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高温堆肥碳氮循环及腐殖质变化特征研究   总被引:30,自引:3,他引:30  
堆肥化处理,是指依靠自然界广泛分布的细菌、放线菌、真菌等微生物,对有机物有控制地进行生物降解,使之转化为腐殖质的生物化学处理技术。作者采用畜禽粪便条垛式高温堆肥实验方法,研究了堆肥过程中碳氮循环及腐殖质变化特征。结果表明,堆肥过程中,碳素和氮素变化最大,表现为二者总量的减少,其中以碳素总量减少较多,氮素总量次之,从而导致碳氮质量分数比降低。腐殖酸总量、胡敏酸和富里酸总量均呈下降趋势,但腐殖酸占有机碳的比例以及胡敏酸与富里酸质量分数比却在提高,速效养分含量也在升高,表明堆肥过程是一个有机质数量减少、有机质质量提高的过程。  相似文献   

微生物锑还原成矿有助于降低土壤锑的生物有效性和移动性,是土壤锑污染修复的重要策略之一。电子穿梭体AQDS能够加速土壤富集菌群锑还原速率,可能与其促进微生物呼吸及细胞生长有关。理解电子穿梭体(ES)介导微生物锑还原过程与机制可为土壤锑污染控制提供关键理论支撑。醌类和黄素类电子穿梭体(AQDS和FMN)存在时可能改变微生物呼吸代谢中的电子传递过程,然而ES介导下的微生物锑还原过程及转录响应机制尚不清楚。利用锑污染稻田土壤分离的兼性厌氧锑还原细菌Mesobacillus jeotgali PS1作为研究对象,探究醌类和黄素类电子穿梭体(AQDS和FMN)对菌株PS1锑还原过程及关键功能基因转录活性的影响。结果表明,菌株PS1驱动Sb(Ⅴ)还原为Sb(Ⅲ)过程中水溶态Sb(Ⅲ)随培养时间先累积后下降,培养72 h后水溶态锑去除率为64%,生成十四面体方锑矿,表明菌株PS1驱动锑还原成矿有助于锑的钝化。两种ES能够加速细菌锑还原反应,而对胞外生成的方锑矿晶型没有影响。通过定量分析菌株PS1潜在功能基因转录表达活性,结果表明AQDS相比FMN更能促进菌株PS1细胞膜二甲基亚砜还原酶(DMSOR)基...  相似文献   

生物炭因具有发达的孔隙结构、丰富的表面官能团和无机矿物等特性,在控制农业面源污染和温室气体排放方面有着良好的应用前景.生物炭对氮循环微生物群落特征的影响是生物炭能否有效控制面源污染和改良土壤的核心问题.围绕生物炭对土壤氮循环微生物群落特征的影响,从生物炭的多元性、添加量和环境条件3个方面综述生物炭对土壤硝化和反硝化微生物的影响研究进展.高温热解生物炭对土壤氮循环微生物的积极作用要比低温热解生物炭效果好;生物炭原料来源、添加量对土壤氮循环微生物群落的影响存在较大差异;添加有机肥料要比常规化肥更能提高氮循环微生物碳源的利用能力及其活性;环境中的污染物如多环芳烃(PAHs)、酚类化合物(PHCs)和重金属等的存在不利于氮循环微生物的生存.随着分子生物技术的进步,未来应结合多种分子生态学技术和稳定同位素探针技术等手段研究生物炭对土壤氮循环微生物的影响机制,生物炭热解温度和添加量对土壤氮循环微生物的影响不容忽视,在长期的田间试验中应注意老化生物炭对污染物和氮循环微生物的影响.  相似文献   

生物炭是由生物质在完全或部分缺氧的情况下经热解炭化产生的一类高度芳香化难熔性固态物质,具有改善土壤理化性质、调控营养元素循环、防治重金属、多环芳烃等污染物迁移转化等功能,因此,在土壤改良与修复领域具有较好的应用前景。但是,生物炭的施用将对土壤中的微生物群落结构组成带来影响,从而改变整个生态系统的物质循环过程。本文综述了近年来国内外有关生物炭对土壤微生物分布影响的研究进展,探讨了生物炭对土壤微生物生长代谢的作用机制,阐述了生物炭对于微生物主导的土壤生物地球化学过程产生的影响作用。相关研究发现,土壤总微生物生物量在生物炭施用后或增加,或不变,或呈现下降趋势;不同种类微生物对于生物炭的响应非常复杂,从而呈现出各异的土壤微生物群落结构组成。生物炭对微生物生长代谢的影响源于改变p H环境、影响水分分布、调节养分循环等多种机制的协同作用,而生物炭在对环境物质的吸附以及对微生物的直接吸附方面扮演着重要角色。同时,生物炭对于土壤微生物群落结构组成的影响还会随着时间的推移而发生变化。生物炭对土壤中微生物分布的改变还会进一步影响微生物的生物地球化学功能,对温室气体排放、碳氮循环和有机污染物降解等生物地球化学过程产生重要影响。因此,有待开展更多关于生物炭对于土壤微生物分布及其生态功能的影响的深入研究,以期更全面地评价生物炭对土壤环境质量的影响作用,为生物炭的实际应用提供依据。  相似文献   

微生物是土壤、湖泊、沉积物中重要的活性物种。胞外呼吸是微生物主要的能量代谢方式,是微生物与胞外受体间进行电子传递的主要路径。胞外电子传递过程是胞外呼吸作用的重要组成部分,影响着环境中的物质转变和能量交换。研究发现胞外电子传递方式主要包括直接电子传递和间接电子传递两大类。其中,直接电子传递方式主要分为直接接触、纳米导线和纳米导线网络;间接电子传递以穿梭体介导的电子传递为主。腐殖质是自然界中重要的氧化还原活性物种,能作为穿梭体参与间接电子传递过程。已有的研究表明穿梭体能影响单菌体系微生物胞外电子传递过程,但其影响微生物群落胞外电子传递过程的研究更具实际意义。本实验以浅海沉积物为研究对象,构建微生物燃料电池(Microbial Fuel Cell,MFC),结合电化学方法研究在核黄素、AQDS、2-HNQ 3种穿梭体介导下,微生物群落燃料电池的输出电压、极化曲线、功率密度等电化学参数的变化情况,以此来表征穿梭体对微生物群落胞外电子传递过程的影响。研究结果表明:(1)浅海沉积物中存在能进行胞外呼吸的微生物且能成功启动微生物燃料电池;(2)穿梭体的表观电极电位越低,其介导的微生物燃料电池的输出电压越高,此研究结果与纯菌体系相同;(3)纯菌体系中穿梭体的表观电极电位是胞外电子传递速率的决定因素,但在群落体系中并不成立。  相似文献   

多氯联苯是一种典型的持久性有机污染物,其在环境中的转化归趋备受关注.在厌氧条件下,多氯联苯可以通过微生物脱氯进行降解,该降解方式虽然广泛存在于自然界中,但是受生物地球化学因素的影响较大,调控较为复杂.本文对多氯联苯的厌氧微生物脱氯降解进行综述,讨论了脱氯路径和自然界中8种主要脱氯历程;脱氯微生物及相关的微生物还原脱卤酶;影响脱氯速率、程度和历程的主要物理和地球化学因素(温度、pH和氧化还原水平、碳源、电子受体、电子供体及抑制物).最后分析了多氯联苯厌氧脱氯研究中存在的问题并对其前景进行展望.  相似文献   

腐殖质氧化还原和电子转移特性研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
腐殖质在无氧和有氧条件下都具有一定的氧化还原能力,其氧化还原能力与氧化还原电势有关,而腐殖质的氧化还原电势受芳香度、取代基类型、取代位置等因素影响.除氧化还原能力外,腐殖质还能介导电子转移,其电子转移能力受腐殖质结构和所处环境两大因素影响.水体腐殖酸比土壤和沉积物腐殖酸具有相对较小的电子接受能力(EAC)和较大的提供电子能力(EDC);p H、温度、光照、氧气条件和微生物活动等因素均对腐殖质氧化能力和电子转移能力具有重要影响.腐殖质可以介导重金属和有机污染物的还原降解,不同重金属还原反应效率差异较大,其中Fe(Ⅲ)盐还原速率最高;有机污染物降解速率从大到小为六氯乙烷(HCE)>四氯化碳>三溴甲烷.目前在腐殖质氧化还原特性和电子转移能力研究中还存在诸多不足,需要广大学者做进一步探究.  相似文献   

腐殖质电子传递机制及其环境效应研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
腐殖质通过充当微生物的电子受体和氧化物的电子供体可以加速微生物与胞外电子受体间的电子传递速率.腐殖质的电子传递能力受自身结构、来源和外界条件等多种因素的影响.腐殖质不仅能够很大程度地加速电子传递进程,且具有结构和性质稳定等特点,是自然环境中较理想的电子穿梭体.与经过化学提取、纯化后的腐殖质相比较,土壤固相腐殖质更能反映实际环境中的电子传递过程.目前,已有很多研究将腐殖质的电子传递应用于土壤污染治理、温室效应的缓解和水污染处理等多个领域.但在腐殖质电子传递机制及其环境应用的研究中还存在诸多不足,需要广大学者做更进一步的探究.  相似文献   

刘晓伟  谢丹平  李开明  金中  江栋  李明玉 《生态环境》2011,20(11):1713-1719
通过分析底泥氮污染物释放规律和转化过程,以及底泥生境、氮形态变化和氮循环功能微生物群落结构变化的规律,探讨了不同曝气复氧条件影响底泥氮生物地球化学循环的生物代谢、物理化学联合作用的机制。结果表明:曝气复氧对底泥中氮的生物地球化学循环影响是一个包括微生物代谢作用和物理化学作用的复杂联合作用过程。水体好氧环境的改变主要引起参与底泥氮循环的硝化、亚硝化和反硝化功能菌群群落结构的演变,对异养菌和氨化菌的影响不大,证明环境好氧条件的改变对底泥有机质生物分解产生氨氮的微生物代谢过程影响不大,主要对底泥释放的氨氮硝化、反硝化等生物转化过程产生大的影响。不同溶解氧条件下,底泥释放的氮素在微生物作用下主要以NH4+-N和NO3--N的形式进入试验体系,并在特定的氧化还原电位(临界值-200 mV)和pH(临界值6.70)条件下通过物理化学作用在底泥中以离子交换态氮(IEF-N)、碳酸盐结合态氮(CF-N)、铁锰氧化态氮(IMOF-N)及有机态和硫化物结合态氮(OSF-N)等不同形态氮相互转化,同时,在氮的转化和循环过程中部分输入上覆水体。在低溶解氧组实验条件下[ρ(DO)〈0.5 mg.L-1],底泥向水体输出氮总量为底泥可转化态氮的19.7%,主要为氨氮,最大释放速率达到289.13 mg.m-2.d-1,释放的质量浓度可达到18.8 mg.L-1;好氧条件下(DO饱和),底泥向水体输出氮总量为底泥可转化态氮的1.8%;好氧-缺氧条件下为11.7%,主要以N2的形式释出系统。  相似文献   

基于铁还原菌的微生物燃料电池研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
微生物燃料电池(Microbial fuel cell, MFC)是未来理想的发电装置,而铁还原菌是目前MFC研究中重要的产电微生物.自然界中并无微生物产电的直接进化压力,而MFC电极与自然界中Fe(III)氧化物同为难溶性胞外电子受体,研究表明,铁还原菌对二者的还原有相似机制.基于铁还原菌的MFC具有无需外加介体,可利用多种有机电子供体作为燃料,能量转化率高等优点.本文分析了铁还原菌还原电极和还原Fe(III)氧化物机制的相似性,对近年来基于各种铁还原菌的MFC研究进展进行分述和总结,提出了铁还原菌MFC的发展趋势和研究方向.  相似文献   

This review has been undertaken to understand the role of various parameters such as redox potential, microbes, and organic matters on the fate and transport of arsenic in the constructed wetland. A conceptual diagram of arsenic fate and transport in the constructed wetland was developed. Role of various minerals which are produced due to microbial activities are described. The role of these minerals on arsenic adsorption is discussed. It was envisaged that iron sulphide would be the main adsorbent for arsenic in microbe-mediated adsorption process. Beside microbe-mediated arsenic adsorption, roles of various microbes, such as sulphate reducers and methane producers, on arsenic transformation are discussed. Role of various organic carbon sources and electron acceptors on the proliferation of the above mentioned microbes with respect to arsenic transformation was envisaged. Role of dissolved organic matters on arsenic transformation and transport was also discussed in details. To strengthen the review, laboratory studies and modelling of arsenic adsorption and transformation using the Visual Minteq were appended.  相似文献   

厌氧氨氧化电子受体的研究   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
研究发现,除已经证实的硝酸盐外,常规生物反硝化反应的两种中间产物亚硝酸和N2O也能用作氨厌氧氧化的电子受体;厌氧氨生物氧化的主要产物为N2.  相似文献   

利用厌氧污泥为接种源构建双室微生物燃料电池(Microbial fuel cell,MFC),研究其电子传递机制,并考察其底物利用谱及阴极电子受体对产电性能的影响.结果表明:该MFC主要通过生物膜机制实现电子从有机物到固体电极的传递过程.该混合菌MFC的底物利用谱范围广泛,单糖、二糖、小分子有机酸等有机物均可作为电子供体产电,其中以蔗糖和乳糖为底物产电效果较好,最大功率密度分别为69.69 mW/m2和60.75 mW/m2;而以乙醇为底物时,COD负荷最高,达123.55 mg L-1d-1.阴极不同电子受体对混合菌群MFC的产电性能也有显著影响,其中以KMnO4为电子受体电池性能最好,最大功率密度达1 396.74 mW/m2.  相似文献   

冯曦  朱敏  何艳 《生态毒理学报》2017,12(3):151-161
自然环境中,大多数氯代有机污染物厌氧还原脱氯反应是与土壤环境中一些生源要素的生物化学还原过程相伴生。有机污染物的种类、生物有效性以及毒性能够显著影响这些生源要素的转化,反过来,土壤中活跃的氧化还原反应也可以显著影响有机污染物的动力学转化过程。本文从氧化还原顺序上综述了反硝化过程、铁还原过程、硫酸盐还原过程和产甲烷过程对氯代有机污染物厌氧还原脱氯过程的影响与作用机制,旨在为氯代有机污染物在厌氧环境中还原脱氯的过程与机理的进一步研究、以及还原脱氯与微生物介导的生源要素氧化还原过程的耦合作用机制的揭示提供参考。  相似文献   

土壤微生物污染诱导群落耐性研究进展   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
污染诱导群落耐性(PICT)是指生物群落为了在污染环境中继续生存,通过生理生化与遗传特征的改变或以耐性类群生物代替敏感类群,从而使整个群落产生耐性.目前人们已将PICT作为一项指标,从群落耐性方面来评价污染生态学的效应.目前PICT研究已涵盖了水生生物、陆地植物、微生物等,其中土壤微生物是PICT研究的重要群落对象.对土壤微生物群落PICT的研究始于上世纪90年代,并已在多方面取得进展,包括在研究方法上的一些突破和改进.在PICT产生和变化机理等方面也有新发现,如发现了土壤微生物群落PICT与污染物浓度存在较好的正相关关系,并且污染物能够引起土壤微生物群落对其他污染物的共耐性等.在PICT影响因素研究方面发现不仅环境因素会影响PICT的形成,而且检测方法也会影响对PICT的判断.论文较为全面地综述了国际上针对土壤微生物群落PICT的研究进展,包括PICT的概念、研究方法、污染物影响PICT的内在机制及影响PICT的关键因素等,最后提出了研究展望.  相似文献   

• Pyrogenic Carbonaceous Matter (PCM) promote both chemical and microbial synergies. • Discussion of PCM-enhanced abiotic transformation pathways of organic pollutants. • Conjugated microporous polymers (CMPs) can mimic the performance of PCM. • CMPs offer a platform that allows for systematic variation of individual properties. Pyrogenic Carbonaceous matter (PCM; e.g., black carbon, biochar, and activated carbon) are solid residues from incomplete combustion of fossil fuel or biomass. They are traditionally viewed as inert adsorbents for sequestering contaminants from the aqueous phase or providing surfaces for microbes to grow. In this account, we reviewed the recently discovered reactivity of PCM in promoting both chemical and microbial synergies that are important in pollutant transformation, biogeochemical processes of redox-active elements, and climate change mitigation with respect to the interaction between biochar and nitrous oxide (N2O). Moreover, we focused on our group’s work in the PCM-enhanced abiotic transformation of nitrogenous and halogenated pollutants and conducted in-depth analysis of the reaction pathways. To understand what properties of PCM confer its reactivity, our group pioneered the use of PCM-like polymers, namely conjugated microporous polymers (CMPs), to mimic the performance of PCM. This approach allows for the controlled incorporation of specific surface properties (e.g., quinones) into the polymer network during the polymer synthesis. As a result, the relationship between specific characteristics of PCM and its reactivity in facilitating the decay of a model pollutant was systematically studied in our group’s work. The findings summarized in this account help us to better understand an overlooked environmental process where PCM synergistically interacts with various environmental reagents such as hydrogen sulfide and water. Moreover, the knowledge gained in these studies could inform the design of a new generation of reactive carbonaceous materials with tailored properties that are highly efficient in contaminant removal.  相似文献   

Microbial compositions showed high differences in two study areas. COD was the key anthropogenic indicator in the coastal wastewater disposal area. Distinctive microbes capable of degrading toxic pollutants were screened. Microbial communities in effluent-receiving areas followed “niche theory”. Microbial community structure is affected by both natural processes and human activities. In coastal area, anthropegenetic activity can usually lead to the discharge of the effluent from wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) to sea, and thus the water quality chronically turns worse and marine ecosystem becomes unhealthy. Microorganisms play key roles in pollutants degradation and ecological restoration; however, there are few studies about how the WWTP effluent disposal influences coastal microbial communities. In this study, sediment samples were collected from two WWTP effluent-receiving areas (abbreviated as JX and SY) in Hangzhou Bay. First, based on the high-throughput sequencing of 16S rRNA gene, microbial community structure was analyzed. Secondly, several statistical analyses were conducted to reveal the microbial community characteristics in response to the effluent disposal. Using PCoA, the significant difference of in microbial community structure was determined between JX and SY; using RDA, water COD and temperature, and sediment available phosphate and ammonia nitrogen were identified as the key environmental factors for the community difference; using LDA effect size analysis, the most distinctive microbes were found and their correlations with environmental factors were investigated; and according to detrended beta-nearest-taxon-index, the sediment microbial communities were found to follow “niche theory”. An interesting and important finding was that in SY that received more and toxic COD, many distinctive microbes were related to the groups that were capable of degrading toxic organic pollutants. This study provides a clear illustration of eco-environmental deterioration under the long-term human pressure from the view of microbial ecology.  相似文献   

• Energy is needed to accelerate the biological wastewater treatment. • Electrical energy input in traditional technology is indirect and inefficient. • Direct injection of electricity can be a game changer to maximize energy efficiency. • Microbial electrochemical unit for decentralized wastewater treatment is proposed. It has been more than one century since the activated sludge process was invented. Despite its proven stability and reliability, the energy (especially the electrical energy) use in wastewater treatment should evolve to meet the increasingly urgent demand of energy efficiency. This paper discusses how the energy utilized in conventional biological wastewater treatment can be altered by switching the indirect energy input to a direct electricity injection, which is achieved by the electrode integration providing extra thermodynamic driving force to biodegradation. By using electrodes instead of oxygen as terminal electron acceptors, the electrical energy can be utilized more efficiently, and the key of direct use of electrical energy in biodegradation is the development of highly active electroactive biofilm and the increase of electron transfer between microbes and the electrode. Furthermore, the synergy of different microbial electrochemical units has additional benefit in energy and resource recovery, making wastewater treatment more sustainable.  相似文献   

Zak DR  Kling GW 《Ecology》2006,87(7):1659-1670
Arctic landscapes are characterized by a diversity of ecosystems, which differ in plant species composition, litter biochemistry, and biogeochemical cycling rates. Tundra ecosystems differing in plant composition should contain compositionally and functionally distinct microbial communities that differentially transform dissolved organic matter as it moves downslope from dry, upland to wet, lowland tundra. To test this idea, we studied soil microbial communities in upland tussock, stream-side birch-willow, and lakeside wet sedge tundra in arctic Alaska, USA. These are a series of ecosystems that differ in topographic position, plant composition, and soil drainage. Phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analyses, coupled with compound-specific 13C isotope tracing, were used to quantify microbial community composition and function; we also assayed the activity of extracellular enzymes involved in cellulose, chitin, and lignin degradation. Surface soil from each tundra ecosystem was labeled with 13C-cellobiose,13C-N-acetylglucosamine, or 13C-vanillin. After a five-day incubation, we followed the movement of 13C into bacterial and fungal PLFAs, microbial respiration, dissolved organic carbon, and soil organic matter. Microbial community composition and function were distinct among tundra ecosystems, with tussock tundra containing a significantly greater abundance and activity of soil fungi. Although the majority of 13C-labeled substrates rapidly moved into soil organic matter in all tundra soils (i.e., 50-90% of applied 13C), microbial respiration of labeled substrates in wet sedge tundra soil was lower than in tussock and birch-willow tundra; approximately 8% of 13C-cellobiose and approximately 5% of 13C-vanillin was respired in wet sedge soil vs. 26-38% of 13C-cellobiose and 18-21% of 13C-vanillin in the other tundra ecosystems. Despite these differences, wet sedge tundra exhibited the greatest extracellular enzyme activity. Topographic variation in plant litter biochemistry and soil drainage shape the metabolic capability of soil microbial communities, which, in turn, influence the chemical composition of dissolved organic matter across the arctic tundra landscape.  相似文献   

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