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综述大气中有机胺可能的来源、健康危害及其在大气中的均相和非均相化学转化机制,阐述有机胺的反应产物对二次有机气溶胶及其对大气气溶胶的物理和化学性质的改变,此类改变增强大气气溶胶间接气候效应(如成云结核能力等)。大气中的有机胺主要通过与大气氧化剂的反应和非均相反应过程的溶解或置换进入颗粒相,而后随着湿沉降(如云滴、雾滴、雨滴等)到达地面或海面。  相似文献   

颗粒物是以燃煤为能源或来自汽车排汽造成的大气污染物之一,由于颗粒物的来源、形成的不同;其化学组成、粒度分布等物理化学性状大不相同,以致它们在环境中的行为、对于人体健康,生物的效应亦有明显差别。许多工业发达国家正面临着能源改革问题,而不少国家要增加燃煤用量,对此问题引起了更大的关注.可见颗粒物在大气污染研究中的重要性.  相似文献   

大气颗粒物监测中的滤膜样品,从采集到分析都要耗费一定的人力物力,可谓是来之不易。尤其是对一个城市,一个地区进行的长期例行监测的滤膜样品,由于它记录着这一城市、地区在不同时期的大气质量变化状况,是宝贵的历史资料。特别是由于颗粒物表面吸附和富集有许多种对人体有直接危害的物质,如:有机物中的致癌物质多环芳烃、金属元素、无机盐等,分析研究这些颗粒物的性质、来源、形成机制、迁移变化规律,提供有价值的数据,对控制这一地区  相似文献   

大气环境综合观测研究站(简称大气超级站)是开展大气环境污染综合立体观测、进行大气重污染过程污染特征动态表征、深入分析大气污染成因的重要平台。了解中国当前不同地区大气超级站的建设和应用现状、存在的问题及发展需求,有利于科学指导和规范中国大气超级站的设计、建设、运维和应用,提高其在大气重污染过程应急管控和空气质量改善中的技术支撑能力。研究通过对国内60余个大气超级站进行问卷调研,综述了中国目前大气超级站的现状,并基于统计分析结果,对中国大气超级站发展提出建议。  相似文献   

北京市冬季大气细粒子数浓度的粒径分布特征   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
考虑到对人体的健康危害,大气颗粒物的数浓度值可能比质量浓度值更重要.通过对北京市交通道路边、生活区和远郊背景点大气细粒子数浓度的监测,对北京市大气细粒子数浓度的主要来源、浓度和粒径分布特征进行研究.文章认为交通源是城市大气细粒子数浓度的主要来源.城市生活区的大气细粒子主要是污染源稀释后扩散而来.远郊区既可能存在气象污染物光化学成核生成的超细颗粒物,也存在外部运移而来的细粒子.与国外其他城市相比,北京市大气细粒子数浓度在道路边处于中等偏下水平,但生活区和背景点处于相当或偏高的水平.  相似文献   

大气中硝酸(HNO3)的生成是排放到空气中氮氧化物(NOx)的主要沉降途径,对降水酸化、二次细颗粒物中硝酸盐的形成以及在研究光化学污染和霾形成等大气复合污染过程之间的联系中具有重要作用.获得高时间分辨率、准确的大气HNO3测量数据对研究和认识大气中NOx的循环机理是十分必要和迫切的.大气中的HNO3浓度低且具有很强的吸...  相似文献   

大气细菌是大气污染物的重要方面.在适宜条件下,可使人畜致病,农作物减产,危害甚大.目前,我国对大气细菌污染程度的研究多以空气中存在细菌数量多少表示,不能反映大气细菌污染的实际危害.本文依据某些溶血菌产溶血毒素可使血液琼脂培养基产溶血圈的特点,对齐市地区大气细菌污染程度进行了研究.  相似文献   

目前我国环境空气质量形势严峻。改善空气质量,有效地控制大气颗粒物浓度,掌握大气污染来源,并有针对性的应对是环保部门工作的重点。大气颗粒物来源解析工作,是科学、有效开展颗粒物污染防治工作的基础和前提,对于确定具体治污有着十分重要的意义。介绍以污染区域为对象的受体模型的国内外研究现状,及其中有代表性的显微法、化学法、物理法,重点介绍化学法中的化学质量平衡法、因子分析法、主成分分析法的基本原理、应用前提、发展脉络,并以具体实例来评价三种方法的优缺点。  相似文献   

大气细粒子研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据国内外对大气细粒子的研究情况,系统综述了其危害和污染源特征,并对目前的研究方法以及细粒子的污染特征进行论述,污染特征包括细粒子质量浓度的时间、空间分布和来源解析.  相似文献   

大气飘尘中往往含有多种金属元素,对人体有严重的生理影响,所以,大气飘尘中金属元素的分析已受到卫生防疫和环境监测部门的日益重视.对大气飘尘中金属元素的分析,早期一般采用化学法,目前更多的是应用仪器分析方法.如中子活化、原子吸收光谱和发射光谱等方法.原子吸收光谱法由于其灵敏度较高、干扰较少、设备价格相对低廉,是测定大气飘尘中金属元素可选择的方法.尽管大气飘尘中有些金属元素含量甚微,用火焰原子吸收法测定,其灵敏度难以达到要求,但我们采取了采样时间长、过滤大气体积量多的简单方法,解决了灵敏度的问题.  相似文献   

新《大气污染防治法》施行,环境监测数据面临考验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新修订的《中华人民共和国大气污染防治法》确立了超标排污违法的法律地位 ,监测数据将作为实施环境行政处罚的依据。文章从行政处罚、行政复议和行政诉讼三个方面 ,阐述了确保监测数据权威性的重要意义 ;介绍了对废气污染源排放进行监测所存在的问题 ,提出了确保监测数据权威性的建议 ,为环境行政处罚顺利实施提供准确的法律依据。  相似文献   

唐山市钢铁行业大气污染物排放清单建立   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以唐山市钢铁企业为研究对象,在收集已有排放源数据的基础上,基于排放因子和活动水平数据采用排放因子法估算了唐山市钢铁企业多个大气污染物的排放量,得到了符合空气质量模型要求的污染源输入数据,建立钢铁行业和主要防控因子污染源数据库。结合唐山市各县区的环境空气质量状况,利用GIS技术,将不同污染因子的排放进行空间分布,最终形成准确完善的多尺度、高时空分辨率大气污染源排放清单。研究介绍了符合中国特色的区域高分辨率大气排放源清单建立的方法体系,为京津冀地区区域大气污染联防联控及2020年大气污染物区域削减计划工作提供数据支撑。  相似文献   

The epiphytic lichen Parmelia caperata (L.) Ach. was used as bioaccumulator of the heavy metals Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb and Zn in the environs of the town of Pistoia (central northern Italy). The concentrations of Cd, Cr, Ni, Hg and Pb were comparable with those found in areas not subject to atmospheric pollution. Copper and especially Zn were found in rather high concentrations. Fertilizers and pesticides were the main source of atmospheric contamination.  相似文献   

北京夏季大气主要含氮无机化合物的变化规律与相互作用   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
利用SJAC-MOBIC/FIA在2006年8月16日—9月9日在线测量了北京城市大气细颗粒物中主要水溶性含氮离子组分(NO3-和 NH4+),与重要含氮气态污染物(HNO3、HNO2和 NH3),以追踪细颗粒物中含氮二次无机组分和含氮气态污染物的变化规律及其相互作用。观测期间,NO3- 和 NH4+的平均浓度分别为13.08和11.93 μg/m3,它们与SO42-浓度之和在细颗粒物(PM2.5)中的平均比例为55%,明显高于其他季节;污染过程中,积聚模态颗粒物体积浓度及其与爱根核模态颗粒物体积浓度比值逐渐增加,说明二次转化是北京夏季细颗粒物的重要来源。白天HONO迅速光解产生OH自由基,而OH自由基是生成HNO3的重要物种,因此HONO和HNO3具有相反的日变化规律。在温度较高的白天,大气环境不利于NH4NO3的生成与存在;夜间低温高湿的条件下硝酸铵理论平衡系数Ke与气态氨和硝酸的乘积Km相当或低于后者,较有利于NH4NO3的生成。北京夏季大气具有足量气态NH3以中和硫酸盐;但在NO3-与阳离子的电荷平衡中,金属阳离子也非常重要。  相似文献   

A maar lake is an excellent ecosystem to study the atmospheric deposition of pollutants, as its contaminants are primarily by atmospheric deposition. In this study, a sediment core from Sihailongwan Maar Lake, Northeast China, was collected and the historical atmospherically deposited polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were analyzed. The concentrations of TPAHs (the sum of the US EPA proposed 16 priority PAHs, excluding naphthalene and pyrene) ranged from 473.9 to 2289 ng g(-1) with a slow increasing stage in the deeper sediments and a sharp increasing stage in the upper sediments. The input rate of TPAHs, especially that of PAH(9) (the sum of fluoranthene, benzo(a)anthracene, chrysene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, benzo(a)pyrene, indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene, dibenzo(ah)anthrathene, and benzo(ghi)perylene), correlated well to the Chinese historical socioeconomic data. This indicates that sediment PAHs were mainly derived from human activities and PAH(9) can be regarded as a better indicator of the local socioeconomic development. Source identification suggested that PAHs were originated primarily from mixed sources (e.g., coal and biomass burning and petroleum combustion), except for perylene which was mostly of diagenetic origin. In addition, the down-core PAHs profile clearly illustrated that PAHs sources in Northeast China experienced a transformation from low- and moderate temperature to high-temperature combustion processes, especially after the late 1980s. Additionally, an ecological risk assessment using two redefined biological thresholds (TEQ(ERL) and TEQ(ERM)) indicated that most of the PAHs measured in the present sediment core would not cause an immediate toxic effect; only FLU and PHEN are a potential source of concern for biological impairment.  相似文献   

In this study we validate the two-dimensional long path DOAS tomography measurement technique by means of an indoor experiment with well-known concentration distributions. The experiment was conducted over an area of 10 m x 15 m using one and two cylindrical polycarbonate containers of diameter 2 m, respectively, filled with NO2. The setup was realized with three of the multibeam instruments recently developed by Pundt and Mettendorf (Appl. Opt., 2005, in press), which allow the simultaneous measurement along at least four light paths each. The configuration consisted of twelve simultaneous light beams, 39 horizontal light paths in total, and 18 different cylinder positions inside the field. It was found that for the discretization and inversion technique shown here reconstructions of the concentration distributions from experimental data agree well with simulated reconstructions. In order to draw conclusions for atmospheric applications, numerical studies including instrumental errors were carried out. It was found that with the presented measurement setup it is possible to measure and reconstruct one or two NO2 plumes of 600 m diameter and average concentrations above 4.2 ppbv each, on a scale of 13.5 km2. Theoretical investigations show that it should be possible to localize and quantify 600 m diameter plumes of SO2 > 1.5 ppbv, H2CO > 6.3 ppbv, HONO > 3.2 ppbv, and ozone > 46.2 ppbv. Larger plumes can be measured with higher precision.  相似文献   

对应分析在大气颗粒物源解析中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用对应分析方法定性研究龙岩市大气颗粒物来源问题。结果表明:龙岩市4个监测点位中龙岩市环境监测站的主要污染源为高岭土矿和土壤风沙尘;龙岩学院与闽西职业技术学院的主要污染源为机动车尾气尘、燃煤尘和土壤风沙尘;龙岩师专的主要污染源为燃煤尘、小煤炉尘、水泥成品、水泥厂除尘器集尘和钢铁厂除尘器集尘。该方法能将R型因子分析和Q型因子分析结合起来,综合体现样品和元素之间的关系,为大气颗粒物源解析提供了一种新的途径。  相似文献   

以小风和静风状态下连续点源的大气扩散模式为基础,采用与体源烟团的初始分布尺度相当的初始时间修正其扩散参数公式中的运行时间,从理论上导出了小风和静风状态下连续体源的大气扩散模式。该模式与现有的大气扩散模式体系完全相容,可以方便地应用于小风和静风状态下连续体源引起的地面浓度的预测计算。  相似文献   

基于污染物检测特征信息结合区域产业结构、企业布局等信息构建了大气污染物指纹系统,通过污染物检测特征信息构建的第一级指纹数据库实现了对大气特征污染物的识别和污染物应急处置措施的推送;通过污染源行业及其排放的特征污染物信息构建的第二级指纹数据库实现了产排污行业的溯源;通过企业及其产排污信息,结合气象条件构建的第三级指纹数据库实现了对产排污企业的溯源。基于大气污染物指纹数据库的污染溯源技术为突发环境污染事故中污染物质的识别和污染源的追踪提供了新途径。实际应用验证表明,大气污染物指纹系统污染溯源响应快速、识别精准,实现了大气污染物从监测、溯源到应急处置的全过程无缝衔接。  相似文献   

The large amounts of tritium produced at the Savannah River Site (SRS) coupled with the current dose reconstruction study at the facility emphasize the importance of ensuring accurate and efficient prediction of tritium doses to the public. Presently, dose estimates to the general population in the site vicinity are calculated annually using a five year meteorological database. Determining whether detailed monthly dose estimates are necessary or whether annual averaged data is sufficient offers the potential for more efficient dose prediction. In this study, off site collective committed doses and maximum individual doses due to atmospheric tritium releases were calculated according to the methods outlined in the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Regulatory Guide 1.109 and compared using monthly versus five-year meteorological data and source terms. Site-specific variables not currently utilized at SRS for annual dose estimates also have been included. In addition, the range of predicted doses, based on the distribution in model parameters given in the literature, were estimated. Finally, a sensitivity analysis was performed in order to determine the influence of model inputs on dose estimates. Results corroborate previous studies by indicating that the primary contributor to infant tritium dose is the ingestion of milk, while for all other age groups, the most important pathway is the ingestion of vegetation. These relative pathway contributions remain constant throughout the year for infants; for children, teenagers, and adults, however, inhalation and absorption of tritium through the skin increases in relative importance in the months of June to September. It was found that the model utilized was most sensitive to dose factors, the ratio of the specific activity of tritium oxide in vegetation to the specific activity of atmospheric tritium oxide, and breathing rates. Most importantly, it was found that over a five-year period, the use of averaged meteorological data results in total individual doses that are only 2 to 6% higher than doses determined monthly, depending on the pathway of interest.  相似文献   

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