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全球气候变暖会引起海平面上升,已有研究表明,广东沿海海平面上升量最大,上升速度为2.19 mm/a。本文根据张锦文对广东沿海的海平面上升估计值,研究了广东沿海到2030年、2050年和2100年时由海平面上升造成的海岸滨线后退和海岸面积损失的影响,并进一步分析了海平面上升对广东近岸海域红树林、海草和湿地生态系的影响。  相似文献   

X21 X16 9901473海平面上升的影响及损失预测/王芳(国家海洋局海洋发展战略研究所)//上海环境科学/上海市环保局一1998,17(10)一9一11 环信X一100 气候变化引起的海平面上升对沿海国家和地区构成极大威胁。本文介绍了海平面上升的影响、破坏损失的构成以及破坏损失的评价、预测,提出的方法中既有考虑时间因素的,又有对时限忽略不计的。提出的经济影响模型受各项参数的限制,只能根据具体地区和要求,选择相对理想的方案,从而为有关部门作出减灾决策和项目管理提供参考依据。参3(怡东)X24 9901476可持续发展城市判定指标体系/曹凤中…(国家环…  相似文献   

全球重大环境问题--气候变化导致的海平面上升   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
禹军 《世界环境》2002,(1):8-10
本文介绍了气候变化问题的由来,人类对由气候变化引起的海平面上升问题的科学认识,分析了海平面上升对沿海须弱地区可能造成的环境,经济和社会影响,提出了应对海平面上升的对策措施。  相似文献   

本文是根据国内外大量实测数据,说明全世界大气层中二氧化碳不断增多,出现“温室效应”,使全球变暖,近地而大气层气温变化的情况;从而引起海面水温变化,使海洋上冰块瓦和融化,引起海平面上升。按世界各国学者研究的结果,近百年全球近地面大气层气温变化总的趋势是上升,北半球比较明显。海平面孔 有上升的趋势。按近40年中海平面可能上升0.4~1m的预测值,估计了海平面可能对珠江水位、沿海风暴潮潮位及咸潮入侵的影响,进而分析了对珠江三角洲、特别广州可能产生的危害。作者认为全球变暖和海平面上升当前还是一个不确定性问题,宜加强科学研究和实测。  相似文献   

全球变暖和海平面上升将对社会经济部门,自在生态系统产生巨大影响,这一问题已越来越引起世界范围学术界,新闻媒体和政府部门的广泛关不和重视。本文收集汇总了有关海平面上升的众多报道,介绍了海平面上升过去的观测事实和未来的预测,并提出了适应与减缓全球变暖和平面上升的对策建议。  相似文献   

本研究基于ArcGIS的淹没模型与夜光遥感的GDP空间化处理结果,同时结合对2050年中国海洋经济增长预测,评估海平面上升叠加风暴潮三种情景对中国沿海各省市海洋经济的影响效应。模拟结果表明:海平面上升叠加风暴潮与天文潮的CHmax-0.3 m情景下全国海洋经济损失最大,2050年损失达到35444.59亿元,占海洋生产总值的9.39%;从2050年各省海洋经济损失比例来看(CHmax-0.3 m情景),辽宁省损失比例最大,其次为广东省,福建省和广西省;从各省海洋经济损失的绝对值来看,在海平面上升0.3 m的三种情景下,广东、辽宁、江苏、山东均为海洋经济损失绝对值最大的四个省份。  相似文献   

海平面上升对珠江三角洲水资源的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文简要分析了全球海平面上的升的原因,预测了珠江三角洲地区海平面可能上升的数值,调查分析了珠江三角洲水资源利用和保护现状及存在的问题,探讨了海平面上升给水资源利用和保护带来的影响,主要从城镇供水,农业灌溉,水环境污染,城镇排水,水生生态的改变5个方面进行分析,并提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

国家海洋局发展战略研究所日前作出了题为“气候变化对沿海地区海平面的影响及适应对策研究”的“八五”科技攻关课题研究表明,中国沿海海平面呈加速上升趋势,到2030年、2050年、2100年中国沿海相对海平面上升趋势分别为15厘米左右,15  相似文献   

<正>堪察加冰川融化导致海平面上升ENN环境新闻精粹科学家对堪察加半岛冰川的质量损失进行了量化,研究发现自千年之交以来,该地区冰川加速流失的趋势在短期内可能会增加。全球变暖和气候变化的诸多影响之一是冰川因加速融化而缩小。这些损失中最严重的是山地冰川,  相似文献   

杨高 《环境》2001,(6):12-12
气候变暖对全球生态环境产生的诸多影响中,海平面上升是最为确定的结果。联合国环境规划署公布的《最近20年(1972-1992)世界环境状况》白皮书指出:“近百年来全球气温升高了约0.5℃,海平面平均上升14厘米。下个世纪全球将升温2℃-5℃,海平面将上升65厘米-100厘米。”世界沿海地区下面临遭受“灭顶之灾”的严峻局面,中国的情形也不例外,国家海洋局从1990年起每年发表的《中国海平面公报》指出,近百年来,全国海平面平均上升速度为每年1.4毫米,广东岸段为每年2.2毫米。珠江三角洲位于构造沉降带,沉降速度达每年2毫米-7毫米,因此海平面上升速度高于全国平均水平。据广州地理研究所李平日等专家研究,近30年来,珠江三角洲海平面上升速度平均为每年2.3毫米,近17年来平均为4.8毫米,近4年来平均为8.8毫米,可见,本区的海平面上升速度在明显加快,已由毫米级增至接近厘米级。  相似文献   

Potential loss of life is considered an important indicator of flood risk. We examine the future development of potential loss of life due to flooding for a major flood prone area in The Netherlands. The analysis is based on projections and spatial distribution of population under a high economic growth scenario and a loss of life model. Results show that the projected population growth in flood prone areas is higher than average in the Netherlands between 2000 and 2040. Due to this effect the potential number of fatalities is projected to increase by 68% on average for 10 different flood scenarios, not including impacts from climate change and sea level rise. Just sea level rise of 0.30 m leads to an average 20% increase in the number of fatalities. The combined impact of sea level rise and population growth leads to an estimated doubling in the potential number of fatalities. Taking into account increasing probability of flooding due to sea level rise and extreme river discharges, the expected number of fatalities could quadruple by 2040. The presented results give a conservative and upper bound estimate of the increase of the risk level when no preventive measures are undertaken. It is found that the consideration of the exact spatial distribution of population growth is essential for arriving at reliable estimates of future risk of flooding.  相似文献   

根据目前全球海平面上升趋势,提出我国沿海城市生态环境遭受破坏的概率和损失程度判断标准,并将二者进行拟合用于构建基于海平面上升的我国沿海城市各区域的生态环境易损性判断模型。且通过实例研究表明,该模型能够准确的判别上海市各区域的生态环境易损性等级,这为未来上海市维持生态环境的可持续发展提供科学、有效的参考依据。  相似文献   

杨曦  王中良 《地球与环境》2014,42(2):157-161
相对海平面上升是一个缓慢、渐进过程,但长期的积累可以使得上升幅度相当可观,从而加剧风暴潮、海岸侵蚀、海水入侵和咸潮等灾害致灾程度。基于验潮位监测和卫星观测结果显示,全球海平面在20世纪中期平均上升1.5~2.0 mm/a,而近30年中国沿海海平面上升速率为2.6~2.7 mm/a,高于全球平均值。渤海湾天津地区由于地面沉降显著,而导致相对海平面大幅度上升。滨海地区地面沉降速率在未来50至100年内可能会稳定在1.0~2.0 cm/a范围,结合目前海平面上升速率2.7 mm/a,总的相对海平面上升速率处于12.7~22.7 mm/a范围。由此估计,到2050年,天津地区相对海平面将比2012年高出48.3~86.3 cm,而到2100年,将比2012年高出111.8~199.8 cm。  相似文献   

This paper reports sea level rise (SLR) scenarios causing land loss, environmental degradation and destruction of infrastructure in the Saudi coast of the Arabian Gulf. Human development structures such as, sea ports, desalination plants, industrial establishments, commercial buildings, fish farms etc. will be impacted, leading to great economic losses. A systematic analysis on the current environmental setting of east coast of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) versus the existing infrastructure assets indicates that a 1?m sea level rise in Arabian Gulf affects approximately 650?km2 land area, along the Saudi coastline of ~1,800?km in 1:50,000 scale. Three simulation scenarios were created with respect to 1?m, 2?m and 3?m rises from the present mean sea level and its impacts were assessed. Maps depicting major infrastructure assets, ecologically sensitive elements, historical locations, anthropogenic zones, and Environmental Sensitivity Indices (ESI) were used for overlaying the sea level change map, in a Geographic Information System (GIS) platform. In general, the Jubail Marine Park area will have serious impact due to SLR. The inundation of low?Clying lands will affect the mangroves species of Dawhat Ad Dafi, coral reefs, coastal salt marshes, groundwater aquifers, and fish stocks. The risk of inundation on the Abu Ali Island, given their status as marine sanctuary of international importance, is particularly high. As an adaptation strategy, it is proposed that the KSA should implement Integrated Coastal Zone Management Plan (ICZMP) for the Arabian Gulf coast without further delay for the protection of its vulnerable resources and for sustainable development.  相似文献   

孙艳伟  李莹 《自然资源学报》2022,37(4):1073-1088
全球变暖诱发海平面上升是当前陆海作用领域的热点议题。应用卫星高度计观测海平面异常(SLA)数据,结合共享社会经济路径情景(SSPS),探讨我国沿海地区1993—2018年海平面异常升高的时空格局特征及潜在社会经济风险。结果显示:(1)过去26年间,我国沿海年均海平面和极端海平面均呈波动上升趋势,变化速率分别达到3.47±0.50 mm/a和4.74±1.39 mm/a。(2)空间上,我国四大海区上升速率由高到低排序为:东海>黄海>渤海>南海;省域尺度上,苏、闽、浙的海平面增速较大,而粤、沪、台的海平面上升速率较慢。(3)MK检验和Sen趋势分析显示,整个海区的年均海平面全部呈显著增加趋势,其中84.16%的区域处于增速中等偏慢水平,2.32%的区域增速快;而极端海平面中显著增加区域占76%,其中59.65%的区域增速慢,2.31%的区域增速快;无显著减少区域。(4)空间波动性上,我国历年海平面变化整体处于较低的波动水平;其中,较低波动区占61.31%,而高波动与较高波动区仅占到3.17%。(5)到2100年,我国海平面上升高度将达到71.71±19.01 cm;在三种共享社会经济发展路径下(SSP1、SSP2和SSP3),我国沿海地区潜在经济损失将达10万~21万亿元人民币(2005年可比价),受影响人口数达350万~550万人;其中,广东省水淹面积最大(占到省份陆域总面积的0.7%),经济和人口风险也最高。因此,减缓和应对海平面上升风险,是21世纪我国沿海地区保持经济社会、资源环境可持续发展的重要命题。  相似文献   

This paper studies the effects of adaptation and mitigation on the impacts of sea level rise. Without adaptation, the impact of sea level rise would be substantial, almost wiping out entire countries by 2100, although the globally aggregate effect is much smaller. Adaptation would reduce potential impacts by a factor 10–100. Adaptation would come at a minor cost compared to the damage avoided. As adaptation depends on socio-economic status, the rank order of most vulnerable countries is different than the rank order of most exposed countries. Because the momentum of sea level rise is so large, mitigation can reduce impacts only to a limited extent. Stabilising carbon dioxide concentrations at 550 ppm would cut impacts in 2100 by about 10%. However, the costs of emission reduction lower the avoided impacts by up to 25% (average 10%). This is partly due to the reduced availability of resources for adaptation, and partly due to the increased sensitivity to wetland loss by adaptation.
Richard S. J. TolEmail:

Globally, sea level has been rising for more than the last one hundred years, and is expected to do so into the foreseeable future, and at an accelerating rate. The direct influences of sea-level rise on water resources come principally from the following: new or accelerated coastal erosion; more extensive coastal inundation and higher levels of sea flooding; increases in the landward reach of sea waves and storm surges; seawater intrusion into surface waters and coastal aquifers; and further encroachment of tidal waters into estuaries and coastal river systems. The impacts of sea-level rise are likely to be felt disproportionately in certain areas, reflecting both natural and socio-economic factors that enhance the levels of risks. The opportunity to learn about the likely nature of, and most appropriate adaptation to, the anticipated impacts of sea-level rise on water resources is arguably best developed in rapidly subsiding coastal areas, and especially in low-lying deltas where subsidence rates are typically much larger than the historic rise in global mean sea level. Significantly, such areas are often major centres of population and of economic activity, thereby highlighting the human dimensions of sea-level rise. Sound management of the risks to water resources associated with sea-level rise requires enhancing adaptive capacity, mainstreaming adaptation, harmonizing responses to extreme events, variability and long-term change and strengthening regional and international cooperation and coordination. In this regard, the policies and initiatives of international organisations are not always entirely consistent with the needs of developing countries.  相似文献   

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