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2009~2013年我国粉尘爆炸事故统计分析研究   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:1  
基于2009~2013年我国粉尘爆炸事故统计数据,从事故发生时间、事故发生区域、企业经济类型、事故发生原因等方面对粉尘爆炸事故进行统计分析。结果表明,干燥季节是粉尘爆炸事故的多发期;金属粉尘,尤其是镁铝粉尘是粉尘爆炸事故的主要类别;生产场所环境不良是导致事故发生的重要原因。从落实企业安全生产主体责任、加强安全监管、加强法规建设和安全培训、严格追究责任等方面提出了预防和控制粉尘爆炸事故的对策建议。  相似文献   

<正>近年来,粉尘爆炸多发生在冶金、汽车制造、军工、煤炭、纺织、纤维、粮食及食品药品等工业方面。据统计,全世界范围内平均每天至少有一起粉尘爆炸事故发生。随着现代工业不断发展,涉及粉体加工以及粉尘产生的工艺情况日益增多。一方面带来职业危害,引起职业病问题;另一方面,绝大多数粉尘存在可燃性,具有爆炸性风险;同时许多企业车间设备、管道、天花板、防护罩上都存在严重的积尘,沉积粉尘将成为粉尘二次爆炸的"尘源",一旦发生粉尘初次爆燃事故,将带来叠加的粉尘爆炸事故。爆炸事故将产生高温气体,形成高速高压冲击波,极大威胁到涉及粉尘生产企业的几乎所有生产工艺及流水线。所以,导致粉尘爆炸的后果严重程度成倍增加,一旦发生将直接造成房顶掀翻、墙壁倒塌、厂毁人亡。粉尘爆炸严重威胁工业生  相似文献   

庞磊 《安全》2015,(4):17-19
工业粉尘爆炸事故自身所特有的危害特征是造成此类事故严重后果的重要原因之一。从粉尘爆炸基本原理出发,对粉尘爆炸产生的主要危害因素及其特点进行了深入分析,并给出了有针对性的防治建议,特别是指出了阻断冲击波与高温反馈环对预防粉尘二次爆炸的重要性,为我国工业粉尘爆炸事故防治提供参考依据。  相似文献   

分析了木制品企业发生粉尘爆炸的潜在危险性,以某木制品企业的一起木材粉尘爆炸事故为例,对事故发生的过程和原因进行了仔细分析,在此基础上从预防和防护两个方面提出了防止类似系统发生火灾及粉尘爆炸事故的措施。  相似文献   

粉尘爆炸特征和预防措施探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着现代工业的发展,粉末技术得到了广泛应用,使得粉末产物日益增多.许多粉体加工企业对粉体的相关危害知识没有深刻的认识,这些物质在安全生产、储存、运输和应用过程中,安全管理比较混乱,没有做到很好的防护,缺乏必要的防火防爆设施,再加上操作人员思想上的麻痹大意.粉尘爆炸的危险性大大增加,粉尘爆炸的事故也频繁发生.粉尘爆炸具有很强的破坏力,往往造成重大人员伤亡和严重损失,已经越发成为工业安全不可忽视的重要问题.本文从粉尘爆炸的基本特征出发,论述了粉尘爆炸的机理、条件、特点.根据粉尘爆炸需要的条件,从可燃物、助燃物和点火源三个方面,提出了在实际生产中,预防粉尘爆炸的一些具体措施,以期指导安全生产.  相似文献   

<正>在许多行业的生产中,粉尘常常在隐密处或就在眼前聚集,由于可燃粉尘的累积而引发的火灾和爆炸事故时有发生。没有人想看到工厂爆炸毁坏、工人死亡,但是人们根本意识不到粉尘危险的存在,直到某一天爆炸发生……2008年2月7日19时15分,美国乔治亚州文特沃斯港的帝国糖业制糖厂发生了剧烈爆炸(见图1),造成14名工人丧生、38人受伤。事故调查结果表明,这起爆炸的燃料是可燃粉尘。帝国糖业的事故是美国自1980年以来最致命的工业粉尘爆炸事故。  相似文献   

随着我国聚烯烃粉体生产的迅猛发展,粉体生产过程中的静电爆炸事故也相应增多。该文介绍了国外粉尘静电爆炸研究的进展和国内粉尘静电爆炸事故的主要现象。近期国外的研究特点主要是逐渐采用工业规模的实验装置取代实验室的基础研究,着重开展了料仓放电的危险研究和与放电燃爆有关的基础研究,包括安全评价和工业控制条件的推荐研究。国内粉尘静电爆炸事故主要存在的现象有设计缺欠或不合理,装置扩能改造时忽视了脱挥或通风的配套改造,处理不合格料或过渡时应急处理不当,操作失误或不规范,破坏料仓通风控制,料位计选型不当,增加高能放电引燃几率。针对分析出的问题和现象,文章提出了查清运行装置的具体事故隐患,进行防止聚烯烃料仓粉尘静电爆炸的可接受研究和可操作性研究,开展粉尘静电爆炸的危险教育,提高员工的安全意识和应急处理能力等应对策略。  相似文献   

<正>2014年8月2日,江苏省昆山市中荣金属制品有限公司抛光车间发生粉尘爆炸特别重大事故,举国震动,一时间粉尘成为了人们关注的热点。其实,粉尘的种类很多,涉及的领域也很广,粉尘爆炸事故也并不罕见,我国冶金、有色、建材、机械、轻工、纺织、烟草等行业都曾发生过粉尘爆炸事故。通过对这些事故的分析可以发现,其直接原因无不是因为"爆炸五要素"不受控制,其根本原因笔者认为,主要在于企业生产人员对粉尘特性不了解、粉尘防火防爆措施不到位、粉尘泄爆措施不完善等方面。  相似文献   

粉尘爆炸事故统计表明,部分爆炸事故的发生是由于生产设备最高容许温度超过或达到了粉尘云的最低着火温度.通过大量文献调研,对近40年粉尘云的最低着火温度的实验与理论研究进行了分析,并根据目前工业生产实际存在的问题提出了新时期研究复杂条件下着火温度的必要性.同时,应在此基础上建立数学模型并利用数值分析验证实验结果,以便工业应用.  相似文献   

近年来,我国发生多起可燃性粉尘引发的燃烧、爆炸事故,造成人员伤亡和财产损失,引起各级政府和社会各界的高度重视。本文对粉尘爆炸的基本原理进行了分析介绍,提出了预防粉尘爆炸的技术措施和监管对策。  相似文献   

我国粉尘爆炸事故原因及预防对策   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:9  
论述了我国粉尘爆炸事故的分类和宏观发展趋势,分析了造成粉尘爆炸事故多发的原因,提出了预防粉尘爆炸事故的对策。  相似文献   

纺织厂地下尘室是着火最多又不易扑救之处。本文介绍了沉降式和网罩过滤式、布袋过滤式尘室,同时分析了粉尘爆炸的特点、条件及防止其爆炸、火灾的方法。  相似文献   

Accidents in the process industry could be prevented or reduced by having good safety management measures. Such preventive measures could be further improved through the experiences and lessons learnt from past accidents. Therefore, analysis results of past accidents are valuable sources of information for determining root causes and as case material to prevent and reduce the adverse consequences of accidents in the process industry.This paper looks at accidents in the process industry that have occurred in the past 10 years from 1997 to 2006 in Sri Lanka to gain an understanding of the nature and consequences of accidents. Lessons and main areas of concern to improve safety in the Sri Lanka process industry are discussed. The analysis is done for different event types based on specific operating process stage during which the accident occurred such as processing, loading and unloading, repair and maintenance and storage, the immediate effect types such as fire, explosion, chemical releases and emissions and the consequences of each accident. Fire incidents were observed in 38 accidents analyzed. The results show that the highest number of accidents has occurred during processing operations followed by accidents during maintenance and repair work. The cause analysis shows that many accidents have occurred due to technical and human failures.The accidents are then classified according to the severity of the consequences in order to compare the nature of accidents experienced in Sri Lanka with respect to accidents in other countries in the world.  相似文献   

The effect of CaCO3 powder, a typical inert dust, on the flame spread characteristics of wood dust layers was studied using an experimental device to understand the ignition characteristics of and develop inert explosion-proof technology for deposited wood dust. The results showed that the flame spread velocity (FSV) of the mixed dust layer was affected by the dispersion effect of CaCO3 powder and physical heat absorption. As the CaCO3 powder mass fraction increased, the FSV of the dust layer first increased and then decreased, reaching a peak at a 50% mass fraction. Moreover, the front-end temperature of the flame gradually decreased, and the red spark faded. The combustion reaction of the mixed dust layer could be more completed, and the colour of the combustion residue changed from charcoal black to charcoal grey. The coupling effect of the initial temperature and wind speed can promote an increase in the FSV in the mixed dust layer. The Gauss–Amp model of the FSV of the wood dust layer and mass fraction of CaCO3 powder showed that the peak of the FSV occurred when the mass fraction of CaCO3 powder was between 40 and 50%. Thus, a good inerting and explosion-proof effect can be achieved by using CaCO3 powder with a mass fraction of more than 50%; it can improve the whole inerting process. Inert explosion-proof technology should be considered when assessing fire and explosion risk of dust in real process industry situations.  相似文献   

从近几年制药行业频繁爆炸事故出发,分析制药行业爆炸事故的种类,从粉尘爆炸入手,以某制药企业为研究对象,对其爆炸粉体克拉维酸钾进行了爆炸参数测试,运用20L球形粉尘爆炸测试装置测定其爆炸下限为40g/m3。同时运用差热扫描热分析法对其进行放热反应进行研究,再利用毛细管气相色谱法对该混合物中是否存在可燃气体进行了评定,发现其存在丙酮可燃气体,但含量较低为9.3×10-5。针对上述特点,从技术和管理角度出发,分析应对措施以及常见的问题,设计了混粉机械人机界面,编制了安全检查表,对该类共性问题进行了归纳,以供防范药物混粉事故发生参考。  相似文献   

粉碎研磨设备粉尘爆炸的预防   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
粉碎研磨设备火灾爆炸事故发生率较高。针对该过程的火险特点,防火对策应从防止粉尘沉积,消除粉尘源,防止摩擦、撞击、生热,消除静电危害,搞好工艺防火,惰性介质保护,设置防爆泄压装置,粉尘爆炸的抑制,火灾事故处理措施,加强消防安全教育诸方面加以考虑。  相似文献   

对储存及转运粮食系统除尘粉尘回流问题进行了回顾和评述 ,对天津港散粮站日常处理主要粮食品种伴生粉尘进行了物性分析和粉尘爆炸性测试 ,并结合生产工艺过程进行了设备内部实际粉尘浓度的测试 ,在此基础上得出 :除尘粉尘具有爆炸的危险性 ;爆炸下限较高 ,有利于控制粉尘浓度在爆炸下限以下来预防粉尘爆炸 ;除尘粉尘回流工艺在无粉尘沉积的情况下是安全的。  相似文献   

The use of Coloured powder (Holi powder orcolour dust) has been largely used in India for their festivities. Due to their popularity is extensive around the world since the popularity of the parties and events with this kind of show is increasing considerably. Despite the fact of its extensive use, its highly flammable nature is poorly known. Currently, some serious accidents related to the Coloured powder have been registered. Coloured powder organic nature implies a significant increase in the probability to form an explosive atmosphere as their use includes dust dispersion, leading to explosion hazards as has been previously reported. Moreover, it is important to take into account the effects on the flammability of the additives and the colorings existing in the Coloured powder as they might increase the hazard. To properly understand Coloured powder potential for producing an explosive atmosphere, and the attached risk of dust explosions, several samples were tested. Coloured powder from 6 different manufacturers were gathered. Each manufacturer provided several colours (between 5 and 8) which were characterized through moisture content and particle size determination. Once each sample was characterized, screening tests were performed on each sample determining whether ignition was produced or not. Those screening tests were carried out under certain conditions using the equipment for minimum ignition temperature on cloud determination (0.5 g set at 500 °C and 0.5 bar), and minimum ignition energy determination (using 100 and 300 mJ energies and 900 and 1200 mg). From those test results, important differences were seen between manufacturers, but most important, differences between colours of the same manufacturer were observed. The screening tests allowed the selection of 11 samples that were fully characterized through thermogravimetric analysis, maximum pressure of explosion, Kst, minimum ignition temperature on cloud, and minimum ignition energy. When carrying out thermogravimetric analysis, some samples increased mass at temperatures close to 300 °C and unexpectedly absorbed energy, followed by the expected combustion reaction at higher temperatures. From the obtained results it was noticed that the colour powders that included talcum in its composition did not produce explosion. Flammability and explosion tests, again, showed important differences between manufacturers and colours, and so it was possible to determine the relative flash fire and explosion risks of the various tested powders.  相似文献   

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