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提出了采用"工艺生产过程危险、有害因素辨识表"来辨识危险、有害因素的方法.该方法基于PHA分析法,可用于安全预评价和现状评价中生产工艺过程危险、有害因素的辨识.文中引用国家标准归纳了危险、有害因素,利用分级赋值法对危险、有害因素进行了半定量分析,从而辨识出评价项目的主要危险、有害因素,提供了一种可进行半定量化计算的危险因素辨识方法.同时,分别示例应用该方法对一个半导体工厂进行安全预评价和对一个危险化学品生产企业进行安全现状评价.采用本方法进行评价的案例评价结果的合理性得到项目评审会专家的认同.该方法简便易行,为危险、有害因素的半定量化计算提供了可行的方法.  相似文献   

危险有害因素辨识、危险等级评定与安全对策措施的提出是安全评价的主要任务,是发现危险源头的重要手段.生产过程危险有害因素的辨识工作是一项系统工程,作为安全评价工作的重中之重,辨识的全面与否和深度直接影响评价结果的好坏和措施的针对性.根据危险有害因素存在的特点,从危险源分析人手,同时考虑工艺条件、操作环境、危险故障状态等因素,提出危险辨识的基本要素和流程,从而使辨识人员避免在危险辨识过程中由于操作不规范而发生遗漏的现象发生.  相似文献   

目前,危险有害因素辨识与分析的方法主要有经验法和类比分析法,以上方法基于大量经验及数据,因此易导致生产装置危险、有害因素辨识不清,容易出现遗漏现象。"逐级分步分析识别法"主要是对生产装置各种状态进行逐步分析识别,层层推进,不易造成遗漏,为消除事故隐患提供更可靠的依据。  相似文献   

水泥工业生产中危险有害因素的辨识、评价与控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文针对干法水泥工业中的主要危险有害因素进行了辨识,采用预先危险性分析法对主要危险有害因素进行了分析评价,并提出了相应的控制措施.  相似文献   

基于PHA-LEC法金属矿山盲竖井工程安全分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对盲竖井工程的危险、有害因素的危害程度及特殊工艺,将盲竖井施工系统分为卷扬机硐室开凿、盲竖井掘进、爆破、吊桶提升、出碴、竖井提升装置安装、施工通风7个主要子系统,在对矿山的盲竖井施工事故数据充分调查和分析的基础上,运用预先危险性分析法(PHA)对盲竖井施工的危险、危害因素进行辨识和定性分析,结合生产作业条件安全评价方法(LEC)对盲竖井系统中各子系统进行危险性评价,定量分析计算PHA的危险等级,提出科学预防措施。PHA-LEC法为盲竖井施工安全分析提供了新的模式,为制定防范措施和管理决策提供科学依据,具有一定的实际指导意义。  相似文献   

运输系统中的危险辨识及其安全控制   总被引:1,自引:7,他引:1  
笔者将运输系统的危险分为两类 :固有危险、变动危险 ;并给出两类危险的定义 ;对构成两类危险的因子进行了深入的讨论 ;提出辨识运输系统两类危险的基本方法 ,即静态辨识法和动态辨识法 ;对两种方法的应用范围及条件进行了初步界定。在对运输系统进行危险辨识的基础上 ,就如何运用控制论的理论与方法解决运输系统的安全控制问题进行探讨 ;提出系统安全状况的恶化实际上是系统中危险因素失控的结果。保证系统安全的核心任务是对系统危险因子进行控制。就运输系统而言 ,对系统变动危险因子的控制要比固有危险系统困难。  相似文献   

根据危险化工工艺涉及的影响因素,在参考了日本劳动省"六阶段"定量评价表及危险度评价法并对危险化工工艺定性分析的基础上,提出一种基于危险度评价法的危险化工工艺辨识方法,为化工企业工艺危险的评估及安全管理提供帮助。  相似文献   

针对煤矿区域探查治理工程中危险因素概念不清、辨识对象多,安全风险评价环节繁杂、危险因素分级与安全风险分级混用等问题,在现有安全风险研究理论基础上,提出适用公司的危险因素和事故隐患概念,明确了危险因素辨识对象和安全风险评价对象并分别进行分级,将危险因素辨识对象和安全风险评价对象从数百项缩减至几十项,优化了危险因素辨识环节和安全风险评估环节;在安全风险分布图方面提出将平面布置图、安全风险分布图、应急疏散平面图“三图”合一,对类似工程安全风险评估具有较强的实践指导作用。  相似文献   

发射药属于高危化学品,它的生产过程也就成了一个需要严格控制安全的系统过程。结合发射药生产系统的特点,根据2类危险源理论对发射药生产系统中的危险因素进行了逐项分类辨识.得出发射药生产过程是一个存在人的不安全行为、机器(物料)的不安全状态、环境的不安全条件的多重复杂系统,并在此基础上提出了发射药生产系统的事故预防措施。  相似文献   

程菊莲 《安全》2011,32(7):17-20
为了预防喷漆作业过程中事故的发生,根据国家标准《生产过程危险和有害因素分类与代码》,对某企业喷漆作业过程中存在的危险和有害因素进行了辨识,提出了切实可行的安全技术和安全管理方面的对策措施。  相似文献   

Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) studies are conducted to identify and assess potential hazards which originate from processes, equipment, and process plants. These studies are human-centered processes that are time and labor-intensive. Also, extensive expertise and experience in the field of process safety engineering are required. There have been several attempts by different research groups to (semi-)automate HAZOP studies in the past. Within this research, a knowledge-based framework for the automatic generation of HAZOP worksheets was developed. Compared to other approaches, the focus is on representing semantic relationships between HAZOP relevant concepts under consideration of the degree of abstraction. In the course of this, expert knowledge from the process and plant safety (PPS) domain is embedded within the ontological model. Based on that, a reasoning algorithm based on semantic reasoners is developed to identify hazards and operability issues in a HAZOP similar manner. An advantage of the proposed method is that by modeling causal relationships between HAZOP concepts, automatically generated but meaningless scenarios can be avoided. The results of the enhanced causation model are high quality extended HAZOP worksheets. The developed methodology is applied within a case study that involves a hexane storage tank. The quality and quantity of the automatically generated results agree with the original worksheets. Thus the ontology-based reasoning algorithm is well-suited to identify hazardous scenarios and operability issues. Node-based analyses involving multiple process units can also be carried out by a slight adjustment of the method. The presented method can help to support HAZOP study participants and non-experts in conducting HAZOP studies.  相似文献   

For more than 30 years, multiple research groups have worked on the automation of hazard and operability (HAZOP) studies, or more specifically on the hazard identification process. So far, very few of these approaches have been used in the chemical process industry. Automatic hazard identification is a knowledge-intensive process that demands high standards with regard to the way in which knowledge is stored and made available. There are various suitable approaches to the qualitative modeling of processes and plants, which are the foundation for reasoning systems that are used for the identification of hazards. Additionally, there are quantitative methods that are based on process simulations and can be used to identify potential hazards. The investigation of the state of research demonstrates that there are sophisticated technologies for automated systems that include powerful reasoning techniques. The benefits and shortcomings of existing technologies are discussed with regard to their industrial applicability. Often, the quality of the necessary specific and generic knowledge is not sufficient to detect potential hazardous events and operational malfunctions. Computer-aided HAZOP systems should be integrated with computer-aided design- or process simulation software using common data models based on the digital representation of the process plant. In order to be used by HAZOP practitioners automated systems need to be comprehensive, serve as specialized decision support systems, and be tested and evaluated using round robin tests.  相似文献   

为提高煤化工生产工艺安全水平,降低事故发生的可能性和严重程度,有必要对其工艺过程中的危害因素进行全面系统的辨识分析。以某甲醇公司煤制甲醇气化装置为例,运用HAZOP方法准确识别工艺偏差危害因素,定性分析偏差产生的可能原因、后果及现有安全措施;在此基础上,运用FTA方法,获得顶上事件发生概率值和基本事件重要度结果,实现工艺设备设施危害因素的定性与定量分析,提出有针对性的建议安全措施。两种方法的综合应用,给予煤化工企业系统安全分析一种新的思路,使其得到更加科学准确的危险性分析结果,为企业开展危害因素的分级管理,有效预防和减少事故的发生提供了理论支撑。  相似文献   

As modern chemical plants are becoming more complex and bigger in scale, the associated chance of things going wrong is also increasing rapidly. Due to the flammable, explosive, toxic and corrosive nature of chemical process, any single accident may trigger a major catastrophe that brings tremendous environmental, social and economical loss. In order to prevent any accident from happening, hazard and operability (HAZOP) analysis has been brought in to monitor chemical process and provide early warning for signs of accident. However, most existing HAZOP is carried out manually, and there are always obstacles in terms of cost overrun and incompleteness of the analysis. To address the difficulties in current HAZOP method, this paper proposes a signed digraph (SDG)-based HAZOP analysis method. It is used to identify the most likely operating mistakes that may cause certain process variable deviating from its normal value, which is the main source of safety concern. A case study on polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plant is presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of SDG-based HAZOP analysis method in providing complete analysis result.  相似文献   

计算机辅助HAZOP技术的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在HAZOP原理的基础上,讨论了计算机辅助HAZOP技术的优势,并针对传统的HAZOP、基于深层知识模型SDG的计算机辅助HAZOP和应用PHA-Pro软件3种方法进行了分析和比较;介绍了研发成功的针对开、停车过程和应急阶段顺序颠倒、操作步骤遗漏的人工误操作危险与可操作性分析系统MO-HAZOP;该系统具有定量计算出所有的人工误操作顺序组合的发生概率值,结合现有知识和专家经验,判定事件发生的风险等级,从而有重点地给出预防危险、保障生产安全的建议的功能;MO-HAZOP分析系统对于石化企业的安全生产具有重要意义。  相似文献   

加氢装置属甲类火灾、爆炸危险生产装置。为了在设计阶段尽可能消除或控制潜在风险,本文总结了多套加氢装置HAZOP分析报告中的设备类别及其分析内容,提出了基于危险与可操作性(HAZOP)分析的加氢装置工程设计方法。在传统工程设计方法的基础上增加了参数敏感性工程设计方法,依据分析报告中的设计建议,利用ASPEN软件计算过程参数变化对目标参数的影响程度,确定参数稳定操作区域;建立了数据库管理界面实现了加氢装置工程安全设计经验知识的有序管理。应用基于HAZOP分析的加氢装置工程设计方法,有助于将安全隐患问题在设计阶段消除或加以控制,可为降低石化装置改造成本和提高装置的安全水平提供方法依据。  相似文献   

An extended hazard and operability (HAZOP) analysis approach with dynamic fault tree is proposed to identify potential hazards in chemical plants. First, the conventional HAZOP analysis is used to identify the possible fault causes and consequences of abnormal conditions, which are called deviations. Based on HAZOP analysis results, hazard scenario models are built to explicitly represent the propagation pathway of faults. With the quantitative analysis requirements of HAZOP analysis and the time-dependent behavior of real failure events considered, the dynamic fault tree (DFT) analysis approach is then introduced to extend HAZOP analysis. To simplify the quantitative calculation, the DFT model is solved with modularization approach in which a binary decision diagram (BDD) and Markov chain approach are applied to solve static and dynamic subtrees, respectively. Subsequently, the occurrence probability of the top event and the probability importance of each basic event with respect to the top event are determined. Finally, a case study is performed to verify the effectiveness of the approach. Results indicate that compared with the conventional HAZOP approach, the proposed approach does not only identify effectively possible fault root causes but also quantitatively determines occurrence probability of the top event and the most likely fault causes. The approach can provide a reliable basis to improve process safety.  相似文献   

合成氨装置的原料、产品危险性高,并且生产过程复杂,因此在运行过程中可能导致火灾、爆炸、中毒等事故,有些事故甚至给社会和环境造成严重破坏.对HAZOP研究与故障树分析进行组合,应用在合成氨装置的危险辨识中.通过HAZOP研究,合成氨主体装置共发现风险因素23项,其中合成氨装置的合成气压缩单元安全隐患较多,因此对其进行故障树分析,合成气压缩机单元火灾、爆炸故障树的最小割集为72个,最小径集为6个.从基本事件结构重要度结果来看,压缩机三级出口压力探测器( PIA3-2)故障,对压缩机发生火灾、爆炸的影响程度最大,应重点防范.  相似文献   

国外化工企业工艺安全技术管理概述   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
国外化工企业工艺安全技术管理范畴主要包括PHA、MOC、RA/RM、事故调查、其他工艺安全管理工具等。本文主要介绍了国外化工企业常规工艺安全技术管理MOC———变更管理的概念、流程,临时MOC、MSR、PSSR等概念及流程。PHA———工艺危险性分析是国外化工企业工艺安全技术管理核心,主要应用于大型或复杂项目,重点详述了工艺危险性分析的流程、步骤以及四种常用的危险识别方法———HAZOP、SCA、What-If、FEMA的概念、主要步骤、分析过程及主要优点。一旦工艺危险被分析识别后,阐述了如何运用风险评估和风险管理(RA/RM)步骤、后果等级、频率评价、风险等级矩阵和风险降低的主要方法,如何采用故障树FTA和事件树ETA两种不同的方法测算各种事件或故障发生的概率以及事故的后果等级,最后介绍了故障树FTA和事件树ETA的主要步骤和方法。  相似文献   

HAZOP analysis is a process hazard analysis method that has been widely applied both within and outside the chemical processing industries. This paper presents a design method for a process safety data management program for petrochemical plants based on HAZOP analysis and demonstrates the steps of application involved in building a process safety data management system for an ethylene oxide/ethylene glycol production plant. Firstly, the production data files and relevant documents of the plants should be classified and stored in the program database as reference documents and treatment schemes for coping with abnormal situations should be collected and summarized as guidance documents. Secondly, the HAZOP analysis method is employed to identify all the dangerous deviations possibly existing in the production process of the ethylene oxide/ethylene glycol plant. Then, the relationships among the deviations, the reference documents and the guidance documents should be considered and evaluated. Finally, each dangerous deviation will be given a corresponding reference document and guidance document. The reference documents and guidance documents stored in the expert system can be utilized to help operators solve the corresponding technical problems and cope with abnormal situations. The process safety data management program will contribute to the identification, analysis and resolution of operation problems. When an abnormal situation occurs, according to the deviations exhibited in the system, the necessary reference documents and guidance documents will be quickly consulted by the operators, and an appropriate decision will be made to address the abnormal situation. Therefore, by using the process safety data management program, plant security and human safety in the petrochemical industries will be improved.  相似文献   

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