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为研究乳胶制品行业中污染物氟化物产排特征,监测温州市5家乳胶制品企业废水产生量、原料(湿乳胶)使用量及废水中氟化物浓度变化。结果表明,乳胶制品企业废水中氟化物为280.0~714.6 mg/L,乳胶制品行业中氟化物产污系数为6.3 kg/t,处理后氟化物为11.2~26.0 mg/L,处于其他行业规定氟化物排放限值临界范围,甚至个别已超过排放限值。因此,应加强对乳胶制品行业中污染物氟化物管理和监控,完善乳胶制品行业中污染物氟化物相关标准。  相似文献   

重庆市餐饮业发展迅速,餐饮废水成为生活污水的主要来源.针对餐饮业的排污特点,确定了主要污染因子.以COD为例,研究了主要污染因子及废水量随时间变化的规律.结果表明,餐饮业废水排放系数约为88%,首要污染因子为COD,主要污染物浓度随时间变化波动较大,具有明显突高、突低的特点,排放规律具有很强的时段性.  相似文献   

石化行业是中国大气挥发性有机物(VOCs)的重要来源。以中国某新建典型石化企业为例,综合采用不同核算方法估算并比较了石化企业典型排放环节VOCs的排放结果;并在此基础上计算了石化企业典型排放环节本地化排放系数。结果表明,典型石化企业各环节VOCs排放量贡献分别为:储罐50.4%、废水收集与处理29.0%、火炬8.3%、装卸5.2%、设备密封点3.4%、循环冷却水2.4%、燃烧烟气0.8%、工艺废气0.5%;在装卸、设备密封点、废水收集与处理、循环冷却水环节,不同核算方法造成核算结果差异较大,排放系数法核算结果为本研究方法核算结果的数倍,其中装卸过程为4.2倍(无回收设施)和16.4倍(含回收设施),设备密封点为4.4倍(泄漏筛分法)和55.4倍(相关方程法),废水收集与处理为2.1倍,循环冷却水为2.1倍;《大气挥发性有机物源排放清单编制技术指南》中石油炼制企业的VOCs排放系数为本研究1.8倍,因此石化企业在建立排放清单时应开展本地化研究,建立本地化系数;研究结果对于中国建立石化企业VOCs排放清单提供了一定支撑。  相似文献   

镇江磷肥厂高炉法钙镁磷,原生产工艺中含氟废水是直接排放到古运河造成污染,应用了高炉废水循环池,将生产工艺中各氟废水和冷却水经电石渣中和处理后实行循环使用,使含氟废水不再向入排放,改善了古运河水质,每年可节电,节水,直接经济效益达8万元。  相似文献   

电镀废水处理工程改造实例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
含氰废水采用次氯酸钠氧化,含铬废水采用焦亚硫酸钠还原,然后分别加碱沉淀,出水重金属离子经常超标。改造后,将含铬废水和含氰废水分别预处理,再与前处理废水混合沉淀;上清液和生活污水混合,进入A/O系统进行生化处理,最终混凝沉淀后排放,排放水质可达《DB32/T1072--2007)要求。  相似文献   

典型油制气废水处理工艺改造过程分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
典型油制气废水是一类毒性强、CODCr、NH3—N浓度高、难生物降解的有机废水。如何有效处理重油制气废水,一直是油制气行业的环保难题。在分析中,研究了常规厌氧—好氧活性污泥法工艺处理油制气废水的缺陷,介绍了采用人工选育微生物在缺氧—活性污泥法系统中处理油制气废水的新工艺。实践证明,新工艺可以取得较好的处理效果,废水排放达到国家二级排放标准。  相似文献   

ClO2对医院高浓度含氰废水处理的试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以医院排放的高浓度含氰废水为研究对象,采用“硫酸亚铁 曝气”初级化学处理和ClO2二级深度氧化处理相结合的处理模式,不仅使含氰废水实现无毒化处理,而且使高浓度含氰废水实现资源化回收利用。试验表明,处理后的废水中CN^-浓度达到国家排放标准GB8978-1996中的一级标准,为医院高浓度含氰废水的治理提供了一种新的方法。  相似文献   

磷化处理是对汽车外壳进行电泳、喷漆的前道工序。磷化前需先对金属表面的保护层油脂进行碱煮除油、冲洗等清理工作 ,以确保金属表面清洁、无油。在这一过程中 ,所产生废水有 4股 :定期碱煮池废水(每月排放 1次 )、碱煮件冲洗废水 (连续排放 )、定期磷化池废水 (每月排放 1次 )、磷化件冲洗废水 (连续排放 )。1 试验准备1 .1 废水来源及组成试验水样取自某轻型汽车制造厂涂装车间碱煮池内定期排放废水、排水沟内碱煮冲洗废水、磷化池内定期排放废水及排水沟内磷化冲洗废水 ,4股废水采样分析结果如表 1。表 1 废水的来源及成分名称及水量…  相似文献   

介绍了水解-SBR处理系统在屠宰加工废水中的工程应用。结果表明,经该工艺处理后,外排废水出水水质能达到《肉类加工工业水污染物排放标准》(GB13457-92)的一级排放标准。该工艺具有占地面积小,处理效率好,运行费用低等特点,能广泛应用于屠宰加工废水的处理。  相似文献   

工业园区重金属废水污染控制分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了电子信息行业重金属废水的污染特点,并对园区重金属废水的处理及排放方式进行了优化比选,提出了园区重金属废水的污染控制措施。  相似文献   

通过对杭州市医院固体废物来源、类别、产生量的调查,对医院病床位数和固体废物产生量之间的相关分析,得出了医院固体废物的排放系数及产生量测算公式。  相似文献   

Detecting Trends Using Spearman's Rank Correlation Coefficient   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《Environmental Forensics》2013,14(4):359-362
Spearman's rank correlation coefficient is a useful tool for exploratory data analysis in environmental forensic investigations. In this application it is used to detect monotonic trends in chemical concentration with time or space.  相似文献   

Spearman's rank correlation coefficient is a useful tool for exploratory data analysis in environmental forensic investigations. In this application it is used to detect monotonic trends in chemical concentration with time or space.  相似文献   

为解决医疗行业废物排放量核定难的问题,通过对医疗机构废物产生量的调查、统计、分析,在确定医疗废物排放统计变量的基础上,得出相应的医疗废物排放系数,以供排污申报医疗废物排放量的核定。  相似文献   

邻苯二甲酸酯类化合物土壤吸附系数的测定及相关性研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
研究测定了邻苯二甲酸二甲酯(DMP)、二乙酯(DEP)、二丙酯(DPP)、二丁酯(DBP)、丁基苄基酯(BBP)和二异辛酯(DEHP)等6种化合物土壤吸附系数Koc,并研究了Koc与正辛醇一水分配系数Kow、水溶解度S之间的相关性,建立了相关方程式。  相似文献   

Smoke from large scale fuel reduction fires in Western Australia has been investigated from an aircraft; These fires are typically 10,000-20,000 acres in area with fuel loadings of 3-6 tons/acre. Measurements were made of mass concentration, scattering coefficient and total particulate production in the smoke. The results suggest that the mass concentration (g m-3) is equal to 0.24 times the scattering coefficient (m-1). About 1.8% of the fuel appears as particulate matter in the air above the fire.  相似文献   

红外测油仪校正系数应重新测定并通过检验;测量不同浓度的样品应注意与不同光程比色皿的匹配,最好同时测量相应光程比色皿的校正系数;仪器测定低浓度芳烃时,回收率低,校正系数未能通过检验.  相似文献   

Air trajectory and particle scattering data (bsp) for the period 1984-1989 are used to determine the relationship between atmospheric transport and visual air quality at the Grand Canyon National Park. Using cluster analysis, 72-hour back-trajectories arriving four times per day were grouped into distinct transport patterns. Northwesterly and southerly/southwesterly flow dominate in the winter and summer seasons, respectively. Comparisons of bsp values accompanying different transport patterns showed a clear relationship between air flow pathway and light scattering due to small particles during the non-summer months only. An index is defined which describes the percentage of annual trajectories belonging to specific transport routes delivering predominantly clear air to the GCNP.  相似文献   

The technique to measure the coefficient of haze (COH) was developed in 1953 and was widely employed as a surrogate technique to measure total suspended particulate matter (TSP) in the 1960s. Because of the physical design of the sampler (known as the AISI Tape Sampler) used to measure COH, it was postulated that COH was directly related to the mass of fine elemental carbon particles (EC) with diameters less than 2.5 μm. To test the hypothesis, simultaneous samples of COH and EC were collected and analyzed during the 1981 Summer Study in Detroit. Regression analysis indicates that the two quantities are linearly related over the concentration range observed. Additional analyses indicate that COH is not related to TSP, fine particle mass, or light-scattering aerosol. Calculation of specific light absorption coefficients for EC from the COH data support the hypothesis that the tape sampler responds only to fine EC. A brief examination of historical COH data from Detroit suggests that the EC concentration has declined since 1972. This should be regarded as a preliminary assessment, however, until further verification of the COH-EC connection can be made.  相似文献   


Gas-phase dispersion in granular biofilter materials with a wide range of particle sizes was investigated using atmospheric air and nitrogen as tracer gases. Two types of materials were used: (1) light extended clay aggregates (LECA), consisting of highly porous particles, and (2) gravel, consisting of solid particles. LECA is a commercial material that is used for insulation, as a soil conditioner, and as a carrier material in biofilters for air cleaning. These two materials were selected to have approximately the same particle shape. Column gas transport experiments were conducted for both materials using different mean particle diameters, different particle size ranges, and different gas flow velocities. Measured breakthrough curves were modeled using the advection-dispersion equation modified for mass transfer between mobile and immobile gas phases. The results showed that gas dispersivity increased with increasing mean particle diameter for LECA but was independent of mean particle diameter for gravel. Gas dispersivity also increased with increasing particle size range for both media. Dispersivities in LECA were generally higher than for gravel. The mobile gas content in both materials increased with increasing gas flow velocity but it did not show any strong dependency on mean particle diameter or particle size range. The relative fraction of mobile gas compared with total porosity was highest for gravel and lowest for LECA likely because of its high internal porosity.  相似文献   

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