新兴产业紧密结合起来,大胆探索,勇于创新,陆续出台30多项财税制度和办法,并调整财政支出结构,中央财政累计安排3380多亿元资金,加上地方财政配套资金,共同带动社会投入上万亿元,为完成"十一五"节能减排目标提供了有力支撑和保障。(中国网)  相似文献   

中国政府不仅没有放缓,反而进一步增大了节能减排的工作力度和应对气候变化的步伐,积极采取措施发展新能源和环保产业。——科教部部长 万钢  相似文献   

正促进节能减排和低碳发展国务院总理李克强近日主持召开节能减排及应对气候变化工作会议,推动落实《政府工作报告》,促进节能减排和低碳发展,研究应对气候变化相关工作。李克强强调,去年节能减排取得新进展,但今年的任务更加艰巨。我们要坚定不移地推进节能减排,努力走出一条能耗排放做"减法"、经济发展做"加法"的新路子,对人民群众和子孙后代尽责。  相似文献   

郭菁 《环境教育》2009,(8):56-58
近日,辽宁省沈阳市召开了“全国节能减排家庭档案交流研讨会”,会议上,沈阳市的“节能减排家庭档案”工作得到了高度评价j目前,节能减排家庭档案在沈阳全市5万多个家庭中建立起来,并初见成效。本期特为读者介绍此活动,为各地开展社区和家庭节能减排工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

马冬  丁焰  张艳  唐骕 《绿叶》2019,(Z1)
当前我国大气污染防治形势严峻。加快新能源汽车推广应用是交通行业节能减排的重要举措。近年来我国新能源汽车取得快速发展,但在大气污染物协同控制方面还存在一些问题。未来应统筹实施大气污染治理与新能源汽车发展政策,充分发挥政策措施的协同效应,以空气质量改善为目标,加快新能源汽车推广应用。  相似文献   

北京市:节能减排是热点 民进北京市委建议将6月22日设为“节能日” 目前我国能源短缺形势严峻,节能减排是全社会关注的焦点。民进北京市委在北京市政协十一届一次会议上提出,建议将每年6月22日设为“节能日”,通过开展各种形式的节能活动、政策宣传,传授和普及科学节能知识与相关技术,以增强全民的能源忧患意识和节能责任感。  相似文献   

殷玉婷 《环境教育》2008,(12):35-35
12月6习,“全民环境教育·节能减排”高层研讨会在北京举行,来自国家环保部和各级环保系统、地方环保宣教中心、环保企业、北京各高校环保社团代表近百人出席。本次研讨会由中国环境科学出版社主办,《环境教育》杂志社承办。会议认为,要将节能减排理念由政府宏观决策逐步分解深入浅出的传输到企业和百姓身边,以污染减排为重点,面向社会多角度、多层次地宣传节能减排工作,以此提高公众环境意识和环境科学知识水平,逐步形成人人参与、关心、支持节能减排、参与环境保护行动的积极氛围。  相似文献   

<正>7月1日,国务院总理、国务院节能减排工作领导小组组长温家宝主持召开节能减排工作领导小组会议。会议认为,目前形势仍然十分严峻,突出表现在经济增长速度偏快,特别是高耗能、高排放行业增长仍然过快,服务业增加值占GDP比重、高技术制造业增加值占工业增加值比重下降,产业结构重型化的格局没有改变。  相似文献   


The design aspects of energy selection and energy efficiency are described. These topics are key components of Design for Environment, and thus are important considerations in industrial ecology. In the article, background material is presented on energy forms, sources, carriers and conversion technologies. Then, energy use in countries, regions and sectors is discussed, and the impact of energy use on the environment described. Efficiencies and other measures of merit for energy use are presented, and design for energy selection and for energy efficiency are described, highlighting energy-related design factors for pollution prevention. Finally sustainable development and its relation to energy and efficiency are discussed, and a case study is presented.  相似文献   

《The Environmentalist》1981,1(3):246-246

The International Energy Agency (IEA), together with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), UN‐DESA, Eurostat and the European Environmental Agency, has recently published a comprehensive joint‐agency overview of energy indicators for sustainable development. The IEA's contribution to this publication is based on the IEA energy indicator approach. This approach has been developed and used by the IEA over a number of years. The indicators advocated by the IEA are relatively disaggregated to allow for meaningful analysis of sustainability issues in the energy sector. Using a decomposition approach helps reveal the causal links between human/economic driving forces, energy use and emissions. This article presents examples of IEA's work with indicators and an overview of the methodology used, including an explanation of the link to sustainable development. It also provides an example of a simplified indicator analysis of India, to illustrate the importance of improved data systems in developing indicators that can provide meaningful policy analysis.  相似文献   

Some of China's most prominent environmental problems are related to energy The air pollution of the cities and industrial centers is caused by the inefficient combustion of coal. Deforestation is due to a certain extent to the procurement of firewood. Further problems are caused by the ash and slag from coal combustion and the oil pollution of the sea. While most of China's air is still clean, pollution levels in the cities surpass by far those of German industrial towns, and the health effects are becoming apparent The problem of deforestation must be considered still more serious because it affects whole regions. Short-term effective solutions to the problems presented are not available  相似文献   

本文分析了汽车能耗和污染涉及的多个因子,根据它们对大气环境和人体健康的损害程度,赋予其不同权重系数,论证确定各自基准值后,提出了量化的可供统一比较的汽车能耗污染指数,并据此进行了汽车节能环保星级评定.收集部分中国新车型数据进行了实例分析.  相似文献   

The current policy of many state governments in India to supply cheap and subsidized power to farmers for irrigation pumping is being increasingly questioned by many environmentalists and agriculturalists. States where power tariffs for irrigation are subsidized and cheap have seen a fall in their groundwater tables which could threaten the long-term sustainability of irrigated agriculture in these areas. This paper presents the results of a survey, undertaken to understand the effect of energy pricing on groundwater tables. The paper argues that current energy pricing policies are at cross purposes to groundwater conservation. Equity effects of energy pricing for irrigation pumping is also discussed .  相似文献   

Woodfuel balances are commonly used by energy planners in developing countries to determine the adequacy of woodfuel resources. Recently, critics have argued that wood balances are misleading in their simplicity, exaggerating both the severity of the woodfuel shortage and the need for planned interventions to solve that problem. This paper examines four different wood balances developed for Tanzania. While the four studies all indicate that areas with miombo woodlands are in the greatest wood surplus, the specific estimates for any given region may differ widely. Despite their shortcomings, energy planners need woodfuel balances to give an impression of the adequacy of woodfuel resources. However, if energy planning is to have any effect, these balances must represent the beginning, and not the end result, of the planning process. Planners must follow the wood-energy balance analysis with work utilizing local people to solve local problems.  相似文献   

Rural Energy     
One of the most critical problems facing many developing countries is that of the alarming rate of depletion of traditional sources of energy, largely fuelwood and charcoal, which together command the largest share of energy used in rural areas. This has resulted in soil erosion, degradation of the land, reduced agricultural productivity and potentially serious ecological change. The social and economic impacts have been detrimental to the countries' populations, particularly for those living in the rural areas. Urgent action is therefore required to correct the fast deteriorating situation through evolution of fitting policies, establishment or strengthening of appropriate institutions and provision of adequate funding. But resolving the situation will be difficult and challenging for the problems are many, some of them complex. New sources of energy such as solar, wind, biomass, hydro and geothermal have a potential role to play in helping meet current and future energy requirements in the rural areas; but their widespread use and acceptance would be enhanced through increased research, development and demonstration, more funding, improved education and training and better flow of information on the advances in these fields.  相似文献   

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