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在查阅大量文献的基础上,分析总结了现有采样器的优缺点,并依据采集有代表性含油水样的理论要求,设计制作了一种独具特色而又科学适用的新型合油水样采样器。本采样器可用于采集含油水样和其它水样。  相似文献   

刘雪锦  史黎薇 《干旱环境监测》1996,10(1):61-61,F004
被动式个体采样器在环境监测中的应用刘雪锦,史黎薇(山东省环境卫生监测站250014)(中国预防医学科学院环境卫生监测所100021)被动式个体采样器是利用气体分子扩散或渗透原理采集空气中气态污染物,然后测定其浓度的一种监测仪器。特点是采评体积小,不用...  相似文献   

通过测定Cr^3+、Cr2O7^2-和Cu^2+吸收曲线及标准水样的COD值,研究了Cu^2+对分光光度法测定COD的影响。结果表明,可改变吸收波长和量程消除较高质量浓度Cu^2+对COD测定值产生的明显影响。当水样Cu^2+质量浓度超过400mg/L时,须将水样稀释后采用低量程法进行测定。  相似文献   

氨氮测定中水样混凝沉淀预处理的改进陈淑贞(福建连江县环境监测站,连江350500)改取100ml水样于100ml比色管,加10%ZnSO4溶液1ml混匀后加24%NaOH溶液0.2ml,使pH为10.5,这时浓度>10mg/LCa-CO3的水样可自然...  相似文献   

利用生化需氧量测定过程中的已有数据,推导出水样溶解氧的理论计算法。当样品既需知道生化需氧量又需知道溶解氧的时候,我们通过测定生化需氧量,便可利用已有公式计算出水样的溶解氧。这样不仅省时、省力,而且经济实用,特别适用于能够现场测定生化需氧量的水处理厂等。  相似文献   

用Ames试验检测水源水和自来水中的遗传毒性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用微伤寒沙门氏菌/哺乳动物微粒体酶系的Amaes试验,研究了不同季节物水源水及管网自来水中的遗传毒性,以XAD2树脂为吸附剂,以丙酮-甲醇的混合液为洗脱液,浓率水样中的有机物,并对部分阳性水样进行有机成分的定性分析。结果发现:13个水样中有7个样品在淡需要代谢活化系统S9的情况下,可诱导鼠伤寒沙门氏菌碱基移码型菌株的回复突变;不同水样在不同季节不同的诱导作用;同时通过GC/MS方法分析,发现阳性水  相似文献   

水质分析中常见干扰消除方法牟明宇,于俊芝(辽宁盘锦市环境监测站,盘锦124010)①消除水样中乳剂型农药的乳化:可向水样中加人浓硫酸,然后用有机溶媒萃取。当水温>15℃时也可加入氯化钙破乳。②消除萃取液乳化:采用自制的“消除乳化试剂”(国家专利产品)...  相似文献   

设计了一种具有结构简便、操作方便、易于清洗和采样杆可续接的直颈双口卧式便携水样采集器。该采样器不仅适合采集水层很浅水体的水样。也能用于采集江河、湖库水体的水样。  相似文献   

目测水样颜色确定造纸废水COD测定稀释倍数   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
采用非木浆法的造纸企业排放的废水通常都具有较深的颜色。颜色深浅不同的水样,COD值也不同。因此,实际操作中可目测水样颜色,确定水样COD测定时的稀释倍数。  相似文献   

本文根据理论和实践经验总结出“可用于各种废水的BOD5测定中水样稀释化比的计算,使用中简便可靠,效果甚好。  相似文献   

A cylindrical dialysis sampler (1.2 m in length; 5 cm in diameter) was designed and constructed to sample small–scale phytoremediation processes in the root zone of poplar trees. The study site was a 183–tree plantation of hybrid poplars located at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, at the J–Field Area of Concern. The grove was planted in 1996 to intercept a chlorinated solvent plume containing 1,1,2,2–tetrachloroethane (1,1,2,2–TeCA, trichloroethene (TCE) and daughter products. Two dialysis samplers were installed: one directly in the poplar grove (approximately 0.3 m from the trunk of a mature tree) and the other outside of the grove but in the plume. Data collected included concentrations of chlorinated VOCs, organic acids, chloroacetic acids, Cl, and dissolved gases (ethane, ethene, CH4, CO2). At the control location, the VOC profile was dominated by cis– 1,2–dichloroethene (cis–1,2–DCE) and trans–1,2–dichloroethene (trans–1,2–DCE) with concentrations ranging from 0.88-4.5 to 4.4-17.6 mg/L, respectively. Concentrations of VOCs were similar across the vertical profile. At the tree location, 1,1,2,2–TeCA and TCE were the dominant VOCs detected but as opposed to the control location were highly variable within the root zone, with the greatest variability associated with locations in the sampler where roots were observed. This highly variable profile at the tree location is indicative of VOC rhizosphere biodegradation and uptake near the active roots. This variability appears to be on the centimeter scale, emphasizing the importance of these high–resolution samplers for the study of rhizosphere influences.  相似文献   

对被动采样器与空气自动站监测环境空气质量进行了全年的对比实验,并对大量的监测数据进行了规范的处理分析。结果表明,被动采样器在环境条件持续稳定满足采样条件时,被动采样器与自动站监测结果无显著性差异;在环境条件不能持续稳定满足采样条件时,二者监测结果有显著性差异,但仍有较大的相关性。  相似文献   

对太原市2013年7—11月的大气降水使用标准雨量计、国产A型和进口B型自动降水采样设备进行同步记录,分析国产A型和进口B型设备采集降水样品的p H、电导率和无机阴阳离子。结果表明,进口B型设备采集降水样品的降雨量(155.35 mm)比标准雨量计记录值(117.50 mm)高32.21%,而国产A型设备采集降水样品的降雨量(107.12mm)比标准雨量计记录值低8.83%。7—9月的15场降水,国产A型设备采集大多数降水样品的电导率和离子加权浓度均值基本上低于进口B型设备,差异程度分别达65.51%和62.52%;而p H则基本上高于进口B型,酸雨比例差异程度为61.53%。  相似文献   

一种淡水大型底栖无脊椎动物采样器研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
研制出一种长方体的十字筐采样器,在采样器内分别填装石、砂、底泥和水草4种基质,利用大型底栖无脊椎动物对生境的选择性进行样本被动采集。基质越多,采样器采集的生物种类越多,生物量也更丰富。用新研制的十字筐采样器和传统的篮式采样器对松花江流域7个采样点进行大型底栖无脊椎动物对比采样,结果显示:十字筐采样器是一种优良的采样器,适合在松花江流域乃至全国推广应用。  相似文献   

复合膜过滤法采样检测空气中的微生物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以无机膜为支撑膜,以壳聚糖醋酸溶液为涂层溶液制成壳聚糖复合膜,用以采样和检测空气中的微生物.通过空气中细菌采样以及大肠杆菌噬茵体模拟采样实验来表征壳聚糖复合膜作为采样用膜的特性.通过和其他方法的对比实验表明,壳聚糖复合膜具有良好的截留微生物气溶胶的能力,复合过滤法是一种较准确的采样检测空气中微生物的方法.  相似文献   

被动式个体采样器在环境监测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道了用被动式个体采样器监测空气小常见污染物NO2,SO2.提出了样品测定之前对每种污染物的具体实验要求。对济南市有关场所空气进行了监测。总结了个体采样器的优点。  相似文献   

采用硫酸溶液为吸收液,顶空进样气相色谱法测定大气中的吡啶,毛细管柱分离,FID检测器分析。吡啶标准溶液在0~98.3 mg/L范围内线性良好,当采样体积为30 L时,最低检出质量浓度为0.006 mg/m3,标准溶液平行测定的RSD≤3.1%,加标回收率为95.3%~99.6%。  相似文献   

A new all season passive sampling system for monitoring O3 in the atmosphere has been developed in the laboratory and validated in the field. The unique features for this system include a newly designed passive sampler and a rain shelter, which allow the passive sampler to be installed in the field facing downwards. An equation associated with meteorological parameters is used to calculate the passive sampling rates. This system has been extensively tested in the lab (temperature from –18 to 20°C, relative humidity from 13 to 81%, and wind speed from 0.5 to 150 cm/s) and validated in the field in climates of all seasons. The accuracy of the ozone concentrations in the atmosphere obtained with the use of the new passive sampling system was higher than 85% compared to those obtained with continuous ozone analyzers. The new ozone passive sampling system can be used to measure ambient O3 concentrations ranging from 3 ppb to 1000 ppb based on one-day exposure and 0.1 ppb to 140 ppb for a monthly exposure period. It is also reasonable to conclude that the new passive sampling system can be used for eight-hour exposure study because of the low field blanks and high sampling rates.  相似文献   

常用的直通式深水采样器不但价格较高,且使用不方便。本文介绍一种简单、实用的吸水式深水采样器,具有造价低廉、操作简单、方便实用的优点,尤其适用于河流湖库的深层水样采集,采水深度可达100m左右。  相似文献   

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