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山东省主要河流中抗生素污染组成及空间分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用固相萃取-液相色谱/串联质谱法研究了山东省境内四大流域主要河流中抗生素污染组成及空间分布特征,涉及我国用量最大的6类共20种抗生素。结果表明:20种抗生素均有检出,且大环内酯类、喹诺酮类和四环素类抗生素整体检出浓度较高。就流域而言,半岛诸河流域抗生素污染较小,平均总质量浓度61.4 ng/L;海河流域、小清河流域和淮河流域相对较为严重,平均总质量浓度分别为232、175、118 ng/L。抗生素空间分布呈现一定的规律,检出浓度较高的点位主要集中在人口密集区下游,抗生素污染与周边生活污水、养殖企业废水和城市污水处理厂排水密切相关,而且抗生素组成可从一定程度上反映出污染来源。  相似文献   

惠州农业土壤、灌溉水和农产品中有机氯农药的残留   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用气相色谱法(GC-ECD)对惠州市51个农业土壤样品、12个灌溉水样品和21个农产品样品中的HCHs和DDTs残留量进行了测定.HCHs平均含量分别为土壤1.66μg/kg、灌溉水5.86ng/L、农产品24.74μg/kg;DDTs平均含量分别为土壤4.98μg/kg、灌溉水2.06ng/L、农产品41.72μg/kg,土壤中有机氯农药通过多种方式进入到水体及农产品中.从HCHs和DDTs异构体组成可以看出,环境中绝大多数农药残留是由于历史上使用造成的,个别地区可能还有新的污染输入.同其它地区相比,惠州农业土壤和灌溉水中的有机氯农药残留水平较低,但农产品尤其是蔬菜中DDTs富集程度较高.  相似文献   

以子牙河、滏阳河和永定河流经的农村周边水环境为研究区,应用迭代目标转换因子紫外分光光度分析法检测水环境中四环类、氯霉素类和硫酸链霉素含量,并分析其分布特征及可能的影响因素和来源。结果表明,研究区3类抗生素均有检出,四环类、氯霉素类和硫酸链霉素最高检出值分别为9.26 μg/L、1.98 μg/L和1.29 μg/L,四环类抗生素污染较严重。研究区抗生素分布特征与区域内社会活动、畜牧业养殖发展、化工企业分布存在一定联系,生活污水、养殖废水和制药化工企业废水排放是3类抗生素污染的主要来源。  相似文献   

建立了采用液相色谱-串联质谱法(LC-MS/MS)同时测定污水中10种精神活性物质的分析方法。污水样品经甲酸与甲酸铵调节pH后,加入氘代内标混匀,离心并过滤膜后可直接上样分析。研究表明,在1~250 ng/L的线性范围内,10种精神活性物质的线性相关系数均大于0.992,定量限均低于0.5 ng/L。在3个加标水平下,10种精神活性物质的加标回收率为87.2%~114%,相对标准偏差为0.53%~3.60%(n=3)。将该方法应用于某区域10份生活污水样品的检测,在3份水样中检出吗啡、甲基苯丙胺、氯胺酮等精神活性物质,对应的质量浓度范围分别为3.41~9.55、0.90~1.63、1.06~1.78 ng/L。与经固相萃取前处理后的分析方法相比,该方法可在10 min内完成分离和检测的全过程,具有简单、快速、节约的优点,可用于污水样品中10种痕量水平精神活性物质的定量分析。  相似文献   

对80个不同水体样品进行了环境雌激素检测,共有42个样品为阳性(阳性率52.5%),阳性样品主要来自于医疗废水、市政排污口、污水处理厂及与工业污染源废水,水源水中未检出。42个阳性样品检测值均超过EPA标准规定的壬基酚4 d平均浓度限值(6.6μg/L),其中12个样品检测值超过了该标准中规定的壬基酚小时平均浓度限值(28μg/L)。  相似文献   

采用大体积直接进样—超高效液相色谱串联质谱法分析武汉市巡司河中45种抗生素的存在水平,评估其可能存在的生态风险。在巡司河布设6个采样点,于2022年12月—2023年5月进行采样并分析。结果显示,6个采样点共检出27种抗生素,检出最大质量浓度为874.2 ng/L;其中,氧氟沙星、左氧氟沙星检出率均为100%。监测期间,12月抗生素平均质量浓度最高(101.05 ng/L),4月最低(25.87 ng/L)。6个点位中,点位S3与S5抗生素平均质量浓度高于其他点位,分别为1 721.20和1 734.07 ng/L;点位S4是巡司河与长江的交汇处,抗生素平均质量浓度最低(94.54 ng/L)。利用风险商值法对巡司河中抗生素生态风险开展评价,结果表明:氧氟沙星、罗红霉素和克拉霉素呈现出较高风险,左氧氟沙星、林可霉素和莫西沙星在大多数点位处于中等风险,其余几种抗生素风险较低。  相似文献   

通过两次采集北京某大型污水处理厂的水样,采用HPLC-MS技术对水样中的10种PPCPs进行分析.结果显示,进水口水样中PPCPs浓度为7122.92ng/L,其中咖啡因的检出浓度最高(4490.54ng/L),污水处理厂对咖啡因的去除率大于90%(浓度为78.01ng/L).与文献报道值比较发现,该污水处理厂出水水样中PPCPs的浓度与其他国家报道的浓度基本上处于同一数量级,但污水中PPCPs的去除率都普遍低于国际水平.因此,需加强对污水处理厂水样中PPCPs的监测,完善污水处理的工艺.  相似文献   

利用液相色谱-三重四级杆质谱法(HPLC-MS/MS)以及超高压液相色谱法(HPLC),于2018年1月对九洲江沉积物样品中31种抗生素和16种多环芳烃(PAHs)的分布特征进行研究并评价其生态风险。结果表明,九洲江沉积物检出20种抗生素,其中四环素类(TCs)抗生素质量分数最高,或因其在养殖业用量最大且易被沉积物吸附;滩面镇(S3点位)抗生素的总质量分数(52 ng/g)最高,与附近的滩面镇生猪养殖业发达,也与S3点位正好位于污水处理厂排口下游不远处有关;沉积物中共检出15种PAHs,温泉镇(S1点位)沉积物中PAHs的质量分数最高。沉积物中,4环PAHs占比最高,说明九洲江流域PAHs主要来源于煤和木柴的燃烧。生态风险评价结果表明,TCs抗生素处于高风险水平,且高风险点集中出现在滩面镇河段(S3点位),需要采取措施减少TCs抗生素的使用;所有点位的PAHs的生态风险均为低风险,但有部分无安全剂量的PAHs组分被检出,对九洲江生态环境存在潜在威胁。  相似文献   

利用超高效液相色谱-三重四极杆质谱法,于2021年4月对江苏省长江干流12个监控断面、入江支流116个监控断面表层水中7大类42种抗生素的分布特征和浓度水平进行研究,并开展典型污染来源分析。结果表明,平水期长江干流42种抗生素总质量浓度范围为47.3~92.8 ng/L,处于较低水平;各入江支流抗生素总质量浓度范围为16.2~3 052 ng/L,干支流水体中检出品种以磺胺类、氯霉素类、林可酰胺类及大环内酯类为主;通过差异性比较发现,C市存在磺胺类抗生素污染的典型区域;典型污染溯源分析结果表明,工业废水可能是该地区环境水体中抗生素污染的来源之一。长江江苏段及地表水中各类抗生素普遍检出,虽然抗生素总量水平不高,但由制药废水、畜禽养殖、污水处理厂等污染源引入而引起的长期积累仍是隐患。研究结果为江苏省长江流域水环境抗生素污染控制和管理提供基础数据。  相似文献   

通过在贵州主要农作物种植区域采集5 cm、10 cm、15 cm深度的土壤样品,检测其中22种OCPs的残留量。结果表明:在所有水稻土壤样品中除了环氧七氯-A、反式九氯和狄氏剂未检出外,其余19种OCPs均有不同程度检出;OCPs在上述3种深度土壤中总残留量分别为0.526 ng/g、0.497 ng/g、1.605 ng/g。DDTs在3种深度水稻土壤中的总残留量(0.359 ng/g)低于HCHs总残留量(1.135 ng/g)。水稻土壤中γ-HCH、δ-HCH残留量显著高于玉米土壤。水稻土壤中HCHs和硫丹残留主要源自历史上工业制剂的使用,DDTs在水稻土壤中的降解方式主要为厌氧。农作物种植区域土壤中OCPs残留量均符合国家农用地土壤污染风险管控标准。  相似文献   

Drinking water samples collected from rural areas of three districts of Haryana during pre-monsoon and post-monsoon periods were analysed for the presence of organochlorine pesticide residues. The main source of drinking water in rural areas, i.e. groundwater in Ambala and Gurgaon districts and surface water supply in Hisar district, was found to be contaminated with isomers of HCH and endosulfan and metabolites of DDT, whereas dieldrin remained below detection limits. During the study period, the mean values observed for total HCH, DDT and endosulfan were 87.6, 848.2, and 27.4 ng/L and 99.8, 275.3 and 164.2 ng/L, respectively, for Ambala and Gurgaon districts. In the case of Hisar district, the values were 78.5, 115.9, and 53.0 ng/L, respectively. During the study period, 37% of the samples exceeded the total pesticide level of 500 ng/L indicated in the EECD directive for drinking water. Seasonal variations of pesticide residues were also observed during the study period.  相似文献   

An improved liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) method was developed and validated to investigate the occurrence of selected antibiotic residues in Hong Kong and Pearl River Delta. LC and MS parameters were optimized to produce the maximum analytical responses for each compound. The established method targeted five groups of antibiotics, namely, macrolides, sulfonamides, tetracyclines, quinolones, and amphenicols. The method was validated for three types of environmental water matrices, namely, reservoir, river, and estuarine waters. Low detection limits of 0.17–0.18 ng/L for macrolides, 0.22–0.34 ng/L for quinolones, 0.67–1.65 ng/L for tetracyclines, and 0.27–0.56 ng/L for sulfonamides were obtained. No apparent interferences were observed in the chromatograms of all antibiotics groups. The developed method was preliminarily used to analyze water samples collected from Yuen Long River in New Territories, Hong Kong and four sites along the Pearl River Delta. Results showed that high level of tetracycline was found among the groups tested in the local river samples. In Pearl River Delta, we identified significant levels of erythromycin, roxithromycin, and sulfadiazine in Shenzhen Reservoir.  相似文献   

建立了水、沉积物及土壤中13种全氟化合物(PFCs)的富集、净化、浓缩的前处理方法及快速液相色谱三重四级杆串联质谱的分析方法。9种全氟羧酸、2种典型全氟磺酸、2种磺酰铵衍生前体物的响应因子与质量浓度的线性关系良好。添加回收实验表明,13种全氟化合物在水、土壤和沉积物中的回收率为52.3%~119.3%,变异系数为2.3%~19.4%,方法检出限分别为0.015~0.472 ng/L、0.012~0.875 ng/g、0.004~0.743 ng/g。该法成功应用于实际样品的测定,沉积物和土壤中分别检测到3种和10种全氟化合物。  相似文献   

Water samples were collected in the Pearl River Estuary in July 2002 and April 2003. The particulate and dissolved phase polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were determined. Total PAH concentrations in water samples were higher in April of 2003 (C (p): 4.0-39.1 ng/L or 445.1-1,089.9 ng/g; C (w): 15.9-184.2 ng/L) than in July of 2002 (C (p): 2.6-26.6 ng/L or 297.7-1,336.6 ng/g; C (w): 12.9-28.3 ng/L). It was found that 5, 6-ring PAHs enrich in the inner estuary samples and so did 3-ring PAHs in the July samples. Compositional differences in the suspended particulate matter (SPM) might be responsible for this observation. The partition coefficient (K (p)) increased with the increasing of the particular organic carbon content of suspended particles as well as the salinity of water, decreased with the increase of the total suspended particles content of samples. A linear correlation between logK (OC) and logK (OW) was found in two sampling periods. The observed values of logK (OC) exceed their predicted values derived form linear free energy relationship between logK (oc) and logK (ow), which could be attributed to the nonlinear sorption of soot-like carbons in suspended particles.  相似文献   

Environmental occurrence of CECs poses a great threat to both aquatic life and human health. The aim of this study was to optimize and validate SPE/LC-(ESI)MS-MS method for simultaneous quantitative monitoring of two sub-classes of CECs (pharmaceuticals and hormones) and to estimate the concentrations of select CECs in environmental water samples. For all the tested analytes, recoveries in laboratory reagent water were greater than 81%. Average percent (relative standard deviation) RSD of the analytes in recovery, repeatability, and reproducibility experiments were ≤?10%. Determination coefficients (r2) of primidone, diclofenac, testosterone, and progesterone were estimated to be 0.9979, 0.9972, 0.9968, and 0.9962, respectively. Limits of detection (LOD) for primidone, diclofenac, testosterone, and progesterone were 4.63 ng/L, 5.36 ng/L, 0.55 ng/L, and 0.88 ng/L, respectively. Limits of quantification (LOQ) for primidone, diclofenac, testosterone, and progesterone were 14.72 ng/L, 17.06 ng/L, 1.766 ng/L, and 2.813 ng/L, respectively. Average recoveries in environmental water and wastewater samples were greater than 74% and RSD were ≤?7%. Trace levels (68.33–125.70 ng/L) of primidone were detected in four environmental water samples, whereas diclofenac was not detected in any of the tested sample. Trace levels of progesterone were observed in two environmental samples (16.64 –203.73 ng/L), whereas testosterone was detected in STP inlet sample (178.16 ng/L).  相似文献   

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were measured in raw and finished drinking water at seven Public Water Systems (PWSs) along the Hudson River as part of a baseline monitoring program prior to the extensive sediment dredging of the Upper Hudson River. Water samples were either analyzed using an Aroclor method (based on USEPA Method 508) or a congener method (Modified Green Bay Mass Balance Method). Using the congener-based method, raw water concentrations ranged from <9.3 to 164.3 ng/L and finished water concentrations ranged from <9.3 to 186.6 ng/L. Using the Aroclor method, finished water concentrations ranged from <5.0 to 200.9 ng/L. Most finished water samples above 73.0 ng/L were from a PWS with wells drilled near the river. Excluding the well data, total PCB concentrations in raw water at systems in the Upper River were similar to concentrations at systems in the Lower River, though the congener patterns differed. Paired comparison of total PCB concentrations using the two analytical methods showed good agreement, although raw water showed a different relationship than finished water.  相似文献   

采用顶空固相微萃取(HS -SPME)技术萃取水中6种氯苯类化合物,全面分析对目标物萃取效率的影响因素,并确定萃取试验的最佳条件。用顶空固相微萃取联合气相色谱法(HS -SPME -GC)测定水中6种氯苯类化合物,方法在0.500 ng/L~2.00×10^5 ng/L范围内线性良好,检出限为0.05 ng/L ~2000 ng/L,空白样品加标回收率为69.8%~121%, RSD为4.8%~18.3%。用该方法测定实际水样,平行双样的相对偏差低于20%。  相似文献   

The analysis of BTEX and other substituted benzenes in water samples using solid phase microextraction (SPME) and quantification by gas chromatography with flame ionization detection (GC-FID) was validated. The best analytical conditions were obtained using PDMS/DVB/CAR fibre using headspace extraction (HS-SPME) at 50 [degree]C for 20 min without stirring. The linear range for each compound by HS-SPME with GC/FID was defined. The detection limits for these compounds obtained with PDMS/DVB/CAR fibre and GC/FID were: benzene (15 ng L(-1)), toluene (160 ng L(-1)), monochlorobenzene (54 ng L(-1)), ethylbenzene (32 ng L(-1)), m-xylene (56 ng L(-1)), p-xylene (69 ng L(-1)), styrene (35 ng L(-1)), o-xylene (42 ng L(-1)), m-dichlorobenzene (180 ng L(-1)), p-dichlorobenzene (230 ng L(-1)), o-dichlorobenzene (250 ng L(-1)) and trichlorobenzene (260 ng L(-1)). This headspace SPME-GC-FID method was compared with a previously validated method of analysis using closed-loop-stripping analysis (CLSA). The headspace SPME-GC-FID method is suitable for monitoring the production and distribution of potable water and was used, in field trials, for the analysis of samples from main intakes of water (surface or underground) and from the water supply system of a large area (Lisbon and neighbouring municipalities).  相似文献   

SBSE-GC/MS法测定饮用水源水中7种多氯联苯单体   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用搅拌棒吸收萃取(SBSE)-溶剂解吸-气相色谱/质谱联用法测定饮用水源水中7种多氯联苯单体,优化了萃取和解吸条件。方法在5 ng/L~100 ng/L范围内线性良好(r≥0.979),7种多氯联苯单体的检出限为0.8 ng/L~3.4 ng/L(100 mL水样SBSE萃取2 h),加标10 ng/L时实际水样回收率为93.0%~116%。  相似文献   

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