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Since the 1990s, with the in-depth study and understanding of sustainable development, quantitative study of regional sustainable development (RSD) was increasingly hot in China. Based on quantitative study of RSD from Core Periodical in China National Knowledge Infrastructure (1992–2008), statistical analysis on the annual distribution, periodicals distribution and changes of the distribution were made. And from perspectives of social–economic, ecological, systematic and emerging methods, the course, probl...  相似文献   


The paper took the human-land relations as a basic point, and the theories of tourism industry system and sustainable development as the guidance, with Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture (Gannan) as the case study area. From microcosmic and macroscopic viewpoints, the author carried out function orientation and evaluation to the tourism industry development, and research on the comprehensive tourism industry development pattern of Gannan. Results show that the fragile ecological environment and the traditional economic growth pattern have restricted regional sustainable development, and made Gannan to become a representative of the periphery minority areas in Northwest China. Tourism development of Gannan is at the primary phase, with the characteristics of short industry chain and low economic efficiency. It is an inevitable choice to transform the way of regional economic growth and the development pattern of tourism industry from the traditional pattern to the pattern of sustainable development. Simultaneously, Gannan's natural, national and religious culture makes Gannan a broad prospect on the comprehensive tourism development. Gannan should choose the comprehensive tourism industry as its scientific pattern to realize sustainable development, promote harmonious social, economic and ecological development, alleviate the human-land contradictory, and realize dual goals in terms of ecology construction and economical development. For Gannan and the similar areas in China, studies on the sustainable development pattern of tourism have extremely important strategic sense with respect to tourism development and the sustainable development of regional economy.  相似文献   


The measure of sustainable development has always been an important and difficulty subject, and the major evaluation model has three types: indicators based on system theory and methods, indicators relied on economic valuation of the environment, sustainability indicators including biophysical assessments. The ecological footprint analysis initiated by William E. Rees, one of the indicators including biophysical assessments, gets rid of the defects of the other models. Ecological footprint has gradually become popular on account of the measuring indexes based on scientific theory, innovative thought-way and its wide adaptability. This paper introduces the conception and computation method, making a progress and making up for the method of ecological footprint, and finally, makes an application analyses through Henan province regional sustainable development.  相似文献   

恩施地区生态足迹和生态承载力评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以恩施地区2010年统计数据为依据,对其2010年的生态足迹、生态承载力、生态盈余进行计算和分析,并将生态足迹、生态承载力、生态盈余和万元GDP生态足迹分别与恩施地区贫困村分布密度进行空间耦合。研究表明:(1)恩施地区人均生态盈余为0467 hm2,人均生态承载力为0947 1 hm2,人均生态足迹为048 hm2;(2)贫困村分布密度最高的来凤县、建始县人均生态盈余很少,而贫困村分布密度最低的利川市、咸丰县、宣恩县、鹤峰县,人均生态足迹最高和最低的县分别是咸丰县、宣恩县,鹤峰县的生态承载力最高,人均生态盈余最高的是宣恩县、鹤峰县,万元GDP生态足迹最高和最低的分别是利川市,巴东县;(3)通过生态足迹的研究,提出了恩施贫困地区需放大生态比较优势,〖JP2〗因地制宜,努力将生态盈余转化为直接的经济增长,使之能够有效的帮助贫困地区脱贫致富  相似文献   

以国家森林公园为例,基于GIS技术,通过最近邻指数和热点聚类法分析中国713个国家森林公园的空间结构特征;运用栅格成本加权距离算法,计算1991年和2010年中国国家森林公园的空间可达性,并测算县域单元的整体可达性;利用空间关联方法分析了县域可达性的空间差异。结果表明:中国国家森林公园的空间分布总体上呈现出聚集分布的特点,〖JP2〗国家森林公园的平均可达性时间从1991年的16818 min缩短为2010年的13786 min;〖JP〗可达性在全国的分布差异十分明显,可达性空间分布具有明显的交通指向性;县域可达性热点区域的分布呈现显著的热点–次热点–次冷点–冷点自东向西带状分布的格局  相似文献   


In pursuit of coping mechanisms for the challenges of sustainable manufacturing, systematic methods have been developed to allow engineers to improve the ratio between products’ utility and environmental impact. These necessary efforts remain however limited if the surrounding production and consumption practices are not called into question at the same time. This article introduces open source product development as a potential approach for unlocking the limits of existing sustainable product design practices and to lead towards alternative and eco-efficient production and consumption practices termed as participative production. First, it discusses the potential advantages of this emerging practice in terms of environmental sustainability. Second, it provides a screened qualitative environmental analysis of 18 exemplary open source hardware products. Specific sustainable design principles implemented by these products are highlighted and discussed in order to identify challenges for further common research in the field of open source and sustainable product development.  相似文献   


Cities based on mining are distinctive from other cities in China. Their heavy dependence on minerals, a relatively undiversified industrial structure, seriously damaged ecological environment and the rather low degree of openness have all reduced their competitiveness, and severely constrained and hindered their sustainable development. In this paper the authors will study mining-based cities from the perspective of sustainable development, first by having a critical review of their features, and then by researching into strategic options to support their sustainable development.  相似文献   

以可持续发展理论指导社会发展综合实验区的实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
社会发展综合实验区中中国可持续发展战略的实验基地,本文对实验区如何按可持续发展原则,结合当地的人口、资源、环境状况,制宁长远的可持续发展的生态规划做了较系统的论述。  相似文献   

中国绿色经济发展和机制政策创新研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过绿色转型创造新的发展和就业机会对于摆脱经济危机、提升国家竞争力并占据全球制高点和领先地位已经成为全球共识。中国的绿色经济发展将对其未来经济繁荣乃至全球经济发展产生深远影响。转变经济发展方式,实现绿色发展,这不仅是中华民族长远发展的战略性选择和必然需要,也是对全球可持续发展的积极贡献,将对人类发展产生的重要影响。中国正逐步走向绿色发展之路,建设资源节约型社会和环境友好型社会,发展循环经济和低碳经济已经为中国的绿色发展奠定了较为坚实的基础。但是在全球化大背景下,中国正面临各种规模庞大、情况复杂的经济发展、社会转变与环境保护的挑战与机遇,尤其是在宏观层面,绿色发展的体制机制保障尚不健全,制约了中国绿色转型的成效。如何通过恰当的制度创新,进一步推进转型成本效率的提高和体制机制与政策法规质量的改善,加快并深化中国的绿色转型是目前面临的主要问题。本文针对上述问题,系统归纳总结了国际上发展绿色经济的普遍经验以及中国发展绿色经济面临的主要问题和挑战,认为发展绿色经济目前并没有一种通用的模式,解决中国发展绿色经济发展过程中所面临的资源环境制约,必须调整现行以GDP为导向的政府和官员绩效考核体系,平衡目前财政分权体系中财权和事权不对应问题,进一步明确政府和市场的作用及各自起作用的领域,同时,综合应用法律、财政、税收和价格等工具,重视不同手段的综合和协同运用,在不同的发展领域,提出具有适应性和包容性的发展策略,具体来说:①实施"差异化"区域绿色发展战略,针对不同的经济发展和资源环境基础,提出不同的发展重点,同时,建立分区域的绿色发展监测和评估体系;②通过技术进步和管理创新发展绿色农业,以保障农产品安全、生态安全和资源安全为重点,推动农业发展政策、农业生产组织、农业技术服务和农业管理体系的转型;③以资源节约和环境友好为基本原则,实施绿色创新战略,引导和推动工业结构的优化升级;④创建绿色服务业体系;⑤推行绿色消费模式,以绿色消费倒逼绿色经济转型。  相似文献   

1992年,联合国环境与发展大会通过了《关于环境与发展的里约热内卢宣言》、《21世纪议程》和《关于森林问题的原则声明》3项重要文件。之后,国际社会为推动"里约精神"的落实做出了积极努力:联合国可持续发展委员会每年举行会议,审议《21世纪议程》的执行情况;许多国家制定了国家和地方层面的《21世纪议程》或可持续发展战略;相关国际组织以可持续发展能力建设为主的活动也十分活跃。人类把发展与环境相协调作为行动准则,各国依据国情制定了促进环境与发展相协调的优先事项,使人类在实现可持续发展的进程中取得了积极进展:全球经济实现了大幅增长,发展中国家在全球经济格局中的地位不断上升;在消除贫困等社会发展方面取得显著效果,全球开始进入城市化时代;全球能源资源供应呈现多元化,资源节约集约利用成效显著。中国在经济发展滞后、贫困现象较严重背景下,承担了全球实施《21世纪议程》的旗舰角色;并依据本国的具体国情,选择性地学习与借鉴,摸索创造出具有自身特色的发展模式和道路,增加了世界可持续发展方式选择的多样性。20年来,尽管各个国家在可持续发展方面采取了积极行动,但是"里约精神"尚未全面转化为行动,在相关国际承诺与公约的履行方面还需付出巨大努力,仍然面临着重大挑战。如:以气候变化为代表的重大全球性环境问题对人类生存构成的直接威胁加大;生态超载背景下的发展空间争夺更趋激烈;全球性民生问题凸显,可持续发展面临的社会风险加大,等等。我们期待:通过"里约+20"大会,使得相关国际制度安排不断形成和完善,可持续发展进一步向全球行动转化;科技创新步伐加快,进一步推动全球向绿色发展转型;加快全球治理体系调整,新兴发展中国家成为全球可持续发展的重要推动力;全球共同努力解决重大资源环境问题,可持续发展领域的国际关系呈现竞争性合作。  相似文献   

经济社会转型期,资源环境约束趋紧,生态经济作为变革传统工业化增长方式、实现经济社会与生态环境协调、可持续发展的必然抉择而备受关注。通过梳理生态经济缘起与概念,归纳出生态经济“三低”门槛和“三高”表现;基于工业品与生态品分工的空间均衡理论分析,东部生态重要与敏感区域,适合发展生态经济,可以为大区域生态平衡做出重要贡献;生态经济的产业形态,有别于传统经济发展模式,是以生态品供给为主的降工业化的过程,以生态品产业链延伸和产业绿色化,提高生态经济创造财富能力,是实现自然财富和经济财富共增长的新方式  相似文献   


Agglomeration of the Yangtze Delta (UAYD), one of the most developed regions of China, has witnessed an increasing prevalence in building ecological cities when the ecological cities are pursued by many modern cities, and great achievements have been made in this regard. It is inevitable, however, that certain problems exist during the construction of ecological city, which include but not limited to non-harmonious development of urban complex ecosystem, and the difficulty in quantifying eco-city construction or incomplete quantification in assessing the construction of present and future eco-city. Based on the analysis on social-economic conditions and regional conditions of the UAYD, this paper attempts to set up an index system of eco-cities combining with local characteristics, and to adopt the indices of eco-city, urban harmony, and eco-city colligate to evaluate the ecological level, urban harmonious development and eco-city construction of cities within the UAYD. Results indicate that among 15 cities in UAYD, Suzhou City ranks the highest in terms of eco-city construction, whereas Nantong ranks relatively lower; sustainable eco-city construction is possible only when cities are developed in every respect of harmony.  相似文献   

Worsening climate change impacts and environmental degradation are increasingly supporting policies and plans in framing a linear understanding of resilience building and vulnerability reduction. However, adaptations to different but interacting drivers of change are unclear in the mix of opportunities and threats related to increasing connections, emerging technologies, new patterns of dependency and possible lock-in effects. This paper discusses a more open-ended understanding of the relationship between resilience and vulnerability, highlighting emerging trade-offs among adaptive capacities and exposures to different (and new) threats as they relate to social–ecological sustainability. The transition of the Southern Bolivian Altiplano, from being a remote rural area of subsistence farming to a global leader in quinoa production and exportation, has been taken as a study case. Results from 18 workshops organised within different communities provide insights about a range of trade-offs between community resilience attributes and social–ecological vulnerability induced from land use changes, livestock strategies, communities’ behavioural change and institutions’ emerging policies. The main theoretical advances of the paper relate to the need for critically framing multiple threat exposures and adaptive capacity trade-offs, contributing to arguing the usually positive meaning of resilience, and taking into account “to whom or to what is positive which adaptation” and “which trade-off should be accepted, and why”. Framing adaptive pathways through these questions would serve as a tool for addressing sustainable development goals, while avoiding lock-ins or unsustainable path dependencies.  相似文献   

我国草地资源生产潜力分析及其可持续利用对策   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文分析了我国草地资源生产力的现状及区域分布特征 ,初步建立了草地资源生产潜力预测分析的方法 ,估算了各农业生态区草地资源的生产潜力 ,在此基础上提出了我国草地综合生产能力可持续发展的基本对策  相似文献   


Global environmental cooperation serves as an important part in the Chinese ideal of building a Community with a Shared Future for all Human Beings. The report of 19th CPC National Congress indicates that China is committed to proactive mitigation under the Paris Agreement and further participating in global environmental governance under the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and both of which are largely integrated to the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). BRI are also closely linked with South–South environmental and climate cooperation proposed by China from previous UN summits. Based on shared ideas, intersected agendas, and compatible governance approaches, BRI and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development grow increasingly relevant and they might form synergies based on increasingly interactive relations. In sum, seeking and intensifying the linkages between BRI and 2030 sustainable development goals (SDGs) could address global environmental governance deficits and enhance cooperation among nations.  相似文献   

在可持续发展和扶贫框架下发展绿色经济与国际可持续发展制度建设及改革是当前世界可持续发展的核心和关键,也是"里约+20"峰会的两个主题。首先,绿色经济是体现经济社会与资源环境相协调和可持续发展的根本途径。绿色经济的核心是以低的自然资源消费、低排放、低污染,达到高的自然资源利用效益,实现高的经济社会发展水平,提供高的生活水平和优良的生活环境。全球绿色经济的发展潮流,将引发社会形态由"工业文明"向"生态文明"转变。虽然经济发展和消除贫困是发展中国家当前首要和压倒一切的优先任务,但也必须探索新型的绿色低碳工业化和现代化道路,在实现工业文明的过程中,努力建设生态文明,实现跨越式发展。同时积极应对全球绿色低碳转型中新的经济、贸易、技术竞争规则和格局的变动,加强先进技术创新,提升自身的低碳竞争力。其次,公平获取可持续发展的理念,应成为国际可持续发展制度建设和改革的基本原则。可持续发展要求既要促进经济社会发展与资源环境相协调,促进"代际公平",又要关注欠发达地区消除贫困,提高生活质量,改善生态环境,实现"国别公平"、"人际公平"。因此,国际可持续发展制度框架的建设和改革,要体现世界各国公平获取可持续发展的理念和原则,全面均衡地反映不同国情和发展阶段国家的利益诉求。主要表现在公平享有全球环境空间、公平获得现代优质能源服务、公平适应全球环境变化、公平承担责任义务及公平的国际制度和机制。中国需要统筹国内外两个大局,走中国特色的绿色低碳发展之路。最后,中国的国情和发展阶段特征,在可持续发展领域又面临比发达国家更多的困难和更严峻的挑战。在全球发展绿色经济,努力实现可持续发展的大背景下,中国要统筹国际国内两个大局,协调推进。在国际上积极参与国际制度的建设和改革,在促进全球经济发展,社会进步和环境保护等方面发挥积极的建设性的作用。在国内加强可持续发展战略的实施,走绿色、低碳和可持续发展的路径。主要战略对策包括加速转变发展方式,强化节能优先,控制能源消费总量和CO2排放总量的过快增长;加强能源结构的低碳化,逐步建立并形成以新能源和可再生能源为主体的可持续能源体系;加强城乡统筹,地区平衡,促进生态城市建设;适应国际可持续发展制度改革的趋势,加强绿色低碳和可持续发展的制度建设;抓住机遇,顺应世界绿色低碳发展潮流,自主实现发展方式的转变,把传统的资源依赖型、粗放扩张的发展方式转变到新型的技术创新型、内涵提高的发展方式上来,基本走上绿色低碳和可持续发展的轨道。  相似文献   

区域生态效率评价及其空间计量分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
当今经济发展和资源环境的矛盾日益突出,这使得人们越来越重视生态效率的提高,对区域生态效率水平进行准确评价、分析其影响因素对于建设“两型”社会,实现可持续发展有着重要的理论意义和政策参考价值。基于2010年中国各省域资源环境及经济统计数据,采用基于熵值赋权的灰色综合评价法对我国省域生态效率的优劣做出了评价;然后运用空间统计和空间误差模型对我国省域生态效率水平的空间关联机制及其影响因素进行了实证分析。研究表明:(1)我国区域生态效率呈东高西低的梯度分布格局,具有明显的“俱乐部收敛”现象,存在显著的空间相关性和集聚性;(2)利用外资、人力资源、产业结构3因素对生态效率产生显著的正向影响;(3)环境污染治理投资(以下简称环污投资)没有发挥应有的作用;(4)排污收费制度对区域生态效率的影响不显著。最后,根据实证分析结果,提出了如下政策建议:(1)转变经济发展方式,促进产业结构高级化;(2)积极有效利用外资;(3)加大教育科研投入,提高人口素质和科技水平;(4)加强环污投资资金的管理和政府部门的日常监管工作;(5)生态效率水平的提高是一个系统工程,要从多角度、全方位统筹考虑  相似文献   

制定《中国21世纪议程》是中国发展必然的战略选择,是中国履行环发大会精神的重要举措。近20年来,我国立足基本国情,积极推进《中国21世纪议程》的实施,探索实践中国特色的可持续发展道路,做出了巨大努力,在发展经济、消除贫困、节约资源、保护环境等领域取得了举世瞩目的成就,对全球可持续发展做出了重要贡献。随着世情国情的深刻变化,我国进一步实施可持续发展战略面临着新的挑战,发展中不平衡、不协调、不可持续的问题依然严峻,发展的任务仍然十分艰巨。我们应该坚持以科学发展观为统领,坚定不移地走中国特色的可持续发展之路,充分把握全球绿色技术创新迸发的历史机遇,切实加快经济发展方式的转变;坚持共同但有区别责任的原则和合作共赢的理念,积极参与全球可持续发展治理,促进世界的可持续发展、和谐发展。  相似文献   

基于生态足迹变化的鄱阳湖自然保护区生态补偿定量分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
为定量分析自然保护区生态补偿问题,协调区内生态保护与社区发展,促进保护区建设可持续性,以鄱阳湖自然保护区为例,通过分析保护区所在乡镇1985、1995、2005年的土地利用变化,以及相应生态承载力变化和空间分异特征,结合生态足迹效率对生态补偿进行定量分析。研究表明:保护区成立以来土地利用相对稳定,变化主要集中在草地、水域和未利用地。1985、1995、2005年保护区的人均生态承载力和生态足迹效率分别为0.8284 hm2/cap、669元/hm2,0.8568 hm2/cap、2779元/hm2,10534 hm2/cap、8382元/hm2。以2005年度保护区的生态足迹效率生态农业足迹效率为基准,综合直接收益损失补偿、基于生态承载力的静态评价补偿和动态评价补偿分析,比较合适的补偿标准为户均补偿2308元/a、人均补偿540元/a。


As an important traditional labor-intensive industry of both India and China, the cocoon silk industry has long made great contributions to the ecological environment protection, rural economic development and the increase in export income of both countries. India is not only a very important cocoon silk trading partner, but an important production competitor of China. In recent years, there has been a large increase in the production and trade of the cocoon silk between China and India; however, China relies heavily on Indian market, which leads to a tendency of further deterioration in the silk trade environment between both countries. The present article makes an empirical study of the cocoon silk resources of the two countries and the scale, product mix and market structure of China–Indian silk trade from 2001 to 2007. Overall silk trading volumes from China to India and market concentration rate are on the increase because of the superiority of Chinese cocoon silk production over that of India. Owing to scattered market share and export that mainly focused on raw materials product, there has been a phenomenon of price reduction and quantity increase. India carries out fierce competition with China in the international market and even imposes antidumping sanction on Chinese silk, which are key factors restricting further increase between China–India trade. Based on the abovementioned facts, the authors aim to put forward suggestions for steadily developing the production and trade of China’s silk.  相似文献   

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