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浅谈生态保护红线区生态系统管理研究概念框架   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简述了生态保护红线管理制度的探索实践。提出了生态系统管理的概念框架,包括范围划定、管控分级、目标设定、动态监测、综合分析、管理策略和反馈优化7个方面;识别了生态系统管理中存在的3个关键问题:概念界定、管理方式和保障制度。指出生态保护红线是重点生态功能区、生态环境敏感区和脆弱区等区域划定的严格管控边界,是国家和区域生态安全的底线。要在分析区域生态系统的承载力的基础上,识别重要生态功能区域,进一步辨析生态保护红线的概念;应构建国家层面的生态系统管理方式,以利于红线区管理的整体性;要健全奖惩和补偿机制,引导公众参与生态保护红线的划定、管理和监督工作。  相似文献   

自然生态系统的可持续发展是社会一经济系统可持续发展的基本保证,明确区域生态可持续发展的主要制约因子和生态脆弱区域是评价区域生态系统发展的可持续性、制定可持续发展战略及实施综合措施的关键步骤。本文分析了新疆生态可持续发展的主要制约因子和生态脆弱区域。结果表明,水资源危机、土地荒漠化、耕地资源危机及森林减少等是限制新疆生态可持续发展的主要制约因子;干旱绿洲-沙漠过渡地区和内陆河(湖)流域为重点生态脆弱区域。在此基础上,提出了新疆生态系统可持续发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

区域生态系统服务功能的稳定性是评价其生态功能的重要指标之一。构建了区域生态系统服务功能稳定度指数评价模型,并对中国1998~2004年间区域生态系统生产能力进行评价,发现中国各区域生态系统的生态稳定度指数在空间上差异巨大。造成这种差异的原因主要是生态系统的人化程度。从区域生态系统服务于功能稳定度看,西北内陆区由于气候干燥,生态系统的生产能力十分有限,呈现出低水平的稳定。  相似文献   

艾比湖流域核心区景观生态功能区划及生态调控措施研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在探讨了景观生态功能区划的概念、原则及区划方法的基础上,以新疆艾比湖流域核心区为对象,采用叠置法并利用“3S”技术对研究区进行了自下而上的景观生态功能区的划分,共划分出4个景观生态功能区和9个景观生态功能亚区。分析了各景观功能区的主导生态功能、保护目标,并有针对性地提出了景观生态调控的工程措施和管理措施,为恢复和重建艾比湖流域景观生态安全格局提供科学的参考依据。  相似文献   

生态系统管理中生态环境评价的关键问题   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
阐述了生态环境评价和生态系统管理的内涵以及两者之间的关系,对国内外生态系统管理中生态评价的类型和特征进行了总结,并分析了生态系统管理中生态评价的关键问题,即为生态系统管理者提供有效的决策支持信息。因此,为生态系统管理服务的生态环境评价中,管理者的配合和支持起着非常重要的作用;评价方法必须科学、可行;评价数据必须准确可靠,并且能够连续获得;评价结论尽量真实反映生态状况。  相似文献   

利用1985、2000、2013年遥感影像提取的土地覆盖数据,通过景观格局指数、动态度计算、转移矩阵等,分析1985—2013年我国典型地区各类型生态系统景观格局及其动态变化特征、生态系统相互转化时空变化特征等,揭示1985—2013年生态环境格局变化的特点和规律:一级分类生态系统综合变化率,赣江、闽江、白龙江和岷江上游流域分别为4.7%、3.9%、3.3%和1.7%,生态系统变化强度1985—2000年较缓,2000—2013年更剧烈。1985—2013年典型区生态系统的主要转化方向具有持续性和双向性特征,岷江、白龙江和赣江上游流域退耕还林还草政策效果明显,出现较高比例的耕地转为森林和草地;面积占67.4%生态系统类型变化与耕地生态系统和人工表面生态系统变化有关;生态系统变化具有明显的区域差异,生态变化主要表现为沿主要河流谷地的线状延伸,主要城镇居民点附近生态系统类型变化较为突出,人类活动是典型地区生态系统类型格局变化的主要驱动力;典型区尤其是敏感区应加大退耕还林还草政策,减少人类经济活动,降低洪水泥石流灾害发生的概率和程度。  相似文献   

分析了南水北调东线水源区近期的生态监测工作重点、生态类型划分、监测指标确定及监测报告的编制,提出水源区近期生态监测应以监测区域生态质量状况和地面监测各生态系统信息指标为主,水源区的湿地生态系统、农村生态系统、农田生态系统、森林生态系统4种生态类型应按照综合性、独立性、可测性、数据可获得性和长期性的原则,分别确定其监测指标和监测频次。对生态监测报告的形式、内容提出了具体要求。  相似文献   

太湖流域是长江三角洲的核心区域,是我国人口密度最大、工农业生产发达、国民经济产值增长幅度最快的地区之一。近十多年来,太湖流域在经济总量翻番、环境压力大幅增加的情况下,流域控源减排成效显著,入湖河流水质稳步改善,现行以污染控制为主的水质目标治理体系发挥了重要作用。然而,太湖蓝藻水华仍常态化暴发,生态系统结构和功能尚未恢复,距离实现太湖水生态良性循环还有较大差距。面向美丽中国建设和长三角区域一体化发展的重大需求,在分析太湖流域水生态面临的主要问题的基础上,借鉴国外水环境治理成功经验,围绕流域污染防控、空间管控、生态修复、环境管理和科技攻关等方面,提出了建立促进太湖水生态健康的流域现代化治理体系的建议。  相似文献   

区域生态系统生产能力指数是评价其生态功能的重要指标之一.文章构建了区域生态系统生产能力指数评价模型,并对中国1998~2004年间区域生态系统生产能力进行评价,发现中国各区域生态系统的生产能力在时空发布上差异巨大,在空间上呈现从西北往东南逐级变好的趋势,西北最差.在时间分异上,区域生态系统生产能力呈现明显的季节性发布,尤以北方地区最为明显.  相似文献   

流域是人类文明的摇篮和中心,是人与自然和谐共生的主体自然空间,而长江和黄河流域承载着中国最广大的人口和经济。我国高度重视以流域为基础的生态文明建设。习近平总书记强调,长江大保护“要从生态系统整体性和流域系统性出发”,“追根溯源、诊断病因、找准病根、分类施策”,“保持长江生态原真性和完整性”;“治理黄河,重在保护,要在治理。要坚持山水林田湖草综合治理、系统治理、源头治理,统筹推进各项工作,加强协同配合,推动黄河流域高质量发展”。当前,我国水生态环境管理正处在由水污染防治向水生态系统保护修复转变的阶段。《重点流域水生态环境保护“十四五”规划编制技术大纲》提出了水环境、水资源、水生态“三水统筹”原则,明确了水生态环境保护修复的阶段性目标。  相似文献   

Valuing biodiversity: reality or mirage?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The objective of this paper was to consider the social value ofbiological diversity and explore if this value could be expressedin terms of a unidimensional metric in money. Economics distinguishes between use-values and non-use-values, which are critically evaluated for valuing biodiversity. It is shown that these utility-based valuations have severe limitations as they treat species in isolation from their ecological contexts. In contrast, ecosystem ecology regards ecosystems as an integratednon-linear and nonconvex system in which ecosystem functions canbe understood as a four-component cycle; exploitation, accumulation of biomass, creative destruction and renewal. Withinsuch a cycle, ecosystems can be seen to have two properties: stability and resilience. A good proxy for resilience is the probability of extinction of species, and social value of biodiversity can be expressed as a partial ordering with thisprobability as an index. This approach is consistent with decision theory, of which social choice is an important component, pioneered by Arrow.  相似文献   

Environmental or hydrological landscape units can integrate various environmental characteristics to support proper management of natural resources. To delineate these units, quantitative methods such as ordination, clustering, and classification of abiotic factor information are used. In the present work, environmental units were delineated in the Duero River watershed of Michoacán, Mexico. This will enhance understanding of the hydrologic landscape, which is a fundamental to natural resource management. A digital elevation model was used to generate sub-basins. Climatic data were obtained from 16 meteorological stations. Sixty-nine soil and 150 water samples were collected and analyzed in the laboratory. Geostatistical methods for spatial prediction of the environmental variables were used. Mean data for each sub-basin were obtained from the environmental variable grids, generating an abiotic factor data matrix. A multivariate analysis was conducted. Exponential, linear, spherical, and Gaussian models were fit to an empirical variogram. Spatial prediction of the environmental data was done via universal and ordinary kriging. Based on principal component analysis, abiotic factors evaporation, total nitrogen, soil pH, and sodium absorption ratio of water were selected for cluster analysis. Five environmental units were delineated in the Duero watershed. One environmental unit (number 4) provided greater than 50 % of the payment for ecosystem services. The general trend is an increase of urban area. The urban surface in 1983 and 2014 was 1724 and 4750 ha, respectively, an increase of 275 %. Environmental unit 1 showed the greatest urban area growth (1336 ha) during the latter period.  相似文献   

李沫 《干旱环境监测》2012,26(3):162-166,F0004
运用GIS、RS技术及景观生态学理论和方法,基于乌鲁木齐市2006年和2010年遥感影像解译数据,对乌鲁木齐市5年间土地利用景观格局变化特征进行分析,分别从斑块类型和景观水平2个方面对研究区土地利用景观类型进行动态分析。揭示其变化原因和内在规律,为研究区生态治理提供数据支撑,对景观的规划与管理、资源的有效利用和生物多样性保护具有重要意义。  相似文献   

基于淮北中湖采煤沉陷区2005年、2014年和2018年的遥感影像进行地表景观解译,研究治理前后该区景观格局变化特征及生态效应。结果表明:治理前,该区耕地破碎化加剧、景观优势最大并持续减弱,沉陷积水区水体呈聚集化趋势;治理后,景观基质由耕地变为水体,林地、草地面积显著增加且景观优势上升,人工湖泊水体聚集程度高。区域景观破碎化减弱且中部比西北部破碎化程度低,景观蔓延度较稳定,景观多样性增加,边缘正效应增强,生态环境质量上升。在资源枯竭型矿区城市的生态治理中要合理优化水-陆景观格局,改善生态系统结构,减缓城市发展中的景观破碎化。  相似文献   

科学监管评价生态保护红线区生态环境是合理利用自然资源和充分保护生态环境的基础,对推动国家生态文明建设具有重要意义。该研究基于“天-空-地”一体化获取多源数据,结合GIS和RS空间分析,从生态系统格局和质量、人类活动、环境限制4个方面选取25个指标,构建了生物多样性维护生态保护红线区监管评价体系,并以泰山生态保护红线区为例进行分析研究。结果表明:2000—2015年,研究区生态系统格局、生态系统质量、人类活动状况3个分指数得分及生态环境综合得分均呈现先降后升的趋势,就综合得分而言,2000—2005年、2005—2010年得分降幅分别为18.73%和5.24%,2010年得分最低(41.97分),而2010—2015年得分增幅为81.63%,2015年得分为76.23分,生态环境综合得分评价等级由Ⅱ级升为Ⅰ级。其中城乡居民和工矿用地面积占比、生态系统破碎度和分离度、植被生物量是影响研究区生态环境的关键指标,相关部门应加强对研究区边界处人类活动的监管,并注重生态系统完整性和植被生长状态的保护。该监管评价体系具有较强的实践性、科学性和可操作性,可为生态保护红线区的监管评价提供新思路。  相似文献   

Based on land ecological classification of the source regions of the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers and field investigation, two phases of TM remote sensing data obtained in 1986 and 2000 were compared. From spatial variations and type transformation trends, the spatial changes and evolutional patterns of land ecosystem in the source regions of the two rivers were analyzed using the analytical method of landscape ecological spatial patterns. Results show that middle and high-cover high-cold steppe areas degraded considerably by 15.82%, high-cover high-cold meadow areas by 5.15%, while high-cold swamp meadow areas decreased by 24.36%. Lake water area was reduced by 7.5%, especially the lakes in the source region of the Yangtze River. Land desertification is developing rapidly and the average of desertified land area has increased by 17.11%. Desertified land in the source region of Yellow River is expanding at an annual rate of 1.83%. Analysis of the evolutional pattern of land ecotypes shows that the general tendencies of spatial evolution in the regions are coverage reduction and desertification of high-cold steppe, cover reduction and steppification of high-cold meadows, and desiccation of swamp meadows. As a result, land ecological spatial distribution pattern in the region is changing and the state of eco-environment declining.  相似文献   

Because natural ecosystems and ecosystem services (ES) are both critical to the well-being of humankind, it is important to understand their relationships and congruence for conservation planning. Spatial conservation planning is required to set focused preservation priorities and to assess future ecological implications. This study uses the combined measures of ES models and ES potential to estimate and analyze all four groups of ecosystem services to generate opportunities to maximize ecosystem services. Subsequently, we identify the key areas of conservation priorities as future forestation and conservation hotspot zones to improve the ecological management in Chongqing City, located in the upper reaches of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, China. Results show that ecosystem services potential is extremely obvious. Compared to ecosystem services from 2000, we determined that soil conservation could be increased by 59.11%, carbon sequestration by 129.51%, water flow regulation by 83.42%, and water purification by 84.42%. According to our prioritization results, approximately 48% of area converted to forests exhibited high improvements in all ecosystem services (categorized as hotspot-1, hotspot-2, and hotspot-3). The hotspots identified in this study can be used as an excellent surrogate for evaluation ecological engineering benefits and can be effectively applied in improving ecological management planning.  相似文献   

综述了近年来我国大气、水、土壤环境和生态系统中多环芳烃(PAHs)污染状况研究进展,指出化石燃料及其衍生物的燃烧产物是PAHs的主要来源,虽然我国大部分地区生态环境中PAHs风险较低,但仍须关注其潜在的健康风险,提出多学科交叉研究典型PAHs在生态系统中的环境行为及原位修复技术等未来研究方向。  相似文献   

Environmental benchmarks are widely used in Canadian environmental assessment as a standard against which to monitor air or water quality in response to human activities in the environment. Recent work in Canada has developed the concept of ecological benchmarks as a complement to environmental benchmarks. However, implementation of ecological benchmarks may be challenging. This paper presents an analogy between ecological benchmarks and the more commonly used environmental benchmarks, as an attempt to increase understanding and use of ecological benchmarks in resource management, assessment, and monitoring. Ecological benchmarks, and their corresponding indicators, will be challenging to identify and use. However, through the use of the principles of adaptive management, effective ecological indicators and benchmarks can be established. Although it is essential that ecological benchmarks are site-specific, the analogy and general principles outlined here are applicable to assessment and monitoring in any part of the world.  相似文献   

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