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利用1961—2015年青海省柴达木盆地东部(德令哈、天峻、都兰和茶卡)和西部(茫崖、冷湖、大柴旦、小灶火、格尔木和诺木洪) 10个气象站温度、降水月资料,采用线性趋势法对柴达木盆地东西部的气候变化差异进行分析。结果表明:①55年来柴达木盆地东西部平均气温、最高气温和最低气温总体均为增加趋势,西部上升较东部明显;东西部年和四季最低气温的增温率大于最高气温的增温率,存在着非对称性变化;东西部气温日较差均为减小趋势。20世纪90年代到21世纪00年代平均气温、最高气温和最低气温增加幅度最大,西部的增加幅度明显大于东部,气温日较差相反。②55年来柴达木盆地东西部降水量和降水日数总体均为增加趋势,东部降水量增加明显而西部不明显;东西部降水日数变化趋势均不明显。③平均气温、最高气温、最低气温、降水量东西部差值均表现为明显的增大趋势,气温日较差和降水日数东西部差值变化不明显。  相似文献   

基于"将今论古、以古论今"的思想,收集过去与现在的青海湖环湖地区气候变化与湖泊水位变化的数据资料,运用一元线性回归方程、线性趋势法与Person相关系数法,分析青海湖流域气候变化对湖泊水位变化的影响。结果表明:(1)重建的全新世湖泊水位升降与古气候因子密切相关;(2)近54年以来,环湖地区的气温上升、降水增加;青海湖水位变化与气温相关系数为0.292,在0.05水平上显著相关,与降水的相关系数为0.444,在0.01水平上显著相关,即降水量变化是湖泊水位波动的根本原因。在过去和现代,青海湖水位都不是一直持续上升或下降的,而是呈现出历史相似性的周期波动特征。  相似文献   

以华北农牧交错带为切入点,选取晋北长城沿线大同市8个气象站点,利用线性趋势分析、5年滑动、M-K检验以及Thormthwaite模型,分析了近38年来大同市气候变化及其气候生产力的演变特征.结果表明:①近38年大同市气温呈现显著增加趋势,且在1994年发生突变.②降水量呈现不显著的减少趋势.③气候生产力呈现缓慢增加趋势,出现南部高于北部,东西方向上呈现由中心向四周递增.④暖湿气候的气候生产力呈现正距平,最适合作物生长;冷干气候的气候生产力呈现负距平,最不适合作物生长.现阶段气候暖干化趋势显著,因此研究气候变化对气候生产力有重要意义.  相似文献   

基于云南省腾冲市气象站1971—2014年逐日气温和降水量观测数据,采用线性趋势分析、Mann-Kendall检测、Morle小波等方法分析了该市气候变化特点和及其未来变化趋势。结果表明:年平均气温、年极端最高气温、年极端最低气温、年平均最高气温、年平均最低气温均呈极显著的上升趋势,年降水量呈不显著的减少趋势,年降水日数呈显著的减少趋势;年平均气温、年极端最高(低)气温、年平均最高(低)气温自20世纪90年代以来呈显著的突变升高,年降水日数自20世纪90年代以来呈显著的突变减少。年平均气温、年极端最高(低)气温、年平均最高(低)气温、年降水量、年降水日数分别存在4年、26年、8年、14年、8年、3年、8年的主周期变化。预测结果表明,2015—2024年年平均气温仍将呈极显著的上升趋势,降水量仍呈不显著的减少趋势。  相似文献   

利用"三江源"地区18个气象台站1961—2012年的气温、降水、蒸发以及相对湿度的气象资料,分析了该地区的气候暖湿变化情况。分析发现:1961—2012年期间,三江源整体向暖转化,平均气温、平均最高气温、平均最低气温均在升高,且平均最低气温上升速率明显快于平均气温和平均最高气温;降水量和降水日数均呈增加趋势,说明三江源地区正逐步变湿。由于暖湿变化而产生了一系列的环境改变。  相似文献   

当前,气候变化备受全球关注.从人口角度研究气候变化可正确判断和把握影响气候的人口因素,对制定减缓气候变化的政策和措施具有重要意义.通过分析西安市近60年来的年平均气温资料可知,西安市气温与全球气候变化一样,有变暖的趋势,且增温幅度高于全国平均值.通过二次项拟合分析西安市气温变化与人口变化关系,得出总人口数量与气温之间不存在明显的线性关系.利用西安市1991-2010年的年平均气温、就业人数、第二产业人数、家庭户数以及反映人口消费结构的恩格尔系数的时间序列数据,运用灰色关联分析法进行分析.结果发现,第二产业人数与气温的关联度最高,为0.8163;总家庭户数与气温的关联度次之,为0.7289.灰色关联是根据序列曲线几何形状的相似程度来判断其联系是否紧密,人口结构与气候变化之间是否存在机理关系还需要进一步研究.  相似文献   

西宁市近50年气候变化特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何明花  赵景波  周强 《青海环境》2014,(1):40-44,46
利用西宁市气象观测站1961~2010年的气温和降水资料,分析了西宁市近50年的气候特征及周期变化。结果表明:50年来西宁市年平均气温呈现非连续性上升趋势,线性倾向值为0.09℃/10a,各季的变暖趋势和变暖幅度不尽相同,增幅依次为冬季、春季、秋季、夏季。50年来降水总体为波动中明显增加的趋势,增长率为16.3mm/10a,各季降水量也呈增加的趋势。西宁市降水和气温的年代分布具有明显的阶段性,显示气候变化具有阶段性、季节差异性特征。近50年来,西宁市年气温和降水变化均以27a为第1主周期。  相似文献   

利用格尔木市气象台观测站1961—2017年年平均气温、最高气温、最低气温及降水资料,采用气候倾向率的方法及Mann-Kendall突变检验,分析格尔木市近57a气候变化趋势及突变年份。结果表明:近57a来,格尔木市年平均气温、最高气温和最低气温均呈极显著的增温趋势,最低气温增温最明显,冬季增温对年平均气温增高贡献率最大。年代际变化中最低温度是历史温度升温最快的一项。最高温度在1996年发生了明显的突变。近57a的年降水量呈增加趋势,气候倾向率为2.2mm/10a。季节变化中冬季降水量增加显著。年代际中表现为21世纪降水量增加最明显。降水日数呈弱增加趋势,冬夏比春秋增加略多,夏半年和冬半年气候倾向率均为0.6d/10a,说明57a来降水日数无论冬半年还是夏半年变化一致,且变幅较小。  相似文献   

近60年山西省气候变化趋势及其对粮食作物产量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用山西省近60年的气象数据,采用重标极差方法对该省未来的气候变化趋势进行了预测和分析,并建立了种植业生产函数的线性模型,引入气候要素与非气候要素的交互项分析非气候要素投入如何改变气候要素对粮食作物单产的影响。结果表明:未来日照时数和降水会呈下降趋势,气温会保持上升趋势,而日照时数减少、气温上升和降水减少不利于粮食增产;非气候要素投入会改变气候要素变化对粮食作物生产的影响,随着气温上升、降水减少,增加灌溉、化肥投入对玉米增产意义不大,但可显著提升小麦单产。从人工光照技术开发、推广耐旱作物品种、完善农田灌溉设施等方面给出了提升山西省粮食作物生产适应气候变化能力的建议。  相似文献   

山西省近50年气候变化特征分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
根据近50年来山西省18个气象基准站1960—2004年间的逐月气温、降水量和山西气象观测台(太原站)1966—2005年的逐月太阳辐射资料的统计,对山西省的气候变化进行了较系统的分析。结果表明,近50年来山西省气温上升趋势明显,而且在1990年有一次明显的跃变(1990年的累积距平等于零),年平均温度以0.25℃/10a的幅度上升;降水的年变化呈下降趋势,平均以18.7mm/10a的幅度下降,在1990年也有一次跃变;年总太阳辐射量亦呈下降趋势,且在1982年有一次明显的突变,年平均太阳辐射总量以每10年238.9204 MJ/m2的幅度下降。1982年以前以正距平为主,1982年后以负距平为主,且跃变的幅度较明显。  相似文献   

Anticipating changes in hydrologic variables is essential for making socioeconomic water resource decisions. This study aims to assess the potential impact of land use and climate change on the hydrologic processes of a primarily rain‐fed, agriculturally based watershed in Missouri. A detailed evaluation was performed using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool for the near future (2020–2039) and mid‐century (2040–2059). Land use scenarios were mapped using the Conversion of Land Use and its Effects model. Ensemble results, based on 19 climate models, indicated a temperature increase of about 1.0°C in near future and 2.0°C in mid‐century. Combined climate and land use change scenarios showed distinct annual and seasonal hydrologic variations. Annual precipitation was projected to increase from 6% to 7%, which resulted in 14% more spring days with soil water content equal to or exceeding field capacity in mid‐century. However, summer precipitation was projected to decrease, a critical factor for crop growth. Higher temperatures led to increased potential evapotranspiration during the growing season. Combined with changes in precipitation patterns, this resulted in an increased need for irrigation by 38 mm representing a 10% increase in total irrigation water use. Analysis from multiple land use scenarios indicated converting agriculture to forest land can potentially mitigate the effects of climate change on streamflow, thus ensuring future water availability.  相似文献   

Satellite images have been used extensively to study temporal changes in land use and land cover (LULC) in China. However, few studies have been conducted in the karst areas despite the large area and population involved and the fragile ecosystem. In this study, LULC changes were examined in part of Guizhou Province of southern China from 1991 to 2001 based on Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) images of November 7, 1991, December 5, 1994, and December 19, 2001. Land surface temperature (LST) and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) were computed based on LULC types. The results show that agricultural land decreased, while urban areas expanded dramatically, and forest land increased slightly. Barren land increased from 1991 to 1994, and then decreased from 1994 to 2001. These changes in LULC widened the temperature difference between the urban and the rural areas. The change in LST was mainly associated with changes in construction materials in the urban area and in vegetation abundance both in the urban and rural areas. Vegetation had a dual function in the temperatures of different LULC types. While it could ease the warming trend in the urban or built-up areas, it helped to keep other lands warmer in the cold weather. The study also reveals that due to the government's efforts on reforestation, rural ecosystems in some of the study area were being restored. The time required for the karst ecosystem to recover was shorter than previously thought.  相似文献   

Land change is often studied with Markov models to develop a probability transition matrix. The existing methods dependent on such matrixes cannot effectively characterize some important aspects associated with land change such as status, direction, trend and regional variations. This study presents mathematical models to quantify these elements, defining unbalanced, quasi-balanced and balanced status, one- and two-way transitions and the rising or falling trends. Using these models and remote-sensing imageries, the landscape was studied for a case area, the oasis of Sangong River in Xinjiang, Northwest China where typical arid conditions prevail. Land expansion and contraction among various land types and for the entire oasis were analyzed for the periods of 1978-1987, 1978-1998 and 1987-1998. The changes were closely related to a strong economic growth after the land-reform campaign and adoption of the market economy in China in the 1980s to early 1990s, a process not strictly Markovian that requires stationarity and randomness. Information on land-change status and trend is important for a better understanding of the underlying driving processes but also for land-use planning and decision-making.  相似文献   

Ensuring food security has been one of the major national priorities of Bangladesh since its independence in 1971. Now, this national priority is facing new challenges from the possible impacts of climate change in addition to the already existing threats from rapid population growth, declining availability of cultivable land, and inadequate access to water in the dry season. In this backdrop, this paper has examined the nature and magnitude of these threats for the benchmark years of 2030 and 2050. It has been shown that the overall impact of climate change on the production of food grains in Bangladesh would probably be small in 2030. This is due to the strong positive impact of CO2 fertilization that would compensate for the negative impacts of higher temperature and sea level rise. In 2050, the negative impacts of climate change might become noticeable: production of rice and wheat might drop by 8% and 32%, respectively. However, rice would be less affected by climate change compared to wheat, which is more sensitive to a change in temperature. Based on the population projections and analysis of future agronomic innovations, this study further shows that the availability of cultivable land alone would not be a constraint for achieving food self-sufficiency, provided that the productivity of rice and wheat grows at a rate of 10% or more per decade. However, the situation would be more critical in terms of water availability. If the dry season water availability does not decline from the 1990 level of about 100 Bm3, there would be just enough water in 2030 for meeting both the agricultural and nonagricultural needs. In 2050, the demand for irrigation water to maintain food self-sufficiency would be about 40% to 50% of the dry season water availability. Meeting such a high agricultural water demand might cause significant negative impacts on the domestic and commercial water supply, fisheries, ecosystems, navigation, and salinity management.  相似文献   

Water resources and land use are closely linked with each other and with regional climate, assembling a very complex system. The understanding of the interconnecting relations involved in this system is an essential step for elaborating public policies that can effectively lead to the sustainable use of water resources. In this study, an integrated modelling framework was assembled in order to investigate potential impacts of agricultural expansion and climate changes on Irrigation Water Requirements (IWR) in the Taita Hills, Kenya. The framework comprised a land use change simulation model, a reference evapotranspiration model and synthetic precipitation datasets generated through a Monte Carlo simulation. In order to generate plausible climate change scenarios, outputs from General Climate Models were used as reference to perturbing the Monte Carlo simulations. The results indicate that throughout the next 20 years the low availability of arable lands in the hills will drive agricultural expansion to areas with higher IWR in the foothills. If current trends persist, agricultural areas will occupy roughly 60% of the study area by 2030. This expansion will increase by approximately 40% the annual water volume necessary for irrigation. Climate change may slightly decrease crops' IWR in April and November by 2030, while in May a small increase will likely be observed. The integrated assessment of these environmental changes allowed a clear identification of priority regions for land use allocation policies and water resources management.  相似文献   

宁夏近51年气候变化特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
万佳  廷军平 《资源开发与市场》2012,28(6):511-514,577
利用宁夏10个气象站1960-2010年日气温和降水资料,对宁夏气温和降水的时空变化特征进行了分析.结果显示:①宁夏整体呈现暖干化趋势,但存在区域间差异.②近51年来宁夏年平均气温呈上升趋势,冬季升温幅度大,秋季升温幅度最小.③年平均降水量总体呈现减小趋势,春季微弱增加,冬季降水量显著增加,夏季降水微弱减少,秋季降水减少明显.④通过Kriging空间差值法分析表明,年平均气温总体呈现由西南向西北递增的趋势,中、北部增温较明显;平均年总降水量总体呈现由西南向西北递减的规律,中、北部降水量减小最为明显.  相似文献   

Abstract: Natural forests in southern China have been severely logged due to high human demand for timber, food, and fuels during the past century, but are recovering in the past decade. The objective of this study was to investigate how vegetation cover changes in composition and structure affected the water budgets of a 9.6‐km2 Dakeng watershed located in a humid subtropical mountainous region in southern China. We analyzed 27 years (i.e., 1967‐1993) of streamflow and climate data and associated vegetation cover change in the watershed. Land use/land cover census and Normalized Difference of Vegetation Index (NDVI) data derived from remote sensing were used to construct historic land cover change patterns. We found that over the period of record, annual streamflow (Q) and runoff/precipitation ratio did not change significantly, nor did the climatic variables, including air temperature, Hamon’s potential evapotranspiration (ET), pan evaporation, sunshine hours, and radiation. However, annual ET estimated as the differences between P and Q showed a statistically significant increasing trend. Overall, the NDVI of the watershed had a significant increasing trend in the peak spring growing season. This study concluded that watershed ecosystem ET increased as the vegetation cover shifted from low stock forests to shrub and grasslands that had higher ET rates. A conceptual model was developed for the study watershed to describe the vegetation cover‐streamflow relationships during a 50‐year time frame. This paper highlighted the importance of eco‐physiologically based studies in understanding transitory, nonstationary effects of deforestation or forestation on watershed water balances.  相似文献   

Land use change can significantly affect the provision of ecosystem services and the effects could be exacerbated by projected climate change. We quantify ecosystem services of bioenergy‐based land use change and estimate the potential changes of ecosystem services due to climate change projections. We considered 17 bioenergy‐based scenarios with Miscanthus, switchgrass, and corn stover as candidate bioenergy feedstock. Soil and Water Assessment Tool simulations of biomass/grain yield, hydrology, and water quality were used to quantify ecosystem services freshwater provision (FWPI), food (FPI) and fuel provision, erosion regulation (ERI), and flood regulation (FRI). Nine climate projections from Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase‐3 were used to quantify the potential climate change variability. Overall, ecosystem services of heavily row cropped Wildcat Creek watershed were lower than St. Joseph River watershed which had more forested and perennial pasture lands. The provision of ecosystem services for both study watersheds were improved with bioenergy production scenarios. Miscanthus in marginal lands of Wildcat Creek (9% of total area) increased FWPI by 27% and ERI by 14% and decreased FPI by 12% from the baseline. For St. Joseph watershed, Miscanthus in marginal lands (18% of total area) improved FWPI by 87% and ERI by 23% while decreasing FPI by 46%. The relative impacts of land use change were considerably larger than climate change impacts in this paper. Editor's note : This paper is part of the featured series on SWAT Applications for Emerging Hydrologic and Water Quality Challenges. See the February 2017 issue for the introduction and background to the series.  相似文献   

Climate change affects the productivity of agricultural ecosystems. Farmers cope with climate change based on their perceptions of changing climate patterns. Using a case study from the Middle Yarlung Zangbo River Valley, we present a new research framework that uses questionnaire and interview methods to compare local farmers’ perceptions of climate change with the adaptive farming strategies they adopt. Most farmers in the valley believed that temperatures had increased in the last 30 years but did not note any changes in precipitation. Most farmers also reported sowing and harvesting hulless barley 10–15 days earlier than they were 20 years ago. In addition, farmers observed that plants were flowering and river ice was melting earlier in the season, but they did not perceive changes in plant germination, herbaceous vegetation growth, or other spring seasonal events. Most farmers noticed an extended fall season signified by delays in the freezing of rivers and an extended growing season for grassland vegetation. The study results showed that agricultural practices in the study area are still traditional; that is, local farmers’ perceptions of climate change and their strategies to mitigate its impacts were based on indigenous knowledge and their own experiences. Adaptive strategies included adjusting planting and harvesting dates, changing crop species, and improving irrigation infrastructure. However, the farmers’ decisions could not be fully attributed to their concerns about climate change. Local farming systems exhibit high adaptability to climate variability. Additionally, off-farm income has reduced the dependence of the farmers on agriculture, and an agricultural subsidy from the Chinese Central Government has mitigated the farmers’ vulnerability. Nevertheless, it remains necessary for local farmers to build a system of adaptive climate change strategies that combines traditional experience and indigenous knowledge with scientific research and government polices as key factors.  相似文献   

利用阿克苏地区5个气象站1961—2008年的降水和温度资料,对近50 a来该地区气候变化及其趋势进行了分析。各气象站年降水量变化趋势基本一致,总体上都呈增加趋势。除库车县气象站年平均温度呈降低趋势外,其余呈上升趋势。总体上,阿克苏地区年降水量和年平均温度均呈上升趋势。  相似文献   

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