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丹江口库区生态系统服务价值与人类活动时空关联分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
良好的生态系统和协调的人地关系对丹江口库区水质的保证以及南水北调中线的顺利运行具有重要意义.以中国南水北调中线工程水源地丹江口库区为研究对象,以1991、2000、2010、2018年四期遥感影像为数据源,利用基于样本的面向对象分类方法解译获得四期土地利用数据,基于土地利用数据构建生态系统服务价值评估模型、生态系统服务价值流向损益模型、人类活动强度指数评估模型,并利用双变量空间自相关方法分析生态系统服务价值和人类活动强度的时空关联特征.研究结果表明:1991~2018年间,丹江口库区建设用地、水库河流和林地总体呈增长趋势,耕地、灌草地、内陆坑塘、湿地和未利用地总体呈减少趋势.生态系统服务价值呈现波动变化趋势,总体增加了43.93×108元,价值量的亏损主要来自于林地转化为耕地和建设用地,灌草地转化为耕地,价值量的增益主要来自于耕地转化为林地和水库河流.人类活动以低影响强度为主,中高影响强度在库区东部成片式分布,高影响强度区域呈零星块状分布且一直呈增加趋势.丹江口库区生态系统服务价值与人类活动强度存在显著的负相关关系,且呈现先增强后减弱的变化趋势.  相似文献   

以贵阳市南明河流域1990、2000和2013年遥感影像数据为基础,通过多尺度空间单元格及空间自相关分析,结合GIS空间分析技术,定量描述了南明河流域生态系统服务功能的时空分异特征,进一步揭示了喀斯特区域城市发展引起的生态服务价值变化。结果表明:1990~2013年,南明河流域生态服务价值增加6.87亿元,林地生态服务价值增加,而耕地、建设用地的变化造成生态服务价值的损失;流域生态服务价值存在较强空间聚集性,生态服务价值"热点"区主要分布在流域中下游,"冷点"区主要集中在流域中游;随着研究尺度的增加,流域生态服务价值的空间自相关性增强;流域生态服务价值对价值系数缺乏弹性,林地敏感性最高,对流域生态服务价值贡献最大,而城市化进程加快使得建设用地对总生态服务价值的影响程度增加。  相似文献   

基于土地利用变化的四川省生态系统服务价值研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
认识和理解土地利用变化对生态系统服务价值的影响及相互作用关系具有重要意义。在分析国内外各种生态服务价值评价方法和对各类生态系统生态服务价值系数进行修正的基础上,采用生态系统服务价值评估模型、敏感性指数和价值变率模型,对各类生态系统的各项生态服务价值、土地利用变化对四川省生态系统服务价值的影响进行了计算和分析。结果表明:(1)四川省土地利用以林地和牧草地为主,1996~2006年耕地、未利用土地、牧草地和水域面积减少,林地、建设用地和园地面积呈增加趋势;(2)1996~2006年四川省生态系统服务价值由1996年的7 214588×108元上升到2006年的7 305018×108元,增加90431×108元,园地生态系统服务价值持续增加,而农田、牧草地、水域、未利用地则继续减少;(3)土地利用的生态服务价值区域差异显著,空间上呈现西多东少的分布格局,西部高山高原区和盆周山区的生态系统服务价值总量较大,成都平原和四川盆地丘陵区所提供的较少;(4)四川省生态系统服务价值缺乏弹性,价值变率反映林地面积的变化对研究区生态系统服务价值的变化具有较大影响  相似文献   

三峡库区是长江上游生态环境集敏感、脆弱、复杂为一体的地区,其生态安全格局的构建对维护区域生态安全、实现区域可持续发展具有重要作用.以三峡库区重庆段为研究区,采用2018年土地利用现状数据和遥感数据,构建生态服务重要性与生态敏感性评价体系,综合确定生态源地;以坡度、起伏度、土地利用类型确定阻力值,采用最小累积阻力模型构建生态廊道,最终形成三峡库区重庆段生态安全格局.研究结果表明:三峡库区重庆段生态源地面积13660.80 km2,占研究区总面积的29.61%,主要分布于巫溪、奉节、石柱、开州等区县;生态廊道连接生态源地,共81条,总长度为3069.29 km,廊道呈树状辐射分布,呈现"东北-西南"树状分布的空间格局;生态源地与生态廊道共同形成三峡库区东北生态城镇圈、三峡库区西南都市生态圈以及连接两圈的三峡库区中部走廊的"一廊两圈"生态安全格局.研究结果对保障三峡库区生态安全具有重要意义,可为三峡库区生态环境环境保护提供科学依据.  相似文献   

喀纳斯自然保护区生态系统服务价值变化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态系统可持续发展是随着全球范围内可持续发展研究的深入和人们对环境破坏和资源利用认识的不断加深而逐渐形成的.人类社会的可持续发展从根本上取决于生态系统及其服务的可持续性,本文应用喀纳斯自然保护区1980、2005年两期Landsat TM影像解译数据,参照谢高地等制定的中国生态系统单位面积生态服务当量因子和新疆布尔津县单位面积农田生态系统提供的食物生产服务的经济价值,确定喀纳斯自然保护区生态系统单位面积生态服务价值系数,对保护区生态系统服务价值及其变化进行了估算和比较.结果表明,林地和草地是喀纳斯自然保护区主要的土地利用类型,25年间土地利用总体上发生了明显变化,林地面积在减少,革地、水域、建设用地面积略有增加;保护区生态系统服务价值由1980年的37.289亿元减少至2005年的36.351亿元,有林地和离覆盖度草地的减少是服务价值降低的主要原因;主要由林地、草地和水域提供的维持生物多样性、水文调节、气候调节、保持土壤等单项功能服务价值均呈现不同程度地减少,说明保护区生态系统结构和功能已受到影响,保护区生态环境质量不断趋向退化.  相似文献   

基于2005~2015年土地利用变更调查数据,结合土地利用变化模型和生态系统服务价值理论,分析了江苏省江淮生态经济区县域单元土地利用结构演化规律及生态系统服务价值变化。结果表明:研究期间建设用地、水域面积增加的最多;土地利用程度指数呈现北高南低的空间格局;生态系统服务价值略有上升,空间上总体为南高北低的格局,呈现市区较低,周边县(市)较高的现象;研究期内水域对于江淮生态经济区生态系统服务价值的贡献和生态环境的调控作用十分显著;结合区域建设开发现状,利用生态系统服务价值敏感性指数,在县域尺度上将研究区划分为以下五种类型:优先保护区、优先开发区、保护均衡区、开发权衡区、开发调整区,并提出建设开发策略,以期为江淮生态经济区开发建设、环境保护提供科学指引。  相似文献   

空间冲突是快速城市化过程各种生态环境问题形成与演化的直接动因,科学测度空间冲突水平,对优化区域发展模式、保障区域生态安全具有重要意义。从城市化过程空间开发利用的生态系统服务权衡视角,将社会经济驱动因素、城市化扩张路径、生态系统服务响应纳入空间冲突分析与评价过程中,通过分析空间冲突形成机理,利用GIS空间分析技术量化空间冲突形成的生态风险压力(社会经济因素)、暴露程度(城市化扩张特征)、生态风险响应(生态系统服务价值)三类因子,构建冲突测度模型,以江浙沪快速城市化地区为具体研究对象,开展空间冲突测度研究。结果表明:(1) 2000—2018年区域空间冲突水平呈上升趋势,冲突指数均值由0.514上升到0.548。(2)冲突模式主要沿"点圈式"-"轴向扩散"-"网络化扩散"的路径演变:"点圈式"阶段调节服务和供给服务受影响较大,"轴向扩散"阶段受影响程度由高到低为支持服务供给服务文化服务调节服务,"网络化扩散"阶段支持服务和文化服务受影响较大。(3)从城市尺度来看,浙江省城市空间冲突强度较低,江苏省城市和上海市较高,并呈现出了距离上海市越近,空间冲突指数越高的空间梯度特征。建议通过强化基于城市群地区空间冲突的分区规划管控,加快建立完善的空间冲突预警调控机制,以加强城市化过程的区域空间冲突治理,保障区域生态安全。  相似文献   

鄱阳湖生态经济区是中国重要生态功能区和世界自然基金会划定的全球重要生态区,2009年开始建设,目前已完成首要阶段的建设工作。基于土地覆被遥感解译数据,利用生态价值评估模型及GIS空间统计方法,分析鄱阳湖生态经济区2008~2016年间生态系统服务价值时空格局及动态演化。结果表明,鄱阳湖生态经济区土地利用/覆被方式以耕地、林地和草地为主,8年间区内草地和建筑用地面积明显增加,水域面积减少加剧,生态系统服务价值总体呈减少趋势,其中减少最明显的是林地和水域系统价值。水源涵养和土壤保持是鄱阳湖生态经济区最主要的生态系统服务功能,两者合计占比38%以上,但食物生产、水源涵养与废物处理的各单项生态服务价值下降比例较多。生态系统服务价值年均减少率超过20%的区域主要在城市地区,从空间分布来看,南部区域生态服务价值增长具有优势,尤其在2012~2016年间总的优势更为明显。  相似文献   

为了定量分析和比较区域生态服务功能及其价值变化,运用中国生态系统服务价值当量因子表和岷江上游流域单位面积农田生态系统提供的食物生产服务的经济价值,以及分析1986、1995和2000年三期TM遥感影像所得到的土地利用情况,对岷江上游地区不同年代的生态服务价值变化进行了估算和比较。并初步分析了生态服务价值变化的原因。1986~1995年,农田面积增加了60 801 hm2,比1986年增长了477%。林地面积减少了89 01217 hm2,占原来面积的497%。总的生态服务价值从1986年到2000年减少了1199×108元。主要是由于人口的增加和森林的砍伐,导致森林面积减少,转变为草地、农田等土地利用类型。通过1995年和2000年对比得出:自从1998年实施“天然林保护工程”政策以来,到2000年森林生态系统面积与1995年相差约4 16528 hm2,生态服务价值相差约79亿元,可见国家政策在保护生态系统服务功能上虽起到了一定的作用,但与1986年相比还相差甚远,天然林保护工程任重而道远。  相似文献   

基于六期Landsat TM/ETM+/OLI影像数据,利用生态系统服务功能评估规范及GIS空间统计方法,对三峡库区1990~2015年间森林生态系统服务价值动态变化进行分析。结果表明:三峡库区森林面积与森林覆盖率逐年增加,森林面积增长率71.04%,森林覆盖率由31.27%增加到53.48%。库区整体的森林类型结构比较稳定,表现为针叶林>混交林>灌木林>阔叶林。时间上,三峡库区森林生态系统服务价值呈上升趋势,具体表现为快-慢-快的增长特征。三峡库区单位面积森林生态系统服务价值在总体增长趋势下出现局部负增长趋势,各森林类型的单位面积价值与三峡库区整体的单位面积价值有着相同的变化趋势,均表现为增加-减少-增加的变化特征。三峡库区各类型服务价值的贡献表现为:涵养水源>固碳释氧>生物多样性保护>保育土壤>净化大气环境>积累营养物质>森林防护。空间上,1990~2015年,三峡库区森林生态系统服务价值的地域分布大致以巫溪至武隆一线为界,呈现出东南高、西北低的特征。1990~2015年三峡库区森林生态系统服务价值变化幅度呈现出“西增加快,东增趋缓”的格局特点。  相似文献   

Samples of precipitation events (snow and rain) in Dalian, a typical coastal town in China, were analyzed for perfluorosulfonates (PFSAs) and perfluorocarboxylates (PFCAs) to investigate atmospheric contamination by these compounds. In the snow event on December 16, 2006, samples were collected from 21 different sites and in another 6 precipitation events, samples were collected from a single location. Four PFSAs (C4, C6, C8, C10) and seven PFCAs (C6–12) were analyzed. Among the homologues, perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) concentrations were the highest with a geometric mean (GM) of 145 ng/L (n = 21) during the snow event on December 16, 2006, followed by perfluorooctanoate (PFOA) with a GM of 24.7 ng/L (n = 21). Concentrations of perfluorobutane sulfonate (PFBS), perfluorohexane sulfonate (PFHxS) and perfluoroheptanoate (PFHpA) were more than two orders of magnitude lower than that of PFOS. Other PFSAs and PFCAs were found to be below the limit of detection in all the samples. In other 6 precipitation events, PFSAs and PFCAs were detected approximately in the same order of magnitude in both snow and rain. The results indicate that wet deposition may be a potential transport mechanism of perfluorinated chemicals in the environment.  相似文献   

During Balkan conflicts in 1994-1995, depleted uranium (DU) ordnance was employed and was left in the battlefield. Health concern is related to the risk arising from contamination of the environment with DU penetrators and dust. In order to evaluate the impact of DU on the environment and population in Bosnia and Herzegovina, radiological survey of DU in biological and water samples were carried out over the period 12-24 October 2002. The uranium isotopic concentrations in biological samples collected in Bosnia and Herzegovina, mainly lichens, mosses and barks, were found to be in the range of 0.27-35.7 Bq kg(-1) for (238)U, 0.24-16.8 Bq kg(-1) for (234)U, and 0.02-1.11 Bq kg(-1) for (235)U, showing uranium levels to be higher than in the samples collected at the control site. Moreover, the (236)U in some of the samples was detectable. The isotopic ratios of (234)U/(238)U showed DU to be detectable in many biological samples at most sites examined, but in very low levels. The presence of DU in the biological samples was as a result of DU contamination in air. The uranium concentrations in water samples collected in Bosnia and Herzegovina were found to be in the range of 0.27-16.2 m Bq l(-1) for (238)U, 0.41-15.6 m Bq l(-1) for (234)U and 0.012-0.695 m Bq l(-1) for (235)U, and two water samples were observed to be DU positive; these values are much lower than those in mineral water found in central Italy and below the WHO guideline for public drinking water. From radiotoxicological point of view, at this moment there is no significant radiological risk related to these investigated sites in terms of possible DU contamination of water and/or plants.  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Ecology - The present study was conducted to investigate the n-alkane composition of typical alpine meadows. Plant and soil samples were collected and analyzed to characterize...  相似文献   

Vulnerabilities to floods in Thailand are changing as a result of many factors. Formal and informal institutions help shape exposure, sensitivity and capacities to respond of individuals, social groups and social-ecological systems. In this paper we draw on several case studies of flood events and flood-affected communities to first assess how current practices reflect various laws, procedures, programs and policies for managing floods and disasters and then explore the implications for dealing with additional challenges posed by climate change. Our analysis identifies several institutional traps which need to be overcome if vulnerability is to be reduced, namely capture of agendas by technical elites, single-level or centralized concentration of capacities, organizational fragmentation and overemphasis on reactive crisis management. Possible responses are to expand public participation in managing risks, build adaptive capacities at multiple levels and link them, integrate flood disaster management and climate change adaptation into development planning, prioritize risk reduction for socially vulnerable groups and strengthen links between knowledge and practice. Responses like these could help reduce vulnerabilities under current climate and flood regimes, while also improving capacities to handle the future which every way that unfolds.  相似文献   

110mAg, as a radionuclide of corrosion products in water-cooled nuclear reactors, was detected in the liquid effluents of Guangdong Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station (GNPS) of Daya Bay under normal operation conditions. Experiments on a simulated terrestrial agricultural ecosystem were carried out using the pot experiment approach. The most common plants in Hong Kong and the South China vegetable gardens such as lettuce, Chinese spinach, kale, carrot, pepper, eggplant, bean, flowering cabbage, celery, European onion and cucumber were selected for (110m)Ag root and foliar uptake tests. The results show that carrot, kale and flowering cabbage have the greatest values of soil to plant transfer factor among the vegetables, while(110m)Ag can be transferred to Chinese spinach via foliar uptake. Flowering cabbage, the most popular leafy vegetable locally, could be used as a biomonitor for the radioisotope contamination in vegetables. Soil column and adsorption tests were also carried out to study the leaching ability and distribution coefficient (K(d)) of (110m)Ag in the soil. The results show that most of the radionuclide was adsorbed in the top 1 cm of soil regardless of the pH value. The K(d) was also determined.  相似文献   

Radon concentrations were measured in several locations in each of approximately 100 dwellings in central Maine and in Houston, TX. Integrated samples were taken during the heating (or cooling) seasons with commercially available passive alpha track devices, while grab samples were taken at the time of integrated sampler deployment. It was found that both indoor and outdoor measurements in both areas were distributed log normally, and that the geometric mean of indoor measurements in Maine was three times higher than that of corresponding measurements in the Houston area. It was also noted that the mean of the indoor grab sample measurements was not significantly different from the mean of the indoor integrated measurements, and that the degree of correlation between the grab samples and a given indoor integrated sample was nearly as good as between integrated samples taken at different living area locations.  相似文献   

4-Nonylphenol (NP) and bisphenol A (BPA) are phenolic substances used in high volumes by the industry. Studies on cells and in experimental animals have shown that both these compounds can be classified as estrogenic hormone disrupters. Information about the exposure of humans to NP and BPA is still scarce, especially regarding levels in human blood. The first aim of this study was to investigate possible sources of NP and BPA exposure from food, by analyzing the levels of NP and BPA from a Swedish food market basket, based on the Swedish per capita food consumption. A second aim was to investigate blood serum levels of NP and BPA, as well as NP-ethoxylates, among young women in Sweden (n = 100). Moreover, associations between food consumption and blood NP and BPA levels were studied. In food, NP was to some extent found at levels above limit of quantification (LOQ 20 ng/g fresh weight) in fruits, cereal products, vegetables, and potatoes. BPA levels above LOQ (2 ng/g fresh weight) were found in fish, meats, potatoes, and dairy products. The estimated mean intakes per capita were (medium bound) 27 μg NP/day and 3.9 μg BPA/day, showing that food is a source of BPA and NP in the general Swedish population. In blood serum, free NP above limit of detection (LOD 0.5 ng/g) was detected in 46% of the study participants while detectable levels of total NP (LOD 0.8 ng/g) were observed in 43%. The corresponding percentages for BPA were 25% and 22%, respectively. The results indicate that there is a continuous source of exposure to NP and BPA that is high enough for free NP and BPA to be detected in some consumers. Among the participants with quantifiable levels of free and total NP (n = 38), 85% (median, range: 38–112%) of the NP was present as free NP. For BPA 76% (49–109%) was detected as free BPA (n = 15). All women had levels of ethoxylates of NP below LOD (0.1–0.7 ng/g). A significantly higher total consumption of fruits and vegetables was reported in questionnaires by participants with NP levels at or above LOD than among women with levels below LOD. This result is supporting the market basket results of relatively high NP levels in these types of food.  相似文献   

Concentrations of 90Sr, 210Po and 210Pb in lichen and reindeer were studied in central (Østre Namdal) and southern Norway (Vågå) during 2000–2003. The study focussed on potential differences in concentrations of these nuclides in reindeer of different ages. Concentrations of 90Sr in bones of ∼10 year old adult females were about 40% higher than those in calves' antlers (90Sr concentrations in antlers and bones of calves are similar), while the available data from Vågå suggest that 90Sr concentrations in reindeer calves decreased with an effective ecological half-time of 9.03 ± 0.06 years during 1988–2002. Furthermore, 90Sr concentrations were 50–80% higher in bone of reindeer of a similar age from Vågå compared to those from Østre Namdal. Concentrations of 210Po and 210Pb in muscle and liver tissues were comparable to those reported for reindeer in other Nordic areas, with no significant difference in 210Po and 210Pb concentrations between adults and calves or between reindeer from the two different study areas.  相似文献   

BackgroundAlthough antibiotic use during early life has been demonstrated to be related to the altered adipogenesis in later life, limited data are available for the effect of antibiotic exposure in school children on adiposity from various sources, including from the use or contaminated food or drinking water.ObjectiveTo explore the association between the internal exposure of antibiotics from various sources and adipogenesis in school children using the biomonitoring of urinary antibiotics.MethodsAfter 586 school children aged 8–11 years were selected from Shanghai in 2013, total urinary concentrations (free and conjugated) of 21 common antibiotics from six categories (macrolides, β-lactams, tetracyclines, fluoroquinolones, sulfonamides, and phenicols), including five human antibiotics (HAs), two antibiotics preferred as HA, four veterinary antibiotics (VAs), and ten antibiotics preferred as VA, were measured by ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled to quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Creatinine-corrected urinary concentrations of antibiotics were used to assess their exposure. Overweight or obesity was determined by the body mass index or waist circumference-based criteria deriving from national data.ResultsAll 21 antibiotics were found in urines with the overall detection frequency of 79.6%. The multinomial logistic regression analyses showed the significant associations of overweight and obesity with the exposure to VAs and antibiotics preferred as VA, but not with HAs or antibiotics preferred as HA. After adjusted for a number of obesity-relevant variables, the odds ratios (95% confidence interval) of BMI-based obesity risk of tertiles 2 and 3 of urinary concentrations relative to tertile 1 were respectively 2.54 (1.27, 5.07) and 2.92 (1.45, 5.87) for florfenicol, 0.57 (0.12, 2.63) and 3.63 (1.41, 9.32) for trimethoprim, and 3.00 (1.56, 5.76) and 1.99 (0.99, 4.01) for sum of veterinary antibiotics. Similar results were found when the outcome used WC-based obesity risk. The associations were sex related and mainly observed in boys.ConclusionsSome types of antibiotic exposure, which were mainly from food or drinking water, were associated with an increased risk of obesity in school children. Due to the cross-sectional design, more longitudinal and experimental studies are warranted to further test these findings.  相似文献   

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