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PACE2016中国环境治理国际研讨会就中国环境政府治理、环境市场治理、环境社会治理以及环境治理结构展开了深入研讨并达成以下共识:大国模式下的环境政府治理面临着突出的"污染避难所效应"、"公平与效率的两难"和"多层次治理体系"等问题;不成熟市场经济条件下环境市场治理必然面临"要不要走环境治理市场化之路"的疑虑,相关研究表明市场手段作为有效的环境治理方式正在逐渐地打消此等疑虑;中国环境治理最主要的短板在于社会治理,提高公众参与度的主要挑战在于改变地方政府的态度,然而社会企业家是环境社会治理的希望;多元环境治理结构是中国环境治理的必然选择,政府引领、企业自觉、公众参与的制衡机制是关键。  相似文献   

环球中国环境专家协会(PACE)于2019年6月27~29日在中国人民大学组织召开第四届中国环境治理学术年会,主题为推进国家环境治理体系和治理能力现代化,国内外环境公共治理领域顶级专家以及国家和地方相关政府官员出席了会议,并分理论方法、实践应用、行政执法、社会治理、经济政策以及全球环境治理等专题进行了深入研讨。会议认为,作为国家治理体系的重要组成部分,我国环境治理体系,在生态文明建设框架下,已取得长足进步,特别是以目标为导向的治理战略,已形成鲜明国际特色。中国环境治理模式正从传统的自上而下的政府行政管理转向政府主导、企业主体、社会参与和市场调节相结合并由自下而上机制相补充的多元共治现代公共治理模式,治理能力近年来显著加强,但在环境社会治理以及参与全球环境治理等方面仍存在显著薄弱环节,在政府执法机制以及经济政策使用等方面仍有许多需要改进的地方。  相似文献   

国家“十四五”环境经济政策改革路线图   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
"十三五"时期环境经济政策对建立我国生态文明建设长效机制发挥了重要作用,"十四五"时期需要通过进一步深化环境经济政策改革与创新以适应新时代生态文明建设需要。本文研究提出了我国"十四五"时期环境经济政策改革思路、框架与重点,认为我国"十四五"时期环境经济政策改革要深入贯彻习近平生态文明思想,系统考虑政策改革创新面临的新形势和新要求,推进建立"两山"转化和环境质量达标的长效激励机制,突出环境质量持续改善激励、突出经济过程全链条调控,突出政策手段的系统优化与协同增效,突出政策执行能力保障。继续推进生态环境财政制度改革,深化绿色价格税费机制创新,推进建立多元化、市场化生态补偿制度,健全生态环境权益交易机制,完善绿色金融体系,并同步推进完善生态环境价值核算、环境信息公开和信用体系、资源环境名录、政策绩效评估等政策实施配套能力建设,构建全面支撑生态文明建设的环境经济政策体系,推进环境治理体系和治理能力现代化。  相似文献   

为了使水环境治理PPP项目更好地服务于公众,实现健康可持续发展,需要对水环境治理PPP项目进行可持续性评价。在文献研究的基础上,构建了涵盖经济、社会、资源与环境、工程、项目管理五个方面的水环境治理PPP项目可持续性评价指标体系。考虑到可持续评价系统的随机性和模糊性等特点,引入云模型描述项目可持续的各个属性,实现了水环境治理PPP项目可持续的不确定度量。为了验证方法的可行性,对河南省许昌市水环境治理PPP项目进行案例研究。结果表明:项目整体的可持续性处于"一般"和"较强"水平之间,更接近于"较强"水平;经济、社会、资源与环境的可持续性高于工程和项目管理。提出,通过完善工程配套设施、注重工程的可更新改造的能力、提高管理人员的素质等方面来提高工程和项目管理的可持续性水平。  相似文献   

李異平  曾曼薇 《中国环境管理》2019,11(5):107-114,31
垃圾无害化处理是环境治理不可或缺的一个环节,它不仅关系城市居民生存环境的健康程度,更直接影响公众对政府环境治理政策和治理效果的认知与评价。本文运用环境心理学理论,对折射出居民环境认知、个人偏好、预期目标和情感联系的地方认同进行问卷调查,发现社区居民对城市垃圾治理成效的评价及其对政府垃圾治理能力的评价与其地方认同呈正相关关系,同时,居民对政府关于垃圾治理法律法规的认同也能增强其地方认同感。本文建议,未来关于地方认同的研究需要聚焦于城市环境治理政策的传播效果,总结和归纳城市居民对环境治理成效的归因模式与其地方认同之间的交叉关系。  相似文献   

当前环境问题不容忽视,环境治理刻不容缓,治理中的寻租行为浪费了经济资源,加重了环境负担,影响了环境治理。寻租的原因在于环境治理是政府主导下的污染控制,并且政府权力行使中存在不规范,使得寻租收益远大于其成本。只有市场机制、政府管制和公众参与三者的有机合作,才能更好的治理寻租。  相似文献   

为探究城市水环境治理政策效果,基于水环境主题框架模型,从环境、社会、经济和管理4个层面构建水环境治理绩效评价指标体系。以目标渐进法、熵权法、雷达图法等为测度方法,测算2007~2016年成都市的水环境治理绩效指数。并利用Stata 11.0软件对成都市的水环境绩效与当地经济进行相关性分析及评价方法的主成分因子检验。研究显示:(1)成都市水环境绩效指数整体呈不断上升的趋势,验证了成都市水环境治理政策发挥出有效作用;(2)相关性检验证明,水环境绩效指数与经济水平呈显著正相关,突出水环境治理与经济发展相辅相成;(3)重视经济绩效和水生态环境保护的同时,也要提高社会绩效和健全管理机制,为经济可持续发展和城市生态文明建设提供质量保障。  相似文献   

于宏源 《绿叶》2014,(12):40-48
联合国环境规划署是联合国系统内负责全球环境事务的牵头部门和权威性机构,本应在参与全球环境治理的过程中扮演首席协调者、重要知识提供者、国际环境条约谈判推动者等身份。然而,随着以气候变化为核心的全球环境问题的日益复杂和加剧,其组织结构、职权与功能已经无法适应全球环境治理的需要。2014年,联合国环境大会实现了联合国成员的普遍会员制,从过去的58个成员参与发展成为160个成员参与;更重要的是,联合国环境大会今后每两年举行一次,实现了环境治理在全球层面的机制化。当前,应按照2012年联合国"里约+20"大会的共识,加强联合国环境规划署对联合国主要机构的协调作用,并加强它牵头开展联合国全系统环境战略制定工作的能力。  相似文献   

近年来,我国对不符合产业政策与当地产业布局规划,污染物排放不达标,以及土地、环保、工商、质监等手续不全的"小散乱污"企业,依法依规开展了专项执法。对此,国务院和地方层面相应出台了有关环境政策,要求全面推进和规范"散乱污"企业的综合治理。但是"散乱污"企业综合治理政策和相关执法造成了社会争议,特别容易被误解为环境治理的"一刀切"或"运动式"执法。针对目前"散乱污"企业的界定缺乏明确详细标准、对被核定为"散乱污"缺乏法治化治理等问题,建议进一步凝聚环境治理的价值共识,从区域环境治理的角度加以规范与协调,注重"监企"与"监政"并重,从而促进"散乱污"企业的法治化治理转型。  相似文献   

小流域是实现重点流域精准化治理的基本单元,"三生共赢"是指要把解决环境问题的目标定位于生活、生产与生态的协调发展,是实现小流域环境改善和可持续发展的根本路径。本研究立足于流域水环境质量改善,以"三生共赢"和可持续发展理念为指导,提出了基于"三生共赢"的小流域水环境综合治理理论架构,即立足于水环境质量改善和水资源的优化配置,强化流域水环境约束,以尽可能小的环境代价支撑流域经济结构优化、新型城镇化发展,以资源高效和循环利用为核心,大力发展循环经济体系和循环社会体系,并通过创新流域治理体制机制构建成本共担利益共享格局,最终实现小流域社会经济可持续发展。本研究基于以上理论架构设计了生态环境、绿色经济、优质宜居三大类指标体系24项具体指标,并重点从优化流域空间开发格局、构建产业绿色发展体系、改善城乡居民生活环境、提升流域生态系统功能、健全流域治理体制机制等方面分析了小流域水环境综合治理对策。本研究可为各级政府创新流域治理模式、制定小流域水环境综合治理规划提供较为可行的理论支撑和技术体系。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: As part of its overall system for protecting aquatic systems from unnecessary degradation, the State of Florida provides special protection for water bodies of unusual importance. Such water bodies are designated as “Outstanding Florida Waters” (OFW5). New discharges to OFWs are possible only if certain stringent criteria are met. A new point source direct discharge to an OFW is usually not allowed if it would cause any lowering of ambient water quality. A new indirect discharge (upstream from an OFW boundary) may be allowed only if it would not significantly degrade the OFW. To date, the advantages of the OFW system have clearly outweighed the disadvantages, and OFW designations are helping to protect Florida's most valuable waters from additional degradation. Florida's system could be a useful model for other jurisdictions wanting to provide special protection to special water bodies.  相似文献   

Abstract: This paper provides an overview and summary of United States and Canadian federal, state, and provincial laws that offer some form of legal protection for environmental flows. Special attention is given to the new “second generation” law established in Texas and to ways western states are beginning to encourage transactions that help restore dewatered streams. Progress in the eastern states and some Canadian provinces to provide environmental flow protection is addressed. Based on this review, this paper presents recommended elements of a “model” environmental flow policy.  相似文献   

Abstract: Agricultural runoff, such as dissolved mineral salts and selenium, creates pronounced downstream impacts to agricultural producers and to wildlife. The ability to manage these problems efficiently depends critically on the institutional pricing structure of irrigation water delivery agencies. An important characteristic of irrigation water delivery is whether irrigators pay per unit of water received or make one payment regardless of the quantity of water received. In this study we compare the effectiveness of agricultural runoff reduction policies in two regions that employ these different water pricing structures. We find that reduction policy is more effective and can be achieved at a lower cost when water is priced on a per unit basis and that growers have greater incentive to act on their own to reduce runoff problems. Operating under a per unit pricing system encourages water conservation and runoff reduction, which creates public benefits that are not achieved under the single-payment, fixed allotment method of irrigation water delivery.  相似文献   

Poff, Boris, Karen A. Koestner, Daniel G. Neary, and Victoria Henderson, 2011. Threats to Riparian Ecosystems in Western North America: An Analysis of Existing Literature. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 47(6):1241–1254. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2011.00571.x Abstract: A total of 453 journal articles, reports, books, and book chapters addressing threats to riparian ecosystems in western North America were analyzed to identify, quantify, and qualify the major threats to these ecosystems as represented in the existing literature. Publications were identified either as research, policy, literature review, historical comparison, or management papers. All papers were evaluated based on year of publication, area of interest, and type(s) of threats addressed. Research papers, however, were assessed in more depth. The publications ranged from the 1930s to 2010 and addressed the following threats: dams, pollution (point and nonpoint), grazing, land use change, timber harvesting, water diversion, road construction, recreation, mining, groundwater pumping, invasive species, climate change, salinity, fire, insect and diseases, woody encroachment, watershed degradation, elimination of native vegetation, beavers, fire suppression, and fuel management. While the types of threats vary on spatial and temporal scales, some persist through decades in western North America. This analysis shows that grazing has been perceived as a dominant threat since the 1980s, but has been diminishing in the past decade, while invasive species, dams and, in recent years, climate change are increasingly represented in the literature as threats to riparian ecosystems in western North America.  相似文献   

Due to growing environmental challenges, the demand for effective management through pro-environmental policy measures is increasing. The effectiveness is, however, largely determined by the degree to which the policy measures are supported by the actors affected by them. A consistent finding in the literature is that ideology (or subjective positioning on the left–right dimension) affects environmental policy support, with left-leaning individuals being more pro-environmental. A major caveat with previous research is that it seldom makes a distinction between different kinds of policies. Therefore, we are concerned with investigating how different ideological positions affect attitudes towards different forms of environmental protection. Using unique survey data, we show that ideology is related to conceptions about the fairness and effectiveness of different policy tools, which in turn steer preferences. In that sense, this paper makes the discussion on the effects of ideological position on pro-environmental policy support more nuanced.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The contribution of agriculture to nitrate pollution of 8Urface and ground water is a growing concern throughout the world. The objective of this article is to evaluate the current environmental policy governing nitrate contamination of ground water in the South Platte alluvial aquifer. In particular, the “best management practice” approach is assessed in its relationship to optimal policy design. First, the current physical environmental problem and existing institutional arrangements are described. Second, legal and economic criteria are brought to bear on the question of appropriate policy design. Finally, the strengths and weaknesses of the existing policy are evaluated in this context and changes in policy that would increase effectiveness are recommended. Considerable justification is found for state-initiated control because victims of ground water pollution are dispersed and risk assessment is technically demanding. However, ex post elements of existing policy must be improved, perhaps through targeting and some devolution in monitoring and enforcement responsibilities.  相似文献   

Viers, Joshua H., 2011. Hydropower Relicensing and Climate Change. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 47(4):655‐661. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2011.00531.x Abstract: Hydropower represents approximately 20% of the world’s energy supply, is viewed as both vulnerable to global climate warming and an asset to reduce climate‐altering emissions, and is increasingly the target of improved regulation to meet multiple ecosystem service benefits. It is within this context that the recent decision by the United States Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to reject studies of climate change in its consideration of reoperation of the Yuba‐Bear Drum‐Spaulding hydroelectric facilities in northern California is shown to be poorly reasoned and risky. Given the rapidity of climate warming, and its anticipated impacts to natural and human communities, future long‐term fixed licenses of hydropower operation will be ill prepared to adapt if science‐based approaches to incorporating reasonable and foreseeable hydrologic changes into study plans are not included. The licensing of hydroelectricity generation can no longer be issued in isolation due to downstream contingencies such as domestic water use, irrigated agricultural production, ecosystem maintenance, and general socioeconomic well‐being. At minimum, if the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is to establish conditions of operation for 30‐50 years, licensees should be required to anticipate changing climatic and hydrologic conditions for a similar period of time.  相似文献   

Contemporary socio-economic transformations in South Asia are creating increasingly serious water problems (scarcity, flooding, pollution) and conflicts. Conflicts over water distribution, water-derived benefits, and risks often play out along axes of social differentiation like caste, wealth, and gender. Those with least power, rights, and voice suffer lack of access, exclusion, dispossession, and further marginalisation, resulting in livelihood insecurity or increased vulnerability to risks. In this paper we propose analysing these problems as problems of justice – problems of distribution, recognition, and political participation. Drawing on wider environmental justice approaches, a specific water justice focus needs to include both the specific characteristics of water as a resource and the access, rights, and equity dimensions of its control. We argue that recognising water problems as problems of justice requires a re-politicisation of water, as mainstream approaches to water resources, water governance, and legislation tend to normalise or naturalise their – basically political – distributional assumptions and implications. An interdisciplinary approach that sees water as simultaneously natural (material) and social is important here. We illustrate these conceptual and theoretical suggestions with evidence from India.  相似文献   

城市水环境建设中的资本运作探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王焱  姚建  胡蓉 《四川环境》2004,23(3):80-84
城市水环境的治理和改善需要高额资金,建设中的资本运作尤为重要。本文在论述了传统水环境建设投资模式及其缺陷的基础上提出了城市水环境建设中资本运作的基本思路,从成立专业投资公司、拓宽融资渠道和确立收益回报形式等几个主要环节详细阐述了资本运作基本模式的组成和功能,介绍了新的融资渠道和收益形式,并对新的资本运作模式应注意的问题进行了深入的分析。  相似文献   

Water‐use efficiency in the United States (U.S.) has improved in recent years. Yet continued population growth coupled with increasingly conservation‐oriented regulatory frameworks suggest that residential water suppliers will have to realize additional efficiency gains in coming decades. Outdoor water‐use restrictions (OWRs) appear to be an increasingly prevalent demand‐side management policy tool. To date little research has investigated the policy mechanisms that govern OWR adoption and influence the prevalence of OWRs. This article fills this gap with an assessment of state‐level policies influencing local‐level restrictions on residential outdoor water use in each of the 48 contiguous U.S. states, and with a detailed illustration of the cross‐scalar dynamic of one state's policy framework in practice. An examination of the implementation of OWRs in 24 neighboring towns in Massachusetts across the 2003‐2012 period indicates the interplay between state‐level and local‐level policies leads to OWRs implementation over extended time‐periods, even when drought conditions are not present. This finding suggests OWRs are being used as a tool for general‐purpose water conservation rather than as a stopgap measure justified by temporary water shortage conditions. Future research should investigate how local‐level water savings vary with differing state‐level approaches.  相似文献   

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