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针对日益严重的臭氧污染问题,利用绍兴市3个国控监测站点2016—2018年的监测数据,对绍兴市臭氧污染的时空分布特征进行研究,并综合考量温度、湿度、风向、风力等气象因素的影响。结果表明,绍兴市2017年臭氧最高时均质量浓度为355μg/m~3,显著高于2016年(267μg/m~3)。臭氧日浓度曲线呈单峰型特征,峰值出现于14:00左右,谷值出现于6:00左右。2016年夏季臭氧浓度最高,而2017年与2018年春季臭氧浓度最高。臭氧高值首次出现日期提前与温度有关。气象因素上,温度≥30℃,40%≤相对湿度70%,风向为东北风时,绍兴市更易出现臭氧高值。2018年绍兴市西南部臭氧浓度峰值显著低于其他区域,可能是NO_x等污染物减排后传输作用变化所致。  相似文献   

To clarify the response of growth and root functions to low concentrations of ozone (O(3)), rice plants (Oryza sativa L.) were exposed to O(3) at 0.0 (control), 0.05 and 0.10 ppm for 8 weeks from vegetative to early heading stages. Exposure to 0.05 ppm O(3) tended to slightly stimulate the dry weight of whole plants up to 5 weeks and then slightly decrease the dry weight of whole plants. However, these effects were statistically significant only at 6 weeks. Exposure to 0.10 ppm O(3) reduced the dry weight of whole plants by 50% at 5 and 6 weeks, and thereafter the reduction of the dry weight of whole plants was gradually alleviated. Those changes in dry weight can be accounted for by a decrease or increase in the relative growth rate (RGR). The changes in the RGR caused by 0.05 and 0.10 ppm O(3) could be mainly attributed to the effect of O(3) on the net assimilation rate. Root/shoot ratio was lowered by both 0.05 and 0.10 ppm O(3) throughout the exposure period. The root/shoot ratio which had severely decreased at 0.10 ppm O(3) in the first half period of exposure (1-4 weeks) became close to the control in the latter part of exposure (5-8 weeks). Time-course changes in NH(4)-N root uptake rate were similar to those in the root/shoot ratio especially for 0.10 ppm O(3). On the other hand, root respiration increased from the middle to later periods. Since it is to be supposed that plants grown under stressed conditions change the ratio of plant organ weight to achieve balance between the proportion of shoots to roots in the plant and their activity for maintaining plant growth, these changes in root/shoot ratio and nitrogen uptake rate under long-term exposure can be considered to be an adaptive response to maintain rice growth under O(3) stress.  相似文献   

Five clones of 3-year old Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst), planted in a soil from the Bavarian Forest (pH 4.4) or a soil from the Calcareous Bavarian Alps (pH 6.9), were exposed for two successive vegetation periods, in closed environmental chambers, to a pollution treatment consisting of acidic mist (pH 3.0) plus ozone levels of 100 microg m(-3) with episodes of 130-360 microg m(-3); control trees were exposed to mist of pH 5.6 and ozone levels of 50 microg m(-3). Climatic and pollution protocols followed the diurnal and seasonal pattern characteristic for the Inner Bavarian Forest in Southern Germany, an area affected by the new-type forest decline. Biometric parameters were strongly related to clone and soil. Pollution treatment had a limited effect on only a few growth parameters. The stem diameter growth increment of two clones was reduced by pollution treatment in both soils, a third clone was affected in the acidic soil only. Two other clones were not affected at all. Stem volume increment of three clones, calculated as D(2)H, was reduced by pollution treatment in the neutral soil, a fourth clone was affected in the acidic soil only. Bud break was either delayed (two clones) or accelerated (two other clones) by treatment. Depending on soil and clone, needle yellowing was observed in previous years' needles in both treatment and control trees exposed to increased light intensities. The 'spotted' yellowing was not identical to symptoms found in forest decline areas and was most likely a consequence of nutrient deficiencies during the vegetation period preceding the experiment. The results of this experiment are discussed with regard to field observations and forest productivity. The complex pattern of growth responses resulting from interactions between air pollution, soil and genetic factors is considered to reflect different susceptibilities of trees to air pollutants.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Metal-contaminated sediments in lakes is a global concern that poses toxicological risk to aquatic organisms. This study performed bioassays using the...  相似文献   

Journey-time exposures to particulate air pollution were investigated in Leicester, UK, between January and March 2005. Samples of TSP, PM10, PM2.5, and PM1 were simultaneously collected using light scattering devices whilst journeys were made by walking an in-car. Over a period of two months, 33 pairs of walking and in-car measurements were collected along two circular routes. Average exposures while walking were seen to be higher than those found in-car for each of the particle fractions: average walking to in-car ratios were 1.2 (± 0.6), 1.5 (± 0.6), 1.3 (± 0.6), and 1.4 (± 0.6) μg m−3 for coarse (TSP–PM10), intermediate (PM10–PM2.5), fine (PM2.5–PM1), and very fine particles (PM1), respectively. Correlations between walking and in-car exposures were seen to be weak for coarse particles (r=0.10, p=0.58), moderate for the intermediate particles (r=0.49, p<0.01) but strong for fine (r=0.89, p<0.01) and very fine (r=0.90, P<0.01) particles. PM10 exposures while walking were on average 70% higher than a nearby roadside fixed-site monitor whilst in-car exposures were 25% higher than the same fixed-site monitor. Particles with an aerodynamic diameter of less than 2.5 μm were seen to be highly correlated between walking and in-car particle exposures and a rural fixed-site monitor about 30 km south of Leicester.  相似文献   

Data from four crop yield-loss field trials were examined to determine if analysis using an imposed phenological weighting function based on seasonal growth stage would provide a more accurate indication of impact of ozone exposure. Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L. cv. Moapa 69), dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. California Dark Red kidney), fresh market and processing tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. 6718 VF and VF-145-B7879, respectively) were grown at 9-11 ambient field plots within southern California comprising an ambient gradient of ozone. The growing season for each crop was artificially divided into 'quarters' composed of equal numbers of whole days and roughly corresponding to specific growth stages. Ozone exposure was calculated for each of these 'quarters' and regressed against final crop yield using 163 different exposure statistics. Weighting functions were developed using reciprocal residual mean square (1/RMS) or percentage of the best 100 exposure statistics of the 163 tested (TOP100) for each of the quarters. The third quarter of the alfalfa season was clearly most responsive to ozone as measured by both of the weighting functions. Third quarter ozone was also weighted highest by both weighting functions for dry bean. Fresh market and processing tomato were each influenced the greatest by second quartero zone as demonstrated by both weighting functions. The occurrence of ozone during physiologically important events (flowering and initial fruit set in second quarter for tomato; pod development in third quarter for dry bean) appeared to influence the yield of these crops the greatest. Growth-stage-dependent phenological weighting of pollutant exposure may result in more effective predictions of levels of ozone exposure resulting in yield reductions.  相似文献   

Stomatal closure and biosynthesis of antioxidant molecules are two fundamental components of the physiological machinery that lead to stress adaptation during plant's exposure to salinity. Since high stomatal resistance may also contribute in counteracting O3 damages, we hypothesized that soil salinization may increase O3 tolerance of crops. An experiment was performed with alfalfa grown in filtered (AOT40 = 0 in both years) and non-filtered (AOT40 = 9.7 in 2005 and 6.9 ppm h in 2006) open-top chambers. Alfalfa yield was reduced by O3 (−33%) only in plants irrigated with salt-free water, while the increasing levels of soil salinity until 1.06 dS m−1 reduced both stomatal conductance and plant O3 uptake, thus linearly reducing O3 effects on yield. Therefore a reliable flux-based model for assessing the effects of O3 on crop yield should take into account soil salinity.  相似文献   

Growth season-based time series spectral coherence analysis was performed between weekly changes in hourly ambient O(3) concentrations and weekly changes in alfalfa height growth. Weekly median hourly O(3) concentration and the corresponding weekly cumulative integral (sum of all hourly concentrations within the week) were used as indicators of weekly O(3) spectral density and coherence with the change in weekly alfalfa height growth. In general, the weekly cumulative integral performed much better than the weekly median O(3) concentration. A conceptual analysis of the results is presented, along with a recommendation that crop growth stage-based cumulative integrals merit further evaluation towards a better understanding of cause-effect relationships.  相似文献   

Changes over recent decades in outdoor concentrations of air pollutants are well documented. However, the impacts of air pollution on an individual's health actually relate not to these outdoor concentrations but to their personal exposure in the different locations in which they spend time. Assessing how personal exposures differ from outdoor concentrations, and how they have changed over recent decades, is challenging. This review focuses on the exposure of children, since they are a particularly sensitive group. Much of children's time is spent indoors, and childhood exposure is closely related to concentrations in the home, at school, and in transport. For this reason, children's personal exposures to air pollutants differ significantly from both those of adults and from outdoor concentrations. They depend on a range of factors, including urbanisation, energy use, building design, travel patterns, and activity profiles; analysis of these factors can identify a wider range of policy measures to reduce children's exposure than direct emission control. There is a very large variation in personal exposure between individual children, caused by differences in building design, indoor and outdoor sources, and activity patterns. Identifying groups of children with high personal exposure, and their underlying causes, is particularly important in regions of the world where emissions are increasing, but there are limited resources for environmental and health protection. Although the science of personal exposure assessment, with the associated measurement and modelling techniques, has developed to maturity in North America and western Europe over the last 50 years, there is an urgent need to apply this science in other parts of the world where the effects of air pollution are now much more serious.  相似文献   

The impact of ozone on forest ecosystems in Italy is monitored within the CONECOFOR programme. Ozone levels are measured in 30 plots using passive samplers. Response parameters used are: crown condition (transparency), BAI (basal area increment), and visible symptoms on spontaneous vegetation. Levels of AOT40 are above the concentration-based critical level of 5 ppmh in all sites, but the evidence of impact on forest vegetation remains limited. Ozone is a predictor of crown transparency residuals in beech sites over two consecutive years, but the variance explained amounts to less than 10%. The relation between BAI reduction and ozone is even less certain. Transparency and BAI are more readily explainable in terms of ecological conditions of the site and climate fluctuations. The interpretation of visible symptoms is doubtful, and is conditioned by the prevailing ecological factors in the areas.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted in open-top chambers to assess the importance of peak exposure concentration and exposure frequency on the responses of kidney bean plants to O3. There were five treatments in the study: charcoal-filtered air, constant exposure to 0.05 ppm O3 (131 microg m(-3)) daily. fluctuating exposure to 0.08 ppm O3 on three alternate days, cluster exposure to 0.08 ppm O3 on three consecutive days, and peak exposure to 0.12 ppm O3 on two consecutive days. Exposures lasted 4 h and produced an average weekly exposure-period concentration of approximately 0.05 ppm in the O3-addition treatments and 0.025 ppm in the charcoal-filtered treatment. Exposures began on June 23 and terminated on September 8. Plants were harvested weekly and assessed for the number, area, and dry mass of leaves; dry mass of stems; dry mass of roots; the number of pods; and the incidence of foliar O3 injury. Yield was assessed at the end of the study. There were no consistent differences between the plants receiving charcoal-filtered air and those receiving O3 exposure. Significant differences were detected among the treatments for several of the growth variables assessed at the interim harvests, but in the final two harvests these differences had mostly disappeared. There were no significant effects of the O3-addition treatments on yield when compared to the plants receiving charcoal-filtered air. This indicates that there were no cumulative impacts on plants exposed to 0.12 ppm O3 for 4 h on two consecutive days followed by filtered air compared to plants receiving charcoal-filtered air. The seasonal 7-h average concentrations of O3 in the peak and filtered air treatments were approximately 0.040 and 0.025 ppm, respectively.  相似文献   

Data from recent experiments at North Carolina State University and other locations provide a unique opportunity to study the effect of ambient ozone on the growth of clover. The data consist of hourly ozone measurements over a 140 day growing season at eight sites in the US, coupled with clover growth response data measured every 28 days. The objective is to model an indicator of clover growth as a function of ozone exposure. A common strategy for dealing with the numerous hourly ozone measurements is to reduce these to a single summary measurement, a so-called exposure metric, for the growth period of interest. However, the mean ozone value is not necessarily the best summarization, as it is widely believed that low levels of ozone have a negligible effect on growth, whereas peak ozone values are deleterious to plant growth. There are also suspected interactions with available sunlight, temperature and humidity. A number of exposure metrics have been proposed that reflect these beliefs by assigning different weights to ozone values according to magnitude, time of day, temperature and humidity. These weighting schemes generally depend on parameters that have, to date, been subjectively determined. We propose a statistical approach based on profile likelihoods to estimate the parameters in these exposure metrics.  相似文献   

Personal measurements of exposure to particulate air pollution (PM10, PM2.5, PM1) were simultaneously made during walking and in-car journeys on two suburban routes in Northampton, UK, during the winter of 1999/2000. Comparisons were made between concentrations found in each transport mode by particle fraction, between different particle fractions by transport mode, and between transport microenvironments and a fixed-site monitor located within the study area. High levels of correlation were seen between walking and in-car concentrations for each of the particle fractions (PM10: r2=0.82; PM2.5: r2=0.98; PM1: r2=0.99). On an average, PM10 concentrations were 16% higher inside the car than for the walker, but there were no difference in average PM2.5 and PM1 concentrations between the two modes. High PM2.5:PM10 ratios (0.6–0.73) were found to be associated with elevated sulphate levels. The PM2.5:PM10 and PM1:PM2.5 ratios were shown to be similar between walking and in-car concentrations. Concentrations of PM10 were found to be more closely related between transport mode than either mode was with concentrations recorded at the fixed-site (roadside) monitor. The fixed-site monitor was shown to be a poor marker for PM10 concentrations recorded during walking and in-car on a route over 1 km away.  相似文献   

Tropospheric ozone concentrations regarded as harmful for human health are frequently encountered in Central Europe in summertime. Although ozone formation generally results from precursors transported over long distances, in urban areas local effects, such as reactions due to nearby emission sources, play a major role in determining ozone concentrations. Europe-wide mapping and modeling of population exposure to high ozone concentrations is subject to many uncertainties, because small-scale phenomena in urban areas can significantly change ozone levels from those of the surroundings. Currently the integrated assessment modeling of European ozone control strategies is done utilizing the results of large-scale models intended for estimating the rural background ozone levels. This paper presents an initial study on how much local nitrogen oxide (NOx) concentrations can explain variations between large-scale ozone model results and urban ozone measurements, on one hand, and between urban and nearby rural measurements, on the other. The impact of urban NOx concentrations on ozone levels was derived from chemical equations describing the ozone balance. The study investigated the applicability of the method for improving the accuracy of modeled population exposure, which is needed for efficient control strategy development. The method was tested with NOx and ozone measurements from both urban and rural areas in Switzerland and with the ozone predictions of the large-scale photochemical model currently used in designing Europe-wide control strategies for ground-level ozone. The results suggest that urban NOx levels are a significant explanatory factor in differences between urban and nearby rural ozone concentrations and that the phenomenon could be satisfactorily represented with this kind of method. Further research efforts should comprise testing of the method in more locations and analyzing the performance of more widely applicable ways of deriving the initial parameters.  相似文献   


Acute and chronic toxicity tests with lindane were conducted on Daphnia magna. The 24‐hr static LC50 was 1.64 mgL‐1. The sublethal effects of 0.16, 0.25, 0.32, 0.60 and 0.80 mgL‐1 lindane on the survival, reproduction and growth of D. magna were monitored for 21 days. The algae Nannochloris oculata (5 × 105 cellsmL‐1) was used to feed the daphnids. The parameters used to determined the effect of the pesticide on D. magna were:mean total young per female, mean brood size, days to first brood, intrinsic rate of natural increase (r), growth, and survival. Reproduction as well as survival was significantly reduced at lindane concentrations of 0.25 mgL‐1 and higher. The intrinsic rate of natural increase (r) decreased with increasing concentrations of lindane. Growth, as measured by body length, was depressed significantly at 0.25 mgL‐1 lindane and higher. The chronic data was used to formulate an acute/chronic ratio.  相似文献   

Rooted cuttings of hybrid Populus (DN34, Populus deltoides x nigra) were grown outdoors in pots in open-top chambers at Ithaca, NY (74.5 degrees W, 42.5 degrees N), during 1988 and 1989 (experiment 1) and during 1989 and 1990 (experiment 2). Ambient air was passed through charcoal filters to produce a 0.5 times ambient ozone treatment, and ozone generated from oxygen was added to produce one and two times ambient ozone treatments. In experiment 1, treatments were applied for 8-12 h each day for 112 days of the 1988 growing season, then the plants were grown outdoors with ambient ozone in 1989. In experiment 2, treatments were applied for 9 h each day for 98 days of the 1989 growing season, then the plants were grown outdoors with ambient ozone in 1990. Chronic exposure to ozone caused the following changes (statistically significant in one or both experiments at p<0.05): (1) earlier leaf abscission, (2) decreased stem basal diameter, (3) decreased stem mass, (4) decreased internode length, (5) decreased shoot height p=0.005, and (6) decreased leaf size in the growing season following ozone treatment. There was also strong evidence that ozone increased the number of leaves produced p=0.055. Finally, there was some evidence that ozone increased the ratio of shoot mass to root mass p=0.093.  相似文献   

Field-grown black cherry (Prunus serotina Ehrh.) seedlings were treated with the antioxidant ethylenediurea (EDU) to evaluate height, diameter, and above-ground dry-weight biomass growth response to ambient ozone over four years. Nine blocks with 44 trees/block were used in a randomized complete block design with three foliar spray treatments: (1) 1000 ppm EDU mixed with a surfactant and water; (2) surfactant mixed with water; and (3) water only. In each growing season treatments were applied seven times at approximately 10-day intervals. Repeated measures analysis of variance indicated significant (P< or =0.05) treatment and year effects for log-transformed height and diameter growth over the four-year period. After four years, EDU-treated trees were approximately 17% taller and stem diameters were 21% greater than non-EDU-treated trees. Total above-ground dry-weight biomass at the end of four years was 47% greater for EDU-treated trees compared to non-EDU-treated trees.  相似文献   

Exposure to fine particulate air pollution has been implicated as a risk factor for cardiopulmonary disease and mortality. Proposed biological pathways imply that particle-induced pulmonary and systemic inflammation play a role in activating the vascular endothelium and altering vascular function. Potential effects of fine particulate pollution on vascular function are explored using controlled chamber exposure and uncontrolled ambient exposure. Research subjects included four panels with a total of 26 healthy nonsmoking young adults. On two study visits, at least 7 days apart, subjects spent 3 hr in a controlled-exposure chamber exposed to 150-200 microg/m3 of fine particles generated from coal or wood combustion and 3 hr in a clean room, with exposure and nonexposure periods alternated between visits. Baseline, postexposure, and post-clean room reactive hyperemia-peripheral arterial tonometry (RH-PAT) was conducted. A microvascular responsiveness index, defined as the log of the RH-PAT ratio, was calculated. There was no contemporaneous vascular response to the few hours of controlled exposure. Declines in vascular response were associated with elevated ambient exposures for the previous 2 days, especially for female subjects. Cumulative exposure to real-life fine particulate pollution may affect vascular function. More research is needed to determine the roles of age and gender, the effect of pollution sources, the importance of cumulative exposure over a few days versus a few hours, and the lag time between exposure and response.  相似文献   

Bush bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) lines 'S156' (O3-sensitive)/'R123' (O3-tolerant) and cultivars 'BBL 290' (O3-sensitive)/'BBL 274' (O3-tolerant) were used to study the effects of O3 on stomatal conductance (gs), density, and aperture size on leaf and pod surfaces with the objective of establishing links between the degree of plant sensitivity to O3 and plasticity of stomatal properties in response to O3. Studies in open-top chambers (OTCs) and in continuously stirred tank reactors (CSTRs) established a clear relationship between plant developmental stages, degrees of O3 sensitivity and gs: while 'S156' had higher gs rates than 'R123' earlier in development, similar differences between 'BBL 290' and 'BBL 274' were observed at later stages. Gs rates on the abaxial leaf surfaces of 'S156' and 'BBL 290', accompanied by low leaf temperatures, were significantly higher than their O3-tolerant counterparts. Exposure to O3 in CSTRs had greater and more consistent impacts on both stomatal densities and aperture sizes of O3-sensitive cultivars. Stomatal densities were highest on the abaxial leaf surfaces of 'S156' and 'BBL 290' at higher O3 concentrations (60 ppb), but the largest aperture sizes were recorded on the adaxial leaf surfaces at moderate O3 concentrations (30 ppb). Exposure to O3 eliminated aperture size differences on the adaxial leaf surfaces between sensitive and tolerant cultivars. Regardless of sensitivity to O3 and treatment regimes, the smallest aperture sizes and highest stomatal densities were found on the abaxial leaf surface. Our studies showed that O3 has the potential to affect stomatal plasticity and confirmed the presence of different control mechanisms for stomatal development on each leaf surface. This appeared to be more evident in O3-sensitive cultivars.  相似文献   

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