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建立矿产资源消耗补偿制度势在必行为了适应社会主义市场经济体制的需要,依法建立矿产资源有偿开采制度势在必行。实行矿产资源有偿开采是国家所有权在经济上的实现。我国《宪法》规定,矿藏(即矿产资源)属于国家所有,即全民所有。由于旧的管理体制的影响和部门利益纠...  相似文献   

矿产地储备是矿产资源战略储备的重要形式之一.政府是实施矿产地战略储备的主体,储备地建立的途径包括规划、国家直接出资勘查和回购矿业权三种形式.随着国内外政治、经济、资源、市场、技术等因素的变化,需要对储备的矿产地实行梯次动态轮换.矿产地储备的启动资金由国家财政负担,在轮换和动用时用矿业权转让价款弥补储备期间的成本.中国应实行大储备的管理体制,统筹协调矿产品储备、石油储备和矿产地储备.现阶段矿产地战略储备管理体制应由决策层、执行层和操作层组成.矿产地战略储备要协调国家与地方经济利益,建立补偿机制促进矿产地战略储备的顺利进行.  相似文献   

"据说被电磁辐射多了,容易生女孩哦,是不是真的?""说微波炉辐射最大,今后,你还敢用微波炉吗?"……这一切都是电磁辐射惹的祸?近年来,随着人们环保意识的不断增强,对电磁辐射的担忧倏然潜进大家的心里。越是看不见摸不着的东西,给人造成的心理压力也越大,这些无影无踪而又无所不在的电磁辐射,正引起越来越多人的关注。  相似文献   

正不知从何时起,大街上随处可见的是戴着口罩的人们。蓝天和白云离我们越来越遥远,取而代之的是灰蒙蒙的天空和若隐若现的高楼,这一切都是雾霾惹的祸。制造雾霾的幕后黑手不是大自然,而是我们自己!现在很多家庭都拥有小汽车,我们的出行是更加方便、快捷了,但汽车排放出的尾气,我们有没有注意过?春节期间,合家团圆迎新春。燃放烟花爆竹是我国的传统习俗了,然而,烟花好  相似文献   

透过张华家的窗户就可以看到对面楼顶的移动基地发射基站,中间没有任何物体遮拦。张华怀疑,自己的病就是对面的发射站“惹的祸”。居住在甘肃省画院家属楼的张华,身体一直很好,但自从去年对面的移动发射基站建成之后,他就感觉经常心烦气躁、心跳加速,并伴有头晕、胸闷的症状,而在出差期间就没有这些症状。  相似文献   

实现矿产资源的有序开发是国家或区域政府制定矿产资源政策的重要目标和当务之急。然而,矿产资源有序开发内涵不明确,学术界也缺乏深入探讨。研究指出,矿产资源有序开发的本质是矿产资源开发利用的一种客观规则状态,同时又是这一状态符合主体价值标准的程度,并从国家、区域和企业三个层次和空间与时间两个维度诠释其内在涵义。通过对我国矿产资源开发的问题与原因分析指出走出困境的根本出路在于制度与机制的完善,提出完善市场机制,实现我国矿产资源有序开发的建议。  相似文献   

矿产资源开发利益分配是否合理对矿产资源的开发、利用和保护有着重要影响。为了有效协调矿产资源开发中国家利益、地方利益、矿区群众利益之间的冲突,必须建立矿产资源开发利益分享机制,调节矿产资源收益分成比例,完善矿产资源产权制度和资源税费制度,建立以区域利益补偿和资源收益共享的分配机制。  相似文献   

正矿产资源开发不可避免地会对环境产生影响,实现矿产资源与环境保护的协同具有重要意义。矿产资源开发与环境保护的协同主要就是处理矿产资源开发与环境公权之间的关系,需要国家在矿产资源开发和环境保护之间做出权衡。科学开采和科学产能概念可以扩展到其他采矿行业,重视矿产资源开发与地区生态环境承载力的关系。  相似文献   

雨水收集设施等水工程日益得到应用,需要解决雨水收集设施等水工程设施收集的水资源的所有权。因大气降水是一种自由资源,不属于《宪法》中的"水流"或《水法》中的"水资源"的范畴,雨水收集设施等水工程设施收集的水资源所有权不能适用《宪法》、《水法》的规定,而是取决于雨水收集设施等水工程设施的所有权。雨水收集设施等水工程设施不是土地的组成部分,所有权包括国家所有、集体所有、其他组织和个人所有等形式,因此,雨水收集设施等水工程设施收集的水资源所有权自然包括国家所有、集体所有、其他组织和个人所有。但水工程设施不是公益性、大中型的水利设施,允许其他投资主体投资,其所有权应以集体、个人所有为主要形式  相似文献   

李丹 《环境教育》2013,(12):90-91
十一长假,我去了期待已久的青岛比如世界,一到目的地,我却怎么也高兴不起来。因为青岛新业广场的天空乌烟瘴气,好像一点也不欢迎我来。于是,我满怀好奇地寻找问题的所在。原来,在青岛新业广场的不远处有两个大烟囱,一个胖,一个瘦,它们毫无顾忌地、争先恐后地向天空排放废烟废气,将湛蓝的天空变成了灰蒙蒙的一片,好像是将墨汁洒向了少女蓝得发亮的连衣裙上。哦,原来是大烟囱惹的祸,我顿时恍然大悟。  相似文献   

The Ethiopian Constitution of 1928 vests in the state ownership of all mineral resources. However, the mining code of 1944 recognized the right of individuals and private companies to explore for and develop those resources. The results were quite impressive; Ethiopia became a producer of gold, platinum, copper and other minerals. A revised mining code in 1971 further extended the rights of individuals and companies to develop the mineral resources of the country. In 1974, the newly established revolutionary government eliminated private ownership of mines and established instead state-owned mining companies to develop the mineral resources of the country. In time, the demand for government funding by other sectors of the economy left little for the mining sector and it went into decline. To correct that problem, the Government of Ethiopia in 1989 decided to again make private ownership in the mining sector legal. This paper describes some of the recent initiatives to open the mining sector to private enterprise.  相似文献   

三峡工程库区环境地质灾害的管理系统   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
环境地质灾害是制约地区经济发展的重要因素,本文根据资源开发与环境地质灾害之间的相互关系,结合三峡工程库区地质灾害的特点,提出了包括监测系统、信息管理系统、决策支持系统和专家系统等环境地质灾害管理系统的设想和思路,并就该系统建立和运行过程中的有关问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

The resources of the seabed and ocean floor beyond the limits of national jurisdiction were declared the ‘common heritage of mankind’ by the United Nations General Assembly. This article discusses the mineral resources located in this area and how the commercial availability of such resources was perceived to affect national interests. Although the exploitation of these resources would have benefited all states, some more than others, such exploitation was seen to have conflicting consequences on national interests in the light of the North-South dialogue in which trade and access to raw materials played a central role. The factual basis for these different national interests is examined by a discussion of the possible impact of mineral production from the deep-seabed on world markets and the policies implemented in the Convention on the Law of the Sea to ensure these interests are evaluated.  相似文献   

作为我国有色金属、贵金属、盐类与能源等矿产的主要蕴藏地之一的青海省,在经济发展的四大支柱——石油和天然气、盐湖矿产、有色金属矿产和水电资源产业中,有三项为矿产资源,为推进全省国民经济和社会快速发展提供了强有力的支撑,综合开发利用这些资源对全省经济社会发展具有重要意义.通过对青海省矿产资源综合开发利用的全面分析,找出存在的突出问题及其原因,提出相应的对策和建议.  相似文献   

After almost two decades of decline, Ghana's mineral sector has rebounded significantly and is currently the main foreign exchange earner. Gold mining is the principal activity within the sector and accounted for 41 percent of total export earnings in 1996. This paper presents an overview of Ghana's mineral industry and covers mineral resources, production and reserves; mining investments; the role of mining in the economy; and the structure of the industry. An overview of the national mineral policy is also presented to depict the current regulatory and fiscal environment in which the industry operates. The spectacular reversal in mineral sector performance can be attributed to the adoption of World Bank recommendations in a new national mineral policy, the 1986 Minerals and Mining Law, aimed at revitalizing the sector.  相似文献   

The concept of value is central to mineral economics as it is all branches of economics. In the minerals sphere particular problems are posed for a theory of value by, firstly, the non- renewability of mineral resources, secondly the substantial effort that must be made to convert a mineral into a useful product, and finally the perception of minerals, both economically and symbolically, as peculiarly national forms of wealth. Some thoughts are offered on different approaches to mineral resource valuation and on the frequently conflicting principles of exploitation to which these various approaches give rise.  相似文献   

This article outlines the problems related to the exploitation and allocation of undersea resources. The nature and accessibility of undersea petroleum supplies and metalliferous nodules are described in terms of the existing and prospective future economic constraints. Since the majority of such resources lie outside national jurisdictions, their ownership has recently become a major source of international conflict. The character of that conflict is explained, and the prospective solutions under international law are identified. Unilateral action on the part of countries possessing the requisite technologies to exploit these resources is viewed as the most probable near-term outlook, even though it may not satisfy very many aspects of international equity.  相似文献   

矿产资源综合评价模型的建立及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
矿产资源是一个地区或国家财富的重要来源,具有不可再生性;因此,在开发矿产资源时必须对其进行评估,按照评估排出的开发顺序进行开发。本文以经济地理学有关理论及“最大概率乘积定理”为基础,建立了矿产资源综合评价数学模型,并以山西忻州地区为例,分不同层次对矿产资源进行了综合评价。  相似文献   

Mineral resources represent an integral component within a country’s economy. Despite the fact that the need for raw materials undergoes continuous growth–especially in countries which experience industrial upswing–proper measures to secure the access to domestic mineral resources in the long term have only been applied marginally in a large number of states. This lack of future-oriented legal frameworks–referred to as ‘Minerals Policies’–might lead to a diversity of sectoral problems (eg. dependency on certain raw materials imports). Based on data analysis and subsequent demand forecasting comprehensive national Minerals Policies can be derived in order to anticipate emerging issues and to achieve optimum sustainable management of domestic geological resources. The necessity of such concepts is illustrated by the example of Romania focusing on non-energetic mineral resources.  相似文献   

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