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能源消费总量控制是保障能源安全,积极应对气候变暖的重要手段;省域内能源消费量的合理分配,是落实国家能源消费总量控制的有效措施。提出能源消费总量分配应以公平为主、考虑区域发展权益的同时兼顾效率的原则,秉承“定基数,分增量”的思想,构建了基于信息熵的多因子混合加权分配模型,对目标年能源消费增量进行分配;选择了10个指标从经济水平、能耗水平、发展现状、产业结构及城市发展定位5个方面描述各地区的节能潜力及控制能耗量的责任,拟对能源消费总量在省内各市区的分配进行探索性研究。并以安徽省为例,对安徽省2015年能源消费总量分配到各市区进行了实证分析。结果显示,2015年安徽省17个市区能耗分配量增长率范围为1193%~5045%,能耗增幅的分配结果整体上受各市区人均GDP和人均能源消费量水平所支配,受单位工业增加值能耗和城市化率所调控  相似文献   

北京市能源消费预测与政策建议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
能源消费总量是指报告期内一定区域内社会各行业和居民生活所消费的各种能源数量。北京地区的能源资源极为有限,能源自我供给严重不足,2006年能源消费总量已经居全国第二。这种能源消耗极大、自供给严重不足的矛盾已经成为制约北京市可持续发展的一个瓶颈。我们通过构建ARIMA(1,2,1)模型.力图对北京市2007-2015年能源消费进行短期预测。预测结果表明,北京市未来能源消费星加快增长态势,这对于北京市建设资源节约型和环境友好型城市的目标是一大挑战。为了应对这一挑战,提出如下建议:倡导全面节能观念;完善能源供应体系,实现多元化能源消费;建立以价格杠杠和市场为导向的长效节能机制。  相似文献   

本文采用协整分析理论,论证了资本存量和城市化率是影响中国GDP的两个变量。运用建立的GDP模型。对中国未来的GDP进行了情景分析。我们比较了德国,日本等一些发达国家能源消耗的历史和现状。对中国未来单位GDP的能源需求作出了情景假设,构建了对中国和谐社会建设、可持续发展有利的能源需求情景一环境友好情景。在这一情景下,到2050年。一次能源总消耗量达到43.1亿tce(吨标准煤);人均能耗为3.06tce。是中国2005年人均能耗的1.8倍,是日本2003年人均能耗的51%。在这一情景下。中国2050年单位GDP的能耗虽然比2003年的德国要低20%,但比2003年日本的单位GDP能耗仍高出37%。我们认为.只要艰苦努力。这一情景具有一定的可实施性。但是。节能减排是一项长期的工作,它不但涉及制造业能耗.还将越来越多地涉及生活能耗。  相似文献   

根据云南省能源消费量,计算了由能源消费产生的CO2排放量及单位GDP碳排放强度。结果表明:近10年来,随着社会经济的快速发展,云南省能源消费及能源消费导致的CO2排放总量也呈现出显著上升的趋势。云南的碳排放强度高于全国平均水平,但人均碳排放量低于全国平均水平。以工业为主的第二产业是能源消费及碳排放的主体,其碳排放占总量的75%。  相似文献   

GDP与能源消费之间的关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取中国1985-2009年能源消费总量与GDP的年度数据作为研究样本,运用Eviews对时间序列的GDP和能源消费总量进行单位根检验、协整检验、Engle-Grange因果关系检验.结果发现,GDP、能源消费总量的二阶差分在5%的显著性水平下是平稳的;GDP、能源消费总量在5%的显著性水平下,存在协整关系;Engle-Grange因果检验结果显示,在5%的显著性水平下,GDP与能源消费的因果影响关系不明显,但长期能源消费对GDP存在单向因果关系.从研究的结论来看,GDP增长引起能源需求和消费内生性的增长,减少能源的消费不影响产出、就业、收入的增长.要解决我国目前经济发展过程中诸多矛盾,使经济持续发展,首先,必须积极开发新能源、提高能源利用效率、调整能源战略、实施能源保护和节能政策来弥补我国能源短缺,提供充足的能源供给作为保障.其次,要转变经济增长方式、调整产业结构,尤其是工业结构;加快技术创新、发展高新技术产业和知识密集型产业,使我国经济发展摆脱对能源的依赖.  相似文献   

为更好地推动崇明低碳生态岛的建设,在应用以自下而上的部门法为基础的区域范围温室气体排放评估核算方法,全面核算崇明岛能源消费及温室气体排放现状的基础上,应用LEAP模型,通过情景分析预测崇明岛中长期能源消费需求以及温室气体排放水平,并进一步应用对数平均指数法(LMDI)对影响崇明岛未来温室气体排放的主要因素进行了定量分析。研究表明:参考情景下,崇明岛能源消费总量从2010年的101万吨标煤增加到2050年的533万吨标煤,净碳足迹从2010年的238万吨CO2e增加到2050年的579万吨CO2e。崇明岛能源消费需求和碳排放增加的主要驱动因素是未来的经济发展、人口增长和生活水平的提高,但是通过一系列的优化,尤其是能源结构的变化和能耗强度的下降,减排情景下,崇明岛能源消费总量有可能在2039年左右达到峰值,并有望在2050年左右实现"零碳岛"的长期发展目标。结合定量分析的结论,进一步提出了实现崇明岛低碳发展中长期目标的可能性和重点发展领域。  相似文献   

我国城市人居环境改善与能源消费关系研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
随着我国经济建设水平和综合国力的提高,近20年来人居环境的改善有目共睹。但与此同时能源消耗和温室气体排放增加是个不容回避的问题。本文选择城市人均住宅建筑面积、人均拥有道路面积、人均公园绿地面积三个指标反映我国城市人居环境质量,研究了我国城市人居环境改善和能源消费之间的变化关系。通过与发达国家的对比,发现我国人居环境建设并没有像发达国家那样带来人均生活能源消费的同幅增长,而是出现了"喇叭口"现象,两个指标之间最大相差2.4倍,但也存在一个适度的节能居住条件,中国目前已经偏离了这个最优点并处于耗能的上升期。德国与我国类似,在户均住房面积和人均能源消费量之间也存在一种类似U型曲线关系,但上升阶段明显比我国更陡。虽然与德国、日本、美国相比我国在人均能源消费上最少,但从总量和长期趋势来看,中国仍面临着重重挑战,必须通过使用节能技术和新能源来降低能耗、减少二氧化碳排放,营造节能又宜居的城市人居环境。  相似文献   

基于可持续发展的我国现代化进程中能源需求预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在简要介绍1980年以来我国能源消费状况.对我国全面建设小康社会奋斗目标和现代化战略目标分析的基础上,遵循可持续发展原则.本文采用能源强度法并设计三种方案对我国未来能源的消费量和消费结构进行了预测和分析。预测结果表明,2020年我国的能源消费量将达到21.16亿-24.90亿,2050年为26.64-37.68亿,今后必须大幅度降低备产业特别是第二、三产业能源强度,促进我国实现可持续发展。  相似文献   

我国煤炭消费现状与未来煤炭需求预测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在分析1991年以来我国煤炭资源消费量变化以及煤炭消费占能源消费总量比重变化的基础上。指出电力、钢铁、建材和化工是煤炭资源的主要消耗行业,2005年它们消耗的煤炭占我国煤炭消费总量的85%。考虑这四大行业能源消费构成的特点、煤炭需求的主要决定因素、未来能源效率提高潜力及产业结构调整等因素,采用主要耗煤部门法预测2010、2020年我国国内煤炭需求量。考虑未来我国经济增长速度及我国节能目标等相关因素,采用单位产值能耗法。能源弹性系数法预测未来我国能源需求。然后采用相关部门对除煤炭以外的其他一次能源需求的预测,间接求得我国2010、2020年煤炭需求量。比较两种预测方法的结果。最终得出我国煤炭需求量为2010年26.2亿-28.5亿t、2020年30.9亿-34.9亿t.发电用煤仍是拉动煤炭消费增长的主要因素。  相似文献   

小康社会目标下的居民生活能源需求预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从居民的基本需求着手,运用混合能源投入产出模型,预测我国在2020年全面实现小康社会条件下,由居民最终消费引起的能源直接和间接需求。结果表明,2020年我国由居民衣食住行等基本生活需求所产生的一次能源总需求将在2002年的基础上增加14.2亿t标煤;其中间接需求占86%。从能源需求结构来看,煤炭的增长速度最低,但仍然占一次能源60%以上;石油和一次电力需求增长较快,石油需求全部来自于经济系统的中间消耗,而电力需求中40%来自于直接生活能源消费。在能源效率和经济结构不变的条件下,这意味着2020年我国的一次能源需求将至少达到29.40亿t标煤,排放二氧化碳约66.55亿t。上述结果仅考虑了居民部门的最终消费;如果考虑累计资本形成和净出口贸易增长的影响,能源消费和碳排放值会更高。因此,提高能源利用效率,引导居民合理节约的消费行为,是我国可持续发展目标下的必然要求。  相似文献   


Co-integration theory has been employed in this paper and Granger causes are found between urbanization rate and GDP, between capital stock and GDP. Scenario analysis of GDP is performed using the GDP model established in the paper. The energy consumptions in Germany, Japan and other developed countries are analyzed and compared with the energy consumption in China. Environmental friendly scenario of energy demand and CO2 emissions for sustainable China has been formed based on the results of comparison. Under environmental friendly scenario, the primary energy consumption will be 4.31 billion ton coal equivalence (tce) and CO2 emissions will be 1.854 billion t-c in 2050; energy per capital will be 3.06 tce that is 1.8 times of energy consumed in 2005 in China and 51% of consumed energy per capital in Japan in 2003. In 2050, the energy requirement of unit GDP will be 20% lower than that of Germany in 2003, but will be still 37% higher than that in Japan in 2003. It is certain that to fulfill the environmental friendly Scenario of energy demand and CO2 emissions is a difficult task and it needs long term efforts of the whole society, not only in production sectors but also in service and household sectors.  相似文献   

Co-integration theory has been employed in this paper and Granger causes are found between urbanization rate and GDP, between capital stock and GDP. Scenario analysis of GDP is performed using the GDP model established in the paper. The energy consumptions in Germany, Japan and other developed countries are analyzed and compared with the energy consumption in China. Environmental friendly scenario of energy demand and CO2 emissions for sustainable China has been formed based on the results of comparison. Under environmental friendly scenario, the primary energy consumption will be 4.31 billion ton coal equivalence (tee) and CO2 emissions will be 1.854 billion t-c in 2050; energy per capital will be 3.06 tee that is 1.8 times of energy consumed in 2005 in China and 51% of consumed energy per capital in Japan in 2003. In 2050, the energy requirement of unit GDP will be 20% lower than that of Germany in 2003, but will be still 37% higher than that in Japan in 2003. It is certain that to fulfill the environmental friendly Scenario of energy demand and CO2 emissions is a difficult task and it needs long term efforts of the whole society, not only in production sectors but also in service and household sectors,  相似文献   

节能减排不仅是推进我国国民经济又好又快发展的核心要义,也是应对全球气候变化的迫切需要.在我国,要实现到2020年单位国内生产总值的二氧化碳排放比2005年下降40%-45%的约束性目标,需要进行艰难的产业结构调整、能源消费结构调整和经济发展阶段跨越,并应采取体制、政策、技术和管理等综合推进措施.包括政府投资、税收、政府采购和财政贴息在内的财税政策措施对于推进我国节能减排至关重要.本文认为,政府投资政策应重在支持高新技术产业研发应用,经由产业结构调整促进节能减排;税收政策应立足于综合采取增设环境污染税、低技术污染税以及税收优惠和减免等激励和惩罚并重措施;政府采购应通过扩大高效节能减排产品市场需求,引导企业生产行为;财政贴息则应侧重于解决企业节能减排投资以及技术改造过程中的资金约束.  相似文献   

The western region is an important strategic base of energy in China. The average per capita possession of fossil energy in the west is twice that in China. On the basis of the analysis of the mechanism how industrial structure adjustment affects energy consumption per unit of gross domestic product (GDP), the energy input-output table of western China was designed and compiled. Combining multiobjective planning techniques, setting energy-saving, economic growth, and laborer's income growth as the goals, setting basic input-output relations, production capacity, and labor as the constraints, the multiobjective optimization model of western energy input-output was constructed. The results of industrial structure optimization of western China show that: with technology and product price remaining unchanged, the adjustment of the industrial structure can reduce energy consumption per unit GDP by 2.7%, at the same time ensuring the average annual increase of GDP and laborer's income of western region in excess of 8%. It indicates that industrial structure adjustment is an effective method in accomplishing the aim of energy saving. Finally, policy suggestions from four angles, such as industrial chain and financial policies, were put forward.  相似文献   


In this paper, the authors have empirically analyzed the convergence in per capita GDP gap and the convergence in the variation of energy intensity with respect to the change of per capita GDP between China and eight developed countries. Then, the authors run a regression on the impact of decisive factors of economic growth on energy intensity and its change, so as to find out the economic mechanism of energy intensity gap changing with respect to the variation of economic growth. This study concludes that: First, there is a convergence in per capita GDP gap between China and the eight developed countries. With the convergence in per capita GDP gap, the energy intensity gap between China and eight different countries also converge, and the convergence rate of the latter is faster than that of the former, i.e. if the per capita GDP gap between China and the eight developed countries decreases by 1%, the energy intensity gap between them will correspondingly decrease by 1.552%. Second, the energy intensity decreases with the improvement of industrial structure, the rising of energy prices, the advances of technology, and the expansion of investment in fixed assets, and it slightly increases with the increase of FDI. Third, the energy intensity gap between China and eight developed countries narrows with the lessening of the difference in fixed assets investment, energy prices, and technological progress between China and eight developed countries, yet increases with the narrowing of the difference in FDI, and has no significant correlation with the difference in industrial structure. Fourth, the narrowing of difference in per capita GDP between China and the eight developed countries can result in the lessening of energy intensity gap, whose economic mechanism is that the decisive factors, such as difference in investment, technology, and the competition mechanism of prices, which can determine the difference in economic growth, can significantly affect the energy intensity gap.  相似文献   

气候变化情景下能源效率及其平等准则的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为适应气候变化领域国际斗争的需要,本文分析了中国能源生产消费特点、温室气体排放情景、能耗强度和温室气体排放强度及其发展趋势;在温气体限控上提出能源效率与人均温室气体累积和、与人均GDP发展水平、与技术转让相联系的准则。  相似文献   

中国城市化进程中的城市道路交通碳排放研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
探讨了中国城市化、经济发展、技术进步等与城市道路交通碳排放之间的长期均衡关系与动态作用机制,并对中国城市道路交通碳排放进行了预测和情景分析。结果表明:①城市化率、交通能源强度、城市居民消费水平和人均GDP对城市道路交通碳排放的长期均衡弹性分别为0.93、0.73、0.68、0.44;②城市道路交通碳排放的最大贡献者在中短期内是交通能源强度,长期内是城市化率;③人均GDP增长率的提高,短期内会促使城市道路交通碳排放增长率提高,而长期又有助于使之降低;④中国城市道路交通碳排放持续增长的趋势在相当长时期内不可避免;⑤不同的发展理念和政策与技术的组合,可以使城市道路交通碳排放发生重大变化。基于研究,提出了中国城市道路交通碳减排的政策取向。  相似文献   

In recent years, China’s energy demand and Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have grown very fast, quite an amount of which was exported as energy embodied in goods in international trade rather than consumed domestically. Starting from the concept of embodied energy, based on input-output energy analysis approach, in this paper the energy embodied in goods in international trade of China during the period from 2001 to 2006 is calculated. The results show that although China has become a net importer of petroleum since 1993, China is a net exporter of embodied energy due to international trade in goods. In 2002, the total amount of energy embodied in exported goods was about 410 million tce (ton of coal equivalent, hereinafter referred to as "tce"). Eliminating the amount of energy embodied in imported goods of about 170 million tce, the net export of embodied energy was about 240 million tce, accounting for 16% of the aggregate primary energy consumption of that very year in China, and the net export of embodied emissions was about 150 million tons of carbon. With the rapid growth of China’s international trade, assuming no structural input-output changes of among sectors, in 2006 the net export of embodied energy went up to about 630 million tce, an increase of 162 % over 2002. In addition, this paper also analyzes the possible sources of error in calculation, and also discusses the policy implications according to the result of the calculation.  相似文献   

从十一五节能目标出发,利用2006~2010年全国30个省区的统计数据,分析了各省区节能效率及绿色距离的变化。结论如下:(1)依据各省区单位GDP能耗、单位IAV能耗和单位GDP电耗数据计算它们的节能量与节能效率,结果发现各省区节能量与节能效率差异较大;(2)利用单位GDP能耗与单位IAV能耗、单位GDP电耗的面板数据,确定了生态省建设的单位IAV能耗、单位GDP电耗标准分别为1.513 7tce和95547度;(3)依据能耗绿色距离和生态化实现度公式,分析了各省区能耗绿色距离和生态化实现度的变化。既是对过去5 a各省区节能效率的回顾性评价,同时也为未来5 a各省区节能降耗提供了参考依据  相似文献   

In this paper,the authors have empirically analyzed the convergence in per capita GDP gap and the convergence in the variation of energy intensity with respect to the change of per capita GDP between China and eight developed countries.Then,the authors run a regression on the impact of decisive factors of economic growth on energy intensity and its change,so as to find out the economic mechanism of energy intensity gap changing with respect to the variation of economic growth.This study concludes that:First,there is a convergence in per capita GDP gap between China and the eight developed countries.With the convergence in per capita GDP gap,the energy intensity gap between China and eight different countries also converge,and the convergence rate of the latter is faster than that of the former,i.e.if the per capita GDP gap between China and the eight developed countries decreases by 1%,the energy intensity gap between them will correspondingly decrease by 1.552%.Second,the energy intensity decreases with the improvement of industrial structure,the rising of energy prices,the advances of technology,and the expansion of investment in fixed assets,and it slightly increases with the increase of FDI.Third,the energy intensity gap between China and eight developed countries narrows with the lessening of the difference in fixed assets investment,energy prices,and technological progress between China and eight developed countries,yet increases with the narrowing of the difference in FDI,and has no significant correlation with the difference in industrial structure.Fourth,the narrowing of difference in per capita GDP between China and the eight developed countries can result in the lessening of energy intensity gap,whose economic mechanism is that the decisive factors,such as difference in investment,technology,and the competition mechanism of prices,which can determine the difference in economic growth,can significantly affect the energy intensity gap.  相似文献   

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