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Environmental monitoring of leachate quality from an open municipal solid waste dumping site in Tunceli, Turkey was studied in this research. The most commonly examined pollution parameters were determined on a seasonal basis. The annual average 5-day biological oxygen demand (BOD5) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) values of station points were measured as 70 and 425 mg/L, respectively, and also the average BOD5/COD ratio (a measure of biodegradability) was calculated as 0.20. The low ratio of biodegradability and slightly alkaline pH values in the leachate samples indicated that the site was characterized by methanogenic conditions. The mean ammonium-nitrogen (NH4 +-N) and corresponding phosphate (orthophosphate) values were assayed as 70 and 11 mg/L, respectively. The average solids content in the leachates was measured as 4,681 mg/L (total solids) and 144 mg/L (suspended solids). Very low concentrations of iron, manganese, copper, and zinc in the leachate samples were found and the concentration of cadmium was measured below detection limits. Excessive amount of nutrients and high organic and inorganic pollutant content in the leachates pose serious pollution potential to the environment. Since no drainage system or bio treatment exists in this open dumping site, high permeability of natural soil at the site and in the surrounding area and very fractured and crackled rocks under natural soil are indicators of high groundwater pollution potential in this site.  相似文献   

2001-2015年松花江流域水污染变化特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2001-2015年松花江流域国家监测网30个可比断面监测数据,从流域和断面水质变化、各项指标超标情况和浓度变化、污染负荷等方面分析了松花江流域水质变化情况。结果表明,松花江流域水质总体呈好转趋势,特别是2007年以来有比较明显的改善。该流域长期以来主要污染指标为高锰酸盐指数、石油类、五日生化需氧量和氨氮。高锰酸盐指数、石油类和五日生化需氧量污染均有明显改善,但氨氮污染改善不明显。在继续加强COD排放总量控制的基础上,有效削减氨氮排放是促进松花江水质改善的重点。  相似文献   

Contamination of oxygen-consuming organics (OCOs) was one of the most serious problems in the Yellow River of China. This study was conducted to analyze monitoring of the data on OCOs contamination for the river in 1980 and during 1992–1999 as well as examining the effect of suspended solids (SS) on chemical oxygen demand (CODMn) and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) of river water. Several significant results have arisen from the study. First, CODMn and BOD5 of the river water showed an increasing trend from the upper to the lower reaches of the mainstream. BOD5 values of river water in 1992 were significantly higher than those in 1980 and showed an increasing trend during 1992–1999. Second, OCOs in river water of the mainstream was attributed mainly to point sources; the ratio of point to non-point sources of BOD5 was about 2.81. The load from point sources showed an increasing trend during 1992–1998. In contrast, the load from non-point sources manifested a decreasing trend during this period; this was caused by the decreasing trend of SS content in river water. The total load of BOD5 from point and non-point sources displayed an increasing trend during 1992–1998. Third, as the humic substances in SS can hardly be biologically oxidized in natural conditions but can be oxidized by chemical oxidants such as potassium permanganate, CODMn was not suitable for being regarded as a parameter reflecting the pollution degree of OCOs in river water with a high SS content.  相似文献   

为科学评价黄河流域的水质状况及工业企业污染源现状,根据黄河流域2018—2019年地表水和饮用水水源地水质监测数据,建立了综合反映流域水环境质量和可定量分析排名的城市水质指数;利用大数据技术分析工业企业水污染物排放数据,研究建立了企业环境信用动态评价体系。研究结果表明:2018—2019年,黄河流域城市水环境质量得到一定程度的改善,城市地表水环境质量优和良等级数量从17个增加到19个,饮用水水源地优等级城市数量从7个增加到11个;但黄河流域中游地区水污染问题较为严重,需要重点加强水污染控制。水质污染主要以点源工业污染为主,COD和氨氮排放量较多,COD和氨氮年日均排放浓度平均值分别为51.1、3.1 mg/L,工业废水处理率偏低;山西、陕西、河南等"高"风险企业数量较多,分别达到3 047、1 630、1 442家。建议加强黄河流域上下游、左右岸、干支流协同配合,加大水污染防治工作的深度和力度。  相似文献   

宁夏典农河是黄河宁夏段的主要入黄排水沟之一,其水质状况对黄河宁夏-内蒙古段跨省流域水质安全至关重要。选取典农河2011—2020年10个监测点位的16项水质参数,采用综合污染指数(WPI)法,结合相关性分析、主成分分析、聚类分析等分析方法,综合分析该流域水污染特征,并对污染程度进行评估,对污染因子和污染原因进行解析,最终提出管控建议。研究结果表明:2011—2020年,影响典农河水质的主要污染因子为CODCr、NH3-N、TP、TN,对应的年均浓度范围分别为22.3~71.5、0.64~9.09、0.173~0.662、2.89~21.52 mg/L,超标率分别为46%、8%、13%、85%。典农河2011—2020年WPI范围为0.59~1.74,重金属含量一直维持在较低水平。流域TN与TP年均浓度比值范围为20~84,整体呈下降趋势,且各监测点的差异性逐渐减小;BOD5与CODCr浓度比值范围为0.02~0.19,反映出典农河流域水体可生化性较差。各监测断面污染物之间存在较强相关性,其中:流域C...  相似文献   

黄河口的水质、底质污染及其变化   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
分析了2001年在黄河口附近所取的3处水样和3处泥样中污染物的含量,并与历史数据进行了比较.利用<地表水环境质量标准>(GB3838-2002)和美国国家海洋大气管理局(NOAA)水体泥沙质量标准等分别对水体和底泥中的重金属(砷)和氮磷污染进行了评价.认为黄河口的水污染严重,主要污染物为汞和氮;泥沙污染尚不严重,但污染物的增长率高;水体中较高的氮含量和泥沙中氮含量的迅速增高可能会对渤海湾的富营养化情况产生影响.  相似文献   

The work describes the physicochemical analysis of the water samples collected from Lahore Canal to evaluate pollution load at different points of the canal. Different physical and chemical pollutants such as temperature, pH, electrical conductivity, total dissolved and suspended solids, turbidity, chlorides, sulphates, nitrates, oils and grease, dissolved oxygen, chemical oxygen demand and biological oxygen demand (BOD) were analysed. The data was analysed through analysis of variance, which showed that the p values for dissolved oxygen (DO), chemical oxygen demand (COD), BOD, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solid (TDS), total suspended solid (TSS), turbidity, oil and grease, sulphates, and nitrates are <0.05, while p value of temperature, pH, and chlorides are 1.000, 0.984, and 0.070, respectively, which are >0.05. Further regression analysis revealed that the simple line regression modal is fit for turbidity and TSS, electrical conductivity and TDS, COD and DO, BOD and DO, and BOD and COD. The studies reveal that Lahore Canal is receiving a considerable amount of physical and chemical pollutants at different points.  相似文献   

七虎林河源头区地表腐殖质随着径流的冲刷进入水体,形成了天然有机质(NOM),其中,溶解性有机质(DOM)易对河流水质造成影响。为了研究七虎林河中DOM的时空分布特征及其对水质的影响,开展了6次采样,分析了水体及土壤吸收光谱和荧光光谱特征参数,利用平行因子(PARAFAC)算法解析了水体DOM的特性及来源。结果表明:七虎林河上游水体五日生化需氧量(BOD5)、高锰酸盐指数(CODMn)、化学需氧量(COD)、可溶性有机碳(DOC)的浓度分别为1.4 mg/L±0.2 mg/L、6.1 mg/L±3.0 mg/L、21 mg/L±8 mg/L、7.0 mg/L±3.2 mg/L,BOD5/COD平均值为0.08,说明流域内水体DOM的可生化性差,对水质影响较小。光谱特征参数紫外吸收系数(SUVA254)、荧光指数(FI)、腐殖化指数(HIX)、生物源指数(BIX)分析结果表明,七虎林河上游云山水库库上林区河段DOM的物质组成与水库及库下河段差异显著。库上河段DOM的芳香碳含量更高、分子量更大、自生源组分...  相似文献   

利用2012年松花江流域生物、生境和水质的调查数据,采用生物完整性指数(IBI)评价松花江流域的水生态环境质量,并着重对IBI评价结果与生境质量、水质间的关系及生物与生境和化学参数间的相关关系进行了分析。结果表明,松花江流域IBI评价结果与其生境质量存在显著正相关,与水质评价结果基本一致。生境质量及大多数生境参数均与多项生物参数间存在显著/极显著的相关关系;其次,COD、CODMn、BOD5、TN、TP等超标化学因子也与多项生物参数存在显著/极显著的相关关系,说明生境受损和有机污染压力是引起松花江流域水生态环境质量变化的主要压力。为恢复和改善松花江流域的水生态质量,研究建议针对流域生境质量和超标化学污染开展相应的保护和控制措施。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the water quality of the Cértima River basin (Central Portugal). For that purpose, surface water samples were collected in March, May and July 2003, at 10 selected sampling sites, and were analysed for physicochemical parameters, namely temperature, conductivity, pH, total suspended solids, dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), Kjeldahl nitrogen and total phosphorus. Results revealed an acceptable water quality during the spring season. Maxima of 64 mg dm−3 for BOD5, 39 mg dm−3 for Kjeldahl nitrogen, and 5.2 mg dm−3 for total phosphorus, were recorded during summer, indicating a significant degradation of the water quality in a river stretch located downstream of the town of Mealhada. These values, which did not comply with the objectives of minimum quality for surface waters prescribed by the Portuguese legislation, were related to domestic wastewater discharges and runoff waters from a cattle farm. Besides their effects on the middle stretch of the river, these pollution sources were the most likely cause of the high nutrient load in downstream waters, and thus may have a major impact on the trophic status of Pateira de Fermentelos, a sensitive wetland area located in the lower Cértima basin.  相似文献   

城市内河流水质监测点位的优化,是全面掌握河流水质状况的关键。文章采用贴近度法对萍乡市萍水河2005—2015年水质及监测点位变化进行分析评价,并提出优化建议。根据萍水河水质污染特征,选择化学需氧量、五日生化需氧量、氨氮、总磷、总氮和高锰酸钾盐指数作为评价指标,结果表明:2005—2015年,萍水河水环境质量整体情况较好,但在2010年后呈下降趋势;监测点布设方案的调整有一定合理性,也有欠妥之处;对目前监测点位进行删减,得到了水质优化监测布点方案。  相似文献   

为了研究镇江合流制管网受纳水体污染状况,对古运河市区段5个主要断面进行监测,在水环境评价预测的基础上,利用单因子评价法,以对水体环境质量影响较大的CODCr、BOD5、TP、NH3-N作为评价因子,以地表水环境质量标准为依据,研究受纳水体污染程度,对地表水环境质量予以分级。结果显示,镇江市古运河监测断面在平水期、丰水期和枯水期水体均为V类,主要污染物为CODCr、BOD5、TP和NH3-N。  相似文献   

本文根据卫河实际情况,采用总量控制模型对卫河水质中有机污染指标化学耗氧量(COD)和生化需氧量(BOD5)进行了预测,取得了与实际监测数据较为接近的结果,其中COD预测精度达85%,BOD5预测精度则达到了95%以上。该方法简便直观、易于掌握,具有较强的实用性。  相似文献   

城市河流各水期水质变化分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘路  高品  陈刚  陈亮 《中国环境监测》2012,28(2):115-118
选取宁波市区20个监测断面作为研究对象,选择溶解氧、高锰酸盐指数、五日生化需氧量、氨氮、铜、锌、挥发酚、石油类作为评价指标,利用主成分分析法分别对其枯水期、平水期、丰水期进行综合水质评价。根据计算结果提取了3个主成分因子(有机物因子、氨氮和重金属因子、挥发酚因子),累计方差贡献率达到84.02%,基本保留了选取指标的有效信息。结果发现,各监测断面污染状况均显示为枯水期>平水期>丰水期,枯水期、平水期、丰水期断面达标率分别为20%、50%、80%,主要超标水域为鄞州河网、中大河、鄞江下游,评价结果与实际情况相符合。  相似文献   

Samples of water, sediment and suspended particulates were collected from 13 sites in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River in China. Phthalic acid esters (PAEs) concentrations in different phases of each sample were determined by Gas Chromatogram GC-FID. The results are shown as follows: (1) In the Xiao Langdi–Dongming Bridge section, PAEs concentrations in water phase from the main river ranged from 3.99 × 10−3 to 45.45 × 10−3 mg/L, which were similar to those from other rivers in the world. The PAEs levels in the tributaries of the Yellow River were much higher than those of the main river. (2) In the studied branches, the concentration of PAEs in sediment for Luoyang Petrochemical Channel (331.70 mg/Kg) was the highest. The concentrations of PAEs in sediment phase of the main river were 30.52 to 85.16 mg/Kg, which were much higher than those from other rivers in the world. In the main river, the concentration level of PAEs on suspended solid phases reached 94.22 mg/Kg, and it reached 691.23 mg/Kg in the Yiluo River – one tributary of the Yellow River. (3) Whether in the sediment or on the suspended solid phases, there was no significant correlation between the contents of PAEs and TOC or particle size of the solid phase; and the calculated Koc of Di (2-Ethylhexyl) Phthalate (DEHP) in the river were much less than the theoretical value, which inferred that PAEs were not on the equilibrium between water and suspended solid phases/sediment. (4) Among the measured PAEs compounds, the proportions of DEHP and di-n-butyl phthalate (DBP) were much higher than the others. The concentrations of DEHP exceeded the Quality Standard in all the main river and tributary stations except those in the Mengjin and Jiaogong Bridge of the main river. This indicates that more attention should be paid to pollution control and further assessment in understanding risks associated with human health.  相似文献   

采用遥感分布式面源污染评估模型(DPeRS),对2018年黄河流域(甘肃段)面源污染空间分布特征进行分析,具体包括多类型污染量产排特征解析和流域优先管控单元识别。结果表明,污染量上,2018年黄河流域(甘肃段)总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)、氨氮(NH3-N)、化学需氧量(CODCr)的面源污染排放负荷分别为65.6,11.8,19.1和77.2 kg/km2,入河量分别为836.7,33.3,220.2和1 353.3 t;空间分布上,氮型(TN和NH3-N)排放负荷高值区主要分布在流域中部和东部局部地区,流域大部分地区TP排放负荷均较高,CODCr面源污染排放负荷高值区分布较为零散。与排放负荷相比,黄河流域(甘肃段)面源污染入河负荷并不突出,这与该地区水资源量少有密切关系。筛选出黄河流域(甘肃段)面源污染优先控制单元15个,面积占比为85.2%,I类优控单元主要分布在庆阳市、天水市、兰州市和白银市等地区,II类优控单元主要分布在甘南藏族自治州,且TN、TP、NH3-N和CODCr面源污染优控单元识别结果的平均精度达到80%。  相似文献   

A 5-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD(5)) test has been used as the standard measurement of organic pollution in rivers worldwide. However, it may be argued that BOD is not a sufficient indicator of organic pollution when nitrogenous biochemical oxygen demand (NBOD) is present in water samples. In this study, BOD, NBOD, and carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand (CBOD) of treated sewage effluent (TSE) were measured near at the discharge outlet of 3 sewage treatment plants (STPs) in Sakai, Itachi, and Kashio rivers in Central Japan. Additional measurements were conducted at one point upstream and two points downstream from the STP discharge points in the rivers. It was estimated that NBOD values in the TSE of Sakai River, Kashio River and Itachi River accounted for 54%, 69% and 18% of their BOD values, respectively. Respective NH4+ and NO2- concentrations were positively correlated with those of NBOD values in Sakai, Itachi, and Kashio rivers. The BOD loads from the TSE were estimated to be 2.2, 5.7, and 1.2 times higher than the CBOD loads in the Sakai, Itachi, and Kashio rivers, respectively. The variation of the portion of NBOD values of each TSE, as well as the ratios of CBOD to BOD loads, was attributed to the difference in each STP system. Consequently, the NH4+ and NO2- of TSE led to the increase of NBOD in the Sakai River basin.  相似文献   

The study dealt with the method to predict the BOD5 in effluent from industrial wastewater by using the UV absorption from two wavelengths, 260 and 550 nm. The interference from suspended solids was reduced. In the same time, COD was used as the secure value to calculate BOD5. From the representative wastewater treatment plants, the estimated effluent BOD5 of wastewater from the Para rubber industry showed an average error at ±2.97 mg/l. While it was at ±3.31 mg/l, for frozen seafood industry. The simple mathematic equations in this study gave the assuring method for BOD5 estimation without time consuming.  相似文献   

黑龙江流域地处世界三大黑土区之一的中国东北平原,土壤腐殖质含量高,这些腐殖质随着地面径流进入水体,成为流域溶解性有机物(DOM)的自然本底(环境背景)。自然本底的存在导致流域水质有机污染综合指标不能真实反映流域的人为污染,流域背景区内高锰酸盐指数、化学需氧量背景值范围分别为3.0~11.7、14.3~40.5 mg/L。流域部分水质考核断面水质受到有机质背景值的影响。由于叠加人为污染,定量分析高锰酸盐指数、化学需氧量背景值范围存在很大难度。重金属元素相对稳定,相对于"六五"时期重金属背景值,目前水体中重金属含量普遍升高。结合水环境管理需求,背景值研究成果应用于水环境管理还需要进一步深入研究和实践。笔者在综述黑龙江流域水环境背景值研究基础上,总结目前存在的问题,提出水环境背景值研究建议,为科学客观评价流域水质提供参考。  相似文献   

A study of the water quality of the Potrero de los Funes River (San Luis – Argentina) was carried out in order to evaluate the possible effect of the anthropogenic activities on the river developed in the homonymous town. Samples were collected during the period March 2000–November 2005 at three selected sampling sites (RP1, RP2 and RP3). Different physicochemical and bacteriological parameters (turbidity, pH, conductivity, suspended solids, alkalinity, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, chlorides, nitrates, phosphates, sulphates, chemical oxygen demand (COD), 5-day biological oxygen demand (BOD5), dissolved oxygen, total coliforms, Escherichia coli and total heterotrophic bacteria) were analysed according to the Standard Method for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. When comparing the values of total coliforms, E. coli, total heterotrophic bacteria, COD, BOD5 and phosphates from the zone without anthropogenic influence (RP1) and the urban zones (RP2 and RP3) an important variation in the parameters was observed. These results indicate that the urban activity produces a serious and negative effect on the water quality, thus constituting a sanitary risk and may have a major impact on the trophic status of the Potrero de los Funes dam. As case study, we report on the use of General Quality Index (GQI) to evaluate spatial and seasonal changes in the water quality of Potrero de los Funes River. Results revealed a significant degradation of the water quality at RP2 and RP3.  相似文献   

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