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80年代初,国外开展了人体总暴露研究(Total Iluman Exposure)。这一研究把人作为环境污染物的接受者,它弥补了目前污染物危害评价中的不足。它为控制污染物找到了新的途径,为健康风险评价提供了新的手段。  相似文献   

淮河流域某地区地下水污染健康风险评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨莉霞  王琳  姜朴  徐顺清 《环境化学》2011,30(9):1599-1603
为研究淮河流域下游某地区地下水中污染物对人体产生的潜在健康危害风险,对该地区的水质进行了监测分析,并采用美国环境保护署(U.S.EPA)推荐的健康风险评价模型对该地区地下水中污染物所引起的健康风险进行了评价.结果表明,所监测的污染物浓度都在生活饮用水卫生标准(GB 5749—2006)和地下水质量标准(GB/T 148...  相似文献   

化学品通过多种途径进入环境水体,可对水生生物及人体健康造成潜在风险.鱼类作为水环境污染物监测的指示生物,分析鱼体内有机微污染物的分布特征是评估水环境安全的重要方法.现有污染物种类繁多,且在生物体内存在降解转化的过程,基于靶向定量分析的监测方法难以系统、准确地评估鱼体中有机污染物的暴露特征.由于具有高分辨率、高质量精度、...  相似文献   

随着环境污染日益严重,国内外有关环境污染物导致健康风险的毒性机制研究已引起广泛关注.然而,环境污染物对机体肠道菌群结构、功能的改变及其对毒性效应的调控作用研究尚处起步阶段.本综述在归纳近年来国内外人体及模式生物的肠道菌群研究进展的基础上,重点阐述了以重金属污染物、微纳米颗粒污染物、持久性有机污染物以及抗生素为代表的典型环境污染物对肠道菌群结构、组成、数量以及代谢等的影响,总结了肠道菌群在机体毒性效应中潜在调控作用,为后续肠道菌群在环境污染物毒理学效应及人类健康风险方面的系统研究提供理论参考.  相似文献   

介绍了抗氧化防御系统、应激蛋白HSP70、活性氧(ROS)以及植络素(PCs)等作为分子水平上的生物标志物,在水和土壤环境污染早期诊断和生态风险评价中的研究现状及最新进展,以及污染物胁迫下活性氧的产生及对机体的氧化损伤机理,并展望了分子生物标志物在污染环境早期诊断和生态风险评价中的发展方向.  相似文献   

污染土壤中铅、砷的生物可给性研究进展   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
崔岩山  陈晓晨  付瑾 《生态环境》2010,19(2):480-486
土壤铅、砷污染已成为重要的环境问题,并可对人体健康造成严重危害。对食物链途径的有效控制使得从口部无意摄入的土壤铅、砷对人体,特别是对儿童铅、砷摄入总量的贡献率越来越大,甚至成为主要来源。土壤中铅、砷直接进入人体的消化系统并可被人体胃肠道溶解出的部分称为其生物可给性。有效、准确地判定土壤中铅、砷的生物可给性已经成为解决儿童铅、砷中毒的关键科学问题。因此,有关土壤中铅、砷的生物可给性及其在人体健康风险评价中的应用受到了越来越多的关注。文章综述了污染土壤中铅、砷生物可给性的研究方法及各方法的优缺点,并从土壤性质、模拟胃肠条件等方面分析了影响土壤中铅、砷生物可给性的主要因素和存在的问题,还进一步论述了土壤中铅、砷生物可给性在人体健康风险评价中的应用。最后,提出了今后该领域应重点加强土壤铅、砷生物可给性的标准参考物、模拟胃肠条件的优化以及土壤铅、砷生物可给性在人体健康风险评价中的应用等方面的研究。以期充分发挥铅、砷等环境污染物的生物可给性研究方法的潜力,更好地为控制土壤污染、保护人类健康服务。  相似文献   

持久性有毒污染物(Persistent Toxic Substances,PTS)是一类具有很强的毒性,在环境中难降解,可远距离传输,并随食物链在动物和人体中累积、放大,具有内分泌干扰特性的污染物.由于PTS对人体健康和环境的长期影响,目前已经受到各国际环境保护组织,各国政府和全世界环境科学家的关注,  相似文献   

刘蕊  张辉  勾昕  罗绪强  杨鸿雁 《生态环境》2014,(7):1239-1244
经济的快速发展导致中国环境质量日趋恶化.随着健康意识的增强,人们越来越重视污染物暴露人群的健康风险评估.与其他污染物相比,重金属污染区域广,重金属暴露人群多且集中.为了研究重金属暴露条件下人群的健康风险,USEPA 模型、统计模型、地理信息系统、可给性研究的方法已被中国不同学者应用.暴露评估模型作为污染物暴露人群健康风险评估的主要环节,国外的研究已经比较成熟,但相关研究在中国还处于空白阶段.对中国近年来在城市表层土壤(灰尘)、矿区土壤、膳食、地下水和饮用水、大气颗粒物进行重金属风险评估中应用的健康风险评估方法,进行了归纳和评述,并对欧美常用暴露评估模型:环境暴露评估模型、膳食暴露评估模型进行了介绍.中国健康风险评估工作起步晚,在评估的各环节均存在很大缺陷.随着新技术的发展以及人群对环境健康风险认识的深化,健康风险评估将成为中国热门研究领域之一.污染的环境行为、剂量一效应关系、模型、风险信息等方面,将是未来中国健康风险评估研究的重点.  相似文献   

随着人工纳米材料在工业、生活、医疗等各领域中的广泛应用,其环境暴露已不可避免.由于纳米材料生物可给性决定了其环境危害与人体健康风险,因此近年来这方面的研究已成为环境科学领域关注的热点.本文基于细胞和微生物、动物、人体等,从纳米材料种类、暴露途径、摄入动力学、体内分布、消除行为等方面,对人工纳米材料的生物可给性与毒性进行了综述,为客观评价纳米材料的生物安全性提供了科学参考.  相似文献   

环境中有机磷农药污染状况、来源及风险评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
环境中农药的污染残留问题备受社会关注,尤其是食品安全这一方面.作为世界上有机磷农药(OPPs)生产和使用的大国,国内环境中OPPs的残留赋存问题尤其受到重视.残留在环境中水体、土壤、生物体的OPPs可能经口、皮肤接触、呼吸等暴露途径进入人体对人体健康造成风险.了解OPPs在国内主要江河湖泊、土壤、生物体中的残留赋存情况并进行风险评价至关重要.本文对比总结了中国环境中水体、土壤、生物体中主要OPPs的含量范围、检出率及其分布特征,并利用美国RBCA健康风险评价模型对其进行健康风险评价和RQ商值法进行水生生态风险评价.结果显示,中国地表水体含量最高的5种OPPs分别是敌敌畏、乐果、对硫磷、马拉硫磷、甲基对硫磷,浓度变化范围ND—30180 ng·L~(-1),北方水体的OPPs污染状况水平要高于南方水体.OPPs风险评价结果显示,地表水、土壤、蔬菜中OPPs的非致癌风险系数(HQ)分别为7.25×10~(-5)—6.93×10~(-1)、9.56×10~(-7)—5.30×10~(-2)、1.08×10~(-2)—7.01×10~(-1),都还未超过1的安全标准,对人体健康不会产生明显的不良影响.地表水中敌敌畏的致癌风险系数(R)范围为2.86×10~(-8)—6.25×10~(-6)在10~(-5)—10~(-6)安全范围内.对比地表水、土壤、蔬菜的HQ值,蔬菜中残留的单体OPPs对人体的健康风险大于地表水和土壤,水生生态风险评价结果中OPPs对糠虾和水蚤RQ值1,处于高风险.  相似文献   

人类活动导致大量毒害污染物进入水体和沉积物,从而对水生生物产生诸多不利影响.开展毒害污染物的生态风险评价,筛选高风险毒害污染物,是毒害污染物风险管控和生态系统保护的基础.对美国和欧盟等发达国家和地区毒害污染物的生态风险评价方法进行了综述.水体和沉积物中毒害污染物风险评价的基本方法首先是采用预测或测定环境浓度(PEC或M...  相似文献   

有机紫外防晒剂内分泌干扰效应研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
有机紫外防晒剂是一类新兴环境污染物,大量研究表明,部分有机紫外防晒剂能模拟生物体内多种激素的作用,干扰动物和人体正常的内分泌功能,造成严重的健康威胁.本文在大量文献调研的基础上,从个体水平、器官水平、细胞水平和分子水平4个层次,就有机紫外防晒剂对生殖系统、青春期发育、成活率、pS2蛋白、卵黄蛋白原及激素受体等多方面的影响进行了综述,以加深对紫外防晒剂的认识,也为紫外防晒剂的正确使用及相关部门对其进行科学管理提供参考.  相似文献   

Groundwater quality which relates closely to human health has become as important as its quantity due to the demand for safe water. In the present study, an entropy-weighted fuzzy water quality index (WQI) has been proposed for performing groundwater quality assessment in and around an industrial park, northwest China, where domestic water requirements are solely met by groundwater. The human health risk was assessed with the model recommended by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. In addition, the sources of major ions and main contaminants were also analyzed. The study shows that groundwater in the study area has been contaminated conjunctively by natural processes and industrial and agricultural activities. Nitrate, manganese (Mn), fluoride, total dissolved solids, total hardness and sulfate are major contaminants influencing groundwater quality. Nitrate and heavy metals such as Mn are mainly affected by human agricultural activities and industrial production, while other contaminants are mainly originated from mineral weathering and water–rock interactions. The results of water quality assessment suggest that half of the groundwater samples collected are of medium quality thus require pretreatment before human consumption. The mean health risk caused by the consumption of contaminated groundwater in the area is 8.42 × 10?5 per year which surpasses the maximum acceptable level (5 × 10?5 per year) recommended by the International Commission on Radiologic Protection. The entropy-weighted fuzzy WQI proposed in this study can not only assign proper weights to parameters but also treat uncertainties associated with water quality classification. This study will be of interest to international environmentalists and hydrogeologists. It will also be useful in regional groundwater management and protection.  相似文献   

Immediately following hurricane Katrina concern was raised over the environmental impact of floodwaters on the city of New Orleans, especially in regard to human health. Several studies were conducted to determine the actual contaminant distribution throughout the city and surrounding wetlands by analyzing soil, sediment, and water for a variety of contaminants including organics, inorganics, and biologics. Preliminary investigations by The Institute of Environmental and Human Health at Texas Tech University concluded that soils and sediments contained pesticides, semi-volatiles, and metals, specifically arsenic, iron, and lead, at concentrations that could pose a significant risk to human health. Additional studies on New Orleans floodwaters revealed similar constituents as well as compounds commonly found in gasoline. More recently, it has been revealed that lead (Pb), arsenic, and vanadium are found intermittently throughout the city at concentrations greater than the human health soil screening levels (HHSSLs) of 400, 22 (non-cancer endpoint) and 390 μg/g, respectively. Of these, Pb appears to present the greatest exposure hazard to humans as a result of its extensive distribution in city soils. In this study, we spatially evaluated Pb concentrations across greater New Orleans surface soils. We established 128 sampling sites throughout New Orleans at approximately half-mile intervals. A soil sample was collected at each site and analyzed for Pb by ICP-AES. Soils from 19 (15%) of the sites had Pb concentrations exceeding the HHSSL threshold of 400 μg/g. It was determined that the highest concentrations of Pb were found in the south and west portions of the city. Pb concentrations found throughout New Orleans in this study were then incorporated into a geographic information system to create a spatial distribution model that can be further used to predict Pb exposure to humans in the city.  相似文献   

Influence of Environmental Contamination with PCBs on Human Health   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Statistical data on different sicknesses have been processed to evaluate the dynamics of human health in Serpukhov City (an administrative centre in the Moscow region of Russia) and to estimate the contribution of ecological factors to the total level of morbidity. Chlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) appear to be among the most dangerous contaminants of the ecosystem that includes the urban areas and those lands, which are actively used for vegetable production. A preliminary health risk calculation for PCBs has been done using soil contamination data. We estimated the share of cancer attributable to soil contamination with PCBs to be approximately 6% of the value of total cancer morbidity in Serpukhov. The highest level of soil pollution by PCBs occurred in the district of the city where the highest values of some other sicknesses also were located. The results of this study could be useful for decision-making and planning of environmental policy in the city.  相似文献   

新型污染物及其生态和环境健康效应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来,随着现代分析手段的改进和发展,各种污染物检测能力的提高,以及新的毒作用模式的发现、新合成化合物的制造和使用等,一些物质成为广受国内外关注的新型污染物.新型污染物已在世界范围内对环境和生态系统造成了污染,对生态系统中包括人类在内的各种生物均构成了潜在的危害.目前,人们关注较多的新型污染物主要有全氟有机化合物、人用与兽用药物、饮用水消毒副产物、遮光剂/滤紫外线剂、人造纳米材料、汽油添加剂、溴化阻燃剂等.论文在总结国内外相关研究基础上,对一些重点新型污染物的生态效应及其潜在健康影响进行了简要综述,为我国开展这方面的研究提供了一定的参考.  相似文献   

Multimedia environmental modeling is extremely complex due to the intricacy of the systems with the consideration of many related factors. Traditional environmental multimedia models (EMMs) are usually based on one-dimensional and first-order assumptions, which may cause numerical errors in the simulation results. In this study, a new user-friendly fuzzy-set enhanced environmental multimedia modeling system (FEEMMS) is developed, and includes four key modules: an air dispersion module, a polluting source module, an unsaturated zone module, and a groundwater module. Many improvements over previous EMMs have been achieved through dynamically quantifying the intermedia mass flux; incorporating fuzzy-set approach into environmental multimedia modeling system (EMMS); and designing a user-friendly graphic user interface (GUI). The developed FEEMMS can be a useful tool in estimating the time-varying and spatial-varying chemical concentrations in air, soil, and groundwater; characterizing the potential risk to human health presented by contaminants released from a contaminated site; and quantifying the uncertainties associated with modeling systems and subsequently providing robustness and flexibility for the remediation-related decision making.  相似文献   

The high costs of laboratory analytical procedures frequently strain environmental and public health budgets. Whether soil, water or biological tissue is being analysed, the cost of testing for chemical and pathogenic contaminants can be quite prohibitive.Composite sampling can substantially reduce analytical costs because the number of required analyses is reduced by compositing several samples into one and analysing the composited sample. By appropriate selection of the composite sample size and retesting of select individual samples, composite sampling may reveal the same information as would otherwise require many more analyses.Many of the limitations of composite sampling have been overcome by recent research, thus bringing out more widespread potential for using composite sampling to reduce costs of environmental and public health assessments while maintaining and often increasing the precision of sample-based inference.  相似文献   

Biota as toxic metal indicators   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Metal in the environment arises from both natural sources and human activities. Toxic metals in air, soil, and water have become a global problem. They are potential hazards to aquatic, animal, and human life because of their toxicity, bioaccumulative, and non-biodegradable nature. The major impacts of metal pollutants can be stated as ecosystem contamination and health problems of exposed human populations. Those problems have been a cause of increasing public concern throughout the world. Some trace metals are used by living organisms to stabilize protein structures, facilitate electron transfer reactions, and catalyze enzymatic reactions. But even metals that are biologically essential can be harmful to living organisms at high levels of exposure. An increasing concentration of heavy metals in the environment can modify mineral and enzyme functions of human beings. During the last two decades, the interest in using bioindicators as monitoring tools to assess environmental pollution with toxic metals has increased. Bioindicators are flora and fauna members, which are collected and analyzed to measure the levels of metal contaminants. Bioindicators therefore identify health hazards. Various living organisms, such as microbes, fungi, plants, animals, and humans, are used to monitor toxic metals from air, water, sediment, soil, and food chain. Here, we review recent bioindicators, toxicity assessment, and ecological effects.  相似文献   

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