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纯氧曝气在城市污水处理中的经济性比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
就城市污水处理工艺中鼓风曝气系统和纯氧(或富氧)曝气系统,从原理、技术性指标等方面进行了分析和比较,显然纯氧曝气系统比鼓风曝气系统具有一定的优越性。在城市污水处理厂老厂改造和新厂建设中采用纯氧曝气法具有良好的前景。  相似文献   

我国城市污水处理厂概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着国民经济的发展,我国城市污水处理事业也在相应地发展.城市污水处理厂由解放前的3座增加到61座,经城市污水处理  相似文献   

林毅  孟庆强 《生态环境》2010,19(2):296-299
在AB工艺中,利用A段活性吸附去除重金属从而降低B段污泥中重金属含量,使其达到农用标准(GB4284-84酸性土壤控制标准)。利用小型污水处理实验场,模拟研究了AB工艺A段中重金属的去除情况,对AB运行控制参数进行优化探讨,以使A段能有效去除大部分重金属,并尽可能降低有毒有害污泥产量。结果表明:溶解氧质量浓度控制在0.5mg·L-1,污泥质量浓度调节为约500mg·L-1时,Cu2+去除率可达87.6%,Zn2+的去除率为78.7%,Ni2+去除率为51%。当污泥质量浓度在1000~1500mg·L-1时,A段处理后污泥沉降性能好转,对重金属离子的去除有较好的效果,且不过多截留污水中的有机物。且B段剩余污泥中的Cu2+、Zn2+、Ni2+含量都基本达到酸性土壤污泥农用控制标准。因此,适当控制AB工艺相关参数条件,利用A段活性污泥去除大部分重金属,降低B段产泥中重金属含量,达到农业控制标准是可行的,污泥经处理后进行土地资源化利用可成为我国污泥处置与利用的一种有效途径。  相似文献   

城市污水厂氨气的来源及排放因子研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对城市污水处理厂进行现场调查和分析,选取广州市猎德污水处理厂的格栅、沉砂池、A-B工艺的曝气池、组合交替式(unitank)生化池、污泥浓缩池及脱水机房采集气样,同时在A-B工艺的曝气池、unitank生化池及A-B工艺的沉淀池采集水样,采用模拟实验测试这些污水处理单元的氨挥发速率,并结合理论计算,研究氨气的来源和排放因子.结果表明,A-B工艺的曝气池和unitank工艺的生化池为城市污水处理厂的主要氨排放源.城市污水处理厂污水的氨气平均挥发速率为21.06μg.m-.2s-1,在此基础上计算出其氨气平均排放因子为0.28 g.m-3,其中A-B工艺曝气池的氨排放因子较高,为0.205 g.m-3;unitank生化池的氨排放因子为0.033 g.m-3;A-B工艺沉淀池的氨排放因子较低,为0.0085 g.m-3.  相似文献   

我国城市污水处理的有效措施   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
我国水环境污染和水资源短缺,促进了污水处理厂的建设,而污水处理工艺在很大程度上决定了污水处理厂的投资、基建费用、用地和运行管理费用。文章介绍了我国有污水处理厂的工艺、投资和运行费用。结合我国的基本国情,提出了建立经济有效的处理工艺的措施。  相似文献   

PID技术在邯郸市东污水处理厂的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
PID通常由两个或三个相同的氧化沟组成,这些氧化沟周期性地处于好氧,缺氧或沉淀等工作状态,邯郸市东污水处理厂采用的三沟式(T型)氧化沟处理工艺,流程简单,技术先进,效果稳定,节省费用,可按硝化和反硝化两种方式进行,不仅可去除污水中的大部分有机物和悬浮物,还可部分去除氮,磷等富营养物质,是目前国内外较先进的污水处理方法之一。  相似文献   

投加硝化菌的活性污泥工艺硝化效率特性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
何成达 《环境化学》2002,21(6):581-583
研究了在活性污泥工艺中用投加硝化菌的方法提高硝化效率的特性,试验用富氮废水生成硝化污泥,并将其剩余硝化污泥投加于处理初沉市政污水的活性污泥工艺试验装置,研究结果表明,投加硝化菌能降低常规活性污泥工艺硝化的泥龄要求、改善硝化效果以及减少为低温稳定运行而增加的硝化反应器容积。  相似文献   

污泥间接干化产生的恶臭及挥发性有机物特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正随着城市发展,污水处理量大幅提高,城市污水处理厂污泥产量也急剧增加,使污泥的处理处置成为亟待解决的问题.利用水泥厂煅烧设备处理污水处理厂污泥,可实现污泥处置的无害化、减量化以及资源化[1].在焚烧处置之前,须先将污泥进行干化处理,使其含水率达到焚烧要求.湿污泥干化过程中,由于部分有机物的转化与挥发,干化尾气中存在恶臭及挥发性有机污染物.北京水泥厂有限责任公司的处置污水处理厂污泥工程是我国首个利用水泥窑余热干化处置污水  相似文献   

利用城市污水处理厂的实际运行数据,分析水质变化情况及水质指标关联度,总结水质水量的变化规律,为后续污水处理提标改造提供定量依据。结果表明,该污水厂进水流量、NH3-N、TN和TP等指标季节因素起决定性影响,季节因素对COD、BOD5的影响较小。通过对城市污水处理厂进水水质分析,掌握污水厂进水情况,可为污水处理厂设计和运行提供基础数据,也可为其他类似工程提供可供借鉴的思路。  相似文献   

为了实现前置反硝化工艺硝化反硝化反应的过程控制,系统地研究了硝化反硝化过程中DO、pH和ORP的变化规律,并考察了它们作为硝化反硝化过程控制参数的可行性.结果表明,pH值在缺氧区的变化分为下降型和上升型,从而指示系统反硝化反应进行的程度以及内循环回流量是否充足;缺氧区末端ORP值和硝酸氮浓度具有较好的相关性;好氧区第1格室的DO浓度可以指示进水氨氮负荷高低;pH值在好氧区的变化也可分为下降型和上升型,可指示系统硝化反应进行的程度、曝气量和碱度是否充足;好氧区末端ORP值与出水氨氮、硝酸氮浓度具有很好的相关性.在此基础上建立了硝化反硝化反应在线控制系统,从而实现曝气量、内循环回流量和外碳源投加量的在线控制,提高系统出水水质、降低运行费用.图7表1参8  相似文献   

The history of China’s municipal wastewater management is revisited. The remaining challenges in wastewater sector in China are identified. New concept municipal wastewater treatment plants are highlighted. An integrated plant of energy, water and fertilizer recovery is envisaged. China has the world’s largest and still growing wastewater sector and water market, thus its future development will have profound influence on the world. The high-speed development of China’s wastewater sector over the past 40 years has forged its global leading treatment capacity and innovation ability. However, many problems were left behind, including underdeveloped sewers and sludge disposal facilities, low sustainability of the treatment processes, questionable wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluent discharge standards, and lacking global thinking on harmonious development between wastewater management, human society and the nature. Addressing these challenges calls for fundamental changes in target design, policy and technologies. In this mini-review, we revisit the development history of China’s municipal wastewater management and identify the remaining challenges. Also, we highlight the future needs of sustainable development and exploring China’s own wastewater management path, and outlook the future from several aspects including targets of wastewater management, policies and technologies, especially the new concept WWTP. Furthermore, we envisage the establishment of new-generation WWTPs with the vision of turning WWTP from a site of pollutant removal into a plant of energy, water and fertilizer recovery and an integrated part urban ecology in China.  相似文献   

以天津市津南区环兴污水处理厂为例,介绍一种适合我国中小城镇污水处理技术的工艺流程、各构筑物的工艺设计特点与主要设备;环兴污水处理厂设计水量为3万t/d ,设计进水水质主要指标为CODCr:4 5 0mg/L ;BOD5:2 0 0mg/L ;出水水质优于《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》中的二级标准,已稳定运行1年  相似文献   

Six wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) were investigated to evaluate the occurrence and removal of N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), NDMA formation potential (FP) and four specific NDMA precursors, dimethylamine (DMA), trimethylamine (TMA), dimethyl- formamide (DMFA) and dimethylaminobenzene (DMAB). DMA and tertiary amines with DMA functional group commonly existed in municipal wastewater. Chemically enhanced primary process (CEPP) had no effect on removal of either NDMA or NDMA FP. In WWTPs with secondary treatment processes, considerable variability was observed in the removal of NDMA (19%-85%) and NDMA FP (16%-76%), moreover, there was no definite relationship between the removal of NDMA and NDMA FP. DMA was well removed in all the six surveyed WWTPs; its removal efficiency was greater than 97%. For the removal of tertiary amines, biologic treatment processes with nitrification and denitrification had better removal efficiency than conventional activated sludge process. The best removal efficiencies for TMA, DMFA and DMAB were 95%, 68% and 72%, respectively. CEPP could remove 73% of TMA, 23% of DMFA and 36% of DMAB. After UV disinfection, only 17% of NDMA was removed due to low dosage of UV was applied in WWTP. Although chlorination could reduce NDMA precursors, NDMA concentration was actually increased after chlorination.  相似文献   

垃圾卫生填埋技术   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:21  
介绍我国第一座现代化城市生活垃圾卫生填埋场-深圳市下坪固体废弃物填埋场的卫生填埋技术设施,如防渗设施、垃圾渗沥液导流设施、场外排水设施和场内清污分流设施等;垃圾卫生填埋工艺技术及作业方法,如分区分层填埋法、单元作业法和高效作业法;垃圾填埋场的环境监测项目及监测成果。  相似文献   

人工湿地污水处理工艺与设计   总被引:76,自引:1,他引:75  
人工湿地作为一种新型生态污水处理技术,在实际各取得了快速发展。为了适应我国对这一技术的迫切需要,文章结合作者的实践,较详细地介绍了目前人工湿地污水处理的工艺结构、基本设计方法及经济技术比较,以供有关科研、设计单位参考。  相似文献   

在城市污水处理厂汇水区实行污染源总量控制,应该避免与城市污水处理厂重复治理.针对这个问题,提出难降解有机物控制的多目标准则指标,建立了多目标优化模型.  相似文献   

China has been experiencing fast economic development in recent decades at the cost of serious environmental deterioration. Wastewater discharge, especially municipal wastewater discharge, and non-point pollution sources are becoming the major water pollution source and research focus. Great efforts have been made on water pollution control and a number of renovated technologies and processes for municipal wastewater treatment and reclamation as well as non-point pollution control have been developed and applied in China. This paper discusses the development and application of the appropriate technologies, including natural treatment systems, anaerobic biological treatment, biofilm reactors and wastewater reclamation technologies, for water pollution control in the country.  相似文献   

我国污水处理的发展趋势   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
目前我国污水处理的总体发展趋势;一是普及城市污水处理,二是提高工业废水排放达标率,三是推广污水回用。论文重点介绍了城市污水的强化一级处理、数学模型用于精确控制的技术,清洁生产在提高工业废水排放达标方面的作用,以及再生水作为环境用水的回用方式。  相似文献   

China has been the forerunner of large-scale membrane bioreactor (MBR) application. Since the first large-scale MBR (≥ 10 000 m^3·d^-1) was put into operation in 2006, the engineering implementation of MBR in China has attained tremendous development. This paper outlines the commercial application of MBR since 2006 and provides a variety of engineering statistical data, covering the fields of municipal wastewater, industrial wastewater, and polluted surface water treatment. The total treatment capacity of MBRs reached 1× 10^6 m^3·d^-1 in 2010, and has currently exceeded 4.5 × 10^6 m^3·d^-1 with -75% of which pertaining to municipal wastewater treatment. The anaerobic/anoxic/aerobie-MBR and its derivative processes have been the most popular in the large-scale municipal application, with the process features and typical ranges of parameters also presented in this paper. For the treatment of various types of industrial wastewater, the configurations of the MBR-based processes are delineated with representative engineering cases. In view of the significance of the cost issue, statistics of capital and operating costs are also provided, including cost structure and energy composition. With continuous stimulation from the environmental stress, political propulsion, and market demand in China, the total treatment capacity is expected to reach 7.5 × 10^6 m^3·d^-1 by 2015 and a further expansion of the market is foreseeable in the next five years. However, MBR application is facing several challenges, such as the relatively high energy consumption. Judging MBR features and seeking suitable application areas should be of importance for the long-term development of this technology.  相似文献   

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