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通过对河南省商丘县观堂乡境内桐麦间作群落的定位观测,分析了间作地内泡桐树高、胸径和树冠的生长规律,探讨了不同走向,不同行距桐麦间作地内小麦产量变化的某些规律,研究结果可为该地区在各种生境条件下统一规划乔,灌,作物多层结构的种群格局提供依据和借鉴。  相似文献   

本文采用多目标灰色局势决策的方法,以桐麦间作人工群落为例,以10年为泡桐生长的一个轮伐期,以6种不同的空间配置方式作为对策,以林业经济收益、农业经济收益和系统总体效益为目标,进行多目标决策,定量研究其空间分布格局。研究结果表明,以农为主间作型泡桐的最佳株行距为5×40m,以桐为主间作型的为5×5m,农桐并重间作型的为5×20m。  相似文献   

对枣麦间作区土壤水分、温度、孔隙度、养分、微生物区系等土壤生态环境因子的研究结果表明,枣麦间作利于保水、保土,夏季可降低表土温度,可使土壤容重减小、孔隙度增加,土壤有机质、氮素等养分含量提高,并能促进微生物的增殖,且具有较好的经济效益。说明这一种植方式可以明显改善土壤的生态环境。  相似文献   

枣麦间作对土壤生态环境的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对枣麦间作区土壤水分、温度、孔隙度、养分、微生物区系等土壤生态环境因子的研究结果表明,枣麦间作利于保水、保土,夏季可降低表土温度,可使土壤容重减小、孔隙度增加,土壤有机质、氮素等养分含量提高,并能促进微生物的增殖,且具有较好的经济效益。说明这一种植方式可以明显改善土壤的生态环境。  相似文献   

宁夏地区二斑叶螨的寄主植物选择及其季节转移   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用田间系统观察和室内饲养方法,调查并发现宁夏引黄灌区和新垦区二斑叶螨(Tetranychus urticae Koch)为寄主植物88种,其中野生寄主植物59种,栽培寄主29种,垦前荒漠,半荒漠有适宜二斑叶螨生存和繁殖的寄主植物分布,用生命表方法研究了20种主要寄主植物对二斑叶螨实验种群净生殖率(R0)的营养效应,不同寄主植物随季节的变化其营养效应明显不同,对二斑叶螨在这些寄主植物间的季节转移规律研究表明,宁夏农田,以野荠菜Capsella bursa-pastoris,小旋花Calystegia hederacea,小蓟Cephalanoplos segetumji,苦苣菜Sonchus brachyotus,车前草Plantago asiatica,蚕豆Vicia foba,大豆Glycine max,玉米Zea mays等一起,构成了有利于二斑叶螨季节转移的寄主体系,分析认为,宁夏麦套玉米间作大豆的耕种模式是二斑叶螨大发生的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

为解决果粮间作经营的中后期常出现的作物减产和资源浪费的矛盾,有必要分析果粮人工植物群落中各生态元的时空变化过程,揭示果粮间作经营中矛盾的产生、发展乃至激化的过程,寻求合理的间作作物组合,并进行优化调控,在岷江上游干旱河谷区,选择处于不同经营阶段(3a,5a,10a,18a,28a)而经营管理条件基本一致的的9种苹果与粮食作物间作模式,调查测定了每一模式各阶段的果树的生长及其苹果产量,各间作粮食作物的生物量、总生物量、作物固定的总能量及其光能利用率、经济产量和经济收入等指标,揭示了苹果和各粮食作物28a内的生物生产力的动态变化及其特点,找到了果树不同经营阶段的合理间作物组合,提出了该区不同经营阶段的最佳模式类型.对果粮间作的作用、理论基础及优化调控指标及其不确定性等问题也进行了讨论  相似文献   

杨树-冬小麦间作系统细根分布特征及对施氮的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以太湖流域杨树-冬小麦间作(简称杨麦间作)系统和冬小麦单作地为研究对象,研究了不同施氮量下杨麦间作系统中冬小麦和杨树细根的时空分布特征与冬小麦单作系统之间的差异,探讨林木根系在减少径流中养分流失方面的作用。结果表明:(1)单作冬小麦根长密度和单位土体根干质量均大于间作系统,间作系统中越靠近林带的冬小麦根长密度和单位土体根干质量越小。(2)单作地和间作系统冬小麦根长密度和单位土体根干质量最大值均出现在灌浆期。(3)随着施氮量的加大,冬小麦和杨树细根根长密度和单位土体根干质量均有所增加,且在间作系统中>40~80 cm土层杨树细根根长密度和根干质量所占比例增加。(4)间作系统减少了硝态氮随淋溶的流失量,灌浆期减少幅度为49.08%~55.49%。  相似文献   

小麦/玉米间作作物根系与根际微环境的交互作用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
通过根箱模拟试验和水培试验,测定小麦/玉米间作条件下根系的分布与根际养分的含量,初步探讨了间作对作物根系分泌有机酸的影响。结果表明,间作显著提高了各层土壤中小麦根的重量,同时提高了小麦、玉米的根系数量和地上部生物量,使生长前期根系大小发生较大变化,而对根系活力影响较小。间作使玉米根际土速效N含量增加,速效P、K含量降低;使小麦根际土N含量降低,P、K含量提高。小麦与玉米间作以后,根系分泌有机酸的种类明显增加;而植株体内和根系中有机酸的种类和数量却有所降低。  相似文献   

小麦-蚕豆间作对根系分泌糖和氨基酸的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根系分泌物在植物-土壤-微生物互作中充当信号物质,其对植物根际过程影响重大。糖和氨基酸是根系分泌物中两类最主要的物质,目前有关这两类分泌物的研究颇多,但在间作系统中尚缺乏系统研究,人们对间作系统中根系碳和氨基酸的分泌特征尚不清楚。为探讨间作对根系糖和氨基酸分泌的影响,通过盆栽试验分析比较了不同生育期单作、间作小麦(Tricumaestivum L.cv.Yunmai42)、蚕豆(Vicia faba L.cv.Yundou 8363)的根系质量、根冠比、根系中糖和氨基酸的含量及其分泌速率。研究结果表明,(1)与单作小麦相比,间作提高了拔节期(98d)小麦根系总糖和蔗糖含量,分别提高75.78%和114.5%;在拔节期(98d)、孕穗期(120d)和灌浆期(142d),间作提高了根系总糖分泌速率,分别提高126.9%,34.9%和59.8%;其中,3个时期间作蔗糖分泌速率分别是单作的2.37、1.41和2.0倍。间作对蚕豆根系糖含量及糖的分泌没有影响。(2)与单作相比,在蚕豆分枝期(57d)、结荚期(120d)、籽粒膨大期(142d),间作提高了蚕豆氨基酸分泌速率,分别提高了75.9%、41.5%、39.6%;间作对小麦根系氨基酸含量及根系氨基酸分泌无影响。总之,间作种植提高了作物根系糖含量,促进了根系糖和氨基酸的分泌,但作物种类不同、生育期不同,间作对根系分泌影响并不相同。  相似文献   

贡嘎山麦吊杉群落结构的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
麦吊杉群落在贡嘎山东坡海拔2200~2800m之间呈带状分布。本文从群落分布区的自然环境、群落外貌和结构特征,以及种群结构等方面对其进行了研究。归纳出生活型组成特征、麦吊杉种群高度和胸径的生长规律,以及立木级分布特点,分析了群落的垂直结构,最后与北方的暗针叶林作了比较分析,并讨论了群落的动态特点。  相似文献   

钾素营养对浅海沉积土桉树生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了浅海沉积物发育的砂壤土上种植桉树(EucalyptusU6),N60g/株、P2O590g/株作基肥,钾肥的多次施用对桉树的生长影响,结果表明:只是在造林前配合NP作基肥或当年追施钾肥才能发挥理想的钾肥使用效果。在NP作基肥的基础上添加氯化钾50g/株,一年生树高增长24.6%,当年再追施氯化钾50g/株的处理,一年生树高增长52.5%,二年生胸径则分别增长22.1%、42.8%;而后钾肥的追施效果不显著;这些差异一直保持到伐龄6a,但随林龄的增长,差异有所减少。由于材积由树高和胸径来决定,使处理间材积上的差异更加明显,并由此带来明显不同的经济效益。桉树对肥料的“相互作用效应”是明显的,造成以上结果的最大可能是桉树对元素的平衡需求。因此,建议桉树施肥以多元素的复合肥为主,并添加适量的微量元素,对其提供完全的营养,才能获得理想的产量,同时,应尽早进行施肥,以免错过桉树敏感期对肥料的大量需要而造成难以弥补的损失。  相似文献   

An evaluation of the interactions between vegetation, overland and soil erosion can provide valuable insight for the conservation of soil and water. An experiment was conducted to study water infiltration, runoff generation process, rate of sediment erosion, and hydrodynamic characteristics of overland flow from a sloping hillside with different draw-off discharges from alfalfa and control plots with 20° slope. The effect of alfalfa on runoff and sediment transport reduction was quantitatively analyzed. Alfalfa was discussed for its ability to reduce the overland flow scouring force or change the runoff movement. Compared to the bare-soil plots, alfalfa plots generated a 1.77 times increase in infiltration rate. Furthermore, the down-slope water infiltration rate for the bare soil plots was higher than in the up-slope, while the opposite was found in the alfalfa plots. In addition, alfalfa had a significant effect on runoff and sediment yield. In comparison to the control, the runoff coefficient and sediment transportation rate decreased by 28.3% and 78.4% in the grass slope, respectively. The runoff generated from the alfalfa and bare-soil plots had similar trends with an initial increase and subsequent leveling to a steady-state rate. The transport of sediment reduced with time as a consequence of the depletion of loose surface materials. The maximum sediment concentration was recorded within the first few minutes of each event. The alfalfa plots had subcritical flow while the bare-soil plots had supercritical flow, which indicate that the capability of the alfalfa slope for resisting soil erosion and sediment movement was greater than for bare soil plots. Moreover, the flow resistance coefficient and roughness coefficient for the alfalfa plots were both higher than for the bare-soil plots, which indicate that overland flow in alfalfa plots had retarded and was blocked, and the flow energy along the runoff path had gradually dissipated. Finally, the ability to erode and transport sediment had decreased.  相似文献   

Effects of copper sulphate on a marine food chain were investigated in large tanks at Loch Ewe on the west coast of Scotland. The food chain consisted of phytoplankton, the bivalve Tellina tenuis da Costa, and O-group plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L). During initial months after settlement, T. tenuis siphons are an important food for juvenile plaice, which feed by grazing the siphon tips; these subsequently regenerate. Copper dose rates of 10, 30 and 100 μg Cu/1 were investigated; the distribution of added copper was monitored and its metabolic effects were determined. Copper levels in water, sand, in algae on tank walls, in T. tenuis shell and flesh, and in plaice muscle and viscera were measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Copper accumulated in sand, T. tenuis flesh and shell, and plaice viscera. Accumulations were dose-dependent and in no case was a plateau concentration reached. Most of the added dose was taken up by the sand; accumulations in T. tenuis shell were small — less than twice background in all cases. High levels were found in T. tenuis flesh, where concentrations after 100 days were 270, 470 and 1100 μg Cu/g dry flesh for dose concentrations of 10, 30 and 100 μg Cu/1, respectively. The mean control concentration was less than 50 μg Cu/g dry flesh. There was no accumulation of copper in plaice muscle. Visceral accumulations after 100 days were 71, 147 and 567 μg Cu/g dry flesh for dose concentrations of 10, 30 and 100 μg Cu/1, respectively. The mean control level was 30 μg Cu/g dry flesh. The effect of copper on phytoplankton metabolism was investigated by measuring plant pigment levels and rates of primary photosynthetic fixation of C14-labelled bicarbonate. All dose concentrations reduced both the standing crop and the rate of photosynthesis per unit of chlorophyll a. The effects of copper on growth and condition of T. tenuis and P. platessa were investigated. All dose concentrations adversely affected T. tenuis condition (dry flesh weight for standard individual). The effect was most marked during deposition of winter reserves. In the absence of plaice predation, there was a decrease in the mean siphon weight for T. tenuis exposed to 30 and 100 μg Cu/1. For plaice, all dose concentrations of copper resulted in reduced growth, but there was no significant change in condition or biochemical composition. The ash weight of fish exposed to copper was significantly higher than for controls.  相似文献   

Raw coal (RC) is the main fuel in many, especially rural parts of China. Biomass briquette (BB), which has less SO2 emission, was developed as a cleaner alternative for RC. In this research, the cooking fuel of a group of countrywomen was switched from RC to BB and studied for health effects. Five biological indices percent of comet cell (COMET), lysozyme saliva (LYS), malondialdehyde (MDA), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-PX) were chosen. All indices were measured three times during the 18-month experiment. Statistical analysis shows that there are significant changes in the indices. Using BB as a cooking fuel improves the function of anti-oxidation system and the nonspecific immune system, and reduces the DNA damage, which is negatively related to LYS and SOD.  相似文献   

石灰预处理对树叶堆肥过程中养分转化的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以树叶干质量的0%、1.00%、2.50%和4.00%的石灰预处理树叶,24h后分别将预处理后的树叶与鸡粪联合堆肥,研究不同用量石灰预处理树叶对树叶堆肥过程中养分转化的影响。试验在自制的堆肥反应器内进行,采用间歇式强制通风的方式,进行为期59d的堆肥试验。结果表明:石灰预处理树叶24h可以有效的降低树叶中的有机质质量分数,以4.00%的石灰预处理的树叶其有机质降幅达6.00%;石灰预处理24h后,各处理pH相差不大;EC的变化与pH相似;预处理前后,各处理总氮、总磷和总钾的质量分数相差不大。用石灰预处理后的树叶堆肥有利于堆肥有机质的降解,尤以2.50%石灰预处理的效果最好;有利于堆肥w(C)/w(N)的降低,其降低幅度与石灰用量成正比;有利于减少堆肥过程中氮素的损失,且氮素损失与石灰使用量呈反比;有利于堆肥NH4 -N质量分数的降低;提高堆肥终产品NO3--N的质量分数,其质量分数与石灰用量呈正比;有利于堆肥中钾的浓缩;对堆肥的pH、EC、w(NH4 -N)/w(NO3--N)和总磷的影响不大。综合考虑试验结果后认为,以4.00%石灰预处理的效果最为理想。  相似文献   

The influence of three effluent organic matter (EfOM) model compounds, humic acid (HA), bovine serum albumin (BSA), and sodium alginate (AGS), on the ozonation of bezafibrate (BF), a typical pharmaceutical and personal care product (PPCP), was investigated. The results show that ozonation efficiently removed BF from aqueous solution with removal efficiencies>95% within 8 min for all conditions. The reaction rate of BF decreased with increasing model compounds concentrations and the influence was more pronounced for HA and BSA, while less pronounced for AGS. Although BF concentration was significantly reduced, the degree of mineralization achieved was only approximately 11%. The addition of HA and BSA improved the mineralization of the solution, while the influence of AGS was minor. The acute toxicity of BF solution during ozonation was determined using the Luminescent bacteria test, and the toxicity exhibited an initial increase and a successive reduction. An overall decreased acute toxicity was observed with an increase of HA. The presence of BSA increased the formation rate of toxicity intermediates and resulted in inhibition peak forward.  相似文献   

在植物生长室中,黄瓜植株第1片真叶出现后,用人工UV-B光源照射60d,测定植物各叶位叶片的生长和生理活动。结果表明,UV-B辐射条件下,植物出叶时间被延迟,叶面积和叶干重下降,降幅与叶位高低正相关;叶片含水量降低,老龄叶片(1叶,下位叶)和幼龄叶片(第5叶,上位叶)的水分降幅均高于成年叶片(第3叶,中位叶);叶片的伸展速度,叶片数目以及单叶面积减少,致使黄瓜总叶面积下降;植株节间长度缩短,是植株矮化的重要原因;根、茎、叶等器官之间的相关生长变化不大,叶片生长在其中起重要的协调作用。UV-B降低Pn和EAQE,对光合的抑制程度随叶位升高而增加,UV-B辐射后,黄瓜叶片的光呼吸显著提高,增幅与叶片发育阶段有关,UV-B对黄瓜第1叶的暗呼吸没有影响,第2、3叶略微下降,第4叶显著升高,分析认为,植株矮化叶面积减少有利于植物适应UV-B辐射;水分含量和光合作用减少、呼吸作用增强是黄瓜生长受抑制的生理基础。图2表2参18  相似文献   

本文选取泥炭、生物质炭、木炭和活性炭4种含碳材料,结合以经济底栖生物菲律宾蛤仔(Venerupis philippinarum)为受试生物的生物累积实验和Tenax连续萃取法,阐述不同碳质对沉积物中4种菊酯类农药生物有效性的影响,并将Tenax萃取结果与底栖生物的累积结果进行了相关分析。结果表明,碳质的添加导致沉积物中菊酯类农药的快速脱附组分(Frap)降低,极慢速脱附组分(Fv s)增大,生物有效性降低,且4种碳质对Frap的影响有所不同,然而因为菊酯类农药的理化性质,Frap的差异并不显著。Tenax 6 h和24 h的单点萃取组分与快速脱附组分相关性显著(P0.0001),基本可以代替完整的脱附动力学评价生物有效性,但是对于组成复杂,有机碳(OC)和黑炭(BC)含量高的沉积物进行研究评价时仍应注意由此产生的偏离。Tenax快速脱附组分与2种底栖生物累积结果之间具有显著的相关性(R2=0.38,P0.0001),表明在OC和BC含量不同的沉积物中,Tenax萃取技术也可以预测菊酯类农药在经济底栖生物菲律宾蛤仔体内的累积量,进而为沉积物中HOCs的环境质量和相关水产品的质量评估提供更为快捷、有效的参考依据。  相似文献   

沸石对污水中BOD5和CODcr净化效果的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究了天然沸石和活化沸石对污水中BOD_5和COD_(cr)净化效果的影响。结果表明,天然沸石对BOD_5的净化效果较好,而对COD_(cr)的效果较差,沸石适宜的用量和粒径为2.5g/L和80目。活化沸石对污水中的净化效果显著优于天然沸石,而且在处理24h后就能达到较好的净化效果。  相似文献   

单一及复合重金属污染对土壤酶活性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用外源添加重金属和室内培养的方法研究重金属Cd、Pb对滩涂盐渍土脲酶、过氧化氢酶活性的影响,为中国沿海地区土壤重金属污染的监测及重金属对潜在生态环境影响等方面的研究提供参考依据。重金属Cd添加至土壤的质量分数为0、0.5、1.0、2.0 mg.kg-1,重金属Pb添加至土壤的质量分数为0、100、200、400 mg.kg-1,采用完全随机区组设计,3次重复。结果表明:重金属质量分数较低时,单一重金属对土壤脲酶活性具有促进,对过氧化氢酶活性具有抑制作用;重金属质量分数较高时,对土壤脲酶活性具有抑制作用,对土壤过氧化氢酶具有促进作用。重金属Cd、Pb对土壤酶活性的影响存在交互作用,重金属Cd对土壤脲酶活的性影响起主导作用,重金属Pb对土壤过氧化氢酶活性的影响起主导作用。经逐步回归分析,有效态重金属的质量分数低水平时,土壤脲酶活性与重金属Cd呈现显著负相关;土壤过氧化氢酶活性与重金属Pb呈现显著正相关。  相似文献   

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