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建立中-韩自由贸易试验区是党中央、国务院做出的重大决策,是深入贯彻党的十八大精神,在新形势下全面深化改革、扩大开放战略的重大举措。辽宁省环保产业发展起步较早,尽管近年来在全国的位次有所下滑,但在产品门类、技术、人才、关联产业以及园区化、集群化的发展模式上仍具有一定优势。面对中-韩自由贸易试验区对环境服务业战略转型的机遇和挑战,辽宁省应明确提出环保产业发展战略和目标定位,要强化政府的主导作用,加强不同环境服务分类影响研究,实施国内环境服务企业的"走出去"战略,加快环境服务业发展和战略转型的法规和政策体系建设,制定针对国内环境服务企业的扶持战略,解决战略转型的保障问题。本文以自贸区贸易效应为理论依据,根据辽宁省环保产业发展现状,探索在新时期如何利用辽宁省的区位优势不断创造市场空间,加快政府职能转变,积极推进环保产业贸易和投资便利化,强化资本、技术、人才等要素构建,加强园区建设,培育领军企业。  相似文献   

Many developing countries are currently undergoing increased industrialization, which has accelerated environmental degradation. This study aims to examine South Africa's industrial development path as a socio-economic strategy pursued along the rill-lines of sustainable industrial development (SID) in view of the post-1994 environmental legislative initiatives. An exploratory review guided the study analysis. As industrial development zones (IDZs), environmental sustainability research is virtually non-existent, leading to the poor understanding of this programme's role in SID. This study reveals that the government political commitment, 1996 South Africa's Constitution and National Environmental Act (No. 107 of 1998) are key pillars reconciling the environment and industrial development in diffusing apartheid legacies. Non-compliances re-occur in industries outside the IDZs due to shortage of environmental monitoring inspectors and government priorities changes. Therefore, there is need to ‘green’ IDZ stakeholders for proper environmental legislation implementation. Finally, the study highlights new potential directions for research into SID zoning.  相似文献   

本文通过对比2007年与2012年投入产出表中环保产业与国民经济42个产业部门间的关联程度及结构的变化,分析得出环保产业的发展现状及产业关联结构有所优化。"环保产业不环保"的现状已有一定的改善,而"环保产业不服务于环保"的现象仍有碍于环保产业投资效率的进一步提升,大部分环保投资仍在中间生产过程中被消耗,产业生产效率水平较低。因此,政府应通过扩大环保技术投资、强化环境规制等政策打好产业组合拳,促进社会资本投资在加强环保产业内部竞争方面的综合作用,从而提高环保产业自身的价值创造能力,促进环保投资效率的提高。  相似文献   

The response of industry to current environmental regulations in Alexandria, Egypt was investigated. Environmental officers in 55 industrial firms completed a questionnaire examining their opinions about current environmental regulations, the statuses of their companies' compliance with those regulations, and the environmental management progress and problems in their companies. Although Egyptian industrialists had positive opinions about environmental regulations, their companies were not in satisfactory compliance with those regulations. The context in which environmental concern started in Egypt and the economic environment of Egyptian industry had lead to 'soft' enforcement and implementation of environmental regulations. The response of Alexandria's industrial firms to the issued environmental regulations was limited to adopting symbolic 'end-of-pipe' environmental protection measures. Progress in environmental management and problems in industries of Alexandria were also investigated.  相似文献   

采用灰色关联分析,找出了影响工业固废量的主要社会经济因素,认为第二产业是影响工业固废的主要因素。第二产业结构比重加大,工业固废量增加。从减少工业固废的角度来看,调整产业结构已是当务之急;环境污染治理投资与工业固废因子关联度最小,说明环保投资已远不能满足环境治理的实际需要,需加大环保投资。  相似文献   

新形势下我国环境管理与改革取向   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
在"十三五"我国经济新常态的大逻辑下,环境管理机遇和挑战并存。污染欠账多、污染随着产业转移、政策执行走样、排污收费覆盖面窄、收取率低等,制约环境管理和环保产业的发展。对环境污染的严重性和复杂性、生态环境形势的十分严峻性,以及对污染治理的艰巨性和长期性,应当有一个清醒认识。扭转环境保护与经济发展不协调、不可持续状况,满足城乡居民日益高涨的环境诉求,必须调整环境管理思路,加快改革步伐,扭转环境保护"弱势"格局,厘清环境管理、环境事业和环境市场之间的关系,形成以排污许可证为依据的管理主线、以环境标准为准绳的倒逼机制,以环境司法裁定为常态的终身责任追究制度,创造一个人人守法、企业自觉治理污染和保护环境的社会氛围。  相似文献   

Industrial estates (IE) are today perceived as an integral part of development strategies of many countries worldwide. The environmental impacts from a concentration of large number of industries in a small area or unplanned IE, can pose a serious threat to both local and global sustainable development initiatives. The formation of ecologically balanced industrial systems can result in numerous environmental and economic benefits. This paper examines the relevance of industrial symbiosis and carrying capacity concepts and proposes an integrated approach towards IE planning in India based on grouping combinations of industries based on carrying capacity, formation of green industrial townships, development of environmental impact assessment guidelines for IE and implementation of environmental management systems.  相似文献   

在中国经济和媒体环境发生巨大变革的情况下,外部压力对上市公司环境信息披露的影响研究面临新的社会背景。基于传播学议程设置理论、关注理论与信号传递理论,本文以2016年沪深A股八大重污染行业的315家上市公司为研究对象,研究了媒体报道与政府监管对上市公司环境信息披露水平的影响。其中,媒体类型既考虑了传统纸媒,也考虑了以新浪微博为代表的网络新媒体,政府监管方面采用2014年调整后的PITI指数对监管力度进行评价。研究发现,媒体报道数量越大,上市公司环境信息披露的内容越丰富,但并不能提高其信息披露质量;上市公司环境信息披露质量主要受媒体报道倾向性的影响,而媒体报道的数量对其影响较弱;地方政府对企业环境信息公开的监管力度对企业环境信息披露的影响并不显著。此外,随着地方政府监管力度的加大,媒体对企业的关注度下降,导致政府监管在媒体监督企业环境信息过程中具有一定的削弱作用。研究表明,随着近年来生态环境保护法制化进程的大力推进,环境制度约束相对舆论监督,在企业信息披露过程中发挥着越来越重要的作用。  相似文献   

农村环境保护的“四位一体”管理模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农村环境保护是建设社会主义新农村的重要组成部分,加强农村环境管理是做好农村环境保护的关键。针对我国农村环境问题日趋严峻的状况,本文采用文献资料对比分析以及管理学等方法,论述了农村环境的现状,分析了农村环境问题产生的4个主要原因,提出了加强农村环境保护的政府、企业、社会、农村"四位一体"的管理模式,阐明了"四位一体"管理模式的主要内容,阐述了"四位一体"管理模式对于加强农村环境管理、解决农村环境问题、保护农村环境的重要作用。  相似文献   

王彤  夏广锋 《四川环境》2010,29(6):71-75,80
根据2006年铁岭市工业各行业的结构特点及各行业对水环境的污染特点,建立水资源环境承载力的工业结构多目标优化模型,选取工业生产总值最大及废水和COD、NH3-N排放量最小作为优化目标,对模型进行计算,量化铁岭市2010年工业结构指标,选择出符合铁岭经济发展“十一五”规划目标和环境保护目标工业结构优化方案,获得既符合经济发展目标又满足水环境保护要求的合理工业结构,提供可借鉴的思路和方法。  相似文献   

Within the context of political democratization, this article explores environmental protection in Hong Kong since the government lauched a ten-year program to “save the environment” in 1989. Examining environmental management by law from a social-choice perspective, it argues that the government has yet to reach an integrative policy orocess. Hence the preconditions for an integrative set of environmental legislation are absent. Institutionally, without a comprehensive green policy, the current arrangements lack a vision as an integrative force to promote effective coordination among various sectoral environmental coordination among various sectoral environmental programs. The dominant approach of policy and law enforcement through consultation has rendered impossible strict enforcement of environmental rules and regulations as local economic growth enjoys a priority over environmental protection. At a time of environmental awakening, the people of Hong Kong are not yet prepared awakening, the people of Hong Kong are not yet prepared to participate in environmental management in a strict legal manner. The overall observation is that Hong Kong has yet to see more mature political, legal, administrative, and social conditions for managing its environment within a legal framework.  相似文献   

Air pollution has become a serious problem in China as a result of that country's efforts in the last 30 years to become a great industrial power. The burning of coal, which currently provides over 70% of all China's energy needs, is a major source of air pollution. Because Chinese coal is high in sulfur and ash content and because most combustion devices in China have low efficiencies, SO2 and particulate emissions are a serious problem and are comparable to or exceed those found in many countries that are much more industrialized. Although most coal is burned in North China, acid precipitation is most severe in South China because of the lack of buffering loess dust found in the former region.The Chinese government has already taken major steps to mitigate air pollution, such as relocating polluting industries, supplying coal with lower sulfur content, using gas instead of coal for residential heating, and levying fines on industries that exceed pollution standards. Atmospheric environmental impact assessment (AEIA) is also required for all major new projects. This article describes three types of mathematical diffusion models and field and wind-tunnel experiments that are used in such assessments.The Chinese authorities believe that a range of technological, managerial, locational, and behavioral changes must be effected before the air of Chinese cities can be significantly improved.  相似文献   

Summary Giving an orientation on the potential of energy management and conservation for business executives from industries has become an imperative so as to reduce energy wastages and energy use inefficiencies. A programme was organized for senior executives of manufacturing firms to increase the awareness regarding the need and potential for energy saving and increasing the energy use efficiencies. The awareness programme consisted of lectures and a number of case studies on energy conservation and management. Most of the senior executives indicated that this programme should be repeated on a regular basis to cover all major industries. His research interests are energy management, energy use in rural areas and environmental management.  相似文献   

Production methods for food from U.K. livestock industries (milk, dairy products, meat, eggs, fibre) are undergoing substantial change as a result of the need to respond to environmental and animal welfare awareness of purchasing customers, and to espouse the principles of environmental protection. There appears to be a strong will on the part of livestock farmers to satisfy the environmental imperative, led by the need to maintain market share and by existing and impending legislation. There has been support forthcoming in the form of Government-sponsored scientific research and technological development to provide the necessary framework for new environmentally sensitive practices. The agricultural community has itself made substantial responses to market demand through the inception of Farm Assured Quality Assurance Schemes. These appear to have a more sustainable future than the extremes of organic farming and free-range practices. Pollution of agricultural land with nitrate and phosphate by intensive livestock industries is a greater problem in some parts of continental Europe than it is in the U.K. The distribution of livestock out of intensive units and into mixed farming systems, would require substantial restructuring of the industry. Many of the animal welfare requirements which have been forwarded as a part of the environmental agenda for agriculture have been voluntarily accepted by livestock producers. However, some major aspects, such as alternative housing systems for pigs and poultry, remain unresolved. Analysis of the science and technology support for the environmental imperative, especially from Government sources, would suggest that, although dramatically increased in recent years, environmentally orientated research remains a relatively small proportion of the whole. Whilst a movement away from governmental funding of volume production appears to be justifiable, there has not been an equivalent balancing of effort toward funding for product quality, sustainability, environmental protection and animal welfare. Nevertheless, the university education system is producing a generation of more environmentally aware agricultural science graduates who are opting to pursue Government-sponsored environmentally orientated postgraduate research programs.  相似文献   

Energy is an essential asset for the existence of industrial activities, however, the absence of energy use management may lead to numerous environmental, economic, and social impacts. Thus, industries, which are major consumers of energy, play an essential role in seeking to preserve the energy system. This study aimed at analyzing the practices of energy use management and their relation to sustainable performance in the industries within the Brazilian mineral sector. The practices of energy use management were measured using the model proposed by Liu et al. (2012, Journal of Cleaner Production, 26, 79–89). After that, evidence of sustainable performance was identified based on performance indicators developed by the Global Reporting Initiative (2006, 2010, 2014). The study is characterized as quantitative, and it was conducted through a survey of industries linked to the Brazilian Mining Association. Through our results, we verified that the practices related to energy use management existent in the companies that we studied are subjected to periodic verification of the impacts caused by company activities on the environment, and that attention to energy use provides an incentive to daily practices of energy saving. On the other hand, the practices of energy use management are still little disseminated among these companies, as is certification to the International Organisation for Standardization's (ISO) Energy Management Systems framework, ISO 50001. In general, through the analyses that we performed, we can verify the existence of positive associations between the factors related to the practices of energy use management and to corporate sustainable performance.  相似文献   

上市公司高管态度对企业环境信息披露会产生重要影响。为充分了解企业高管如何看待上市公司环境信息披露过程中涉及的环境信息沟通、披露制度、能力建设等多方面问题,本文对涉及第一、第二和第三产业的16家上市公司高管进行访谈调研。研究发现,多数高管视社会第三方机构对企业的环境信息需求为较大的潜在风险,非强制是上市公司环境信息选择性披露的主要原因,企业重视环保投资但信息公开能力建设不足,环境信息公开对企业价值影响较弱。本文提出编写环境信息公开指南及实施细则,提升企业环境信息公开的能力建设,拓展政府和社会组织对企业环境信息公开的奖励形式等建议。  相似文献   

本文基于国内已有的相关政府引导基金和环保基金的运行管理模式,经分析和比较提出适合中央和地方层面环保类引导基金的运行管理模式。除了要符合基金运作的一般规律,本文认为中央层面设立政府环保类引导基金适合契约制形式,引导基金内只有中央财政出资,按照母基金参股子基金的方式来运作,同时达到撬动社会资本和引入先进基金管理公司的目的;地方层面设立相应基金适合采用有限合伙制形式,直接吸引社会资本与政府共同建立引导基金,投资方式以直接投资为主、参股子基金为辅,可以发挥金融机构的融资优势和环保类专业机构的技术和经验优势。  相似文献   

哈密地区在未来优势资源转换战略,社会经济跨越式发展过程中,将如何面对脆弱的生态环境,日益突出的工业污染以及局部区域环境质量恶化的状况。文章对加快地区生态规划建设,寻求解决生态建设中存在的问题以及完成"十二五"期间生态建设目标和任务的对策做了阐述。并就加强生态保护监督与管理、生态基础建设和加强农村生态建设与保护等方面进行了分析探讨。  相似文献   


The process industries (specifically, energy and chemicals) are characterized by a variety of reactors and reactions to bring about successful process operations. The design of energy-related and chemical processes and their evolution is a complex process that determines the competitiveness of these industries, as well as their environmental impact. Thus, we have developed an Enviro-Energy Concept designed to facilitate sustainable industrial development. The Complete Onion Model represents a complete methodology for chemical process design and illustrates all of the requirements to achieve the best possible design within the accepted environmental standards. Currently, NOx emissions from industrial processes continue to receive maximum attention, therefore the issue problem of NOx emissions from industrial sources such as power stations and nitric acid plants is considered. The Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) is one of the most promising and effective commercial technologies. It is considered the Best Available Control Technology (BACT) for NOx reduction. The solution of NOx Emissions problem is either through modifying the chemical process design and/or installing an end-of-pipe technology. The degree of integration between the process design and the installed technology plays a critical role in the capital cost evaluation. Therefore, integrating process units and then optimizing the design has a vital effect on the total cost. Both the environmental regulations and the cost evaluation are the boundary constraints of the optimum solution.  相似文献   

政府绩效评估作为一项行之有效的政府管理工具,在提高政府的管理效能和公共服务能力方面具有重要的促进作用。政府绩效评估随着政府改革的推进而不断完善。在不同的阶段,随着政府改革的主题与目标的变化,评估的侧重点、目标和形式等也相应地发生变化。在我国,服务型政府作为一种新的政府治理模式已成为政府改革的主题和目标。服务型政府建设对行政管理体的改进、政府行政理念的拓展、政府角色的合理定位等,都为改善政府绩效评估提供了新的基础和目标导向。同时,也对完善政府绩效评估提出了新的要求。服务型政府的治理模式和治理理念,在我国环境保护方面也应当起到它应有的作用,建立起政府环境保护绩效评价制度。  相似文献   

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