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环境战略的新课题—绿色化学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从环境保护出发,论述了原子经济、环境保护和绿色化学的概念,从汽车尾气的治理、化学反应、生产绿色产品等方面,阐述了绿色化学与环境保护的发展前景。  相似文献   

生态环境保护既是一个环境问题也是一个经济问题,更是与区域可持续发展紧密结合的全球性问题。生态旅游是旅游可持续发展的制高点,有机农业是农业可持续发展的制高点,两者结合具有相得益彰的环境保护价值,可有效地解决以往生态环境保护与发展经济之间的矛盾,促进生态、农村经济和社会效益的协同发展。  相似文献   

建设项目的主体工程完工后,其配套建设的环境保护设施必须与主体工程同时投入生产或运行。需要进行试生产的,其配套建设的环境保护设施必须与主体工程同时投入试运行。建设项目竣工后,环境保护行政主管部门通过现场检查等手段,考核该建设项目是否达到环境保护要求。  相似文献   

抓住机遇振奋精神争创全国环境保护的一流水平江苏省环境监测站为了贯彻国家环境与发展的十大对策,促进我省改革开放和经济的持续、稳定、协调发展,江苏省环境保护局提出了“争创全国环境保护工作一流水平”的口号,作为全省环境保护工作再上新台阶的奋斗目标。环境监测...  相似文献   

可持续发展是我国经济建设与社会主义发展的基本战略,是人类发展史上的一次深刻变革.环境保护是可持续发展的关键内容,实行可持续发展战略必须加强环境保护和资源综合利用.金昌是以有色金属冶炼为主的新兴工业城市,环境污染问题比较突出,环境状况不容乐观,只有正确处理好环境保护和经济建设的关系,加大污染治理步伐,开展“三废”资源的综合利用,保护和改善生态环境,才能为可持续发展战略提供良好的条件,才能促进我市经济持续、快速、稳定发展.  相似文献   

以第四次全国环境保护会议为契机坚持“两个面向”,开创全国环境监测工作新局面中国环境监测总站第四次全国环境保护会议进一步重申了环境保护的国策地位,对既往我国环境保护工作所取得的成绩作了充分的肯定,同时对当前我国环境的严竣形势作了恰如其分、实事求是的分...  相似文献   

本文根据环境保护规划遵循的基本要求,提出了甘肃省环境规划设计的客观目标,即通过总量控制,城市综合整治,自然生态保护和推进持续发展的战略,继续完成“5522”工程,积极实施《甘肃跨世纪绿色工程计划》,使全省环境保护工作逐步走向法制化,科学化和规范化。  相似文献   

新疆维吾尔自治区第四次环境保护会议隆重召开新疆维吾尔自治区第四次环境保护会议于1996年11月5~7日在乌鲁木齐市隆重召开,出席这次会议的代表有自治区人民政府环境保护委员会委员,各地、州、市和部分县及自治区有关部、委、办、厅、局(公司)、新疆军区、生...  相似文献   

徐标 《环境研究与监测》2009,22(3):30-31,43
当前环境污染呈现出了复杂性、持续性、潜伏性和广泛性的新特点,环境监测作为环境保护的基础,能否监测出污染状况,将对我国的环境保护产生重大的影响。为此,在新的形式下,针对环境污染呈现的新特点,不断探索环境监测管理的新模式,以科学发展观为指导,加强环境监测的能力建设,实现监测工作规范化、监测手段现代化、监测方法标准化、监测管理科学化、日常工作制度化,使环境监测工作向更深层次发展,更好地为环境保护和经济建设服务。  相似文献   

建设项目环境保护设施竣工验收监测中的环保检查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为保证建设项目环境保护设施竣工验收质量,建设项目环境保护设施竣工验收监测已成为建设项目管理中的一个重要组成部分。针对建设项目环境保护设施竣工验收监测中的环保检查内容进行讨论,力求全面地将各项检查内容介绍给同行,供监测人员在进行该项工作时参考  相似文献   

Drinking water quality assessment in Southern Sindh (Pakistan)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The southern Sindh province of Pakistan adjoins the Arabian Sea coast where drinking water quality is deteriorating due to dumping of industrial and urban waste and use of agrochemicals and yet has limited fresh water resources. The study assessed the drinking water quality of canal, shallow pumps, dug wells, and water supply schemes from the administrative districts of Thatta, Badin, and Thar by measuring physical, chemical, and biological (total coliform) quality parameters. All four water bodies (dug wells, shallow pumps canal water, and water supply schemes) exceeded WHO MPL for turbidity (24%, 28%, 96%, 69%), coliform (96%, 77%, 92%, 81%), and electrical conductivity (100%, 99%, 44%, 63%), respectively. However, the turbidity was lower in underground water, i.e., 24% and 28% in dug wells and shallow pumps as compared to open water, i.e., 96% and 69% in canal and water supply schemes, respectively. In dug wells and shallow pumps, limits for TDS, alkalinity, hardness, and sodium exceeded, respectively, by 63% and 33%; 59% and 70%, 40% and 27%, and 78% and 26%. Sodium was major problem in dug wells and shallow pumps of district Thar and considerable percent in shallow pumps of Badin. Iron was major problem in all water bodies of district Badin ranging from 50% to 69% and to some extent in open waters of Thatta. Other parameters as pH, copper, manganese, zinc, and phosphorus were within standard permissible limits of World Health Organization. Some common diseases found in the study area were gastroenteritis, diarrhea and vomiting, kidney, and skin problems.  相似文献   

An ecological time-series study is conducted to quantify health-effect coefficients associated with climate-sensitive variables namely temperature, rainfall, relative humidity, and wind speed and estimate environmental burden of diseases attributed to temperature as the main climatic variable together with climate change in Nepal. The study is based upon daily data of climate-sensitive variables and hospitalizations collected for 5 years between 2009 and 2014. Generalized linear model is used to estimate health-effect coefficients accounting distributed lag effects. Results show 3.08%, 10.14%, and 3.27% rise in water-borne, vector-borne, and renal disease hospitalizations, respectively, and 3.67% rise in water- and vector-borne disease deaths per 1 °C rise in average temperature. Similarly, 2.45% and 1.44% rise in heart disease hospitalization and all-cause mortality, respectively per 1 °C rise in absolute difference of average temperature with its overall average (20 °C). The computed attributable fractions are 0.3759, 0.6696, 0.2909, and 0.1024 for water-borne, vector-borne, renal, and heart disease hospitalizations, respectively, and 0.0607 and 0.4335 for all-cause mortality and disease-specific mortality of water- and vector-borne diseases, respectively. The percent change in attributable burdens due to climate change are found to be 4.32%, 4.64%, 7.20%, and ?2.29% for water-borne, vector-borne, renal, and heart disease hospitalizations, respectively, and ?1.39% and 6.55% for all-cause deaths and water-borne and vector-borne disease deaths, respectively. In conclusion, climate-sensitive variables have significant effects on many major health burdens in Nepal. In the context of changing climatic scenarios around the world including that of Nepal, such changes are bound to affect the health burden of Nepalese people.  相似文献   

“实施山水林田湖草生态保护和修复工程,全面提升自然生态系统稳定性和生态服务功能”是习近平生态文明思想的重要创新成果,为开展生态环境保护修复工作提供了重要指引和根本遵循。2019年以来,江苏省开展山水林田湖草生态保护修复省级试点工程共5类59个工程项目。在总结了试点地区工作经验做法的基础上,针对存在的生态保护修复和绿色发展协同理念认识不足、生态修复保护整体性和系统性不够、生态修复经验总结及全周期管理有待加强、打破界限的体制机制改革创新亟需完善等问题及难点,提出了相应的工作政策建议,以期打造全国生态保护修复的江苏样板。  相似文献   

Multi-route risk assessment from trihalomethanes in drinking water supplies   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The USA is entering an era of energy diversity, and increasing nuclear capacity and concerns focus on accidents, security, waste, and pollution. Physical buffers that separate outsiders from nuclear facilities often support important natural ecosystems but may contain contaminants. The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) licenses nuclear reactors; the applicant provides environmental assessments that serve as the basis for Environmental Impact Statements developed by NRC. We provide a template for the types of information needed for safe siting of nuclear facilities with buffers in three categories: ecological, fate and transport, and human health information that can be used for risk evaluations. Each item on the lists is an indicator for evaluation, and individual indicators can be selected for specific region. Ecological information needs include biodiversity (species, populations, communities) and structure and functioning of ecosystems, habitats, and landscapes, in addition to common, abundant, and unique species and endangered and rare ones. The key variables of fate and transport are sources of release for radionuclides and other chemicals, nature of releases (atmospheric vapors, subsurface liquids), features, and properties of environmental media (wind speed, direction and atmospheric stability, hydraulic gradient, hydraulic conductivity, groundwater chemistry). Human health aspects include receptor populations (demography, density, dispersion, and distance), potential pathways (drinking water sources, gardening, fishing), and exposure opportunities (lifestyle activities). For each of the three types of information needs, we expect that only a few of the indicators will be applicable to a particular site and that stakeholders should agree on a site-specific suite.  相似文献   

介绍了国内外农村环境质量监测的发展历程和现状,总结了现行农村环境质量监测体系在体制机制、技术体系、应用支撑和数据共享等方面存在的主要问题,分析了"十四五"期间农村环境质量监测面临的挑战和机遇,指出"十四五"是农村生态环境保护的关键期、攻坚期和窗口期。根据环境管理对农业农村工作的新要求,构建了包括村庄、区域和流域3个层次及涵盖空气、地表水、饮用水、土壤、生态、污染点源和面源等监测内容的"十四五"农村环境质量监测体系,并提出了相应的保障措施,以期为我国农村生态环境保护提供更有力的技术支撑。  相似文献   

我国高速公路周边土壤重金属污染现状及研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以我国高速公路周边土壤重金属为研究对象,综述了我国高速公路周边土壤重金属污染特征、影响因素、来源、环境风险及其研究进展。高速公路周边土壤主要受Pb、Cd、Cr、Cu、Zn等重金属污染,主要呈现指数分布、偏态分布和两者混合分布等特点,并且受到土地利用、风向、地形、车流量等多种因素的综合影响。土壤重金属的来源除了受成土母质等自然因素影响以外,公路交通和周边工农业活动也会对其来源产生较大影响。传统的土壤重金属评价方法主要采用单因子指数法、地累积指数法、生态风险评价法等对重金属的污染等级和环境风险进行评价。未来的研究应将重金属形态分析、空间和地统计分析、重金属稳定同位素示踪和源解析模型以及预测模型等多种手段相结合,开展高速公路周边土壤重金属的污染特征、时空分布、来源及预测预警研究等,为我国高速公路沿线工农业生产布局及其土壤重金属污染防控提供科学依据和决策支撑。  相似文献   

Neighborhood sustainability assessment tools have become widespread since the turn of 21st century and many communities, mainly in the developed world, are utilizing these tools to measure their success in approaching sustainable development goals. In this study, seven tools from Australia, Europe, Japan, and the United States are selected and analyzed with the aim of providing insights into the current situations; highlighting the strengths, weaknesses, successes, and failures; and making recommendations for future improvements. Using a content analysis, the issues of sustainability coverage, pre-requisites, local adaptability, scoring and weighting, participation, reporting, and applicability are discussed in this paper. The results of this study indicate that most of the tools are not doing well regarding the coverage of social, economic, and institutional aspects of sustainability; there are ambiguities and shortcomings in the weighting, scoring, and rating; in most cases, there is no mechanism for local adaptability and participation; and, only those tools which are embedded within the broader planning framework are doing well with regard to applicability.  相似文献   

回归分析与灰色系统耦合用于水环境预测研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
探讨了将多元回归分析模型和灰色系统(GM(1,1))耦合应用于武汉市东湖水体污染预测的方法和技术。首先根据多年污染因子浓度监测资料分别建立了COD、BOD、TN、TP与人口、经济和捕鱼量之间的多元线性回归方程;之后根据人口、经济和鱼产量的历史资料,用GM(1,1)模型拟合,再反推得到预测值;最后,将人口、经济和鱼产量的预测值代入多元线性回归方程得到污染物浓度的未来值。这样将环境污染与社会经济联系起来更能反映环境质量的变化趋势。结果表明,到21 世纪,东湖水体的TN、TP、COD、BOD 的浓度将分别是1982 年的2.58、3.70、2.45 和7.89 倍;比1992年分别增长33.5% 、68.18% 、68.28% 和229.24% ,将处于超富营养状态,如不及时治理,生态环境将进一步恶化。  相似文献   

The present study was carried out in order to evaluate the statistical apportionment and risk assessment of selected metals (Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Na, Pb, Sr, and Zn) in freshly deposited sediments in Rawal Lake, Pakistan. Composite sediment samples were collected, oven-dried, grounded, homogenized, and processed to assess the water-soluble and acid extractable concentrations of the metals in the water extract and acid extract of the sediments using flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Statistical methods were used to identify the possible sources of the metals. Sediment quality guidelines and potential acute toxicity were used to evaluate the ecotoxicological sense of selected metals. Non-carcinogenic health risk assessment was also carried out to determine the potential adverse health risks to the inhabitants. Relatively higher concentration was noted for Ca, Fe, Mg, Na, K, Mn, and Sr in the sediment samples. Principal component analysis and cluster analysis revealed anthropogenic contributions of Cd, Pb, Cr, Mn, Fe, and Li in the sediments. Enrichment factors of the metals in sediments showed severe to moderate enrichment of Cd, Pb, Ca, Fe, Li, Mn, and Sr. Geoaccumulation indices and contamination factors evidenced significant contamination by Cd and Pb, although, on the whole, low degree of contamination was noted. The levels of some metals exceeded the sediment quality guidelines, which revealed frequently adverse biological effects to the dwelling biota in the aquatic ecosystem. The sediments were found to be significantly contaminated by Cd, Pb, Cr, Mn, Fe, and Li.  相似文献   

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