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蝴蝶是重要的生态和观赏昆虫,重庆市缙云山国家级自然保护区的蝴蝶种类鲜见系统调查和研究。基于2012—2019年的野外系统调查及重庆师范大学昆虫标本馆馆藏蝴蝶标本,研究共获得缙云山国家级自然保护区蝴蝶标本569只,通过形态学鉴定,它们隶属于5科79属128种,其中重庆市新记录属2属和新记录种8种,缙云山国家级自然保护区新记录属5属和新记录种32种。这5科中,蛱蝶科的物种多样性最高,达到31属49种245只,其余依次为灰蝶科(20属27种118只)、弄蝶科(17属26种44只)、凤蝶科(5属16种65只)和粉蝶科(6属10种97只)。物种丰富度指数分析显示,弄蝶科的物种丰富度指数最高,达3.920,其余依次为蛱蝶科(3.130)、灰蝶科(2.486)、凤蝶科(1.985)和粉蝶科(1.015)。世界动物地理区系分析表明,该保护区蝴蝶的区系成分以东洋区和古北区共有种为主(占63.98%),其次是东洋区种类(占34.12%),世界广布种最少(仅占1.90%)。中国动物地理区系分析表明,保护区以跨西南—华南—华中的三区型分布为主(占27.01%),其次是跨西南—华中—华南—华北的四区型(占14.7%)。  相似文献   

为了解大兴安岭中段地区蝶类群落结构及地理区系特点,2019年7—8月在五岔沟地区选取山地草甸、山地落叶阔叶林、沼泽草甸、农田和山地针叶林5种生境对蝴蝶多样性进行调查。结果表明,共观测记录蝴蝶5科44属65种856只,蛱蝶科为优势类群,灰蝶科、粉蝶科为常见类群,弄蝶科、凤蝶科为罕见类群。突角小粉蝶(Leptidea amurensis)、阿芬眼蝶(Aphantopus hyperantus)、绿豹蛱蝶(Argynnis paphia)、灿福蛱蝶(Fabriciana adippe)和蛇眼蝶(Minois dryas)为研究区优势种。不同生境蝶类多样性分析结果表明,山地草甸生境多样性指数(3.115 2)和均匀度指数(0.898 8)最高,山地落叶阔叶林生境丰富度指数(6.838 6)最高,农田生境优势度指数(0.089 2)最高。5种生境相似性分析结果表明,不同生境之间物种相似性系数均在0.25~0.50之间,为中等不相似。区系分析结果表明研究区蝶类以古北-东洋界共有种为主(46种),占总数的70.77%。在中国地理区系中,蒙新区分布有65种(100%),其次为东北区,分布有62种(95.38%)。在内蒙古地理区系中,大兴安岭山地亚区分布有65种(100%),其次为内蒙古高原亚区,分布有57种(87.69%)。  相似文献   

在高度异质性的山区景观中,地形通过不同生态因子时空分布的影响而成为植被分布的决定性因素.在野外调查的基础上,将植被遥感影像分类图基本像元分别与由DEM推算出来的坡度、坡向、海拔和剖面曲率图相叠加,定量分析新疆阿尔泰山小东沟林区不同植被类型分布与地形因子之间的关系.通过遥感影像并结合地面调查数据,可将阿尔泰山小东沟林区的植被划分为针叶林、阔叶林、针阔混交林、灌木林和草地5种类型.该区域的地形特征如下:坡度以斜陡坡为主,占总面积的64.32%;坡向以西南坡最多,其次是东北坡,分别占总面积的15.02%和14.78%,东南坡和南坡所占面积较少,分别占总面积的9.30%和10.20%;海拔以1 200-2 000 m居多,占总面积的87.19%,是整个研究区的主要海拔分布范围;剖面曲率以5-10°面积最多,占总面积33.31%,其次是剖面曲率3-5°和0-3°,分别占总面积的22.84%和22.44%.剖面曲率>10°的区域占总面积比例较小.各植被类型分布频率最高的地形生境因子组合分别为:针叶林是坡度15-35°的斜陡坡,西北坡,海拔1 800-2 000 m,剖面曲率0-3°;阔叶林是坡度15-35°的斜陡坡,西北坡,海拔1 400-1 600 m,剖面曲率5°-10°;针阔混交林是坡度15-35°的斜陡坡,北坡,海拔1 600-1 800 m,剖面曲率5-10°;灌木林是坡度15-35°的斜陡坡,西坡,海拔1 400-1 600 m,剖面曲率5-10°;草地是坡度15-35°的斜陡坡,南坡,海拔1 200-1 400 m,剖面曲率5-10°.研究不同植被类型随地形生境的变化规律可为生物多样性保育宏观规划和森林可持续经营提供重要科学依据.  相似文献   

白水河国家级自然保护区位于四川省彭州市境内,地处龙门山脉东南部,从海拔1400~4800 m依次覆盖着常绿阔叶林、常绿落叶混交林、落叶阔叶林、亚高山针叶林、高山亚高山灌丛、高山草甸和流石滩植被.通过对白水河保护区山地东南坡不同海拔高度的样方调查,研究了该区域植物群落α多样性及其沿海拔梯度的变化规律.结果表明,乔木层物种的丰富度及Shannon指数随海拔上升呈明显的线性下降趋势;灌木层和草本层物种丰富度及Shannon指数随海拔上升呈抛物线下降趋势.乔木物种从海拔1400 m的12种至林线下降为2种;灌木和草本植物分别从35种和38种至山顶下降为5种和20种.乔木层物种的均匀度在2800~2900 m由于出现单一的冷杉群落而突然降低;灌木层和草本层物种的均匀度则较为一致,波动不大.乔木层物种的优势度随海拔升高而逐渐上升,并在2900m急速升高;灌木层和草本层的优势度呈浅波状变化.乔木层物种随海拔升高在不同群落类型间出现明显的物种替代现象,表明海拔梯度包含了多种环境因子的梯度效应,影响着植物群落的分布、结构及物种多样性.图4表1参20  相似文献   

白水河国家级自然保护区位于四川省彭州市境内,地处龙门山脉东南部,从海拔1400~4800m依次覆盖着常绿阔叶林、常绿落叶混交林、落叶阔叶林、亚高山针叶林、高山亚高山灌丛、高山草甸和流石滩植被.通过对白水河保护区山地东南坡不同海拔高度的样方调查,研究了该区域植物群落a多样性及其沿海拔梯度的变化规律.结果表明,乔木层物种的丰富度及Shannon指数随海拔上升呈明显的线性下降趋势;灌木层和草本层物种丰富度及Shannon指数随海拔上升呈抛物线下降趋势.乔木物种从海拔1400m的12种至林线下降为2种;灌木和草本植物分别从35种和38种至山顶下降为5种和20种.乔木层物种的均匀度在2800~2900m由于出现单一的冷杉群落而突然降低;灌木层和草本层物种的均匀度则较为一致,波动不大.乔木层物种的优势度随海拔升高而逐渐上升,并在2900m急速升高;灌木层和草本层的优势度呈浅波状变化.乔木层物种随海拔升高在不同群落类型间出现明显的物种替代现象,表明海拔梯度包含了多种环境因子的梯度效应,影响着植物群落的分布、结构及物种多样性.  相似文献   

采用β多样性指数和动物地理学方法研究了溪洛渡水电站对两栖爬行动物多样性的影响,结果表明,在海拔600m以下淹没区的区系与600-900m区段的区系,共有种最多,相似性最大,隔离与分化最小,它们具有较近的生物地理学关系,它们与海拔900m以上的区段则有明显差别,因此,保护好海拔600-900m区段的物种多样性成为保护该地物种多样性的关键,并可以有效地降低电站的建设对物种多样性的影响。  相似文献   

南岭大顶山与鼎湖山常绿阔叶林种群分布格局对比研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了研究亚热带常绿阔叶林群落物种多样性的动态特征,在南岭大顶山和鼎湖山的常绿阔叶林各建立了1hm2永久样地。根据对样地植物物种多样性测定,研究了两地植物物种多样性的空间分布特征和多度分布特征。结果表明,位于南岭大顶山的常绿阔叶林群落较鼎湖山的季风常绿阔叶林具有更高的物种丰富度,但具有较少的胸径≥1cm的乔木个体。南岭大顶山的常绿阔叶林大多数优势种的种群为集中分布,鼎湖山的常绿阔叶林优势种的种群具有相对较多的规则分布。  相似文献   

雅鲁藏布江源区土壤侵蚀特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
以雅鲁藏布江源区所在的马泉河流域为研究区域,运用遥感和G IS技术对土壤侵蚀及其空间分布的地貌特征进行研究,结果表明:轻度及其以上强度土壤侵蚀面积为18 933.33 km2,占源区面积的71.86%;冻融侵蚀是土壤侵蚀的主要形式,占源区面积的82.53%;风力侵蚀占5.33%,集中分布在河谷宽谷段;水力侵蚀面积所占比例较小,以微度侵蚀为主。土壤侵蚀的地理分布规律受海拔高度的影响较大,垂直分异明显,主要发生在坡度等级较低、地势较平坦的地区。轻度以上冻融侵蚀主要分布在海拔4 600~5 200 m,且有20%以上集中在0°~5°坡地;风力侵蚀主要分布在海拔4 600~5 600 m、0°~25°坡地。极强烈风力侵蚀以西南坡向最大,南、西、东南坡和平地分布较少。强烈风力侵蚀以平地所占比例最大,东北和西2个坡向次之。坡向对冻融侵蚀影响较小。  相似文献   

通过对三清山缺萼枫香林群落的野外调查和分析,其结果表明,(1)该群落乔木分层明显,其中第1层高达20~25m,最高可达35m。年龄结构显示,主要优势种缺萼枫香处于衰退状态。(2)群落生活型以高位芽植物占绝对优势(75.38%),地上芽植物较多(21.54%),反映出该群落具有山顶群落特征。(3)重要值计算表明,各优势种的重要值比例为缺萼枫香(52.08%)、细叶青冈(34.14%)、猴头杜鹃(31.01%)、多脉青冈(24.95%)和红花油茶(20.63%),其相应的科所占比例为壳斗科(21.9%)、金缕梅科(17.36%)、山茶科(14.86%)及杜鹃花科(12.96%),在科属地理分布区类型上群落具有从热带向温带过渡的特征,热带性科占57.84%,温带性科占42.16%。(4)多样性指数以及频度分析表明,以Shannon-Wiener公式计算,其多样性指数为4.46,介于广东鼎湖山常绿阔叶林与江西中亚热带常绿阔叶林之间;频度值分析为A>B>CE,与Raunkiaer频度定律有一定差异。整体分析表明缺萼枫香群落是中亚热带地区典型的山地常绿落叶阔叶林群落。  相似文献   

海南岛吊罗山植物群落特征和物种多样性分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据吊罗山自然保护区不同海拔6个植物群落的样方资料,分析了吊罗山植物群落结构特征和物种多样性,同时比较了吊罗山植物群落与邻近地区植物群落的组成特征。研究结果表明吊罗山低地雨林乔木层以蝴蝶树、青梅、高山榕、粘木、长脐红豆、海南柿、肉实树和海南木莲为主,灌木层以白颜树、白茶、柏拉木和九节为主;山地雨林以陆均松、鸡毛松、黄叶树、阿丁枫、扫把青冈和海南杨桐为优势种;山顶常绿矮林则以山地常绿阔叶林陆均松、琼崖柯、岭南青冈和油丹等种类的矮化为特征。植物群落Shannon-Wiener物种多样性指数分析表明,吊罗山植物群落物种多样性在空间的变化基本上表现为随海拔梯度增加而降低,次生林物种多样性最低,山地雨林和山顶矮林物种均匀度指数最高,群落优势种明显。  相似文献   

根据2009年4月在福建北部海域(24°47’17.0"~26°48’02.9"N,119°29’36.0"~120°57’13.8"E)所获浮游植物网采样品和同步观测的理化参数,并结合2007年"908专项"春季航次相应范围的调查资料,分析该海域浮游植物种类组成、分布特点、年际变化及其与环境因子的关系.本航次共记录浮游植物3个门类85种,其中硅藻75种、甲藻9种、蓝藻1种.物种组成以广温种为主(占47.06%),其次为暖水种(占36.47%),温带种仅占7.06%.调查区浮游植物丰度平均为137.89×104cells m-3,其平面分布呈现从近岸往外海、从北往南递增的态势.聚类分析显示本海区浮游植物可划分为2个群落,群落Ⅰ主要由近岸低盐种组成,仅分布于受浙闽沿岸流影响较直接的闽江口以北的近岸测站;群落Ⅱ主要为外海高盐种和广温广盐种,广泛分布于受台湾暖流影响较大的闽江口以南及三沙湾外侧水域.主成分分析(PCA)表明,对本海区浮游植物的分布起主导作用的是温度和盐度,而与营养盐的关系不密切,反映调查期间浙闽沿岸流已基本退出本海区,浮游植物的分布主要受制于台湾暖流.浮游植物丰度的平面分布格局与以往的调查结果基本一致,但其群落结构存在年际变化,"908专项"春季航次的优势种为近岸低盐种和广温广盐种,优势种突出,多样性指数低;而本次调查外海性广温种成为优势种之一,多样性指数(H’)和均匀度(J’)均较高,这可能与考察期间受东北季风强度所左右的浙闽沿岸流强弱有关.  相似文献   

The megabenthic fauna in the deep sea south of New England,USA   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Data from 105 benthic trawls made in an area south of New England, USA between 40 and 5000 m show the fauna to be zoned with depth, areas of rapid faunal change separating regions of relative faunal homogeneity. Distinct faunal assemblages with characteristic catch rates, diversity, and dominant species are found on the shelf (40 to 264 m), upper continental slope (283 to 650 m), middle continental slope (653 to 1290 m), lower continental slope (1380 to 1947 m), the transitional region from slope to rise (2116 to 2481 m), the upper continental (2504 to 3113 m), the middle continental rise (3244 to 3470 m), and lower continental rise to abyssal plain (3879 to 4986 m). Catch rates and diversity are greatest on the lower continental slope and transition to the upper rise, and are lowest at the greatest depths. Dominance, particularly by echinoderms, is an important aspect of community structure. The 3 major taxa represented (decapod crustaccean, echinoderms, and fishes) do not always display the same patterns within and between assemblages. Generalities derived from study of a single group need not apply to all segments of the deep-ocean community. Overall patterns in the megafauna are similar to those described in other groups and areas, but species assemblages are not the same everywhere and perhaps too much has been made of the horizontal extent of zones. Trophic level is related to degree of zonation, but where predators are generalists their ranges may be wide rather than restricted. Diversity patterns can be understood in terms of the interrelationships of predation, competition, environmental heterogeneity, and trophic level. Faunal zones are of importance as the geographical units within which evolution, community development, and diversification take place.This research was supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant OCE76-21878, the Office of Naval Research under Contract N00014-74-C0262, and, in part, by the United States Department of Energy under Contract No. EY-76-C-02-0016 and the Canadian Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Cancil under Grant A-7230  相似文献   

对广东汕头海岸湿地的鸟类资源进行了调查,共记录鸟类100种,隶属15目31科,其中古北界鸟类43种,东洋界鸟类45种,广布种鸟类12种.区系组成呈南北鸟类混杂分布,鸟类的多样性表现出明显的季节性.该湿地有国家二级重点保护鸟类10种,中日候鸟保护协定名录中的鸟类43种.对5个湿地样区的主要鸟类种类和数量进行了调查,结果反映汕头海岸湿地是水鸟类重要的越冬栖息场,鸟类群落多样性指数以三屿围和六合围两个样区较高,分别为3.2306和3.2283,濠江口的多样性指数较低,为1.981.群落多样性指数的高低主要受物种数量和各物种数量均匀度的影响.本文还提出了对鸟类资源保护和管理的建议.表3参9  相似文献   

In order to explore the characteristics and species diversity of the vegetation growing in the provenance slope with high-frequency debris flow, we selected the slopes on the north and south sides of the valley in the Jiangjiagou watershed as the research object. The structural characteristics and quantitative compositions of the communities of vegetation growing on different positions of the slopes were investigated. The species composition, important value, species diversity, and ground and underground biomass of the different communities on the slope were statistically analyzed, and the correlations of the ground and underground biomass with the diversity were determined. The results showed that: of the total 49 species found, the herbs were the dominant flora, of which 33 were found on the northern slope and 23 were found on the southern slope. There were significant differences in the species composition and composition of the important values along the different positions on the slope, being mainly affected by the pioneer herbaceous plants. We found that Heteropogon contortus, Eulaliopsis binata, Arthraxon hispidus, and Sesbania cannabina were highly adaptable to debris flow. These four species are common to the area and can be used as the main configuration species for future ecological restoration. There were differences in the community characteristics and species diversity at different positions on the slope. For the southern slope of the valley, the Shannon-Wiener diversity index was in the order: stable zone (2.311) > instable zone (2.161) > deposit zone (2.036), and in the order: deposit zone (2.626) > stable zone (1.338) > instable zone (1.057) for the northern slope. There were significant differences in the biomass, being in the order: stable zone > instable zone > deposit zone, with higher values in the northern slope than in the southern slope. Based on the aforementioned results, we suggest that the restoration of vegetation in the area of the provenance slope having high-frequency debris flow should focus on the prevention and protection of the instable zone of the slope by natural processes of recovery. The deposit zone needs rational remediation measures. We should introduce local shrub and arbor to increase the species composition and promote the development of plant communities with vertical structures. © 2018 Science Press. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

张忠华  胡刚 《生态环境》2011,(8):1209-1213
采用2×2列联表的χ2检验和Spearman秩相关系数分析了喀斯特山地青冈栎(Cyclobalanopsis glauca)群落22个优势种的种间联结性和相关性。结果表明,在所组成的231个种对中,χ2检验中有100个种对为正联结,110个种对为负联结;Spearman秩相关系数检验有114个种对为正相关,117个种对为负相关,正、负联结或相关的种对数相近。正联结或正相关的种对主要体现了种间对生境具有相似的生态适应性和生物学特性,而负联结或负相关关系则主要由于对生境的不同偏好或相异的生物学特性所致。喀斯特山地高度的生境异质性促使优势种间的生态位相互分化,对生境的偏好趋异,负联结或负相关的种对趋于增加,因而喀斯特山地高度的生境异质性对植物种间关系的形成具有重要的影响。研究结果对于指导喀斯特地区进行人工植被恢复和重建具有一定的实践指导意义。  相似文献   

The benthic macrofauna and physical features of 10 sandy beaches along the coast of Oman were surveyed quantitatively. This is a mesotidal regime mostly subject to low to moderate wave energy but more exposed in the south. Five northern beaches are tide-dominated, with low wave energy, and their profiles consist of a berm, a steep, swash-dominated upper shore and a broad tide-dominated terrace from mid-shore downwards. They are composed of moderately sorted fine to medium sands. Southern beaches experience greater wave energy, particularly during the summer southwest monsoon, and exhibit smoother, concave profiles with fine, fairly well sorted carbonate sand. 58 species and species groups were recorded, with crustanceans, polychaetes and molluscs dominant. In general species richness was high, at least 19–25 species per beach, but dry biomass moderate to low at 26–90g/m shoreline, with one high value of 450g/m. Total abundance was moderate at 3–73×103 organisms/m of beach. Some zonation was evident with ocypodid crabs andTylos in the supralittoral, cirolanid isopods on the upper shore and a variety of species on the lower shore. The coast of Oman appears to constitute a single zoogeographic region, but with some regional differentiation between north and south due to varying physical conditions. Thus, OmanÕs beaches are characterized by tide-dominated morphodynamics and exceptionally high species richness.  相似文献   

曹云生  杨新兵  张伟  宋庆丰  张建华 《生态环境》2010,19(12):2840-2844
通过野外调查取样,应用Menhinick丰富度指数、Simpson指数、Shannon-Wiener指数和Pielou均匀度指数研究了冀北山区12种典型森林群落内的草本植物多样性规律,并采用典范对应分析(CCA)方法研究其分布与地形的关系。结果表明:不同的群落类型草本植物的组成和多样性指数不同,山杨(Populus davidiana)纯林的种数最多为34种,黑桦(Betula dahurica Pall)纯林的种数最少为19种,其Simpson指数、Shannon-Wiener指数最高,分别为0.927 3和2.879 6;在1 200~1 700 m之间,随海拔升高物种多样性指数、均匀度指数和丰富度指数呈正相关性,但没有线性上升的趋势关系;选取的地形因子对样点草本的影响程度大小为:坡向〉海拔〉坡度〉坡位〉坡形,坡向是样点草本植物空间差异的最主要地形制约因子,环境解释率为98.7%,证明排序可信。  相似文献   

长江口南北支浮游动物群落生态学研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
长江口特殊的生态环境使得浮游动物的种类组成、密度和时空分布等生态特征有别于其它水体。2005年秋季(丰水期)和2006年春季(枯水期)对长江口南北支浮游动物进行了2个航次的调查,沿南北支由西向东设立3个采样断面共20个采样点。共采集到浮游动物227种,其中轮虫65种,原生动物107种,枝角类15种,桡足类40种。优势种包括龟甲轮虫(Keratella)、刺簇多肢轮虫(Polyarthra trigla)、萼花臂尾轮虫(Brachionus calyciflorus)、砂壳虫(Difflugia)、表壳虫(Arcella)、砂壳纤毛虫(Tintinnid)、中华哲水蚤(Calanus sinicus)、汤匙华哲水蚤(Sinocalanus dorrii)、广布中剑水蚤(Mesocyclops leuckarti)、象鼻溞(Bosmina)等。文章对南北两支浮游动物的种类组成和结构进行了比较,南支浮游动物的种类、数量及生物多样都高于北支,南北两支的浮游动物群落相似度很低。南北两支水域环境的不同造成其浮游动物群落结构的较大差异,文章分析了环境因子与浮游动物群落结构的相关性,其中水温是重要的影响因素,水温的季节性决定了浮游动物在时间分布上的变化。盐度对浮游动物群落结构的影响主要决定了其物种生态类型及空间分布。从整体上看,南北支主要受长江径流控制,浮游动物的种类组成以淡水种为主,咸水种在断面3出现较多。  相似文献   

To compare the zooplankton communities in the South Branch, North Branch, North Channel and offshore of the Changjiang (Yangtze River) estuary, two cruises were carried out in the autumn of 2009 and the spring of 2010. A total of 27 species of zooplankton were identified in the spring, including 17 in the offshore, 11 in the south branch, 9 in the north branch, and only 5 in the North Channel. In autumn, altogether 71 species were collected, including 6 in the south branch, 11 in the north branch, 8 species in the North Channel area and 63 in the offshore. Either in the spring or autumn, the average species numbers of the offshore were the highest. Additionally, species numbers of the offshore were significantly higher than that in other areas (P < 0.05) for both seasons. There were no significant differences between the species number of the South Branch and the North Branch (P > 0.05). The species number and diversity index of the inner area were lower than that of the offshore. The average diversity index of offshore area was still the highest in both spring (1.69) and autumn (3.73). In spring, the diversity index of the North Channel was the lowest among four areas, while in autumn, that of the South Branch was the lowest (0.49). In spring, Sinocalanus sinensis was the dominant species of the South Branch, North'Branch and North Channel (> 50% of the total collection by number). The dominant species of offshore area were Tortanus vermiculus and Labidocera euchaeta. While in autumn, the dominant species were different for each area. In the South Branch, the most important species was S. dorrii (93.55% of the total collection by number). The main species was S. dorrii in the South Branch area, S. stenellus and T. vermiculusin in the North Branch and Subeucalanus subcrassus in the offshore (< 30% of the total collection by number). Numbers of species and diversity index seemed to vary among different areas of Changjiang estuary. The underline mechanisms of the regional variation in species number were mainly the salinity and suspended sediment concentrations. Generally speaking, zooplankton was more abundant in the polyhaline water. Diversity index was largely affected by both species number and abundance percentage. The zooplankton community was mainly influenced by the Changjiang diluted water and offshore water mass through affecting the salinity. In autumn, the Kuroshio flowed northward carrying polyhaline water, and brought subtropical species to the offshore of the Changjiang estuary. Since the North Channel is located in the estuarine turbidity zone, suspended sediment concentration of that area is higher than the other areas, which might limit the distribution of some species. To sum up, salinity is the most important factor causing the difference of zooplankton community among different areas in the Changjiang estuary. Besides, water masses and estuarine turbidity also influence the zooplankton community.  相似文献   

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