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To understand haze-related online communication in Southeast Asia, this exploratory study took a mixed method approach to conduct web analysis of online communication during haze crisis in Singapore, followed by textual analysis of traditional and new media content during peak days. First, web analytics showed that Singapore’s haze online communication occurred mostly on the Twitter platform with primary negative sentiments. Next, textual analysis results found that majority of traditional media-affiliated news provided informative haze reports and centered on positive measurements taken by government and authorities, similar to Public Information Model for crisis management. In comparison, haze-related new media content had diverse topics reflecting laymen’s viewpoints with critical tones and negative sentiments. News portals and blogs used two-way asymmetrical and symmetrical model for crisis management, respectively. Additionally, Social Cognitive Theory’s media diversity perspectives were applied to understand people’s media choices among traditional and new media during natural crisis with environmental influences.  相似文献   

上海霾气候数据序列重建及其时空特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用上海11个气象站点1960~2008年日均相对湿度、能见度以及天气现象资料,重建了上海近50a霾气候数据序列,并从时间和空间两个方面分析了上海霾日数的气候特征和变化规律。结果表明,上海霾气候数据序列重建值与报表记录值之间变化形态存在着较好的一致性,重建值较记录值偏高。1960~2008年,上海霾日数以9.7d/10a的线性趋势显著增加,2002年以后霾日数总体上呈减少趋势。上海多年平均霾日数以冬季最多而夏季最少。近50a,上海霾日数呈现出西南部最多-市区较多-东北和东南部最少的空间分布,霾日数的空间变化趋势则表现为西南部增加较多而东部增加较少。1981~2008年,上海霾日数在西部和南部都增加,东部则减少。  相似文献   

利用江苏省69个地面气象观测站1980~2012年的气象资料,采用适当的方法定义了霾时概念,讨论了重度、中度、轻度及轻微霾时数的时空分布特征。根据霾灾害特点,以区县为评估单元,综合考虑了致灾因子危险性、孕灾环境敏感性、承载体易损性和防灾减灾能力4个因素,选取中度霾时数、重度霾时数、水域面积、植被面积、人口密度、公路里程、公共财政支出、每万人拥有医生数等8个因子作为评估的主要指标,利用层次分析法建立霾灾害风险评估模型,并借助于GIS分析工具,进行了霾灾害风险区划  相似文献   

为探究不同省级区域雾霾、经济增长和环境规制之间的空间关联效应,本文提出针对雾霾的引力模型空间权重矩阵,并利用该矩阵建立了空间杜宾模型,分别对全国、西部、中部和东部省区的面板数据进行了空间计量检验。实证结果显示:全国雾霾的莫兰指数值显著,且取值介于0.367—0.460之间;雾霾"重心"呈现先向东南再向西北移动的趋势,移动距离为76 557 m;雾霾的莫兰指数值为东部省区最大,西部省区最小,中部省区介于二者之间。全国的雾霾与经济增长之间呈显著的"U"型曲线,而西部、中部和东部省区则呈倒"U"型曲线,其中中部省区的曲线最为陡峭,西部省区次之,东部省区最为平缓。环境规制每增加1%,只有西部和东部的雾霾相应减少,且各自相应下降0.009和0.010个百分点。西部和东部经济增长的溢出效应均显著,而环境规制的溢出效应不显著。研究结果表明:(1)雾霾在空间上表现出集聚的特点,全国和三个区域的雾霾都存在显著的正向空间溢出效应,这种空间依赖性在时间维度上大致呈加强的趋势;雾霾的空间相关性表现为东部省区最强,西部省区紧随其后,中部省区最低。(2)西部和东部省区部分省市还未过拐点,全国意义上的环境库茨涅兹假说是不存在的,或者是至少还未出现。(3)西部和东部环境规制效果较为理想,而中部省区的环境规制效果不佳;从全国总体来看,当前的环境规制整体上对雾霾并未起到有效的抑制作用。(4)东西部省区和中部省区经济增长对雾霾溢出效应分别表现为正向和反向;环境规制对雾霾的溢出效应并不显著。建议加强对雾霾的区域协同治理,重点推进西部和东部省区经济结构的转型升级,调整和完善西部、中部和东部省区的环境规制政策。  相似文献   

Using noise prediction models, we explored the transportation noise levels of Youngdeungpo-gu, an urbanized area of Seoul Metropolitan City in the Republic of Korea. In addition, we estimated the population exposed to transportation noise levels and determined how many people are vulnerable to noise levels that would cause serious annoyance and sleep disturbance. Compared with the World Health Organization [WHO] recommended levels, the daytime and nighttime transportation noise levels were still high enough to have the two psychosocial effects on people when considering the recommended levels of the World Health Organization (WHO; 55 decibels [dB[A]] and 40 dB[A] for daytime and nighttime, respectively). Particularly, nighttime transportation noise was discovered to be harmful to a wider area and more people than daytime noise. Approximately 91% of the Youngdeungpo-gu area experienced nighttime transportation noise levels exceeding those recommended by WHO. It was estimated that as much as 80% of the people in the study area were exposed to transportation noise levels >40 dB[A] during nighttime. Taking this into account, there is an urgent need to control and reduce transportation noise levels in Seoul, to protect residents against the potential ill health effects caused by urban transportation.  相似文献   

利用上海11个气象站点1960~2008年日均相对湿度、能见度以及天气现象资料,重建了上海近50 a霾气候数据序列,并从时间和空间两个方面分析了上海霾日数的气候特征和变化规律。结果表明,上海霾气候数据序列重建值与报表记录值之间变化形态存在着较好的一致性,重建值较记录值偏高。1960~2008年,上海霾日数以97 d/10 a的线性趋势显著增加,2002年以后霾日数总体上呈减少趋势。上海多年平均霾日数以冬季最多而夏季最少。近50 a,上海霾日数呈现出西南部最多 市区较多 东北和东南部最少的空间分布,霾日数的空间变化趋势则表现为西南部增加较多而东部增加较少。1981~2008年,上海霾日数在西部和南部都增加,东部则减少。〖  相似文献   

Vietnam is prone to tropical storms. Climate change effects contribute to sea level rise, floods, progression of the low water line and coastal erosion. This paper inventories the perception of local people, assesses and values main aspects of the livelihood damage caused by the tropical storms of the period 2008–2013 in three coastal communes of the Ky Anh District of the Ha Tinh Province in Central Vietnam. The communes were selected because the location of their coastal line is perpendicular to the storm itself, which made them prone to damage. The effects of increasingly extreme weather conditions on three communities in an area most affected by storms and floods on the local residents and their responses to these changing environmental conditions are analyzed and assessed. The results of questionnaires completed by randomly selected local inhabitants of these communes show that storms and related hazards such as flood, sea level rise and heavy rain are perceived as the most impacting climate change intensified phenomena on agriculture and aquaculture, livestock, household property and income. Opinions and measured data provided by the commune and district authorities allow estimating the total direct cost of the tropical storm at 1.56 million $US (The used conversion rate VND/$US is 21,730 when the research was conducted in 2014) during the period 2008–2013. The long-term costs of adaptation and social impact measures will be significantly higher. Details of the monetary figures allow identifying the physical and natural capital of the area as being most affected by the storm. Trend and cost analysis show that the total financial support for hazard prevention and management during 2014–2019 is estimated at 1.19 up to 1.32 million $US. Local stakeholders indicate that climate change adaptation should not be limited to technical measures such as strengthening dikes, but also should target planting protection forests and mangroves and land use planning. Financial support for the relocation policy, stakeholder involvement and integrating climate change adaptation in both the socioeconomic development master plan and local land use planning are also of importance.  相似文献   

中国多城市群大范围持续遭遇雾霾等空气环境问题,不仅严重影响着人民生活健康,同时成为制约中国社会经济发展的主要瓶颈。创新驱动作为引领发展的重要源泉,是治理城市雾霾的重要手段。因此,本文利用2004—2016年中国地级市PM2.5浓度、创新等数据,基于STIRPAT模型,通过空间计量方法在同时考虑空间横向维度及时间纵向维度下就中国城市创新对雾霾的影响进行了实证分析,并进一步从城市创新对雾霾的动态效应、作用距离阈值等多个角度进行了稳健性检验。实证结果表明:①中国城市雾霾污染呈现明显的空间溢出效应和高排放俱乐部集聚特征。②中国城市创新具有积极的减霾作用。从横向空间维度来看表现为积极的空间溢出效应,但存在一定的有效距离阈值。从纵向时间维度来看,减霾效应整体存在边际递减态势。③交通便利化及能源效率的提高有效抑制了城市雾霾污染的加剧,以煤为主的能源结构仍是城市雾霾污染加剧的一大诱因。基于上述事实,本文提出以下政策建议:中国在城市雾霾治理过程中应实施科学规划,布局联防联控。防止城市"单边"治霾努力成果被周边城市的"泄漏效应"所削减;聚集创新要素,打造创新型城市引擎。在城市群内部形成创新竞争、合作机制,创新重塑城市群发展模式以缓解城市雾霾污染;考虑到城市创新对于雾霾治理红利存在边际递减态势,除上述减霾渠道外,治霾政策仍需坚持从源头着手,优化产业、能源结构,促进能效、路效提高,最终成就美丽城市。  相似文献   

Settled house dust can be a source of human exposure to toxic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) through non-dietary ingestion and dermal contact. Information regarding the concentrations of various contaminants in house dust would be useful in estimating the risk associated with exposure to these compounds. This study reports on the surface loading, variability and distribution of PAHs in settled house dust collected from homes in three locations: Sumgayit, Azerbaijan; Shanxi Province, China; and southern Texas, United States. The highest PAH floor surface loadings were observed in China, followed by Azerbaijan and Texas. Median concentrations of high molecular weight (four ring and larger) PAHs ranged from a low of 0.11 microg/m(2) in Texas, to 2.9 microg/m(2) in Azerbaijan and 162 microg/m(2) in China. These trends in total surface loading and relative carcinogenicity indicate that the risk of health effects from exposure to PAHs in house dust is highest in the Chinese population and lowest in the Texas population. As anticipated, variability among dust samples from different houses within the same region was high, with coefficients of variation greater than 100%. Alkylated PAHs comprised 30-50% of the total mass of PAHs. Based on a comparison of the composition of specific components, PAHs in China and Azerbaijan were determined to be derived mainly from combustion sources rather than from unburned fossil fuels such as petroleum. These results, coupled with ongoing investigation of appropriate PAH exposure biomarkers in humans, will guide future efforts to identify ways to reduce exposures in the study areas.  相似文献   

Wang  Feng  Ren  Jing  Liu  Juan  Dong  Mingru  Yan  Bin  Zhao  Hui 《Environment, Development and Sustainability》2021,23(11):15881-15896

Based on relevant data from 2014 to 2018, we constructed a spatial network of haze pollution in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) region by using a modified gravity model, explored the network structure characteristics and influencing factors of urban agglomeration with the SNA and the QAP method, and discussed the population mobility effect brought by haze pollution. The results showed that the PRD region has spatial correlation in terms of haze pollution. Guangzhou was in the central position of the spatial network, yet Shenzhen and Foshan played a connecting role in the network. Economic development, urbanization, and environmental protection had significant positive impacts on the haze pollution spatial network. The results of the double-threshold regression showed that the city’s status in the haze pollution network represented by centrality had a positive impact on population mobility.


Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) are used as flame retardants in a wide variety of products. As part of the Integrated Exposure Assessment Survey (INES), this study aimed to characterize the exposure of an adult German population using duplicate diet samples, which were collected daily over seven consecutive days, and indoor air and house dust measurements. Our study population consisted of 27 female and 23 male healthy subjects, aged 14–60 years, all of whom resided in 34 homes in southern Bavaria. In these 34 residences the air was sampled using glass fiber filters and polyurethane foams and the dust was collected from used vacuum cleaner bags.The median (95th percentile) daily dietary intake of six Tetra- to HeptaBDE congeners was 1.2 ng/kg b.w. (3.3 ng/kg b.w.) or 67.8 ng/day (208 ng/day) (calculated from the 7-day median values of each study subject). Concentrations in indoor air and dust (cumulative Tri- to DecaBDE congener readings) ranged from 8.2 to 477 pg/m³ (median: 37.8 pg/m³) and 36.6 to 1580 ng/g (median: 386 ng/g), respectively. For some congeners, we identified a significant correlation between air and dust levels.The median (95th percentile) blood concentration of total Tetra- to HexaBDE congener readings was 5.6 (13.2) ng/g lipid. No significant sex differences were observed, but higher blood concentrations were found in younger participants. Using a simplified toxicokinetic model to predict the body burden from exposure doses led to results that were of the same order of magnitude as the measured blood concentrations.Based on these measurements and given our exposure assumptions, we estimated for the total tetra- to heptabrominated congener count an average (high) comprehensive total daily intake of 1.2 ng/kg b.w. (2.5 ng/kg b.w.). Overall, our results suggest that dietary exposure is the dominant intake pathway at least in our study population, responsible for 97% (average intake) and 95% (high intake) of the total intake of an adult population.  相似文献   

BackgroundStudies measuring health effects of Saharan dust based on large particulate matter (PM) fraction groups may be masking some effects. Long distant transport reduces the amount of heavier and larger particles in the Saharan air masses increasing the relative contribution of smaller particles that may be more innocuous. This study investigates the association between different PM fractions and daily mortality during Saharan and non-Saharan days in Barcelona, Spain.MethodsWe collected daily PM1, PM2.5–1 and PM10–2.5 fractions, and cause-specific mortality (cardiovascular, respiratory and cerebrovascular) between March 2003 and December 2007. Changes of effects between Saharan and non-Saharan dust days were assessed using a time-stratified case–crossover design.ResultsDuring non-Saharan dust days we found statistically significant (p < 0.05) effects of PM10–2.5 for cardiovascular (odds ratio for increase of an interquartile range, OR = 1.033, 95% confidence interval: 1.006–1.060) and respiratory mortality (OR = 1.044, 95% CI: 1.001–1.089). During Saharan dust days strongest cardiovascular effects were found for the same fraction (OR = 1.085, 95% CI: 1.017–1.158) with an indication of effect modification (p = 0.111). Effects of PM2.5–1 during Saharan dust days were about the double than in non-dust days for cardiovascular and respiratory mortality, but these differences were not statistically significant.ConclusionOur results using independent fractions of PMs provide further evidence that the effects of short-term exposure to PM during Saharan dust days are associated with both cardiovascular and respiratory mortality. A better understanding of which of the different PM size fractions brought by Saharan dust is more likely to accelerate adverse effects may help better understand mechanisms of toxicity.  相似文献   

雾霾污染是困扰中国经济发展的重大民生与环境问题。基于改进产出密度模型,运用地统计和空间计量模型分析长三角城市2015~2017年雾霾污染空间格局和影响因素。研究发现:(1)雾霾污染存在季节性变化特征并且各城市雾霾污染状况逐渐好转。(2)雾霾污染具有显著的局域集聚特征和空间异质性,杭州、宁波和台州呈现低-低集聚特征,而滁州、扬州、镇江和泰州为高-高集聚型,污染区域集中于省界处,污染程度自西北向东南逐渐降低。雾霾污染存在显著的城际空间正相关和空间溢出效应,周边城市雾霾污染对本地区会产生负影响。(3)长三角城市人口集聚、研发投入、产业结构、工业烟粉尘排放及城市建设均对雾霾污染产生正向影响,对外开放、能源消耗以及降水等因素对雾霾污染产生负向影响;雾霾污染与经济增长之间不存在库兹涅茨曲线关系。经济集聚通过优化生产要素的空间分布与组合、共享治污基础设施等,形成雾霾污染抑制作用。  相似文献   

A survey of residents in an area subject to annual toxic cyanobacterial blooms was undertaken to examine potential health effects of cyanobacteria toxins. The survey assessed the health of marine recreational water users in Deception Bay/Bribie Island area in northern Moreton Bay, Queensland, which is exposed to blooms of the nuisance and potentially harmful cyanobacterium Lyngbya majuscula. A postal survey was mailed to 5000 residents with a response rate of 27%. High numbers of people (78%) responding to the survey reported recreational water activity in Moreton Bay. Of those having marine recreational water activity, 34% reported at least one symptom after exposure to marine waters, with skin itching the most reported (23%). Younger participants had greater water exposure and symptoms than older participants. Participants with greater exposures were more likely to have skin and eye symptoms than less exposed groups, suggesting agents in the marine environment may have contributed to these symptoms. Of those entering Moreton Bay waters 29 (2.7%) reported severe skin symptoms, 12 of whom attended a health professional. Six (0.6%) reported the classic symptoms of recreational water exposure to L. majuscula, severe skin symptoms in the inguinal region. Participants with knowledge of L. majuscula were less likely to report less skin, gastrointestinal and fever and headache symptoms. In conclusion, high numbers of participants reported symptoms after exposure to waters subject to L. majuscula blooms but only a small number appeared to be serious in nature suggesting limited exposure to toxins.  相似文献   

通过对郧县前坊村黄土剖面常量元素及相关参数分析,采用Al为标准的变化率参数计算。结果表明:(1)古土壤S0形成时期,土壤磁化率、粘粒成分、CIA值较典型黄土L1高,Na/K值低于典型黄土L1。这表明古土壤形成时期,气候温暖湿润,土壤风化淋溶较强,反映了较强的成壤过程,在黄土堆积时期气候相对干冷,沙尘暴频繁出现,土壤的成壤作用较弱;(2)碳酸盐含量的剧烈变化是影响黄土元素分布特征很重要的因素,其中,一些元素如Mn和Fe在剖面中的含量较高,主要是碳酸盐被强烈淋溶造成的相对富集;(3)前坊村剖面中,常量元素风化成土过程中,Na、Ca、Mg、K、Si和Ti在古土壤S0为主要迁移元素,其迁移顺序为:Na>Ca>Mg>K>Si>Ti;Mn和Fe表现的轻微富集;常量元素的迁移特征指示了汉江上游谷地黄土已经完成初级的脱Ca、Na阶段,应进入了早期去K的中等风化阶段  相似文献   

昆明市街道灰尘粒度特征及其环境意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对昆明市2008年1、3、4、5、7和9月份6次采集的街道灰尘样品进行了粒度分析。结果表明:昆明市街道灰尘粒度主要呈三峰特征,第一众数为65~125 μm,第二众数为3~15 μm,第三众数为0.15~0.3 μm,平均粒径范围在39.91~255.85 μm,平均值为87.1 μm,旱季(90.6 μm)大于雨季(83.7 μm);粒度分布以正偏度为主,峰态为中等到偏窄且不对称,分选很差;与现代粉尘源区尘暴降尘的粒度分布模式高度相似,街道灰尘沉积是大气环流对远近不同距离粗细颗粒物的混合搬运的结果,应是风积作用的继续;灰尘细粒含量较高,≤100 μm的颗粒平均为635%,在适当的大气动力条件下,昆明市街道灰尘颗粒有60%~90%可以进入大气;灰尘主要来源于土壤风沙尘、建筑尘、工业烟尘和汽车尾气排放,灰尘中可吸入颗粒平均占25.2%,潜在危害性大。  相似文献   

雾霾污染的城市间动态关联及其成因研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
面对严重的雾霾天气以及雾霾污染边界不断扩张的严峻挑战,加快创新大气污染联防联控体系以形成跨区域协同治污合力势在必行。本文基于京津冀、长三角、珠三角、成渝、长中游等五大地区96个城市2015年的空气质量指数(AQI)以及PM_(2.5)、PM_(10)、SO_2、CO、NO_2、O~3等6种分项污染物的逐日数据,从时间序列数据"预测能力"的视角,在向量自回归模型框架下识别雾霾污染的城市间动态交互影响效应,运用社会网络分析方法刻画雾霾污染空间关联的网络结构特征。在此基础上,运用二次指派程序从分项污染物视角考察雾霾污染空间关联的关键诱因,并利用双变量Moran指数揭示雾霾污染与其影响因素之间的空间相关性。研究发现,城市雾霾污染之间存在普遍的动态关联关系且呈现出联系紧密、稳定性强、带有明显特征的多线程复杂网络结构形态。不论在地区内部还是在全部样本城市当中,均不存在孤立的城市节点,这意味着面对雾霾污染的空间关联网络,任何一个城市都不能独善其身,均受到来自地区内部和地区以外其他城市以及它们构成的空间关联网络的影响。在六种分项污染物中,PM_(2.5)的空间关联是导致雾霾污染空间关联的最主要诱因。城市雾霾污染与其影响因素尤其是城市人口密度、投资强度、工业污染排放之间存在显著的空间相关性。基于上述结论,中国应当加快构建以防控PM_(2.5)为重点的跨区域雾霾污染协同治理机制,并将其融入城市群发展战略以及区域发展战略之中,最终实现包含雾霾污染协同治理在内的全方位的区域协同发展。  相似文献   

The effect of reduced air infiltration rate caused by energy-saving measures has been studied by comparing the indoor climate in 25 sealed apartments with the conditions in 25 unsealed apartments in four seasonal periods. The indoor temperature in bedrooms during February and March was 19.3 °C in sealed apartments and 17.8 °C in unsealed apartments, and the occupants in the sealed apartments correspondingly complained less frequently of draught problems during the winter. When the frequency of window opening was at its minimum (February–March), there was a higher indoor humidity in sealed compared with unsealed apartments, and this probably accounts for an increased occurrence of house-dust mites in dust from the sealed apartments during the winter. Also in February–March there was a slight increase in the concentration of suspended particulate matter in sealed apartments. Considering health effects of a reduced air infiltration rate, it can be predicted that the increased indoor air humidity will indirectly increase the frequency and severity of house-dust mite allergy in the population.  相似文献   

The relationship between population and the environment is a significant issue due to its impact on chances for achieving sustainable development, especially in developing countries. Previous studies on this relationship have primarily focused on the impact of population growth on the environment, while the impact of the environment on population has received less attention, where most of these studies have used single-equation models (SEM) in their analysis. In order to capture the interrelationship between population growth and the environment, and both its direct and indirect effects on the potential for achieving sustainable development, SEM may not be appropriate. This paper takes a step forward in providing such empirical evidence, by developing a multi-equation model based on the recursive equation system in order to empirically examine the relationship between population growth and the environment in terms of air pollution represented by increased CO2 emissions, health level represented by the mortality and morbidity due to air pollution, and labour productivity represented by GDP per hour worked, and using a time series data set for Egypt during the period of 1950–2010. Quantitatively, the current study finds that (1) In Egypt, a 1% increase in population raises the CO2 emissions by 2.4%. (2) An increase in CO2 emissions by 1% is associated with an increase in deaths due to outdoor air pollution (respiratory and cardiovascular diseases) by 2.5%. (3) Poor health due to air pollution leads to a decrease in labour productivity by 1.58%. (4) The impact of population growth on chances for sustainable development depends on how much the rise in air pollution decreases labour productivity through raising the rate of morbidity. (5) Even when rapid population growth rate plays a minor role in creating a specific problem, such as its indirect negative impact on labour productivity and thus economic growth, population management policies may still constitute a viable measure for dealing with that problem, especially with respect to policy intervention cost. The study argues that population growth in Egypt negatively affects the state’s ability to achieve sustainable development via its negative impact on the environment. Environmental degradation in turn leads to adverse effects on population, particularly with regard to public health. These negative effects on health lead to lower labour productivity, and thus hinder the state’s ability to sustain development.  相似文献   

Infections caused by antibiotic resistant bacteria (ARB) are associated with poor health outcomes and are recognised globally as a serious health problem. Much research has been conducted on the transmission of ARB to humans. Yet the role the natural environment plays in the spread of ARB and antibiotic resistance genes is not well understood. Antibiotic resistant bacteria have been detected in natural aquatic environments, and ingestion of seawater during water sports is one route by which many people could be directly exposed.The aim was to estimate the prevalence of resistance to one clinically important class of antibiotics (third-generation cephalosporins (3GCs)) amongst Escherichia coli in coastal surface waters in England and Wales. Prevalence data was used to quantify ingestion of 3GC-resistant E. coli (3GCREC) by people participating in water sports in designated coastal bathing waters. A further aim was to use this value to derive a population-level estimate of exposure to these bacteria during recreational use of coastal waters in 2012.The prevalence of 3GC-resistance amongst E. coli isolated from coastal surface waters was estimated using culture-based methods. This was combined with the density of E. coli reported in designated coastal bathing waters along with estimations of the volumes of water ingested during various water sports reported in the literature to calculate the mean number of 3GCREC ingested during different water sports.0.12% of E. coli isolated from surface waters were resistant to 3GCs. This value was used to estimate that in England and Wales over 6.3 million water sport sessions occurred in 2012 that resulted in the ingestion of at least one 3GCREC.Despite the low prevalence of resistance to 3GCs amongst E. coli in surface waters, there is an identifiable human exposure risk for water users, which varies with the type of water sport undertaken. The relative importance of this exposure is likely to be greater in areas where a large proportion of the population enjoys water sports. Millions of water sport sessions occurred in 2012 that were likely to have resulted in people ingesting E. coli resistant to a single class of antibiotics (3GCs). However, this is expected to be a significant underestimate of recreational exposure to all ARB in seawater.This is the first study to use volumes of water ingested during different water sports to estimate human exposure to ARB. Further work needs to be done to elucidate the health implications and clinical relevance of exposure to ARB in both marine and fresh waters in order to fully understand the risk to public health.  相似文献   

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