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哈密地区自然条件十分脆弱,长期以来重开发、轻保护,资源开发和经济增长方式粗放,使生态系统遭到破坏。为把生态保护置于新疆经济社会可持续发展的基础性地位,提出了生态保护的重点和难点,并对此制定出生态保护的对策。  相似文献   

新疆煤炭资源丰富,"十二五"期间煤炭计划开采量将近4×108t,这必然会对新疆极其脆弱的生态环境产生不利影响。本文首先分析了新疆煤炭资源开发的总体趋势,然后根据自治区党委、政府确立的"环保优先、生态立区"发展战略和"资源开发可持续、生态环境可持续"发展道路,就如何实现煤炭资源开发可持续提几点建议,为自治区各级政府决策提供参考依据。  相似文献   

"十一五"期间新疆生态环境质量综合评价分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"十一五"是新疆经济飞速发展的五年,同时也是重大生态保护工程"十五"实施期.本文采用国家环境保护部制定的<生态环境状况评价技术规范>(HJ/T 192-2006)分别对新疆"十五"末与"十一五"末生态环境质量进行综合评价分析.结果显示,新疆生态环境质量总体处于一般(略高于较差)水平,各县(市)生态环境质量以较差和差为主...  相似文献   

利用"哨兵-3"卫星OLCI影像数据,基于其619,665,681,709,753和885 nm中心波长对应的6个波段构建的最大特征峰高度(MPH)算法,采用SNAP 7. 0遥感专业软件,计算了典型日期太湖MPH算法得到的叶绿素a浓度、浮藻区、藻水混悬区、水草区的分布。结果表明:(1) MPH算法能够精确地识别太湖水草和蓝藻;(2) MPH算法能够提取稠密铺集水表层的"浮藻区",并区分出藻密度较小、水华现象轻微~轻度、蓝藻主要浸没在水面以下的"藻水混悬区"。与MODIS、VIIRS等常用的蓝藻水华遥感传感器相比,OLCI展现了更出色、更精细化的水生态遥感监测能力,可提高蓝藻水华预警预报水平。  相似文献   

为了迎接第40个世界环境日,6月3日,新疆纪念“六·五”世界环境日大会在乌鲁木齐市隆重召开。大会旨在大力倡导“共建生态文明、共享绿色未来”,通过主题纪念活动唤起人们保护森林和呵护绿色家园的意识,大力宣传“环保优先,生态立区”理念,强调在发展中坚持“资源开发可持续、生态环境可持续”道路,  相似文献   

为了搞好哈密地区污染源监督监测工作,哈密地区环境监测站于1990年12月主持举办了污染源监测技术培训班. 该班旨在为全区各厂、矿企业从事环保工作的人员,进行一次系统的污染源水质监测分析技术培训.使学员学习掌握监测技术的理论基础、实际操作技能、实验室基础、上报数据等,为今后进行的污染源监测工作打下良好的基础.  相似文献   

如何解决环境噪声监测系统的自动校准问题,是困扰现阶段我国环境噪声自动监测工作走向实用化的难题.文章首次提出"参考声级校准法"的概念,并利用数字校准的方式实现了自动声级校准,对"参考声级校准法"实现方法作了简要的说明与阐述.  相似文献   

"十四五"期间,粤港澳大湾区将会迎来新一轮大开发、大建设、大发展,绿色发展与山水林田湖草一体化保护将面临更大的机遇与挑战。生态环境监测作为生态环境保护的重要基础,亟需强化支撑、引领、服务作用。文章对粤港澳大湾区生态环境监测发展现状进行了梳理,从环境质量状况、生态环境管理、环境监测网络等方面将粤港澳大湾区与东京、纽约、旧金山三大世界级湾区进行系统比较,对标查找差距与不足,并对面临的机遇与挑战进行了深入剖析。在此基础上,针对生态环境监测区域布局、现代感知网络、智慧应用与"美丽湾区"综合评价、联合监测与信息发布、产学研用一体化等方面,提出了粤港澳大湾区当前及今后一个时期生态环境监测发展的相关建议。  相似文献   

2021年,生态环境部发布了《区域生态质量评价办法(试行)》,明确规定了生态质量评价的指标体系、数据要求和评价方法,适用于县级及以上区域。将江苏省宜兴市作为研究区,综合应用地理信息、卫星遥感与生物多样性数据,依据《区域生态质量评价办法(试行)》,从生态格局、生态功能、生物多样性和生态胁迫等方面开展评价研究。结果表明,该方法具有较强的可行性与适用性,能够更为全面、科学、准确地反映生态质量;2021年,宜兴市生态质量指数(EQI)为62.7,生态质量类别为“二类”。该研究结果可为地方生态环境监测部门开展生态质量评价工作提供参考。  相似文献   

应用"污染贡献率"这一指标,分析了"三河三湖"流域COD和氨氮排放的重污染行业以及地区分布,指出了各流域COD和氨氮排放的控制重点.同时分析了各流域重污染行业的"经济贡献率",最后结合行业的污染贡献率和经济贡献率以及行业在地区所占的比例,提出了几点重要的结论.  相似文献   

简述了《江苏省生态环境监测条例》(以下简称《条例》)出台的重要意义,对《条例》的主要内容和特点进行了解读。《条例》于2020年5月1日正式实施,是我国首部生态环境监测地方性法规,也是落实党中央、国务院深化生态环境监测体制改革的具体举措,弥补了生态环境监测立法的空白。《条例》共分6章47条,重点建立了生态环境监测质量管理、监测机构监督管理、网络管理、污染源监测、监测信息公开与共享等制度,明确了统一监督管理、严厉打击监测数据造假等内容。提出,加快补齐监测网络建设、基层监测能力、污染源执法监测、社会监测机构监管等方面的短板,确保监测数据的真实准确,推动监测事业依法、科学、规范开展。  相似文献   

Assessing the major atmospheric issues – acidic deposition, climatechange, ozone depletion, smog, hazardous airpollutants and suspended particulate matter – together rather than individually provides many advantages. But to be successful, this integration requires a common method for relating theseissues to one another. This is a scientific question.In order to successfully resolve the atmospheric issues (a policy question) requires communication of the relevant science to non-scientists in plain language. Non-scientists need to be part of the development of the structure of the communications vehicle. The objective for multi-issueassessment, and thus for the development of an index to trackthe state of the environment in an integrated way, is of courserelated to the desire to achieve environmentally sustainable development.Sustainability can be represented by a 3-legged stool and is an aptsymbol of the struggle of Canadians to balance their ecological,economic and social needs. Although the environment is the basisof all life, humankind has created society and has defined how thatsociety will function (the economy). The three legs of the stool(ecosystem, economy, society) represent the three parts of thesustainability balance. The seat of the stool represents thegovernance process and the three legs are deeply embedded in thisgovernance process because it is the governance which ensures thestability of the system over time. The challenge then is to measure the stability of the stool in a waywhich all can understand. This measure of sustainability must respondto individual and collective actions which improve or degrade the environment. This paper presents such a framework for a sustainability index andoutlines the next steps that need to be taken.The framework starts from the premise that ecosystem, economy andsociety are equal parts of sustainability. Ecosystem indices arerepresentative measures of the state of the environment while economicindices are representative measures of the state of the economy. Socialindices in some way have to measure the state of society. The trick,for a successful sustainability index, will be to ensure that the importantaspects of the ecosystem, the economy and society, are included. The overall index must berelatively stable but must be responsive to changes.  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐市城市环境综合整治定量考核初步研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
城市环境综合整治定量考核是中国为保护和改善城市环境质量而实行的一种行政性管理制度。该项制度目前采用20项指标,综合衡量一个城市的环境质量等级,并进行城市间的相互比较。乌鲁木齐市自1989年参加城考以来,成绩一直不理想,特别是环境空气质量得分不理想。本文采用通常方案和减排方案对2008年城考结果进行预测。结果表明,只有采取减排方案,才能改变乌鲁木齐市在全国城考中排名落后的状况。  相似文献   

陈忠梅  赵延昌 《干旱环境监测》2001,15(3):162-164,178
通过对昌吉州近年生态环境保护工作及建设的概述,并对“八五”末期和“九五”末期生态环境现状的对比,说明昌吉州生态环境存在的问题,为生态环境保护规划和生态建设决策提供可靠的依据。  相似文献   

太湖流域严峻的水生态环境形势备受关注,而水生态环境功能分区管理体系实施现状和效果无法被准确把握。以太湖流域水生态环境功能分区为研究对象,基于四象限法则和二维向量结构指标体系等方法论,综合障碍因子分析与目标可达性分析,对太湖流域水生态环境功能分区管理绩效评估目标达成效率进行评估和预警,为水生态环境功能分区管控提供技术指导。结果表明,江苏省太湖流域目标达成效率情况较好,"高效"、"一般"、"低效"的比例依次下降,高预警级别的区域较少;环境效率指标中单位面积污染物减排管控效率较高,环境质量指标整体表现良好,须谨防向"低效"转变。  相似文献   

Our environmental concerns prompt launching large monitoring programs. Examining the history and accomplishments of similar endeavors is the best way to avoid errors. One lesson taught by the oldest and largest survey of national renewable resources in the United States, the Forest Inventory and Analysis Program, is that the program itself is not capable of learning from its errors. Among other problems that beset big programs are unrealistic promises. It is not possible to inventory every animal and plant species in the United States and their habitats as the newly created National Biological Survey vows to do. Even if it were possible, this would hardly help to attain the ultimate goal of the Survey, survival of all species. In his request to fund the Survey, Secretary of the Interior, Bruce Babbitt, compared the conflict between economic development and environmental integrity with train wrecks. This metaphor is as brilliant as it is deceitful. Its brilliance, attested by the success with the press and legislature, is in a vivid and blithe image suggesting that, given sufficient information, the conflict could be averted. After all, railroad accidents are rare and avoidable exceptions. This hopeful situation cannot be honestly compared with the plight of our environment. The crucial piece of information — that there is no spare track for economic development — is readily available. Our population and economic growth take place in the same space that has already been fully occupied by other species. To be trustworthy, monitoring programs should face the reality that development necessitates environmental degradation.  相似文献   

Environmental information — A step to knowledge and understanding   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
At a time when information and knowledge about the environment and the economy are increasing, problems of both environment and economy are growing more serious. It is the role and opportunity of a university institute concerned with research on environment and economy to convert information about the environment into knowledge, and to explore applications of that knowledge in areas of economic management and policy. The main barriers to production and dissemination of information that can contribute to effective environmental knowledge are those that affect the reliability, adequacy, accessibility, and understandability of environmental information. Such barriers may be systematic, biasing the gathering of information and selecting in advance who may benefit from it; they may be barriers of translation, with distortion of content or significance; barriers of sophistication, that determine both content and context; or, most difficult in the environmental field, barriers imposed by problems of scale and relationships of different scales. To be useful, information cannot be purely objective, but must have subjective value added. There is a staircase of knowing, progressing from Observation and Measurement, to Data, to Information, to Knowledge, to Understanding, and finally to Wisdom, presenting increasing barriers of subjective value, interpretation, and integration at each step.  相似文献   

Environmental carrying capacity is an essential metric for measuring regional sustainability. Although the term "carrying capacity" has been applied for over a century, the concept definition, quantitative methods and comprehensive evaluation remain arguable. This study analyzed the carrying capacity of four environmental elements, including water resources, air, surface water and offshore sea, and integrated them into a comprehensive index to represent overall regional profiles of resources and environment. The method was then applied to thirteen municipalities in the Bohai Sea Rim area, one of the most rapidly developing regions in transition China. The results show that the comprehensive environmental carrying capacity of the municipalities in the south sub-region were largest in 2007, while that of the west municipalities were lowest. The regional economic development exceeded the overall environmental carrying capacity by 36% and the west sub-region area deserves overwhelming attention for future industrial allocation.  相似文献   

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