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以山东某平原风电场机组为例,对机组噪声进行仿真与测试研究.研究分析了风电机组噪声源频率特性、不同风速下的噪声声功率级及噪声的衰减特性,研究结果验证了Focus仿真软件在预测风电机组噪声源的可靠性.该研究为风电场噪声预测及降噪方案的研究提供了参考.  相似文献   

风电场噪声影响模拟方法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以浙江沿海某海岛风电场为例,在做好风电场噪声监测数据质量保证的基础上,分析风电场噪声等效声级和距离的关系模型,运用GIS的空间分析功能对研究区的噪声影响进行预测和叠加分析,模拟得到10 m/s风速时风电场噪声的噪声空间影响分布,并提出风机在不同运行工况时风电场噪声的模拟方法和防治措施。该研究为风电场噪声影响分析和管理部门提供参考。  相似文献   

据现场实测,风电场300 m范围内社会噪声测值水平较低,且昼夜变化较小,对风电场背景噪声贡献不大;风机停运时背景噪声值随风速递增,二者之间存在较好的多项式回归性。在测得风机运行时噪声值和测点风速的情况下,根据回归方程式得到背景噪声,当风机运行时测得的噪声值与背景噪声之差大于1.5 dB(A)时,可以运用噪声叠加原理计算风机噪声,并且其计算误差在可接受范围之内。  相似文献   

以机场航空噪声为对象,以计权等效连续感觉噪声级(LWECPN)作为基本评价量,在典型机场的大量实测数据和相应评价指标参数基础上对影响航空噪声值的各主要因素进行分析,得出主要影响因素与航空噪声值间的相应关系。  相似文献   

农贸市场噪声对其周围环境的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对某农贸市场的场内噪声,场界噪声及其周围居民区环境噪声进行了监测,结果表明,农贸市场营业时,噪声监测值内,场界及居民区均超标;农贸市场不营业时,场界除3个测点略超标外,余达标,居民区略超标。就农贸市场噪声对其周围环境的影响,提出了控制对策。  相似文献   

中国机场周围区域飞机噪声监测一直采用计权等效连续感觉噪声级L_(WECPN)为评价量,标准修订后拟采用昼夜等效声级L_(dn)为评价量,监测方法也相应更改。该文通过理论推导及宁波栎社机场噪声现场监测数据,系统比较了2种机场周围区域飞机噪声监测方法,并分析了监测结果的差异及影响因素。结果表明:L_(WECPN)与L_(dn)在相差10 dB的基础上,差值受到单次飞机噪声值和傍晚飞行次数2个因素影响。单次飞机噪声监测量L_(EPN)和L_(AE)在飞机匀速直线经过时差值约为3.75 dB,实际上受到飞行航迹、飞机运动状态、噪声传播环境、突发噪声干扰等因素影响,此次监测的187次飞机L_(EPN)和L_(AE)的差值范围为2.1~5.5 dB。傍晚飞行次数引起的监测结果差值范围为0~4.8 dB。  相似文献   

科学识别和获取特高压换流站内主要噪声源特性,在此基础上对换流站噪声影响进行分析预测,用于换流站噪声评价、设计和防护。在复杂声场环境条件下,通过现场录波、噪声与振动同步测试等方法,结合噪声理论知识,识别出换流变压器的优势谱点为400 Hz,该点占整个频谱噪声贡献值90%以上,同时识别出交流滤波器场电抗器特征频率点与电抗器所滤除的谐波频率相一致,且换流变压器和交流滤波器场电抗器的声压与振动优势频点具有较强的相关性。根据噪声源特性,对其计算模型进行相应的改进,可提高换流站噪声预测结果的准确性。  相似文献   

为解决家用空调器噪声污染纠纷日益增多的问题,以一居民住宅楼为例,对家用空调噪声影响进行了监测与评价,并提出了防治措施。  相似文献   

分析了背景噪声测量不确定性以及背景修正对噪声监测结果的影响,提出,在实际噪声测量工作中,当测量值与背景值的差值≥3 dB且测量值修正结果与排放限值非常接近时,以及当测量值与背景值的差值3 dB且测量值与排放限值的差值≤4 dB时,对背景噪声进行重复测量,计算背景噪声测量不确定性,利用公式法进行定量背景修正的建议,并在噪声测量和数据处理过程中降低背景噪声测量不确定性,从而减少背景修正对噪声测量结果的影响,更加客观地反映噪声的真实情况。  相似文献   

公交车站对交通噪声的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先根据公交车的运行特性提出了公交车在各行驶阶段的噪声计算方法并采用能量叠加的方法建立了公交车站附近交通噪声预测模型.然后对广州市新港西路交通噪声的实测结果与模型计算结果进行了比较,验证了该预测模型的正确性.最后分析了公交车站附近交通噪声的影响因素,通过对公交车站附近的交通噪声和远离公交车站的交通噪声的比较,得到公交车站附近交通噪声明显增大的结论.  相似文献   

东沙沙洲离岸潮间带风电场建设对鸟类的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对东沙沙洲离岸潮间带风电场的建设给鸟类造成的影响进行了调查。分析表明,噪声对东沙沙洲迁徙鸟类影响不大;光对夜间迁徙鸟类造成一定的影响;风机对候鸟迁徙影响不大,少数低飞候鸟可能存在撞机风险;风机基础和人工岛的永久占地造成的直接生物量损失为3.2 t/a,总计损失约64万元;风电场建设将使东沙沙洲鸟类栖息地面积减少81.5 km2,约占总栖息地面积的13.9%,但风机对鸻鹬类等中小型涉禽、水鸟的觅食影响不大,风电场区域仍可作为这些鸟类的觅食地。在影响分析的基础上提出了设计、施工、运营阶段相应的防范措施。  相似文献   

This paper describes a holistic approach to operation and maintenance (O&M) processes in the domain of offshore wind farm power generation. The acquisition and process visualization is followed by a risk analysis of all relevant processes. Hereafter, a tool was designed, which is able to model the defined processes in a BPMN 2.0 notation, as well as connect and simulate them. Furthermore, the notation was enriched with new elements, representing other relevant factors that were, to date, only displayable with much higher effort. In that regard a variety of more complex situations were integrated, such as for example new process interactions depending on different weather influences, in which case a stochastic weather generator was combined with the business simulation or other wind farm aspects important to the smooth running of the offshore wind farms. In addition, the choices for different methodologies, such as the simulation framework or the business process notation will be presented and elaborated depending on the impact they had on the development of the approach and the software solution.  相似文献   

Increasing concerns over climate change have prompted rapid growth of renewable energy over the past few decades, particularly wind energy. However, as the installation of wind farms rises, so will the need for decommissioning and analysis of the environmental impacts associated with decommissioning. This paper investigates how Environmental Impacts Assessments (EIA) identify, estimate and manage potential impacts of decommissioning. EIAs from 12 onshore and offshore windfarms consented between 2009 and 2014 in England and Scotland were analysed and compared. Attributes of these windfarms' Environmental Statements (ES) were scored under six categories: decommissioning in EIA stages, definitions of decommissioning, amount of analysis, depth of analysis, impacts identified, and proactive planning. Onshore windfarms generally tended to investigate the impacts of decommissioning less than offshore windfarms, even those which gained consent in the same year. The investigation of the impact of decommissioning improved for windfarms consented in the latter years of the study period. Across the ESs there was a lack of analysis of potential impacts from decommissioning in their own right: not simply as a reversal of the construction process. The impacts of different end of life scenarios were not analysed in any of the ESs studied. There is evidence to suggest the presence of windfarms, especially offshore, could in some cases be environmentally beneficial for certain species. However, the ecological impact of removing offshore structures at the end of life is unknown and is currently not investigated nor predicted in EIAs. Understanding the potential implications of full or partial removal of marine structures, or alternatives to decommissioning, could ensure that appropriate mitigation is considered at an early stage by both developer and consenting authority. That being said, it is also important to update the assessment of potential impacts over the life of the project as more information on the environment is gathered and end of life plans develop.  相似文献   

大丰风电场建设对盐城自然保护区的生态影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了大丰风电场一期、二期工程对盐城沿海湿地珍禽国家级自然保护区的生态影响.结果表明,在自然保护区实验区内建风电场会改变自然保护区生态结构和功能,使生物量减少,鸟类栖息地丧失,物种多样性下降,景观破碎化.提出了对策措施,以降低由于风电场的建设对自然保护区造成的生态影响.  相似文献   

Renewable energy continues to grow globally, and the number of offshore wind farms is set to increase. Whilst wind energy developments provide energy security and reduced carbon budgets, they may impact bird populations through collision mortality, habitat modification and avoidance. To date, avian collision mortality has received the most attention and collision risk models have been developed to estimate the potential mortality caused by wind turbines. The utility of these models relies not only on their underlying assumptions but also on the data available to ensure the predictions are informative. Using a stochastic collision risk model (sCRM; based on the Band collision risk model) as an example, we explore the importance of bird flight speed and consider how the assumptions of the model influence the sensitivity to flight speed. Furthermore we explore the consequences of using site-specific GPS-derived flight speed rather than a standard generic value, with Lesser Black-backed Gulls Larus fuscus as an example, and consider how this generic value is currently used. We found that the model was most sensitive to the parameters of bird density, non-avoidance rate and percentage of birds at collision risk height, as well as bird flight speed. Using site-specific flight speed data derived from GPS tags rather than a standard value reduced the predicted number of collisions. We highlight that within the model, both the estimation of the probability of collision (PColl) and the flux of birds are sensitive to the bird flight speed; this sensitivity acts in opposite directions but the two do not necessarily balance out. Therefore, when the sCRM is used as generally done, there is little difference in collision estimates if airspeeds (bird flight speed relative to air through which it is moving) are used rather than groundspeeds (bird flight speed relative to ground). Estimates of seabird collision rates in relation to offshore wind farms are impacting future offshore wind development. By using site specific flight speed estimates and, accounting for different speeds in relation to wind direction, we demonstrate that cumulative collision estimates can be affected, highlighting the need for more representative flight speed data and where possible site-specific data.  相似文献   

Wind energy has been the fastest growing renewable energy technology for more than a decade. However, the visual impacts of wind farms are still one of the most controversial effects of wind energy development. Photomontage visualisations are frequently used in Visual Impact Assessments2 (VIA) to give a sense of scale of the proposed development. Yet visualisations in VIAs are often perceived to underestimate the scale and magnitude of the visual impact of wind turbines. The aim of this multiphase mixed methods study is to explore the perceived accuracy of images that represent the visual impacts of both onshore and offshore wind farms. Field visits and data from a public survey are used to assess the accuracy of visualisations and to examine the effect of camera lens focal length on perception of scale of wind turbines. Results show that panoramic photomontages are perceived as the least accurate, while images taken at 75 mm focal length in full frame format are perceived as the most accurate form of representation of the scale and visual impact of wind turbines. These findings imply that the panoramic visualisation technique, which has been used for decades to predict the scale of wind turbines in VIAs, is ineffective in predicting accurately the visual impact of wind farms, and an alternative predictive technique is needed. For wind farm visualisations the use of 75 mm full frame image format is recommended in order to improve the accuracy, enable better informed decision making and avoid the loss of credibility of visualisations and VIAs.  相似文献   

Assessment of the displacement impacts of offshore wind farms on seabirds is impeded by a lack of evidence regarding species-specific reactions to developed sites and the potential ecological consequences faced by displaced individuals. In this study, we present a method that makes best use of the currently limited understanding of displacement impacts. The combination of a matrix table displaying the full range of potential displacement and mortality levels together with seasonal potential biological removal (PBR) assessments provides a tool that increases confidence in the conclusions of impact assessments. If unrealistic displacement levels and/or mortality rates are required to equal or approach seasonal PBRs, this gives an indication of the likeliness of adverse impacts on the assessed population. This approach is demonstrated by assessing the displacement impacts of an offshore wind farm cluster in the German North Sea on the local common guillemot (Uria aalge) population.  相似文献   

Facing the growing demand for renewable energy sources, the use of wind energy has been significantly increasing worldwide. Wind farms are known to present low environmental impact and their impact on bird fauna has been the most studied and discussed. In this study, we evaluated the composition of bird communities and changes in land use during three phases of wind farm development: pre-construction, construction and operation. Secondary data was obtained on bird communities, provided by the wildlife monitoring report submitted to the state environment agency of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The total number of species recorded for all phases of wind farm construction was 163 species. One hundred species were present during all phases, and 20 were recorded during at least two phases, 32 species were exclusive to the pre-construction phase, four species were recorded only during the construction phase and seven recorded during the operation phase. The evaluation of bird community structure revealed that the pre-construction phase differed from the 4 years of operation, indicating that an impact on bird species' composition is evident, but more detailed and longer surveys are needed to confirm this trend. The bird community responded to landscape changes, mainly due to the reduction of native and exotic forest cover, in areas affected by wind farms installation and operation, in both, species' composition and environmental guilds. Analysis of secondary data allows us to evaluate which changes may have resulted from the implantation of the wind energy industry to the regional bird fauna, and our findings demonstrates tha the changes associated with the construction and operation of this wind farm have negatively affected the bird community.  相似文献   

以青岛理工大学新校区为例,采用变网格划分法,研究了基于地理信息系统(GIS)的噪声地图在区域环境噪声评价方面的应用。结果表明,噪声预测系统结合GIS,以数字与渲染图的方式能够直观地展现噪声污染在环境区域的分布状况,可用于指导区域的规划和环境噪声评价。  相似文献   

对张家港市7个镇176名居民进行了有关声环境保护的问卷调查。结果表明,张家港市声环境质量近年来得到改善,57%的调查对象对声环境质量感到满意,市民对声环境的关注度较高。调查对象认为主要噪声污染源为建筑施工源,其次为工业源,然后是交通运输源,最后为社会生活噪声。4种噪声源实际导致的噪声污染事件数量间没有明显差别,其中社会生活噪声造成的污染情况数最多。居民实际遭遇的噪声污染事件类别和居民受教育程度会对居民提出声环境保护措施的倾向产生显著影响。  相似文献   

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