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统计分析了2007—2012年的西藏原野天然γ辐射水平监测数据,与原国家环境保护局1989年开展的西藏自治区环境天然放射性水平调查研究的数据进行比较表明,2008—2012年环境连续γ辐射剂量率年均值范围为186.5~190.9 nGy/h,未见异常升高,在正常波动范围内;原野γ辐射剂量率平均值为97.9~134.0 nGy/h,测值范围为51.6~197.7 nGy/h,保持稳定状态;宇宙射线所致居民年辐射剂量为1.29 mSv/a,为内地的5倍左右,但仍属于正常水平。  相似文献   

以江苏省稀土行业废渣实际情况为背景,基于国内外对天然放射性物质(NORM)的管理限值水平,通过理论研究和模型构建,建立了废渣中放射性核素质量活度与现场γ剂量率之间的关系。通过现场实验和样品γ谱核素分析结果进行模型修正,在留有足够安全冗余的情况下确定现场γ剂量率筛选水平,并提出了一套操作性较强的NORM废物γ剂量率筛选现场检验程序。  相似文献   

介绍了静电加速器辐射污染环境监测系统的结构与原理,采用合理的布局设置对静电加速器在运转中产生的γ、X和快中子等多种辐射实时监测,并按国际辐射吸收剂量率标准进行辐射污染防护.该系统实际运行效果良好,也适用于其他大范围场地多种辐射的监测.  相似文献   

大同市环境监察支队对大同市某医院医用电子直线加速器及近距离遥控后装机工作场所及其周围环境辐射水平进行了调查。表明,加速器及近距离遥控后装机室内X、γ辐射剂量率,在关机或开机状态下监测结果变化不明显,基本在本底范围内。加速器及近距离遥控后装机室外X、γ辐射剂量率范围接近1987年“全国放射性水平调查”的天然贯穿辐射剂量平均值;屋顶X、γ辐射剂量率监测结果也居正常本底水平。  相似文献   

为掌握我国自主研发的医用重离子加速器辐射水平,通过模拟计算给出瞬时辐射、气态流出物感生放射性源强,结合加速器大厅及治疗室辐射屏蔽设计,计算贯穿辐射及空气浸没外照射途径对工作人员和公众辐射所致剂量。根据医用重离子加速器运行后实际工况进行辐射环境监测,对所致工作人员和公众辐射剂量进行计算,工作人员最大年辐射剂量约为3.94×10-2 mSv,公众人员最大年辐射剂量约为8.53×10-7 mSv,模拟计算与实测结果相互印证,模型可用于辐射屏蔽设计的数据支撑。对加速器运行以来工作人员个人年累积剂量资料进行复核,工作人员及公众辐射剂量均满足剂量限值要求。  相似文献   

结合湖南烟花爆竹产业实际情况,研究分析了烟花爆竹放射性核素污染的主要来源,采用便携式γ辐射剂量检测仪快速检测了主要原材料和湖南浏阳、醴陵、常德、郴州、邵阳生产的各类烟花爆竹成品中放射性核素总含量。结果表明,与环境辐射本底值相比,湖南烟花爆竹主要原材料及产品未受到明显的放射性核素污染。  相似文献   

对鄂尔多斯市涉源企业的含密封源仪表使用场所进行监测,掌握各企业的辐射防护水平,并对辐射环境进行了评价。依据《含密封源仪表的放射卫生防护要求(GBZ 125-2009)》标准,使用AT1123型X,γ辐射剂量仪对含密封源仪表5cm、100cm及环境进行γ剂量率监测,并对工作人员个人剂量计算或监测。监测的31家企业,284台含密封放射源仪表表面5cmγ剂量率范围是0.071~75μSv/h,100cmγ剂量率范围是0.058~4.400μSv/h,仪表安装环境γ剂量率范围是0.060~0.280μSv/h,厂区环境剂量γ剂量率范围是0.076~0.164μSv/h;工作人员年有效剂量值0.008~0.640mSv。监测结果表明,鄂尔多斯市含密封源仪表防护状况良好,符合国家家标准,工作人员年有效剂量值均在国家规定范围内,应加强企业辐制度建设和辐射安全管理。  相似文献   

对宜春钽铌矿周围陆地γ辐射和水体放射性环境现状进行了调查与评价,结果表明,宜春钽铌矿排放废水放射性水平远低于《污水综合排放标准》(GB8978—1996)规定的限值,陆地和环境水体均未受到放射性污染。  相似文献   

本文分析了新疆城市放射性废物库2012—2016年的γ剂量率、中子剂量率、表面沾污、氡浓度、土壤中放射性核素比活度以及地表水核素含量变化情况。监测结果表明:新疆城市放射性废物库库区内新库、老暂存库以及库外周围γ辐射剂量率和中子剂量率均处于乌鲁木齐市正常本底水平,表面沾污和氡浓度均未见异常,库区周围环境地表水白鸟湖总α、总β放射性浓度均低于《生活饮用水卫生标准》,土壤中γ核素均在乌鲁木齐市环境土壤天然放射性水平范围中。通过废物库的监测,对掌握新疆城市放射性废物库周边放射性水平,开展环境辐射评价提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

流量是研究城市非点源污染负荷和雨水径流污染物迁移转化规律的一项基本参数。针对明渠雨水径流流量测量问题,设计了改进的巴歇尔槽模型,通过水力特性试验率定该模型的水力参数,拟合出自由出流条件下水深-流量公式及上游水位与模型水头损失之间的关系,结合1∶2长度比尺缩小模型对改进槽型使用弗劳德模型律进行验证。结果表明,所建立的改进巴歇尔槽模型其拟合曲线R20.990,相对误差的绝对值5%,精确度较好,改进之后的槽型用于雨水明渠流量测量十分有效。  相似文献   

能见度分级约束下的大气气溶胶光学厚度特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用PIS太阳光谱仪观测了北京地区1993年3月—1995年3月晴天和少云天气的太阳直接辐射光谱,波长范围为0.40-1.04μm。光谱分辨率1.25nm,共有1064组数据。观测期间,将地面能见度分为五级。由太阳直射谱获得了各能见度下大气气溶胶光学厚度谱。研究表明,北京地区大气气溶胶光学厚度虽然其总体季节统计规律为春夏大,秋冬小,然而,当加入能见度分级约束后,各能见度下气溶胶光学厚度的季节变化,近于消失。这表明少数“反常”垂直结构不影响能见度分级的平均结果。而不分级的光学厚度季节起伏主要由各季节的几率能见度决定。文中还把年平均五种能见度下的光谱光学厚度与LOWTRAN模式作了对比。由光学厚度谱反演出了气溶胶粒子谱分布,为建立我国北方局地气溶胶模式构造了基本框架  相似文献   

Surface ozone concentrations in Xi'an, China were monitored from March 23, 2008 to January 12, 2009 using the Model ML/EC9810 ozone analyzer. The daily average O(3) ranged from <1 ppb to 64.2 ppbv with an annual average of 16.0 ppbv. The seasonal average of O(3) in summer (32.5 ppbv) was more than 10 times higher than that in winter (3.0 ppbv). A significant positive correlation was found between ozone concentration and ambient temperature, indicating that the intensity of solar radiation was one of the several major factors controlling surface ozone production. Using the NOAA HYSPLIT 4 trajectory model, the three longest O(3) pollution episodes were found to be associated with the high biogenic volatile organic carbon (BVOC) emissions from the vegetation of Qinling Mountains. No significant weekday and weekend difference in O(3) levels was detected due to the non-significant change in NO(x) emissions. O(3) depletion by NO emission directly emitted from vehicles, low oxygenated VOC concentrations, and low-level solar radiation caused by high aerosol loading all contributed to the low levels of O(3) found in Xi'an compared to other cities and rural areas.  相似文献   

根据高风险移动放射源辐射安全风险特点与辐射事故经验反馈,结合辐射安全监管部门和企业实际,在充分调研的基础上,构建高风险移动放射源辐射安全风险管控评价指标体系,体系分为目标层、准则层和方案层,准则层8项指标,方案层40项指标。采用层次分析法确定各指标权重,运用模糊综合评价方法对甘肃省7家高风险移动放射源企业进行评价,结果表明决策层指标权重较大,与实际情况相符。  相似文献   

The present study describes an operational method, based on the Katerji et al. (Eur J Agron 33:218-230, 2010) model, for determining the daily evapotranspiration (ET) for soybean inside open top chambers (OTCs). It includes two functions, calculated day par day, making it possible to separately take into account the effects of concentrations of air ozone and plant water stress. This last function was calibrated in function of the daily values of actual water reserve in the soil. The input variables of the method are (a) the diurnal values of global radiation and temperature, usually measured routinely in a standard weather station; (b) the daily values of the AOT40 index accumulated (accumulated ozone over a threshold of 40 ppb during daylight hours, when global radiation exceeds 50 Wm(-2)) determined inside the OTC; and (c) the actual water reserve in the soil, at the beginning of the trial. The ensemble of these input variables can be automatable; thus, the proposed method could be applied in routine. The ability of the method to take into account contrasting conditions of ozone air concentration and water stress was evaluated over three successive years, for 513 days, in ten crop growth cycles, excluding the days employed to calibrate the method. Tests were carried out in several chambers for each year and take into account the intra- and inter-year variability of ET measured inside the OTCs. On the daily scale, the slope of the linear regression between the ET measured by the soil water balance and that calculated by the proposed method, under different water conditions, are 0.98 and 1.05 for the filtered and unfiltered (or enriched) OTCs with root mean square error (RMSE) equal to 0.77 and 1.07 mm, respectively. On the seasonal scale, the mean difference between measured and calculated ET is equal to +5% and +11% for the filtered and unfiltered OTCs, respectively. The ability of the proposed method to estimate the daily and seasonal ET inside the OTCs is therefore satisfactory following inter- and intra-annual tests. Finally, suggestions about the applications of the proposed method for other species, different from soybean, were also discussed.  相似文献   

Research on effects of wind turbines on bats has increased dramatically in recent years because of significant numbers of bats killed by rotating wind turbine blades. Whereas most research has focused on the Midwest and inland portions of eastern North America, bat activity and migration on the Atlantic Coast has largely been unexamined. We used three long-term acoustic monitoring stations to determine seasonal bat activity patterns on the Assateague Island National Seashore, a barrier island off the coast of Maryland, from 2005 to 2006. We recorded five species, including eastern red bats (Lasiurus borealis), big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus), hoary bats (Lasiurus cinereus), tri-colored bats (Perimyotis subflavus), and silver-haired bats (Lasionycteris noctivagans). Seasonal bat activity (number of bat passes recorded) followed a cosine function and gradually increased beginning in April, peaked in August, and declined gradually until cessation in December. Based on autoregressive models, inter-night bat activity was autocorrelated for lags of seven nights or fewer but varied among acoustic monitoring stations. Higher nightly temperatures and lower wind speeds positively affected bat activity. When autoregressive model predictions were fitted to the observed nightly bat pass totals, model residuals >2 standard deviations from the mean existed only during migration periods, indicating that periodic increases in bat activity could not be accounted for by seasonal trends and weather variables alone. Rather, the additional bat passes were attributable to migrating bats. We conclude that bats, specifically eastern red, hoary, and silver-haired bats, use this barrier island during migration and that this phenomenon may have implications for the development of near and offshore wind energy.  相似文献   

Kasur is one of the hubs of leather industry in the Punjab, Pakistan, where chrome tanning method of leather processing is extensively being used. Chromium (Cr) accumulation levels in the irrigation water, soil, and seasonal vegetables were studied in three villages located in the vicinity of wastewater treatment plant and solid waste dumping site operated by the Kasur Tanneries Waste Management Agency (KTWMA). The data was interpreted using analysis of variance (ANOVA), clustering analysis (CA), and principal component analysis (PCA). Interpolated surface maps for Cr were generated using the actual data obtained for the 30 sampling sites in each of the three villages for irrigation water, soil, and seasonal vegetables. The level of contamination in the three villages was directly proportional to their distance from KTWMA wastewater treatment plant and the direction of water runoff. The highest level of Cr contamination in soil (mg kg?1) was observed at Faqeeria Wala (37.67), intermediate at Dollay Wala (30.33), and the least in Maan (25.16). A gradational variation in Cr accumulation was observed in the three villages from contaminated wastewater having the least contamination level (2.02–4.40 mg L?1), to soil (25.16–37.67 mg kg?1), and ultimately in the seasonal vegetable crops (156.67–248.33 mg kg?1) cultivated in the region, having the highest level of Cr contamination above the permissible limit. The model used not only predicted the current situation of Cr contamination in the three villages but also indicated the trend of magnification of Cr contamination from irrigation water to soil and to the base of the food chain. Among the multiple causes of Cr contamination of vegetables, soil irrigation with contaminated groundwater was observed to be the dominant one.  相似文献   

The generation of synthetic, residential water demands that can reproduce essential statistical features of historical residential water consumption is essential for planning, design, and operation of water resource systems. Most residential water consumption series are seasonal and nonstationary. We employ the seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average (SARIMA) model. We fit this model to monthly residential water consumption in Iran from May 2001 to March 2010. We find that a three-parameter log-logistic distribution fits the model residuals adequately. We forecast values for 1 year ahead using the fitted SARIMA model.  相似文献   

Particle-bound PAHs were measured at three sites in southeastern Spain (an urban background location, a suburban-industrial site in the vicinity of two cement plants and a rural area) in order to investigate the influence of the type of location on PAH concentrations. A clear influence of cement production on particulate PAH levels could not be established since for the urban background and suburban-industrial sites the average concentrations of total PAHs in the PM2.5 fraction were very similar (1.085 and 1.151 ng m(-3), respectively), with benzo[b+k]fluoranthene and chrysene as the predominant compounds. Diagnostic ratios, used to identify PAH emission sources, pointed to traffic as the main source of particulate PAH at both locations. As expected, PAH levels at the rural site were significantly lower (0.408 ng m(-3) in the PM10 fraction) due to increasing distance from the emission sources. PAH seasonal variations at the urban background and suburban-industrial sites were the same as reported in many previous studies. Average winter to summer ratios for total PAHs were 4.4 and 4.9 for the urban background and industrial sites, in that order. This seasonal cycle could be partially explained by the higher temperature and solar radiation during summer enhancing PAH evaporation from the particulate phase and PAH photochemical degradation, respectively. The study of PAH distribution between the fine and coarse fraction at the urban site revealed that on average around 80% of total PAHs were associated with fine particles.  相似文献   

Formosan landlocked salmon is an endangered species and is very sensitive to stream temperature change. This study attempts to improve a former stream temperature model (STM) which was developed for the salmon’s habitat to simulate stream temperature more realistically. Two modules, solar radiation modification (SRM) and surface/subsurface runoff mixing (RM), were incorporated to overcome the limitation of STM designed only for clear-sky conditions. It was found that daily temperature difference is related to cloud cover and can be used to adjust the effects of cloud cover on incident solar radiation to the ground level. The modified model (STM + SRM) improved the simulation during a baseflow period in both winter and summer with the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient improved from 0.37 (by STM only) to 0.71 for the winter and from ?0.18 to 0.70 for the summer. On the days with surface/subsurface runoff, the incorporation of the two new modules together (STM + SRM + RM) improved the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient from 0.00 to 0.65 and from 0.29 to 0.83 in the winter and the summer, respectively. Meanwhile, the contributions of major thermal sources to stream temperature changes were identified. Groundwater is a major controlling factor for regulating seasonal changes of stream temperature while solar radiation is the primary factor controlling daily stream temperature variations. This study advanced our understanding on short-term stream temperature variation, which could be useful for the authorities to restore the salmon’s habitat.  相似文献   

The organic carbon balance of a lake with high input of allochthonous organic carbon is modelled integrating physical, chemical and biological processes. The physical model captures the behaviour of real thermal stratification in the lake for different flow situations during the period 1993–1997. The dissolved organic carbon model is based on simulated trajectories of water parcels. By tracking parcels, account is kept of environmental factors such as temperature and radiation as well as DOC quality for each parcel. The DOC concentration shows seasonal variations primarily dependent on inflow. The organic matter degradation (bacterial- and photodegradation) in the lake amounts to 1.5–2.5 mg C l–1 yr–1, where photooxidation is responsible for approximately 10%. The estimated DIC production in the lake is large compared to sediment mineralisation and primary production. The main conclusion is that the model with the selected parameterisations of the degradation processes reasonably well describes the DOC dynamics in a forest lake.  相似文献   

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