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旅游资源是开展旅游活动,发展旅游业的物质基础。对其进行综合客观的评价,是合理保护与开发旅游资源的重要依据。1994年,武当山古建筑群作为文化遗产被联合国教科文组织世界遗产委员会列入《世界遗产名录》。以武当山为例,利用Yaahp软件,基于AHP法对其旅游资源进行定量分析,得出各指标相对权重。结果表明,武当山资源价值在旅游资源评价中具有重要的地位。根据评价结果及遗产地旅游现状,提出防止旅游过度开发和资源不合理利用的保护性开发策略,以促使遗产保护与旅游活动协同发展。  相似文献   

/ An approach to evaluating the effectiveness of management of protected areas is proposed. This approach has been used in developing an evaluation strategy for the Fraser Island World Heritage Area in Australia. The main component of the strategy is built upon the desired outcomes specified in the management plan for the area and thus provides a basis for assessing the extent to which the plan's objectives are being achieved. A series of monitoring programs have been proposed to enable this assessment. Examples of monitoring programs developed as part of the evaluation strategy are presented. A second component of the strategy monitors the implementation of the management plan. A management information system has been developed to record and report on the extent to which the specific actions specified in the management plan have been implemented. The strategy is discussed in relation to seven objectives set for the evaluation program in its design phase.KEY WORDS: Planning; Evaluation; Monitoring; Management; Protected areas  相似文献   

云冈石窟于2001年被联合国教科文组织世界遗产委员会列入《世界遗产名录》.介绍了云冈石窟的概况、地理条件和地质环境,总结归纳了云冈石窟的特征和杰出价值,指出了云冈石窟存在的问题,并提出促进遗产地真实性和完整性的保护对策,以推进世界遗产的可持续发展.  相似文献   

黄山植物资源的永续利用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
黄山是一座驰名中外的旅游名山,被联合国列入世界文化和自然遗产.黄山的生物资源十分丰富,有高等植物222科827属1800余种,其中中国特有属种植物22个、珍稀濒危及国家保护植物25种、以黄山命名的植物8种、以黄山称谓的植物20余种以及众多的古树名木.对黄山生物资源的永续利用提出了几点建议.  相似文献   

三塘湖油田生态环境保护指导思想为:"分区保护、分类防治、分级管理"。文章通过分析干旱荒漠区生态功能的划分,根据三塘湖油田开发区生态环境特征、生态系统服务功能、生态环境功能重要性与敏感性的空间分异规律,确定区域生态功能分区,为制定生态环境保护计划、维护区域生态安全、促进社会经济可持续发展提供科学依据。  相似文献   

非物质文化遗产数字化保护是推进非物质文化遗产保护和传承可持续性发展的重要举措,对非物质文化遗产富集的少数民族地区尤为重要.分析数字化保护手段的优势和关键技术,以湘西为例,提出建立科学合理的分类体系和数字化资源库,构建数字化博物馆等非物质文化遗产数字化保护策略,从非物质文化遗产的真实再现、知识产权保护、技术和资源共享等方面提出在非物质文化遗产数字化保护中应注意的问题.  相似文献   

登封“天地之中”历史建筑群包括8处11项中国古代建筑精华,2010年联合国教科文组织第34届世界遗产大会将其列入《世界遗产名录》。简要介绍了“天地之中”历史建筑群的概况,阐述了其历史背景、建筑特点、文化内涵和遗产价值,分析了遗产资源存在的问题,并从完善管理体制角度出发,对遗产资源的可持续发展提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

把世界遗产地旅游开发与新农村建设有机结合,研究世界遗产地旅游开发和新农村建设的互动发展,对促进旅游产业结构优化升级,推动新农村建设具有较强的现实意义。遗产地农民对世界遗产要有深入了解,树立保护重于开发的意识,改善遗产地旅游生态环境,发展生态旅游,建立合理的利益分配与协调机制。  相似文献   

The impact of urbanization on stream channels has been investigated in a range of areas; the degree and extent of the channel adjustments have been demonstrated; and for a few areas these characteristics have recently been placed into a spatial context. A method of rapid field survey for depicting the channel network of urban areas in terms of near natural, adjusted, and channelized systems is illustrated for the urban area of Armidale NSW, for which Armidale Dumaresq Council had prepared a stormwater management plan. Such a survey could enable channel characteristics and adjustments, as well as water quantity and quality, to be included in the management plan. Possible options for management to address are suggested for each of the channel categories. A channel classification system of the kind suggested can provide a basic complement for the further development of the stormwater management plan, can afford a basis for specifying management alternatives, and can be helpful in demonstrating the options offered for community consultation.  相似文献   

新中国成立70年来,我国自然保护地体系逐步完善。在生态系统与重要自然资源保护方面,形成了由自然保护区、风景名胜区、森林公园、地质公园、自然文化遗产、湿地公园、水产种质资源保护区、海洋特别保护区、特别保护海岛等组成的保护地体系。在生态空间保护方面,率先在国际上提出和实施生态保护红线,构建了以重要生态功能区、生态脆弱区和生物多样性保护区为主体的生态保护红线技术体系,成为我国新世纪一项重大生态保护工程,并开展了生态功能区划、主体功能区划。在保护机制上,于2015年启动了国家公园体制,并开展试点示范。本文从以上三个方面概要分析了我国自然保护地的发展历程和发展成效。  相似文献   

The perceptions and attitudes of local people in heritage sites strongly influence their behaviour related to protecting heritage resources and improving management. In this study, we collected pertinent data through a questionnaire and group discussions to examine local people's attitudes and perceptions toward participation in heritage protection in Wuyishan Scenery District (WSD). Logistic regression was used to identify the factors that influence local people's perceptions of heritage protection behaviours. The results indicate that education level is the most critical factor in local people's initiatives to protect heritage resources. Local people with higher education levels pay more attention to the status of WSD and behave more positively with regard to conservation. Gender and income are relatively important factors in perceptions of heritage. Males have better knowledge of heritage resources than females do, and inhabitants with higher income levels are more likely to participate in protection, especially after WSD was listed as a World Heritage Site. Education level was always a key demographic factor before and after WSD's listing on the Heritage List. Household size was a significant factor before WSD was listed on the Heritage List, but it was not significant after, when household income became a significant factor.  相似文献   

The Great Barrier Reef (GBR) is a natural asset of global significance, spanning 2600?km’s along the Australian coastline. On the southern tip of the GBR is the Gladstone region, where high levels of industrial activity have been juxtaposed with the natural wonder, and World Heritage Listed, GBR. Given these competing local priorities, this research explores local perceptions of the GBR and its management. Exploratory analysis of 38 interviews with residents and stakeholders from Gladstone revealed a potential incongruence between environmental concern and support for more stringent management of the tourism and resources sectors on the GBR. A responsibility–accountability framework (RAF) for managing the use and protection of the GBR is developed by drawing on current theoretical frameworks and the results of the interviews. Importantly the framework highlights the importance of business responsibility combined with monitoring and control mechanisms to ensure accountability and to deliver transparency, education and partnership. Future research should apply the RAF for testing and application in other marine World Heritage Area contexts.  相似文献   

The total protected area designated by different countries varies enormously as does the balance within that area between natural and cultural landscapes. It is argued that population density and degree of urbanisation affect the area meriting protection and also the demand for protection, and that these, in turn, affect the area that is protected. Twenty-two European countries are classified into 4 groups (low population density rural; low population density urban; intermediate population density; and high population density). The areas protected by countries in each group and the extent to which they protect the natural as opposed to the cultural are substantially as predicted.  相似文献   

通过新增工业产值、农用地面积、降雨强度和环保投资4个指标,引入信息熵对各指标进行权重分配,科学界定基尼系数合理性范围,构建了以改良基尼系数为度量标准的二氧化硫总量控制方案分配合理性的评价体系,并将其应用于"十二五"西部地区二氧化硫排放总量控制规划方案合理性评价工作中。研究结果表明,西部地区"十二五"SO2总量控制方案存在不合理,可优先考虑针对环保投资进行调整。  相似文献   

国家“十二五”环保产业预测及政策分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
基于最近10年我国环保产业的发展状况,结合环境保护"十二五"规划战略研究,预测了"十二五"全国环境保护投资和环保产业的需求,识别了重点环保产业发展领域的投资需求和技术需求。预测表明,我国"十二五"环保投资约为3.1万亿元,占同期GDP的1.35%,环保产业产值为4.92万亿元,带动治理设施运行服务费用1.05万亿元,环保产业就业512万人。最后提出了"十二五"期间建议重点突破影响环保产业发展"瓶颈"的若干政策。  相似文献   

邛海是四川省第二大天然淡水湖,具有饮用水源、栖息地、水产品供给、人文景观等多种生态功能。长期以来由于不合理的开发和利用,邛海生态环境遭到污染和破坏,出现了面源污染严重、区域水质恶化、泥沙淤积、湿地萎缩、面积减少等环境问题,发展与保护矛盾突出,生态环境保护的压力加重。本文针对流域主要环境问题,探讨并提出了邛海生态环境保护以湖泊生态安全保障为目标,以饮用水源水质安全保障和生态保育为核心,实施生态调控、污染防治与生态恢复并举的科学对策。  相似文献   

文化景观是自然、文化和历史的完美结合体,文化景观遗产的设立不但改变了世界遗产对价值的认识,而且拓宽了世界遗产的实践领域。从世界文化景观遗产入手,分析了它的分布现状及其原因;介绍了我国两项文化景观遗产之一的西湖,同时利用SWOT分析法对西湖进行分析,总结西湖的可持续发展趋势。通过综合分析,提出我国文化景观申遗和保护的建议。  相似文献   

Like many governmental actors in recent decades, the U.S. National Park Service (NPS) has operated increasingly through partnerships with other state and federal agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), community groups, and private sector corporations. Perhaps the most salient example of this trend toward partnerships is the rapid growth and development of national heritage areas (NHAs). Since the first NHA received congressional designation in 1984, NHAs have become an increasingly popular strategy for protecting and managing landscapes. To date, congressional designation has been granted to 49 NHAs, making them one of the fastest growing initiatives involving the NPS. Despite this growth, no prior research has examined the efficacy or effectiveness of the NHA model. This article introduces the NHA concept, while reviewing the literature on evaluation research and its application to protected area management. We then offer an NHA program theory model for evaluating NHAs. The model was developed using a theory-based, process evaluation approach, along with 90 qualitative interviews conducted at three study sites: Blackstone River Valley National Heritage Corridor, MA-RI (BLAC); Delaware and Lehigh National Heritage Corridor, PA (DELE); and Cane River National Heritage Area, LA (CANE). We conclude by discussing the key challenges and implications associated with developing a long-term research agenda for evaluating NHAs.  相似文献   

昌吉州区域经济开发在新疆地方经济发展中占有重要地位,在发展区域经济时也对生态环境造成了影响或污染,加强生态建设,做好区域环境保护的规划十分必要。昌吉州在石油勘探开发、土地资源开发中重视生态建设,在保护耕地、保护森林、野生动、植物方面制定出台了一系列措施,行至有效,取得了一定的实效。  相似文献   

The paper discusses conditions and format of a cluster model to support the management of a potential creative tourism destination in a setting where regional cross-sectoral collaboration is lacking. Creative tourism development requires a flexible framework and a healthy collaboration environment, more so when associated with resources shared by several stakeholders. This article focuses on the tourism potential of archaeological knowledge discovered during the environmental impact assessment of the Alqueva dam (Alentejo, Portugal). Interviews were conducted with 38 regional actors in the tourism and heritage sectors, as well as the dam developers and the companies responsible for archaeological interventions. Findings indicate that the lack of specific local policy addressing archaeological heritage hampers its potential use for tourism development, which is further aggravated by the absence of stakeholder communication and cooperation. A conceptual cluster model for the management of creative tourism destinations based on heritage resources and other local resources is proposed.  相似文献   

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