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保护自然环境和自然资源是环境保护工作中的一项重要工作。本文通过调研对如何搞好自然保护工作提出一些看法。  相似文献   

城市环境目标责任制的实施,拓宽了我们对国力潜能的认识领域,找到了推进环保工作的社会综合动力。但也存在一些需要继续探索和思考的问题。“基数法”与“系数法”怎样确定? 科学地确定环境指标,是实施环保责任制的一项重要基础工作。山西省辖5市环境保护目标责任书中的环境指标,可以叫作“基数法”,即以5市前一年(或前几年平均)上报的数据为准,来确定的环境指标。这种办法有两大问题:一是个别城市为争取高分,可能将基数压低。二是使个别不积极治理污染的城市钻了空子。如果按这种办法确定明年其它城市的环境指际,在目前监督监测系统不健全的情况下,一些城市在上报基数时,就可能会“留一手”,以捞个低基数。解决这个问题的办法,就是  相似文献   

我国的环境保护事业,在1984年第二次全国环境保护会议以后,有了很大发展,成绩是十分显著的。然而,我们也应该看到,我国面临的环境问题是十分严峻的,环境管理工作仍然比较薄弱,还跟不上环境保护大好形势发展的需要。我国目前环境管理工作的一个最大弱点,就是普遍地存在着“定性管理多于定量管理,一般号召多于指标考核”的管理一般化倾向。因此,定量的检查、总结、考核环境保护成果很困难。近1、2年来,一些省市不同程度地开展了环境保护目标管理与定量考核工作,不仅制定了环境质量、污染治理、环境管理工作等各项环境保护目标,而且建立了不同层次的环境保护目标责任制和定量考核制度,把环境保护的目标管理与责任制、定量考核紧密结合起来,取得了很好的效果。综合各地经验,我们认为,实行环境保护目标责任制,必须注意以下几个问题:  相似文献   

青海省农村环境保护与管理工作的对策建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
纳云 《青海环境》2014,24(3):123-126
文章根据参与农村环境连片整治实践工作,通过分析青海省农村环境保护工作管理现状和存在的问题,就推动农村环境管理主体形成,加强全省农村环境保护工作,提出一些对策建议。  相似文献   

浙西南食用菌的可持续利用与生态环境研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近十年来,食用菌在浙西南山区发展迅猛,大大促进了当地农村经济的发展,为农民脱贫致富发挥了重要作用,但也存在着一些问题。针对食用菌生产对生态环境的影响,作者提出了浙西南山区持续发展食用菌的若干建设和对策。  相似文献   

环境与发展综合决策是实现可持续发展战略的重要举措。本文在总结城市环境管理实践的基础上,探讨了建立和实施环境与发展综合决策制度的必要性和完善该项制度应当强化的一些相关制度,以及在城市环境管理过程中围绕该项制度实施各相关部门的具体职责的一般程序。  相似文献   

加强农村生态环境建设的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈锦昌 《青海环境》2007,17(3):125-131
农村生态环境的优劣对农村振兴、农业发展、农民生活质量的提高有着重大的影响。由于主客观因素、内外部原因造成一些农村的环境污染相当严重。因此,必须从环保体制、发展模式、创新长效机制、规范监管等方面着手,加强农村生态环境的保护与建设。  相似文献   

采用土柱淋滤和间歇式通气淋滤实验,研究三氮(NH4+-N、NO3--N、NO2--N)在土壤层中的迁移与转化,并对氮肥的有效利用提出一些建议。  相似文献   

1 课时:一课时。 2 教育目标:本课以人与环境为主线,揭示了当今人类面 临的全球性环境问题及其解决途径,提高学生对环境问题的危机 感、紧迫感和责任感,并努力规范自己的行为,培养他们对环境 负责的行为。 3 教学媒体:多媒体教学。 4 教育方法:启发式,讨论法等。 5 教学过程目:多媒体演示课题《人与环境》。  相似文献   

节能评估和审查已成为项目审批的前置条件。由于供水项目节能评估开展不久,缺乏相应的行业能耗标准和规范,现有的节能评估文件中存在一些误区。针对供水项目的特点,重点对节能评估中耗能量计算和基于节能的供水综合单位电耗等问题进行探讨,并从节能的角度出发,提出选泵和能耗统计方面的相关建议。  相似文献   

Understanding social goals and objectives and incorporating them in water resources planning, management, education and engineering processes is the key to solving many current and emerging water resources problems. Water resources professionals must turn more of their attention to this issue. Various avenues are open for their involvement. They include lobbying, participating in government, education and research, publishing, establishing institutions, interacting with the public and analyzing existing systems.  相似文献   

Management by objectives (MBO) is a technique for integrating ecological concerns into national political and administrative structures. Politicians determine environmental objectives and interim targets to be implemented and assessed by civil servants in national, regional, and local contexts. Well-developed organizational communication is a prerequisite for MBO. However, communication-related obstacles can arise when using MBO in public environmental management. We examine communicative aspects of environmental MBO, looking specifically at the implementation, administration, and assessment of Swedish environmental quality objectives. Our argument is illustrated by quotations from individual and focus group interviews. We conclude that communicative problems may arise, because different actors interpret messages from different perspectives, depending on their agendas, prior knowledge and experience, and positions in the administrative system. It is crucial to recognize the dialogical aspects of communication, by involving the receiver of a message in a process of response. In addition, the different timeframes underlying different arguments could contribute to misunderstandings between actors involved in handling environmental issues. In assessing the achievement of environmental objectives, indicators are used as communicative tools. It is important to investigate whether and how these indicators contribute to the de- and recontextualization of environmental objectives.  相似文献   

Defining Goals and Criteria for Ecosystem-Based Management   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
/ Identifying goals or targets for landscape and ecosystem management is now a widely recognized need that has received little systematic attention. At a micro-level most planners and managers of both ecosystems and economies continue to pursue traditional goals and targets that miss many desirable characteristics of ecosystem-based management goals. Desirable characteristics of ecosystem and landscape management goals and targets include: addressing complexity, transdisciplinarity, and the dynamic nature of natural systems; reflecting the wide range of interests and goals that exist; recognizing goals and values and limits; involving people and being explainable and implementable in a consistent way to different people and groups; and evolving adaptively as conditions and knowledge change. Substantive and procedural goals can be distinguished; the latter supporting the former. Substantive goals can be grouped according to their relationship to system structure, organization, and process/dynamics, and their disciplinary or subsystemic breadth. These discussions are illustrated by a review of the goals of biodiversity, sustainability, ecological health, and integrity. An example of a hierarchical framework of procedural goals and objectives that supports achievement of substantive goals is also provided. The conclusion is that a parallel, linked system of substantive and procedural goals at different levels of complexity and disciplinarity is needed to facilitate ecosystem-based management.KEY WORDS: Ecosystem management; Goals and objectives; Assessment criteria  相似文献   

实现“双碳”目标是我国应对气候变化的重大决策,也是我国生态文明建设的重要内容。碳捕集、利用与封存(Carbon Capture,Utilization and Storage,CCUS)技术是实现“双碳”目标的关键性技术,也是我国达成二氧化碳零排放的保障性措施。本文简要介绍了CCUS主要环节的技术流程,概括了我国CCUS技术的发展历程。从技术水平、国家政策、示范项目情况等多个角度,总结了现阶段我国CCUS技术的整体研究与发展水平。并根据我国能源供给模式、工业发展水平等因素,分析并阐明了我国CCUS技术发展的必要性,以及现阶段CCUS技术发展所面临的挑战。最后本文还从行业角度出发,将CCUS技术与油气、建筑、农业、化工多种重点行业结合,提出了具体可行、互促互利的CO2转化利用模式,为实现CCUS的商业化运行、保证CCUS技术的可持续发展提供了思路。  相似文献   

要创建和谐生态工业园区应做到:坚持“环保优先”,强化环保基础设施建设;以“发展高科技、实现产业化”为根本目标;调整产业结构,改变经济增长方式,实现可持续发展;加大力度促进企业发展;大力加强环保宣传。  相似文献   

Jordan faces stringent energy challenges mainly in the form of import dependence and escalating demand. The building sector accounts for 58% of total national electricity consumption and therefore plays an important role in addressing these challenges. This article investigates how energy efficiency in green buildings certified by the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating system contribute towards achieving United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Jordan. Furthermore, this paper proposes a new Comprehensive Contribution to Sustainable Development Index (CCSDI) to assess the contributions of implementation of the LEED 2009 prerequisites and credits in the Energy and Atmosphere (EA) category to achieve UN SDGs in Jordan. Questionnaire surveys were conducted to obtain data. Relative Importance Index (RII) method was used to evaluate the contributions of LEED 2009 prerequisites and credits in the EA category. Results indicate a positive relationship between the LEED 2009 prerequisites and credits in category and UN SDGs 7?9 and 12?13. We conclude that our proposed CCSDI is a robust tool for assessing the contribution of energy efficiency in LEED 2009 certified green buildings towards achieving UN SDGs in Jordan.  相似文献   

A chance-constrained linear programming model, which utilizes multiple linear decision rules and is useful for river basin planning, is used to evaluate the effects of risk and reliability on optimal reservoir design. Streamflow forecasts or predictions can be explicitly included in the linear program. The risk associated with the predictions is included in the model through the use of cumulative distribution functions (CDF) of streamflows which are conditioned on the predictions. A multiple-purpose reservoir on the Gunpowder River in Maryland is used to illustrate the effectiveness of the model. In order to provide the decision makers with complete and useful information, trade-off curves relating minimum reservoir capacity (a surrogate for dam costs), water supply and flood control targets, and the reliability of achieving the targets are developed. The trade-off curves may enhance the decision maker's ability to select the best dam capacity, considering technological and financial constraints as well as the trade-offs between targets, risks, and costs.  相似文献   

The Countryside Commission's report A Better Future for the Uplands puts forward a new strategy for public intervention in the uplands of England and Wales. The aim of the report is to integrate rural policies and to promote higher environmental priorities in rural areas. This paper considers the degree to which the report is successful in planning to achieve these ends. The paper is specifically concerned with the planning methodology on which the report is based. The paper argues for an approach to rural planning which permits the consideration of more radical solutions to rural problems, along with the application of a more systematic planning methodology, in order to assist in the choice of an appropriate direction for planned change.  相似文献   

政策环评对决策科学化和民主化具有重要意义,我国2014年修订的《环境保护法》也为开展政策环评提供了一定法律依据。然而,由于我国政治体制和决策模式与西方国家明显不同,政策环评不能照搬国外模式,必须基于自身国情探索中国模式。为此,本文对国际上比较有代表性的政策环评实践进行了总结,对我国开展政策环评的必要性进行了分析,并探讨了我国开展政策环评需要考虑的关键问题,包括政策环评的目的、对象、重点和程序等。具体而言,对于实施政策环评的目的,可表述为健全决策机制、促进环境公平和凝聚社会共识三个方面;对于评价对象,在广义上可包含目前环境影响评价法尚未覆盖的所有高层次决策,在狭义上可将政府部门制定的行政法规、规章和规范性文件等作为重点;对于评价重点,建议整合"以影响为核心"的战略环评和"以制度为核心"的战略环评两种类型的优点,兼顾影响评价和制度评价;对于评价程序,政策环评应基于完全理性决策模式,与政策过程充分融合,在不同阶段分别发挥不同作用。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The field of water resources has become increasingly aware of public demands for evaluating alternative project commitments that consider environmental and social objectives in addition to traditional economic criteria. This has led to endeavors to identify the full array of social goals in Water Resources Council Special Task Force reports as well as in research funded through the Office of Water Resources Research and other agencies. It seems appropriate, however, to consider efforts already completed or currently underway in the social science disciplines, professional fields, and national commissions not affiliated with water resource interests. This report identifies and discusses major efforts to identify social goals as a logical input in evaluation procedures highlighted by Water Resources Council Special Task Force reports. The framework of the study was its contribution as background material for the Western Regional Social Goals Project funded by the Office of Water Resources Research of the Department of the Interior.  相似文献   

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