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气象条件对沈阳市环境空气臭氧浓度影响研究   总被引:26,自引:20,他引:6  
利用2013年沈阳市环境空气监测点位臭氧监测数据,分析沈阳臭氧浓度变化特征,结合气象资料分析了其对臭氧浓度的影响。结果表明,沈阳市不同区域臭氧浓度变化特征基本一致。臭氧浓度日变化呈单峰趋势,最大值出现在14:00左右,最小值出现在6:00左右;臭氧浓度变化具有明显的季节特征,夏季臭氧浓度最高,春秋次之,冬季最低;臭氧浓度受温度、风速、湿度、能见度、天气情况影响,臭氧浓度变化是多因素共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

近年来,臭氧已成为许多城市环境空气的主要污染物之一。笔者分析了2020年海口市5个不同方位代表性监测站点逐小时空气质量监测数据及对应站点的气象要素监测数据。研究结果表明:海口市2020年环境空气污染程度为三级以上的天数有11d,其首要污染物均为臭氧。臭氧浓度高值时段主要出现在10-12月。浓度最大值主要出现在每日14:00-17:00,最小值出现在每日05:00-08:00。气象要素日均值与臭氧浓度相关性大小依次为最高温度>平均温度>相对湿度>降水量>日照时数>风速。台风外围下沉气流和东北气流的共同影响是导致海口市臭氧浓度超标的主要因素,下沉气流更有利于低层大气中臭氧的堆积,同时在东北气流影响下,上游区域污染物的传输也会导致海口市臭氧浓度增加。  相似文献   

广州市近地面臭氧时空变化及其与气象因子的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用2012年1月至2016年2月广州市环境空气自动监测数据和气象观测数据,对广州市近地面臭氧的时空分布特征及其与气象因子的关系进行分析。结果表明:2012—2015年广州市臭氧日最大8 h滑动平均值的第90百分位数波动变化,年变化率依次为-14.3%、5.8%、-12.1%;广州市臭氧浓度呈现夏、秋季高,春、冬季低的显著季节变化特征;臭氧日最大8 h平均值的月均值和第90百分位数最高的月份一般分别出现在10月和7—8月;臭氧浓度的日变化曲线为单峰型,最大值一般出现在14:00或15:00;臭氧浓度随垂直高度的升高而增大,从低层(6 m点位或地面站)到中层(118 m和168 m点位)、中层到高层(488 m点位)臭氧日最大8 h滑动平均值的增长率分别为18.3%和39.1%;广州市中心城区臭氧浓度低于南北部城郊,夏、秋季高值区与夏、秋季主导风向相对应;臭氧浓度受降水、气温、相对湿度和风速等气象因子影响,臭氧浓度的超标是多种因素综合作用的结果。  相似文献   

郑州市近地面臭氧污染特征及气象因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用国控站点空气质量在线监测数据,识别郑州市2015年近地面臭氧(O_3)污染状况、特征及与颗粒物和氮氧化物水平关系,并以烟厂站为例分析郑州市O_3污染与气象要素的相关性。结果表明:郑州市O_3日最大8 h平均值具有明显季节变化,呈现出夏季春季秋季冬季的特征,夏季岗李水库站O_3月均质量浓度为155.5μg/m3,其余站点月均质量浓度为110~150μg/m3;夏季O_3每日最大8 h浓度具有显著"周末效应",其他季节较不明显;O_3小时浓度日变化呈单峰型分布,在15:00—16:00达到峰值,早晨07:00达到谷值;前体物NOx小时浓度日变化呈双峰型分布,与O_3具有显著负相关性;气象因素相关性分析结果表明,郑州市O_3污染日多出现于高温、低湿和微风等条件,这些气象因素有利于O_3生成和累积。  相似文献   

利用2016年南京市臭氧(O_3)及前体物监测数据,对南京市O_3污染现状、变化特征及其与前体物的关系进行分析。结果表明,2016年南京市O_3超标56 d,超标率15.3%,O_3日最大8 h滑动平均值的第90百分位数为184μg/m~3,超标0.15倍。O_3超标主要集中在4—9月份,日变化呈现"单峰"型特征,峰值出现在14:00,而上午8:00—10:00时段O_3浓度升幅最显著,小时浓度升幅超过20%。前体物VOCs和NO_2浓度变化与O_3呈反相关,且VOCs和NO_2浓度冬季最高,夏季最低,秋季和春季基本相当。  相似文献   

本文利用洛阳市老城区豫西宾馆空气质量自动监测点的监测数据,对2012-01~12该区域大气中臭氧污染浓度的连续监测结果及同步气象资料进行了分析。结果表明,洛阳市老城区环境空气中臭氧污染主要表现为臭氧日最大8小时平均浓度污染,全年超过GB3095-2012《环境空气质量标准》中二级标准(0.160mg/m3)的频率为21%。臭氧浓度具有明显的日变化及季节变化特征;由于臭氧污染的季节特点,导致全年污染天数显著增加。通过分析发现气温、风速、降水、太阳紫外线辐射等气象因素对臭氧浓度变化均具有一定影响,臭氧污染气象特征表现为晴朗、高温、低风速的午后时段会出现臭氧的高浓度污染。  相似文献   

利用包头市2015年环境空气自动监测数据,分析包头市臭氧(O_3)时空分布特征。结果表明:2015年全市O_3日最大8 h均值有26 d超过《环境空气质量标准》(GB 3095—2012)二级标准限值,且主要出现在6—8月,夏季O_3污染问题突出。白天太阳辐射较强,O_3浓度明显高于夜间。夏季O_3浓度达到峰值的时间比冬季早1 h,这与夏季日出时间比冬季早有关。O_3前体物浓度采暖季高于非采暖季,O_3浓度呈相反规律。东河鸿龙湾离城区相对较远,颗粒物浓度低,太阳辐射较强,致使O_3浓度高于其他点位。  相似文献   

对2015—2016年盐城市城区4个空气质量自动监测国控站点的O_3监测数据进行分析,探讨盐城市O_3污染水平、时空分布特征及其与前体物、气象因子之间的关系。结果表明,各站点O_3污染水平较为接近,2016年各站点O_3-8h第90百分位数超标天数较2015年分别下降了43.5%,50.0%,8.7%和43.6%;全年O_3逐月值大致呈双峰分布,高ρ(O_3)主要集中在4—10月;O_3日变化曲线呈明显的单峰分布,一般在05:00—07:00最低,13:00—15:00达到峰值;不同季节的O_3日变化情况有所差异,午后O_3峰值与O_3日变化幅度均在春季最大,冬季最低;NO、NO_2和CO的日变化曲线均呈现出早晚双峰分布,受早高峰影响,一般在07:00左右达到一日中的最大值;O_3与NO_x等前体物均显著负相关,高ρ(O_3)往往出现在高ρ(CO)/ρ(NO_2)时;总体上各站点的ρ(O_3)随风速的增大而增大。  相似文献   

基于2016—2018年安徽省68个国控环境空气质量自动监测站点的臭氧(O_3)监测数据,研究分析了安徽省O_3污染特征及其与气象因子的相关性。结果表明:安徽省O_3污染程度呈现逐年加重趋势,并有显著的季节和月度变化特征。2016—2018年,各年度单月O_3日最大8小时滑动平均质量浓度第90百分位数的最大值分别出现在9月、5月、6月。O_3日变化趋势为典型的单峰形,各年度最低值出现在晨间07:00左右,最高值则是在15:00—16:00。全省O_3浓度总体上呈现出北高南低的空间特征。温度、相对湿度与O_3浓度分别呈现显著正相关、负相关,但在不同季节存在一定差异,其中,春秋季温度与O_3浓度的相关性好于夏冬季,夏季相对湿度与O_3浓度的相关性最为显著。O_3浓度在平均风速为2.1~2.2 m/s时更易出现超标。中部和北部城市在东南风的作用下易出现O_3超标并达到O_3浓度高值,而南部地区在风向为西风时更容易出现O_3超标。  相似文献   

沈阳市冬季环境空气质量统计预报模型建立及应用   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
利用沈阳市2013年1—2月大气自动监测数据和同期气象资料,选取19项预报因子,采用逐步回归方法建立了沈阳市冬季环境空气质量统计预报模型,预报项目包括细颗粒物(PM2.5)、可吸入颗粒物(PM10)、二氧化硫(SO2)、二氧化氮(NO2)、一氧化碳(CO)日均浓度及臭氧(O3)日最大8 h平均浓度。2013年11月至2014年1月,应用该模型并结合人为经验修订,开展了沈阳市环境空气质量预报工作,预报结果与实测结果的对比验证结果表明,环境空气预测结果级别准确率达到79.1%,首要污染物准确率为73.6%。  相似文献   

Material Disposal Area G is the primary low-levelradioactive waste disposal site at Los Alamos NationalLaboratory, New Mexico, and is adjacent to Pueblo of SanIldefonso lands. Pueblo residents and Los Alamos scientists areconcerned about radiological doses resulting from uptake of AreaG radionuclides by mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) andRocky Mountain elk (Cervus elaphus), then consumption ofdeer and elk meat by humans. Tissue samples were collected fromdeer and elk accidentally killed near Area G and were analyzedfor 3H, 90Sr, total U, 238Pu, 239, 240Pu,241Am, and 137Cs. These data were used to estimatehuman doses based on meat consumption of 23 kg y-1. Humandoses were also modeled using RESRAD, and dose rates to deer andelk were estimated with a screening model. Dose estimates tohumans from tissue consumption were 2.9 × 10-3 mSv y-1and 1.6 × 10-3 mSv y-1 from deer and elk, respectively,and RESRAD dose estimates were of the same order of magnitude. Estimated dose rates to deer and elk were 2.1 × 10-4 mGyd-1 and 4.7 × 10-4 mGy d-1, respectively. Allestimated doses were significantly less than established exposurelimits or guidelines.  相似文献   

An important research area in life sciences is devoted to modeling, prediction, and dynamics of gene-expression patterns. As clearly understood in these days, this enterprise cannot become satisfactory without acknowledging the role of the environment. To a representation of past, present, and most likely future states, we also encounter measurement errors and uncertainties. This paper surveys and improves recent advances in understanding the foundations and interdisciplinary implications of the newly introduced gene–environment networks, and it integrates the important theme of carbon dioxide emission reduction into the networks and dynamics. We also introduce some operational and managerial issues of practical working and decision making, expressed in terms of sliding windows, quadrants (modules) of parametric effects, and navigating (controlling) between such effects and directing them. Given data from DNA microarray experiments and environmental records, we extract nonlinear ordinary differential equations that contain parameters that have to be determined. For this, we employ modern (Chebychevian) approximation and (generalized semi-infinite) optimization. After this is provided, time- discretized dynamical systems are studied. A combinatorial algorithm with polyhedra sequences allows to detect the region of parametric stability. Finally, we analyze the topological landscape of gene–environment networks with its structural (in)stability. By embedding as a module and investigating CO2 emission control and figuring out game theoretical aspects, we conclude. This pioneering work is theoretically elaborated, practically devoted to health care, medicine, education, living conditions, and environmental protection, and it invites the readers to future research.   相似文献   

Metal concentrations in deciduous tree leaves from urban areas in Poland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Accumulation of metals in deciduous tree foliage fromurban areas in western-south Poland was monitored duringthe vegetation season of 2000 year. Concentrations of Al,Ba, Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sr, Ti and Znwere measured in birch, willow, linden and maple leavesusing the ICP-AES method. Seasonal variations of metalconcentrations and their relations with sampling sitewere investigated. The most dynamic accumulation of Al,Cd, Cr, Ni and Pb was observed for examined species. Thehighest differences in element concentrations forinvestigated sites were found for Ba, Cd, Mn and Ni.Interelement correlations were investigated. In allfoliar samples synergistic relationships between Al–Crand Ca-Sr were found. Statistically significant negativecorrelations were observed only for Cd and Ti in birch leaves.  相似文献   

The stable nitrogen isotope ratios of some biota have been used as indicators of sources of anthropogenic nitrogen. In this study the relationships of the stable nitrogen isotope ratios of marsh plants, Iva frutescens (L.), Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin ex Steud, Spartina patens (Ait.) Muhl, Spartina alterniflora Loisel, Ulva lactuca (L.), and Enteromorpha intestinalis (L.) with wastewater nitrogen and land development in New England are described. Five of the six plant species (all but U. lactuca) showed significant relationships of increasing δ 15N values with increasing wastewater nitrogen. There was a significant (P < 0.0001) downward shift in the δ 15N of S. patens (6.0 ± 0.48‰) which is mycorrhizal compared with S. alterniflora (8.5 ± 0.41‰). The downward shift in δ 15N may be caused by the assimilation of fixed nitrogen in the roots of S. patens. P. australis within sites had wide ranges of δ 15N values, evidently influenced by the type of shoreline development or buffer at the upland border. In residential areas, the presence of a vegetated buffer (n = 24 locations) significantly (P < 0.001) reduced the δ 15N (mean = 7.4 ± 0.43‰) of the P. australis compared to stands where there was no buffer (mean = 10.9 ± 1.0‰; n = 15). Among the plant species, I. frutescens located near the upland border showed the most significant (R 2 = 0.64; P = 0.006) inverse relationship with the percent agricultural land in the watershed. The δ 15N of P. australis and I. frustescens is apparently an indicator of local inputs near the upland border, while the δ 15N of Spartina relates with the integrated, watershed-sea nitrogen inputs.  相似文献   

We grew leek (Allium porrum) in soils of two shooting ranges heavily contaminated with heavy metals in the towns of Zuchwil and Oberuzwil in Switzerland as a bioassay to test theactivity of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi in these soils.Soil samples were taken from (1) front of the shooting house(HOUSE), (2) the area between house and target (FIELD) and (3) the berm (BACKSTOP). Samples of Ribwort plantain (Plantagolanceolata) growing naturally within the shooting ranges werealso collected and the colonization of its roots by mycorrhizalfungi was measured. The number of AM spores in the soils wassignificantly reduced concomitant with the increase in thedegree of soil contamination with metals. In Zuchwil,mycorrhizal fungi equally colonized roots of Ribwort plantainsampled from BACKSTOP and HOUSE. In Oberuzwil, however, plantsfrom BACKSTOP had lower colonization when compared with thosesampled from HOUSE. Colonization of leek was strongly reducedin the BACKSTOP soil of Zuchwil and slightly reduced in theBACKSTOP soil of Oberuzwil when compared with plants grown inrespective HOUSE soil. Concentrations of Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb andZn in the leaves of leek grown in the BACKSTOP soil was withinthe range considered toxic for human consumption. This pointsto the high degree of bio-availability of these metal in thesesoils. Significant decrease in the number of mycorrhizal sporesin the BACKSTOP soils in Zuchwil and the low colonization ofleek roots grown in these soils point to possible changes inthe species diversity of mycorrhizal fungi in these soils.  相似文献   

Concentrations of 13 radionuclides (137Cs, 129I, 60Co, 152Eu, 90Sr, 99Tc, 241Am, 238Pu, 239,249Pu, 234U, 235U, 236U, 238U were examined in seven species of invertebrates from Amchitka and Kiska Islands, in the Aleutian Chain of Alaska, using gamma spectroscopy, inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy, and alpha spectroscopy. Amchitka Island was the site of three underground nuclear test (1965–1971), and we tested the null hypotheses that there were no differences in radionuclide concentrations between Amchitka and the reference site (Kiska) and there were no differences among species. The only radionuclides where composite samples were above the Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA) were 137Cs, 241Am, 239,249Pu, 234U, 235U, 236U, and 238U. Green sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus polyacanthus), giant chiton (Cryptochiton stelleri), plate limpets (Tectura scutum) and giant Pacific octopus (Enteroctopus dofleini) were only tested for 137Cs; octopus was the only species with detectable levels of 137Cs (0.262 ± 0.029 Bq/kg, wet weight). Only rock jingle (Pododesmus macroschisma), blue mussel (Mytilus trossulus) and horse mussel (Modiolus modiolus) were analyzed for the actinides. There were no interspecific differences in 241Am and 239,240Pu, and almost no samples above the MDA for 238Pu and 236U. Horse mussels had significantly higher concentrations of 234U (0.844 ± 0.804 Bq/kg) and 238U (0.730 ± 0.646) than the other species (both isotopes are naturally occurring). There were no differences in actinide concentrations between Amchitka and Kiska. In general, radionuclides in invertebrates from Amchitka were similar to those from uncontaminated sites in the Northern Hemisphere, and below those from the contaminated Irish Sea. There is a clear research need for authors to report the concentrations of radionuclides by species, rather than simply as ‘shellfish’, for comparative purposes in determining geographical patterns, understanding possible effects, and for estimating risk to humans from consuming different biota.  相似文献   

Kelp may be useful as a bioindicator because they are primary producers that are eaten by higher trophic level organisms, including people and livestock. Often when kelp or other algae species are used as bioindicators, the whole organism is homogenized. However, some kelp can be over 25 m long from their holdfast to the tip of the blade, making it important to understand how contaminant levels vary throughout the plant. We compared the levels of arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, manganese, mercury and selenium in five different parts of the kelp Alaria nana to examine the variability of metal distribution. To be useful as a bioindicator, it is critical to know whether levels are constant throughout the kelp, or which part is the highest accumulator. Kelp were collected on Adak Island in the Aleutian Chain of Alaska from the Adak Harbor and Clam Cove, which opens onto the Bering Sea. In addition to determining if the levels differ in different parts of the kelp, we wanted to determine whether there were locational or size-related differences. Regression models indicated that between 14% and 43% of the variation in the levels of arsenic, cadmium, chromium, manganese, mercury, and selenium was explained by total length, part of the plant, and location (but not for lead). The main contributors to variability were length (for arsenic and selenium), location (mercury), and part of the plant (for arsenic, cadmium, chromium and manganese). The higher levels of selenium occurred at Clam Cove, while mercury was higher at the harbor. Where there was a significant difference among parts, the holdfast had the highest levels, although the differences were not great. These data indicate that consistency should be applied in selecting the part of kelp (and the length) to be used as a bioindicator. While any part of Alaria could be collected for some metals, for arsenic, cadmium, chromium, and manganese a conversion should be made among parts. In the Aleutians the holdfast can be perennial while the blade, whipped to pieces by winter wave action, is regrown each year. Thus the holdfast may be used for longer-term exposure for arsenic, cadmium, chromium and manganese, while the blade can be used for short-term exposure for all metals. Cadmium, lead and selenium were at levels that suggest that predators, including people, may be at risk from consuming Alaria. More attention should be devoted to heavy metal levels in kelp and other algae from Adak, particularly where they may play a role in a subsistence diets.  相似文献   

In this article a comprehensive approach for the evaluation of possible health effects in an environmental impact assessment (EIA) is described, illustrated with the example of Amsterdam Airport Schiphol. Unlike many EIAs, we estimated quantitatively the impact of aircraft-related pollution in terms of the number of affected people for aircraft noise annoyance, odour annoyance and hypertension. In addition, an analysis of health registry data on cardiovascular and respiratory diseases and a short survey on annoyance and risk perception were carried out. The scope of a health impact assessment depends on the situation, available knowledge and data, concern in the population about the impact and the number of people concerned. It is important to pay attention to the perception of risks and concerns from all parties involved. Moreover, the results demonstrate that far more people outside the area for which standards apply were affected than inside.  相似文献   

The San Francisco Bay estuary isused by over one million shorebirds during springmigration and is home to several hundred thousandduring the winter. Most shorebird use occurs in thesouthern reach of the estuary (South Bay). Thereduced water circulation and discharge fromindustrial sources in the South Bay are responsiblefor the highest levels of some trace elements in theestuary. Wintering shorebirds have been found to havestrong site fidelity to areas as small as a fewkilometers in the South Bay, which may increase theirexposure to contaminants near local point sources. Inaddition, different shorebird species foraging at thesame site have been shown to have differentcontaminant burdens. Thus, our objectives were totest whether contaminant burdens differed by species,or whether contaminant burdens differed in shorebirdscollected at adjacent sites. We examined thecontaminant profiles of two species of shorebirds,long-billed dowitchers (Limnodromus scolopaceus)and western sandpipers (Calidris mauri) thatforage together at two sites, Hayward and Newark,separated by 8 km in the South Bay. We usedmultivariate analysis of variance tests to compare thecomposition of 14 elemental analytes in their livertissues and estimated their molar ratios of Hg and Se. Composite samples were used for contaminant analysesbecause of the small body size of the shorebirds. Seven elemental analytes (Ag, Ba, Be, Cr, Ni, Pb, V)were below detection limits in a majority of thesamples so statistical analyses were precluded. Inthe measurable analytes (As, Cd, Cu, Hg, Mn, Se, Zn),we found no significant intra-site differences ofcontaminant profiles for the two species. We pooledthe samples to examine inter-site differences andfound significant differences in contaminant profilesbetween shorebirds at the neighboring sites (P = 0.03). Shorebirds at Newark had higher (P < 0.05) concentrations of As, Cd, and Se than those at Hayward. Dowitchers at Newark had concentrations of Hg and Se which were highly correlated (P < 0.003) in a mean molar ratio of 1:19, similar tothat reported in other birds. In the larger dowitcherspecies, we also examined exposure to 20organochlorine compounds. Organic analyses showedthat the dowitchers had been exposed to DDE, PCBs,dieldrin and trans-nonachlor, but with no significantdifferences in concentrations between Hayward andNewark (P > 0.05).  相似文献   

土壤和底泥中砷、铬、锰测定的前处理技术   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
试验了土壤和底泥中砷的前处理技术,其目的是能对土壤、底泥中砷、铬、锰在一次前处理中制备成试液,比色法分析。试验表明,用H2SO4-H3PO4-H2O2进行前处理是可行的。方法简单、挥发酸雾少,用标准参考物质检验证明,分解完全,数据准确,有粒较好一致性。  相似文献   

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