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运用条件价值评估法中支付卡式(PC)和二分式(DC)两种问卷,对九华山风景区游客保护古树名木的支付意愿进行研究,并分析了其影响因素。结果表明:838%的游客认为应该对古树名木进行保护,仅有302%对保护现状满意。支付卡式问卷调查结果为808元/(人·月),二分式问卷调查结果为954元/(人·月);按2010年游客接待量401万人次计算,2010年游客对九华山风景区古树名木保护的总支付意愿分别为1500×108元和4589×108元。影响支付卡式问卷支付意愿值的主要指标是年龄、个人年收入、文化程度和职业的相关性;影响二分式问卷支付意愿的主要指标是个人年收入。支付卡式问卷和二分式问卷支付意愿均与第一次调查结果无显著差异,PC1和PC2、DC1和DC2支付意愿值相差分别为062和173元,两次结果重现性良好,对本次研究结果的可靠性给予了保证  相似文献   

湿地资源非使用价值评估,有利于科学合理、可持续的开发和利用湿地资源。在理解湿地管理决策机制的基础上,用CVM法对长沙市湿地资源非使用价值进行了评估;利用415份问卷调查数据,采用Tobit模型探讨了长沙市居民对于长沙市湿地资源非使用价值的支付意愿;调查数据主要来自长沙市五区。研究表明:长沙市湿地资源非使用价值支付意愿受到多种因素的影响,包括被访者的社会经济特性、被访者对湿地的了解程度、被访者在湿地的休闲时间、湿地的距离远近等;长沙市湿地资源非使用价值为0437 6亿元/a,其中存在价值为0253 8亿元/a,遗产价值为0096 3亿元/a,选择价值为0087 5亿元/a。所计算出的非使用价值是一个动态变化的量,随着经济发展,人们的环境意识将随之增强,对于湿地生态资源的支付意愿也将呈现出增长的态势。〖  相似文献   

城市化进程中人口和建设用地需求增加引发的湿地退化压力日益凸显,熵理论为城市扩张、土地利用结构变化和城市湿地退化压力建模研究提供了新思路。已有研究表明,城市湿地损失、湿地区域建设用地的增加会导致土地利用结构空间熵的数值不断下降,但仅依靠空间熵理论难以定量湿地退化压力。因此依据城市地理学中的重力递减理论,引入距离因素,从湿地区域土地利用空间熵、湿地本身面积、距湿地中心的距离、距商业中心的距离4个要素构建重力空间熵的城市湿地压力模型。研究以1988年武汉南湖湿地遥感影像为基础,制作矢量图,从南湖湿地周边众多湖泊湿地中,随机选取40个样本湿地,分别计算了1988年、1992年、1996年、2000年、2004年5个时期的样本湿地压力值,并利用Kriging空间插值对南湖湿地所受的压力值分布进行可视化处理。结果表明:(1)湿地所在区域土地利用空间熵越小,湿地所承受压力越大;距中心湿地越远越靠近城市商业中心且面积越小的城市湿地更容易发生消亡;(2)根据城市湿地压力模型计算的压力值大的湿地更容易在下一阶段发生显著的损失或消亡;(3)随着城市化的推进,建设用地的扩张,城市湿地承受的压力值逐年增加,当压力值到达0.7左右,湿地存在极大消亡风险。遥感影像解译的结果与按照重力空间熵的城市湿地压力模型计算结果一致,说明该模型能较好地预测城市湿地在城市扩张压力下的演化过程。模型的建成对于城市湿地动态变化和保护规划具有重要意义,了解并把握这一湿地损失过程和趋势,预测城市湿地在城市扩张压力下的演化过程能为城市管理者对城市湿地的具体保护提供方向和指导。 关键词: 城市湿地; 重力空间熵; 压力模型; 城市扩张划具有重要意义,了解并把握这一湿地损失过程和趋势,预测城市湿地在城市扩张压力下的演化过程能为城市管理者对城市湿地的具体保护提供方向和指导。 关键词: 城市湿地; 重力空间熵; 压力模型; 城市扩张  相似文献   

China has approximately 5.80 × 106 ha coastal wetlands by 2014, accounting for 10.82% of the total area of natural wetlands. Healthy coastal wetland ecosystems play an important role in guaranteeing the territory ecological security and the sustainable development of coastal zone in China. In this paper, the natural geography and the past and present status of China's coastal wetlands were introduced and the five stages (1950s–1970s, 1980s–1991, 1992–2002, 2003–2010 and 2011–present) of China's coastal wetlands conservation from the foundation of the People's Republic in 1949 to present were distinguished and reviewed. Over the past decades, China has made great efforts in coastal wetland conservation, as signified by the implementation of coastal wetland restoration projects, the construction of coastal wetland nature reserves, the practice of routine ecological monitoring and two national wetland surveys, the promulgation of local wetland conservation statutes and specific regulations, the coordination mechanism to enhance management capacity, the wide development of coastal wetland research and public participation, and the extensive communication to strengthen international cooperation. Nonetheless, six major issues recently emerged in China's coastal wetland conservation are evidently existed, including the increasing threats of pollution and human activities, the increasing adverse effects of threaten factors on ecosystem function, the increasing threats of coastal erosion and sea-level rising, the insufficient funding for coastal wetlands conservation, the imperfect legal and management system for coastal wetlands, and the insufficient education, research and international cooperation. Although the threats and pressures on coastal wetlands conservation are still apparent, the future of China's coastal wetlands looks promising since the Chinese government understands that the sustainable development in coastal zone requires new attitudes, sound policies and concerted efforts at all levels. The major strategies for future improvement of China's coastal wetland conservation include: exploring effective measures in response to major threaten factors; improving the conservation and compensation system for coastal wetlands; strengthening coastal wetland legislation and management; increasing funds for coastal wetland conservation and research; and strengthening coastal wetland education and international cooperation.  相似文献   

Wetlands are among the most productive ecosystems on the earth. They produce various market and non-market goods and services, which have a significant role in human welfare. Despite the great opportunities from sustainable development, wetlands all over the world are under serious threat from a diverse range of non-sustainable activities. One of the major reasons for excessive depletion and the conversion of wetland resources is due to underestimating the non-market values of wetlands during development decisions. Shadegan International Wetland (SIW) in southern Iran is one of these wetland areas that is threatened by undervaluation and overexploitation from commercial activities. This study utilizes the contingent valuation method to estimate the economic benefits of SIW from the view point of peoples’ willingness to pay (WTP). The logit model was defined based on dichotomous choice to measure individuals’ WTP. The estimated mean WTP was US$ 1.74 per household as a onetime donation. This study concludes that the benefits of SIW to society could encourage managers to set priorities to ensure that the health of the ecosystem, its integrity, and its uniqueness would be conserved in a proper manner.  相似文献   

鱼洞河是乌江水系的一个小支流,为下游贵阳市提供饮用水水源。在鱼洞河上下游之间建立生态补偿机制,理论上需要知道上游治理污染和维护生态环境的费用,以及下游对上游提供的生态环境服务的支付意愿。只有下游的支付意愿大于上游的费用,上下游之间的生态补偿机制才有理论可能性。在对上游龙里县汇水区进行实地调研后,重点评估了当地安装沼气系统、坡耕地(≥25°)退耕还林、其他地区的土壤侵蚀防治以及点源污染治理费用,得出上游治理投资费用为199万元,年度费用每年89.2万元-168万元。采用意愿调查法(CVM)对贵阳市自来水用户对上游环境服务的支付意愿进行了评估。采用简单随机抽样方法在贵阳3个区内选取了900户作为样本,结果表明,有62.7%的人愿意为生态补偿付费。采用PROBIT模型,可以计算出为避免鱼洞河水质恶化的支付意愿均值为0.37元/m3,贵阳市自来水用户总的支付意愿每年达847万元。结果表明在鱼洞河水源地进行上下游生态补偿理论上是可能的,补偿标准介于上游费用与下游支付意愿之间。  相似文献   

随着快速的城市化,城市湿地不断转化成建设用地,这打破了城市水量循环的均衡,城市内涝灾害的敏感性和危害性随之提高。选取城市快速扩张的武汉市南湖地区,基于1988~2015年近30 a南湖湿地多时相遥感影像,以武汉市南湖2016年7月内涝灾害为对象,运用遥感和GIS手段,分析南湖湿地损失过程、驱动因素以及城市涝灾害的响应情况。结果表明:(1)1988~2015年间南湖湿地持续损失,累计消减1 563 hm2;南湖湿地损失经历了快速损失(1988~1996)急剧损失(1996~2004)缓慢损失(1996~2010)相对静止(2010~2015)的4个阶段,每个阶段南湖湿地转化为建设用地量分别为35.3、135、30、5.4 hm2;损失过程从南湖湿地北部开始,逐渐向南部蔓延;(2)环湖地区房地产发展是湖泊湿地损失的主要原因,52%的损失湿地转换为住宅用地;(3)85.7%的内涝灾害区域位于原湖泊湿地内;南湖地区海拔较低,随着住宅用地以及其他建设用地对湖泊湿地的侵占,南湖地区不透水面面积增加,湿地蓄水排水能力下降,在降雨量较多的时段,原湖泊湿地区域更容易受到内涝侵袭。 关键词: 城市湿地; 湿地损失; 内涝灾害; 武汉市南湖  相似文献   

The idea that integration and synthesis are critical for designing climate change adaptation and mitigation is well entrenched conceptually. Here, we review the concepts of adaptation, synthesis and integration and apply them to the case study of coastal wetlands in South East Queensland, Australia. The distribution and condition of coastal wetlands will change as climate changes. This will create conservation challenges and economic costs, but these can be minimised by drawing from a broad sectoral perspective in undertaking adaptation planning and by ensuring integration into policy. Our review indicates that adaptations to sea level rise that are focussed on wetland and biodiversity conservation are likely to have impacts for urbanisation patterns. Planning regulations that provide spatial buffering around wetlands may give rise to more compact urban forms that may lead to reductions in the cost of defence against sea level rise, reduce energy usage per person and provide more green space. However, more compact urban forms could exacerbate heat island effects and place greater burden on the economically disadvantaged as, for example, single-family homes become more expensive. Planning for climate change needs to balance these equity and cross-sectoral issues in order to reduce the likelihood of unforeseen negative consequences.  相似文献   

To address the growing need for developable land, many coastal cities are draining and filling wetlands, transforming them into urban built-up areas, and thereby substantially altering the structure and function of coastal ecosystems. We demonstrate an integrative approach for investigating the dynamics and impacts of coastal development in China’s Jiangsu Province, where urban expansion has resulted in extensive wetland losses and sea reclamation (the process of creating new land from ocean or coastal waters). Remotely sensed data reveal that landscape change in the study area has been accompanied by an increase in total impervious surface area and an increase in mean surface “heat island effect.” These indicators of change can be detected with remote sensing data and used to support a strategic environmental assessment (SEA) for urban coastal planning. Changes detected in Lianyungang during 2000–2006 suggest that reclaimed areas are environmentally sensitive and should be a focus of concern in future development planning, which has historically targeted coastal salt pond wetlands for conversion to land for the development. Given the current and projected rate of coastal development in China and elsewhere in the developing world, our findings and assessment approach have implications for coastal management decisions in the developing coastal zones of China and other regions of the world that are experiencing rapid urban growth.  相似文献   

Returnable container legislation in New York requires that all carbonated soft drink and beer containers carry a minimum five-cent deposit and bans detachable metal tabs and nonbiodegradable plastic loops. A continuing environmental policy issue is whether the benefits of a less-littered environment and reduction of solid waste are greater than the increase in retail prices and inconvenience costs to the consumer. This paper reports consumer estimates of the inconvenience of returning beverage containers to a store, perceptions of the litter problem, and willingness to pay to reduce litter in Wellsville, NY. Nearly two-thirds of the respondents believe that litter is a major problem. Most important, 76% of those interviewed reported they were willing to pay 10 cents, and 42% thought they were willing to pay 15 cents to reduce litter. Nearly one-half of the respondents did not think returning containers to the store would be inconvenient, but 22% stated that the process would be inconvenient. Correlations between the attitudes and income, education, and age are reported. These findings will be of interest to New Yorkers as they evaluate the bottle bill, as well as to individuals in other states considering returnable container legislation.  相似文献   

上海近年来以O3和PM2.5为代表的复合型污染问题较为突出,合理评估大气环境对居民产生的影响对于环境政策决策具有重要意义。利用条件价值评估法,对上海500位居民开展了关于改善大气环境质量的支付意愿的调查研究。结果表明:上海居民对大气环境质量的关注和重视程度较高,并采取了积极的应对措施,全市在购买和使用空气净化器和防雾霾口罩方面的开支约为23亿元/a;在所有受访者中,有56%对改善大气环境质量有支付意愿,且收入、学历和患病程度与愿意支付的概率呈正相关,年龄则表现为负相关;从支付金额来看,有支付意愿的受访者对于减少一天雾霾的平均支付意愿为74元/户,推算至2016年全市整体的支付意愿在200亿元左右。其中,学历、收入、家庭人口数、患相关疾病的严重程度及防护意识与支付金额大小呈显著正相关,年龄则表现为负相关。进一步比较上海主要污染物的减排成本和居民支付意愿,从全社会成本角度,进一步开展污染减排具有成本有效性。  相似文献   

猫儿山自然保护区生态受益者支付意愿及影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用问卷调查和条件估值法,以猫儿山自然保护区为例,基于保护区受益者视角,分析受益区居民对保护区的认知、支付意愿及其影响因素和支付方式,探讨自然保护区生态补偿机制的构建。结果表明:(1)受益区居民对猫儿山自然保护区基本情况不熟悉,但绝大多数受益者认同保护区与漓江中下游的水源密切相关。部分受访者不认同作为保护区生态效益受益者的身份;(2)8558%的受益者愿意为猫儿山自然保护区提供帮助,受益者的支付意愿为每户每年28789元,对受益者来说,保护区生态系统服务的经济价值为202×108元/a;(3)文化层次和家庭年收入与支付意愿的关系呈单调变化,职业的影响表现出企业员工的支付意愿最高,其次是教师,农民的支付意愿最低;(4)受益者支付意愿的方式偏好存在差异性,比起现金支付,受益者更倾向于通过参加环保公益活动和纳税的形式,支付保护区提供的生态效益。  相似文献   

There is a growing concern of pesticide risks to human health, natural environment and ecosystems. Many previous economic valuations have accounted health aspects or environmental components, but rarely combined; thus, overall risk assessment is partially distorted. The study, conducted close to the capital of Nepal, addressed the health effects of pesticides on small-scale farmers and evaluated the monetary risks of pesticide use on human health and environmental resources. We also aim to establish the relationships among valuation methods. The paper adopts cost of illness, defensive expenditure and contingent valuation willingness to pay approach. The study concluded that the methods used for valuing pesticide risks to human and environmental health are theoretically consistent. The exposed individuals are likely to bear significant economic costs of exposures depending on geographical location, pesticide use magnitudes and frequency. Individuals are willing to pay between 53 and 79% more than the existing pesticide price to protect their health and environment. The integrated pest management training is less likely to reduce health costs of pesticide exposure, although it leads to higher investment in safety measures.  相似文献   

Along with the progress of urbanization and environmental deterioration, residents' desire for improved air quality is increasing. In order to quantify an individual's willingness-to-pay (WTP) for improved air quality in Jinan of eastern China, a contingent valuation method (CVM) was employed. A sample of 1,500 residents was chosen on the basis of multistage sampling methods with face-to-face interviews by using a series of hypothetical, open-ended scenario questions which were designed to elicit the respondents' WTP. Results showed that 59.7% of respondents were able to express their WTP and the mean WTP is 100 Chinese Yuan (CNY) per person per year. A probit model on the probability of a positive WTP and a regression model were developed to find the relationship between endogenous variables and WTP. Most parameters in the econometric analysis had the expected sign. Annual household income and expenditure on treating respiratory diseases significantly influence WTP. The rates of positive WTP and the monetary amount are larger for men than for women. Results also showed that people who lived in more polluted areas were willing to pay more for clean air. Unlike developed countries, clean air may only be considered as a public good in China in that more than 40% of respondents had no incentive to bear the costs of attempting to achieve better air quality, which indicates the relatively low environmental consciousness.  相似文献   

基于价值损失的黄河三角洲湿地生态补偿标准研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态补偿作为一种新型的资源与环境管理手段,越来越受到国内外学者的关注。在过去20年里,国内外学者对生态补偿的概念、机制、模式、标准及生态补偿的效益等做了大量研究,但由于生态补偿具有很强的学科交叉性和地域差异性,致使上述研究尚存在较大分歧。生态补偿标准关系到生态补偿的可行性及效果,因此是生态补偿研究的核心,但目前还没有公认的量化方法。本文以黄河三角洲湿地为研究对象,探讨了依据生态价值损失来制定生态补偿标准的途径。文章首先运用市场价值法、环境保护投入费用评价法、生态价值法、成果参数法等计算了黄河三角洲因湿地面积减少和环境污染造成的直接市场价值和生态服务功能价值的损失量,然后以生态价值损失量为依据制定了湿地生态补偿的资金分配方案和补偿标准。研究结果表明,不同湿地类型的补偿标准不同。对于同一湿地类型,以生态功能价值损失为依据制定的补偿标准远高于以市场价值损失为依据制定的补偿标准。本研究为黄河三角洲地区实施湿地生态补偿提供了重要科学依据。  相似文献   

Artificial wetlands and water quality improvement   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
This paper illustrates the role of plants to assist the treatment of water pollution in man-made wetlands in tropical and temperate climates. It also considers the potential for environmental education of these wetland systems. The management and natural treatment of pollution is described in the Mai Po Marshes, Hong Kong and a wetland in London which is also an important site for birds. The design of the Putrajaya Lake and Wetland system in Malaysia is compared with a constructed wetland and lake for the treatment of urban surface runoff in a new residential development in the United Kingdom. The benefits of these natural systems are discussed in the context of the global trend for introducing sustainable methods of environmental management and low cost pollution treatment systems.  相似文献   


Along with the progress of urbanization and environmental deterioration, residents' desire for improved air quality is increasing. In order to quantify an individual's willingness-to-pay (WTP) for improved air quality in Jinan of eastern China, a contingent valuation method (CVM) was employed. A sample of 1,500 residents was chosen on the basis of multistage sampling methods with face-to-face interviews by using a series of hypothetical, open-ended scenario questions which were designed to elicit the respondents' WTP. Results showed that 59.7% of respondents were able to express their WTP and the mean WTP is 100 Chinese Yuan (CNY) per person per year. A probit model on the probability of a positive WTP and a regression model were developed to find the relationship between endogenous variables and WTP. Most parameters in the econometric analysis had the expected sign. Annual household income and expenditure on treating respiratory diseases significantly influence WTP. The rates of positive WTP and the monetary amount are larger for men than for women. Results also showed that people who lived in more polluted areas were willing to pay more for clean air. Unlike developed countries, clean air may only be considered as a public good in China in that more than 40% of respondents had no incentive to bear the costs of attempting to achieve better air quality, which indicates the relatively low environmental consciousness.  相似文献   

Wetlands are sustaining large communities of people in Rwanda where 10 % of its land surface consists of many local wetlands. Sustainable future management of these numerous wetlands requires a reliable inventory of their location and a dynamic quantitative characterization that allows assessment of their climate change sensitivity. The aim of this study was to assess the importance of climatic factors for determining wetland location at different regional scales. Wetland locations were analyzed and statistically modeled using their location factors with logistic regression. Wetland location probability was determined using topographic (elevation, slope), hydrological (contributing area) and climatic (temperature and rainfall) location factors. A wetland location probability map was made that demonstrated a calibration accuracy of 87.9 % correct at national level compared to an existing inventory, displaying even better fits at subnational level (reaching up to 98 % correct). A validation accuracy of 86.2 % was obtained using an independently collected dataset. A sensitivity analysis was applied to the threshold values used as cutoff value between wetland/non-wetland, demonstrating a robust performance. The developed models were used in a sensitivity scenario analysis to assess future wetland location probability to changes in temperature and rainfall. In particular, wetlands in the central regions of Rwanda demonstrate a high sensitivity to changes in temperature (1 % increase causes a net probable wetland area decline by 12.4 %) and rainfall (+1 % causes a net increase by 1.6 %). This potentially significant impact on wetland number and location probability indicates that climate-sensitive future planning of wetland use is required in Rwanda.  相似文献   

Constructed wetlands offer a low-cost wastewater treatment option for tropical developing countries. The vast majority of published treatment wetland research has been conducted in temperate regions. Because the function of treatment wetlands is related to the environmental conditions, more research specific to the tropics should be completed. A six-cell free water surface (FWS) wetland mesocosm was constructed in Santa Rosa de Copán, Honduras that received input from an open-sewer/wastewater-impacted stream. Three cells were planted with Typha domingensis Pers., and three cells were left unplanted. Both planted and unplanted wetlands were constructed with three different surface areas to concurrently study different hydraulic retention times (HRTs) and hydraulic loading rates (HLRs). Results from 6 months of operation showed improved water quality and mosquito larvae populations affected by their specific environment. Five-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) removal appeared to be proportional to HRT and HLR, and BOD concentration in the effluent was higher in unplanted cells than in planted cells (P<0.05). BOD removal approached 60% for greater than 3.5 days HRT. Total phosphorus (P) removal and coliform bacteria removal were found to be correlated with pollutant load, and P removal was found to be correlated with HRT but not HLR. A second municipal wastewater FWS treatment wetland in Copán Ruinas, Honduras that had been established for 15 years, was also evaluated. BOD removal in the Copán Ruinas system was determined to be 93% with 2.6 day HRT. These pollutant removal rates are higher than would be expected in temperate regions. Mosquito larvae density was correlated with depth of the wetland. Mosquito larvae densities were higher in cells that were operating below design depth of 0.2 m (P<0.005). Results indicate that it is possible to design FWS wetlands in the tropics for effective BOD removal and reduced mosquito larvae development.  相似文献   

Lake Victoria has undergone substantial and most negative changes, especially over the last 30 years. One of the driving factors is nutrient enrichment from human activities in the catchment, which is causing eutrophication. This has been associated with, among others, the rapid proliferation of water hyacinth, alga blooms, and with general disruption of the lake ecosystem. Most of pollution to the lake flow via the natural wetlands. In order to understand how wetlands function within the Lake Victoria ecosystem a wetland model has been developed. The main objective of the model is to establish and simulate the buffering processes and capacity of individual wetlands (that is, their ability to absorb sediments, nutrients and pollutants) within the Lake Victoria basin. It was found that in both seasonal and permanent swamp there is a net export of organic matter produced in the wetlands. Most of the inorganic phosphorous were retained in the wetlands (60% to 90% removal) while there was a negative retention of nitrates probably due to the export of organic matter which associate very much with nitrates.  相似文献   

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