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森林生态系统生态资产核算的模式与方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全球变化背景下.植被对CO2的减排作用得到了广泛关注.森林生态系统具有诸多功能,不同功能的货币化基准难以统一,是进行总体生态资产价值定量核算的制约要素.在资源、环境与生态经济原理指导下,分析相关方法评估生态系统生态资产的可行性,选择量化评估参数,并通过多种模式与方法进行估算乌鲁木齐城市2004年森林生态系统的生态资产.森林生态系统涵养水源类、生物多样性维持类、净化空气类、保护土壤类以及大气调节类生态资产分别为0.224 8×108元、10.608 8x108元、0.630 8×108元、0.2592×108元及12.9653×108元,乌鲁木齐市森林生态总资产为24.6889×108元.各类生态资产具有一定的时空差异性.城市森林生态系统生态资产估算模式及方法的研究具有重要的理论价值与现实意义.  相似文献   

流域生态补偿理论探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
流域生态补偿是协调流域生态环境保护和经济发展之间矛盾,调整流域内区域间损益关系的有效手段。文章从流域内人类活动产生的损益人手,论述了流域生态补偿的概念、理论基础和运行机铷,并利用经济学原理,对生态补偿的必要性和补偿标准进行了理论解析,给出了流域生态补偿必要性的理论依据和需要补偿量的理论值。在此基础上,根据流域人类活动的正负外部性等原则,对流域生态补偿进行了分类。依据流域生态补偿分类,梳理出了我国流域生态补偿重点区域。通过对流域生态补偿理论探讨,以期作为进一步研究和应用实践的参考和启示。  相似文献   

抗生素的大量使用和排放造成的环境污染和生态风险问题日益突出,抗生素排放量的估算是评价流域内抗生素污染程度的重要指标,但目前抗生素排放量估算方法尚不完善。本研究以梅江流域为例,建立了适合小流域尺度的典型抗生素排放量估算方法,计算了四环素类抗生素(TCs)向不同环境相的排放量并分析了其主要来源。结果表明:2016年梅江流域TCs排放量为8 558.1 kg,不同行政区抗生素排放量差异较大,其中梅江镇受人口密度及养殖密度影响,抗生素排放量最大,高达1 224.4 kg;同时流域内不同抗生素的排放量也有所不同,其大小顺序为强力霉素(DXC)土霉素(OTC)四环素(TC)金霉素(CTC);TCs受排放源、排放途径等因素影响,以进入环境水相及土壤相为主,其中进入水相中的抗生素主要来自人类及生猪粪便,进入土壤相中的抗生素主要来自生猪及三黄鸡粪便。梅江小流域抗生素具有潜在的生态风险,应加强抗生素使用管理。该研究为我国小尺度流域目标抗生素排放量的估算提供了十分有效的方法。  相似文献   

中国陆地植被生态系统生产有机物质价值遥感估算   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
可持续发展的战略要求推进生态资产研究,对生态系统生产有机物质功能价值的估算则是生态资产评估的重要组成部分。利用改进的CASA模型对中国陆地生态系统1995年NPP进行了估算,它与实测数据和国内其他研究成果的比较验证证明了该方法的可靠性;进而对1995年全国陆地生态系统生产有机物质的价值进行了估算,结果表明,1995年中国陆地生态系统净第一性生产力生产有机物质的总价值为1.902049×1012元.a-1,其空间分布是从东部向西北递减、由中部向东北和南部递增;从类型上看,常绿阔叶林的单位面积值最高,裸地和极稀疏植被的单位面积值最低。  相似文献   

采煤活动强烈干扰流域土地利用,进而对流域生态系统产生严重影响。在综合国内外流域生态演变实例研究的基础上,筛选了采煤生态影响的关键因子,构建适合于压煤山丘区小流域生态影响指标参数,结合时间序列从小流域尺度研究了压煤山丘区采煤影响下的土地利用变化规律,在此基础上,构建了小流域采煤生态影响评价综合影响指数,利用改进的集对分析(SPA)法对长河流域的生态等级进行评判,同时引入马尔可夫链(Markov)对2020年流域生态演变状况进行预测。研究结果表明,(1)长河流域采煤对耕地演变的驱动指数最大,其次是建设用地、草地、林地和水域,流域综合土地利用变化采煤驱动指数由2005-2010年的4.76升高至2010-2015年的5.04,采煤对流域土地利用变化的驱动力逐步增强。(2)2005-2010年期间,流域生态稳定性整体呈下降趋势,2010-2020年间又逐步改善并趋于稳定,长河流域采煤生态影响等级由2005年的Ⅲ级到2015年的Ⅱ级,2020年的Ⅱ级,总体上长河流域生态稳定性呈波动上升的趋势。(3)从分项指标上,长河流域2005-2015年植被覆盖指数、水体密度指数逐渐降低,土地退化指数和生物丰度指数升高,采煤塌陷损毁指数和矿区干扰指数升高,导致生态响应指数动态波动,采煤导致的植被覆盖减少、水体密度降低等负面效应还应引起重视。该文可为小流域生态演变规律研究在方法上提供一种借鉴,为北方村庄压煤山丘区土地综合整治提供参考依据。  相似文献   

完善我国流域生态补偿制度的思考——以东江流域为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吴箐  汪金武 《生态环境》2010,19(3):751-756
上下游对流域生态资源保护做出的贡献与生态利益享有的不平等导致区域间社会经济差距的扩大,需要通过生态补偿制度的建立和完善来实现区域统筹和谐发展,但我国现行生态补偿制度由于行政区界限制、相关法规建设不完善、补偿方式较单一、补偿标准测算困难等原因面临不少问题和困境。以东江流域现行生态补偿措施为视点,分析了当前生态补偿研究实践中存在的问题;进而以此为基点根据流域生态系统的连贯性与人类政治结构分割性之间的矛盾进行反思,提出打破流域行政区界限制,统筹构建流域“生态共同体”的理念;并在此理念指导下,提出采取“政府主导、市场运作”策略。即在明确界定流域范围后,首先由“政府主导”开展全流域综合规划、建立和完善省内流域统管机制、跨省流域生态共享共建统筹协商机制;其次以水质水量、出售许可交易权方式测算“生态共同体”之间核算补偿资金,并结合“市场运作”实施多样化并进补偿方式;同时建立流域生态补偿奖惩制度并将其纳入“生态共同体”干部绩效考核体系,构建流域补偿的长效机制,完善我国流域生态补偿制度。  相似文献   

生态保护红线区生态资产价值评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
划定生态保护红线并实行永久保护是为维护和保障国家生态安全、加强生态文明建设而对生态环境保护工作提出的新的更高要求。在国家、省、市等不同尺度生态保护红线划定工作有序开展的同时,与红线划定和管理相匹配的配套政策也在积极探索中。针对尚未完善的生态补偿机制定量研究现状以及生态红线区生态补偿标准的制定较为困难等难题,以山东省东营市为研究区域,构建生态资产及其价值评估指标体系,利用生态资产评估模型对不同类型生态保护红线区生态资产及其价值进行评估,获取生态资产现状及生态资产价值量,为生态保护红线区生态补偿等相关配套措施的开展提供参考。根据评估结果,2010年东营市生态保护红线区生态资产总价值为365.79×10~7元,占全市自然资源生态资产总价值的20.77%,生态保护红线划定对于维持东营市自然资源生态资产价值量具有重要意义,但生态保护红线区生态资产价值占比没有预期值高。建议在后期东营市生态保护红线的调整和完善工作中将生态资产价值量较大的地区纳入生态保护红线,以真正发挥生态保护红线的自然资源保护价值。  相似文献   

流域水生态功能区划及其关键问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
作为流域生态系统管理和水资源保护的重要手段,如何科学合理地开展流域水生态功能区划,已成为世界各国可持续发展所面临的关键挑战之一.本文立足我国流域综合管理的特点和发展趋势,针对我国现行水功能区划的问题,结合国外流域水生态区划的经验,提出了基于流域生态学、地域分异规律、生态系统健康与生态完整性、流域生态系统管理等理论基础的,以恢复流域持续性、完整性生态系统健康为目标,反映流域水陆耦合体在不同时空尺度景观异质性的流域水生态功能区划及其原则,重点分析了流域水生态系统的空间格局、生态过程以及动态演替等3个区划的关键问题,并提出了区划的方法,以期为我国流域水生态功能区划和流域生态系统管理提供战略层次的科学依据.  相似文献   

在分析流溪河流域白云区段生态系统的景观变化和生态环境现状的基础上,依据流溪河流域白云区段的土地详查数据(1993年)及其土地利用变更调查数据(2001年末),引用Constanza等对全球生态系统服务单位公顷价值的平均估算结果,对流溪河流域白云区段生态系统服务价值进行评估。评估结果表明:2001年流溪河流域白云区段生态系统服务的总价值为85190050.43美元,折合人民币70700.75万元,相当于该区域同期GDP的6.22%。由于存在影响核算结果准确性的一些因素,因此,该结果是粗略与保守的估算。  相似文献   

流域景观生态风险评价是景观格局优化的现实依据,景观格局优化是流域生态环境修复和维护的有效途径之一。以白洋淀流域为研究区,从自然、人类活动和景观因素3个方面选取11个指标,采用空间主成分分析法对流域景观生态风险进行评价,识别出面积大于0.001 km2的水体和面积大于0.005 km2的林地作为生态源地,基于最小累积阻力模型(MCR)和网络结构评价法对流域景观格局进行优化。结果表明:(1)植被覆盖度、径流量等自然因素对白洋淀流域景观生态风险的影响最强烈,景观因素对生态风险的影响最小。(2)白洋淀流域景观生态风险较大,高风险区域位于研究区东南部和西北部,低风险区域零星分布在西部林地中。提取的生态源地总面积为11 319.85 km2,占流域总面积的35%。(3)构建了由39条生态廊道和21个生态节点组成的生态网络格局,形成道路型廊道、河流型廊道、绿带型廊道,优化后景观格局网络闭合度、节点连接率、网络连接度较高,景观格局连通度得到明显提升。基于景观生态风险评价的景观格局优化研究,可为全面推进白洋淀流域生态环境维护和修复提供决策...  相似文献   

The urban ecological risk incurred during the processes of urbanization has been constantly accumulating, creating a severe challenge for China to achieve sustainable urban development. At present, research on systematic evaluation of urban ecological risks is still inadequate, especially at an urban ecosystem level. In this special issue, we use Xiamen City as an example to identify the sources and receptors of urban ecological risks, to develop a methodology system of urban ecological risk assessment, and to propose a method for the management of urban ecological risks. This special issue contains 11 research articles resulting from a comprehensive research project funded by China’s National Natural Science Foundation. The innovations reported in this special issue include a framework of urban ecological risk assessment and a standardized procedure for carrying out urban ecological risk assessment using multiple stressors and endpoints.  相似文献   

Urban ecological risks stemming from urbanization are increasing and limiting the capability of China to effectuate sustainable urban development. Therefore, addressing urban ecological risks is an urgent need. Numerous factors are involved in urban ecological risks, including air, water, and soil. Additionally, risk sources and risk receptors are complex and diverse. In this study, urban ecological risks are defined as adverse effects and possibility of impacts on urban ecosystem services resulting from urbanization. Urbanization is recognized as the risk source, and the urban ecosystem is considered the risk receptor. Based on this understanding, the components of urban ecological risks are defined, and the relationships between the components of urban ecological risks are illuminated by establishing an indicator system. Based on previous studies on urban ecological risks, an explicit framework for identification, assessment, and management of urban ecological risks is proposed. For purposes of identification, there are three types of risk sources: population growth, industrial development, and the expansion of built land. Stressors include the accumulation of contaminants, consumption of resources, and occupation of space. Assessment endpoints are divided into provisioning, regulating, cultural, and supporting services. In response to urban ecological risks having multiple stressors and multiple assessment endpoints, we assessed risks both with a single stressor/single endpoint and comprehensive ecological risks. In our framework, the physical or material assessment of ecosystem services is adopted as the core method for the analysis of urban ecological risk, because it is believed that the analysis of urban ecological risk should be based on the physical or material assessment of ecosystem services instead of the value assessment of ecosystem services. The results of the single value assessment of urban ecosystem services will cause the deviation from the purpose of urban ecosystem services assessment. The purpose of urban ecosystem services assessment is to maintain and/or improve the capability of urban ecosystems of providing physical or material services, and further to reduce or avoid the occurrence risks of unsustainable cities. Additionally, a multi-level characterization method was adopted for the results of urban ecological risk assessment. In this study, we established a platform to manage urban ecological risks based on landscape ecology and environmental internet of things technologies, and to effectuate online urban ecological risk identification, assessment, and management via this platform.  相似文献   

生态风险评价的目的是保护生态系统功能的完整性、稳定性和持久性,为环境风险管理提供理论依据。然而,目前常见的用于保护生物的化学污染物浓度阈值大多是以个体水平的毒性试验结果为基础,忽略了物种在时间和空间相互作用等因素,不能够完全保护生态环境安全和生态系统功能的延续性。本文从生态风险评价的概念、目的和意义引出种群水平生态风险评价在环境管理应用的重要性,综述了种群水平生态风险评价的科学问题(如密度依赖、遗传变异和空间结构等),归纳了种群水平风险评价主要模型方法及其应用(如Euler-Lotka方程、预测矩阵、个体模型、空间模型和动态能量预算模型等),列举了各国现有法律法规中关于种群水平生态风险评价的规定,以期为种群水平生态风险评价方法研究及在环境管理中的应用提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

China has come up with ecological civilization as one of major goals to improve its ecological sustainability during development in future. Under this broad framework, social, economic and natural ecosystems are expected to develop in harmony. However, there is lack of evaluation mechanism for this newly proposed strategy. Therefore, in this article, ecosystem services, Ecological Footprint and gross domestic product per capita were selected in order to reflect the resource endowment, human occupation on natural capital, and the economic growth. Thus, an integrated indicator was constructed from the three indexes based on the linear correlation among them, and we provided comprehensive evaluation on ecological civilization construction in the provinces and municipalities in China in 2010. When it comes to the indicator of ecological civilization construction, Hainan province has the greatest value which is 0.5091 and Beijing municipality has the smallest value which is 0.0377. At last, the article analyzed the ecological pressure and efficiency in ecological civilization construction in China. The results contribute to scientific and objective evaluation of regional ecological civilization construction in order to properly make decisions and take actions.  相似文献   

城市生态系统服务功能的价值结构分析   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
本文从城市生态系统价值体系出发,探讨城市自然资本,经济资本和社会资本综合测算的理论与方法,结果表明:示范区的自然总资本以年均4%的速度递减,其真实总资本年均增长率为4.5%而不是国内生产总值的12.6%,自然资本的增减应成为衡量一个城市或区域是否实现可持续发展的核心指标。城市生态系统中自然资本由持续递减变为递增,是实现人类共同追求的可持续发展目标必由之路。  相似文献   

Urban ecological risk is one of the important factors that may restrict the social and economic development. Therefore, it is of great significance to carry out a comprehensive assessment of ecological risks so that an ecological risk prevention and control plan can be scientifically formulated. In this paper, a comprehensive ecological risk assessment indicator system of Xiamen was established based on local ecological properties and socioeconomic status. This indicator system covers seven indicators including air pollution, soil pollution, water pollution, fresh water consumption, change in land use, occupation of key zones with ecological functions, and road network expansion. Based on this indicator system and in conjunction with the single factor assessment of ecological risks, this study constructed a model of comprehensive ecological risk assessment and forecasted the comprehensive ecological risk of Xiamen in 2020. The results showed that the comprehensive ecological risk level of Xiamen in 2020 is medium and the main stressors are the discharge of air and water pollutants. From the perspective of risk receptors, i.e. the ecosystem services, the risk posed to the ecosystem services associated to the maintenance of air quality and water purification is the highest. Therefore, this study proposed the recommendations on ecological risk prevention and regulation in Xiamen based on the comprehensive assessment of ecological risks, in the hope to provide scientific support for local ecological protection and sustainable development.  相似文献   

A modified method of ecological footprint calculation and its application   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《Ecological modelling》2005,185(1):65-75
As economic and ecological support systems become more interdependent, new disciplines are needed to “bridge the gap” between human and nature. “Emergy” created by H.T. Odum is a new method for evaluating natural capital and ecosystem services. The “ecological footprint” created by Wackernagel and Rees has been promoted as a policy and planning tool for sustainability. The aim of this paper is to show a modified form of ecological footprint calculation by combining emergy analysis with conventional ecological footprint form of calculations. Our new method starts from the energy flows of a system in calculating ecological footprint and carrying capacity. Through a study of the energy flows, and using the method of emergy analysis, the energy flows of a system are translated into corresponding biological productive units. To demonstrate the mechanics of this new method, we compared our calculations with that of an original calculation of ecological footprint of a regional case. We select Gansu province in western China, as an example for application of our study. In this case the same conclusions were drawn using both methods: that Gansu province runs an ecological deficit.  相似文献   

As a major ecosystem type, wetland provides invaluable ecological services. Environmental pollution, especially pesticides pollution should be paid more attention to keep wetlands healthy. Based on the risk quotient method, coupled with a probabilistic risk assessment model, this paper proposed a methodology suitable for ecological risk assessment of pesticide residues for wetland ecosystems. As an important industrializing and ecologically vulnerable area in China, the Taihu Lake wetland was chosen for the case study. The risks of eight pesticides in Taihu Lake wetland were assessed, as single substances and in mixtures. The assessment indicates that risks of the representative species are not significant. In general, the herbicide is found to be more toxic for algae, whereas insecticides pose more risks to zooplankton, insect and fish. For each pesticide in the wetland, the ecological risk it poses is acceptable. But the combined ecological risk posed by mixture can harm more than 10% of species of the wetland ecosystem, mainly dominated by dichlorvos, dimethoate and malathion contributions. These results imply that pesticide residues have been posing pressures on the ecosystem of the Taihu Lake wetland. It is recommended that proper countermeasures should be implemented to reduce the risks.  相似文献   

Ecosystem health has been a focal point and research frontier of applied ecology in recent years, increasingly used in urban ecological studies. To quantify the effect of ecological improvement from eco-planning, an ecosystem health assessment method is used in eco-planning evaluation and decision support in the urban eco-planning research of Guangzhou City of China. Based on features of an urban ecosystem, five factors such as vigor, organizational structure, resilience, ability to maintain ecosystem service, and influence on people’s health were selected to develop the assessment indicator system. Then, to evaluate the validity of planning measures, a cost-effect analysis of the different scenarios on eco-planning was made, taking investment of the planned projects as the cost and ecosystem health state after implementing the scenarios as the effect. To establish priority of all the proposed planning schemes or countermeasures, variation of the ecosystem health state was evaluated when the investment of eco-environmental construction projects changes by ±10%, ±20% and ±50%, respectively. Thus, the order of importance of eco-environment construction projects to the urban ecosystem health state can be worked out, providing a reference for prioritizing the implementation of such urban eco-environmental projects. The study proved the trial value of an ecosystem health evaluation method in urban eco-planning research.  相似文献   

生态补偿理论研究现状与进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陶建格 《生态环境》2012,21(4):786-792
全球生态环境问题已经引起世界各国的极大关注。生态系统及其服务的可持续性是人类社会可持续发展的决定性约束因素,人类赖以生存与发展的自然环境面临威胁,修复自然生态创伤,实施生态补偿是可持续发展的必然要求。一些生态补偿关键问题成为科学研究热点,如生态系统服务功能的价值核算、生态补偿的对象、标准、途径与方法,以及资源开发和重大工程活动的生态影响评价等。总结了国内外生态补偿相关研究成果,并进行综述,为开展生态补偿研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

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